RV i PVO => Avioni i helikopteri => Topic started by: pvanja on October 31, 2014, 11:26:46 am

Title: F/A-18
Post by: pvanja on October 31, 2014, 11:26:46 am
Nemamo temu o ovom avionu.

Da je otvorimo sa ovim snimkom "Plavih Andjela" americke RM.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: kumbor on October 31, 2014, 12:36:04 pm
Osnovno "radno grlo" USAF i palubne LBA avijacije SAD. Mnogobrojan i pouzdan. Treba da ga zameni F-35, ali će F/A-18 leteti još dvadesetak godina sigurno. F/A-18, ranije samo F-18, razvijen je iz YF-17, po specifikaciji za laki lovac s kraja 60ih i početka 70ih. Međutim, u naticanju je pobedio F-16, a tadašnji Northtrop je odlučio da YF-17 dalje razvija, uz povećanje dimenzija i mase. Novi avion, koji je dobio oznaku F-18 kasnije je prihvaćen od DoD i postao je operativan u junu 1981. godine. Znatno kasnije, zmaj aviona je ponovo preprojektovan, sa novim krilom veće površine i povećanjem mase, pa je F-18 dobio novu oznaku F/A-18 i postao osnovni avion palubne avijacije SAD, što je dovelo do prevremenog prizemljenja F-14.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: pvanja on October 31, 2014, 01:14:48 pm
F/A-18 C / D

Posada: 1 / 2
Duzina: 17.1 m
Raspon krila: 12.3 m
Visina: 4.7 m
Povrsina krila: 38m2
Aeroprofil NACA65A005
Masa praznog aviona: 10.400 kg
Masa punog aviona: 16.770 kg
Maksimlana poletna tezina: 23.500 kg

Motori: GE F404-GE-402 x 2
Potisak: 48.9kN / 79.2 kN x 2
Gorivo unutrasnje: 4.930 kg

Maksimalna brzina na visini H=12.190m: 1.8 Mach (1.915 km/h)
Masimalna brzina na maloj visini: 1.2 Mach (1.473 km/h)
Dolet: 2.000 km (sa dve rakete Aim-9)
Radijus: 740 km (u misijama V-V)
Dolet u preletu: 3.300 km
Plafon leta: 15.240 km/h
Brzina penjanja: 254 m/s
Opterecenje krila: 454 kg/m2
Odnost potiska i mase: 0.96 (1.13 opremljen sa 50% goriva)

Top: Vulacan M61A1 20mm 1x6 gatling - 578 granata
Podvesne tacke 9 (2x na vrhovima krila 4x pod svakim krliomi 3 ispod trupa) upone nosivnosti 6.200 kg goriva i oruzja

Nevodjene rakete:
- 2.75 inc (70mm) Hydra 70
- 5 inc (127mm) Zuni rocket



4x Aim-9 Sidewinder ili 4x Aim 132 ASRAMM ili 4x IRIS-T ili 4x AIM-120
2x AIM-7 ili 2x AIM 120


AGM-65 Maverick
TAURUS krstarecaraketa


AGM-84 Harpoon


- B61 - nuklarna bomba (340 kiloton) 320 kg
- JDAM GPS vodjene bombe raznih kalibara
- Paveway lasierski vodjene bombe raznih kalibara
- Mk80 nevodjene bombe raznih kalibara
- CBU78 GATOR - kasetna
- CBU-87 - kasetna
- CBU-97 - kasetna
- Mk 20 Rockeye II - kasetna

Hughes APG-73

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: pvanja on October 31, 2014, 01:20:55 pm
F/A-18 u svom prirodnom stanistu.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Bozo13 on October 31, 2014, 01:33:39 pm
Zar nije F/A standardna oznaka F/A-18? Preskok koga opisuješ je između "horneta" i "super horneta".

Verzije (oznaka "hornet"):
YF-17 Cobra (prototip lovca razvijen za potrebe projekta LWF),
F/A-18A (lovac/jurišnik, jednosed),
F/A-18B (dvosed za obuku),
F/A-18C (usavršena verzija sa novom pogonskom grupom i novom opremom),
F/A-18D (usavršeni dvosed za obuku),
F-18L (verzija namenjena upotrebi s kopna, razvila ju je kompanija Northrop. Planirano je bilo da to bude izvozna verzija, ali kupci su se odlučili za standardnu verziju F/A-18, tako da verzija F-18L nikada nije ušla u masovnu proizvodnju),
(A) F/A-18A/B (verzija aviona namenjena RV Australije koju po licenci proizvodi GAF),
CF-18A/B (verzija aviona namenjena RV Kanade. Sluţbena oznaka RV Kanade je CF-188A/B Hornet),
EF-18A/B (verzija namenjena RV Španije. U RV Španije jednosedi lovci nose oznaku C.15 a dvosedi za obuku CE.15),
KAF-18C/D (verzija namenjena RV Kuvajta),
F-18C/D ( verzije aviona F/A-18C/D koje su namenjene RV Finske i Švajcarske).

Verzije (oznaka "super hornet"):
F/A-18E (višenamesnki jednosed)
F/A-18F (višenamenski dvosed)
EA-18G Growler (varijanta dvoseda F/A-18F opremljena za elektroničko ratovanje)

Podatci o Mc Donnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet preuzeti iz Dankove knjige ENCIKLOPEDIJA MLAZNIH LOVAĈKIH AVIONA.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: duje on January 20, 2015, 02:01:12 pm
Vir: Defender hr

AESA nadogradnja se zahuktava za borbene avione F/A-18 Hornet

Datum objave:

Novi natječaj za nadogradnju radara za nekoliko stotina borbenih aviona Boeing F/A-18 Hornet u sastavu oružanih snaga SAD-a i saveznika, sve se više zahuktava. Northrop Grumman i Raytheon potvrdili su planove ponuda prilagođenih verzija AESA radara za F/A-18 Hornet, uključujući, B, C, D verzije.

Natječaj za AESA radar pokazao je mogućnost nadogradnji i za starije tipove F-18

Raytheon je nedavno obavio testove na APG-79 (V) X radaru, modifikaciji APG-79 koji je instaliran na F/A-18E/F Super Hornetu. U međuvremenu, Northrop nudi skalabilni SABR radar kao nadogradnju za Lockheed Martin F-16, ali može biti prilagođen i za starije F/A-18. Northrop "vjerujemo kako se SABR prirodno uklapa u zrakoplov.

APG-83 SABR donijet će obilježja radara pete generacije zrakoplova na avione F-18 te proširiti operativnost platforme ", kaže Jeff Leavitt, potpredsjednik Nothrop Grumman za sustave borbene avionike. Tržište nadogradnje F/A-18 bilo je ograničeno na varijantu Super Hornet, ali nekoliko nedavnih poteza učinili su nadogradnju vrlo prihvatljivom i izvedivom za starije tipove Horneta.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Bozo13 on October 21, 2015, 05:16:08 am

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Milan (longtrip) on January 28, 2016, 02:11:35 pm
Drop Test

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on May 09, 2016, 05:34:51 pm
F/A-18 Hornet Španskog vazduhoplovstva (Ejército del Aire).


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on May 11, 2016, 01:49:22 pm
Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet na vazduhoplovnoj izložbi Farnborough Air Show.


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Bozo13 on May 12, 2016, 12:14:25 am

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: duje on June 23, 2016, 06:07:50 am
Američki marinci ponovo uvode u naoružanje "pezionisane" lovce  F/A-18 hornet, to objašnjavaju pomanjkanjem aviona, radi kašnjenja novog F-35. Prema navođenju američkih medija 30kom tih aviona će modernizirati u verziju  “C +”. Marinci imaju, navodno, samo 30% aviona (od 229) F/A-18 hornet operativnih, a trebali bi barem 56%.....  

Vir: "Obramba" SLO

Ameriški marinci obnavljajo “upokojene” lovce F/A-18 hornet


Korpus mornariške pehote ZDA (USMC) je prisiljen obnavljati upokojene lovce F/A-18 hornet zaradi pomanjkanja letal, kar je posledica velikih zamud pri proizvodnji lovcev 5. generacije F-35, poročajo ameriška televizija Fox News 22. junija 2016.

Korpusu mornariške pehote ZDA (marincem) se je sicer pred leti ponujala možnost naročila lovcev Boeing F/A-18 super hornets, ki bi zapolnili vrzel do prihoda “nevidnih” F-35, vendar je prevladalo mnenje, da je to predraga možnost. Zaradi dolgotrajnih zamud pri dobavi lovcev Locheed Martin F-35, ki so nastale predvsem zaradi številnih “poporodnih težav”, se je sedaj ta odločitev (o nenakupu F/A-18 super hornet oz. čakanje na F-35) za zgrešeno.

Po navedbah ameriških medijev bodo 30 večnamenskih lovcev F/A-18 hornet, ki so bili shranjeni v letalski bazi Davis-Monthan v ameriški zvezni državi Arizona,  nagradili v  “C +” standard na podlagi pogodbe med Boeingom in USMC.

Podatki Korpusa mornariške pehote ZDA kažejo, da je od njihovih 229 večnamenskih lovcev F/A-18 hornet borcev (48 x F/A-18B, 86 x F/A-18C, 95 x F/A-18D) le 30 odstotkov v operativnem stanju, medtem ko jih marinci potrebujejo vsaj 56 odstotkov izpravnih, da so pripravljeni za boj. Hornete bodo v prihodnje nadomestili z desetimi eskadriljami F-35B in štirimi eskadriljami F-35C (ena eskadrilja v ZDA šteje med 18-24 letal). Skupno so sicer pri USMC načrtovali 340 letal F-35B in 80 F-35C.

Pripravil: A. Knific, foto: USMC

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Bozo13 on October 05, 2016, 12:41:26 pm
360 snimak

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Solaris on November 04, 2016, 11:11:44 am
FA-18 Super hornet pre-flight start and check

Not often you get to see the pre-flight check routine up close

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: kumbor on November 04, 2016, 11:40:45 am

Ništa ne razumem. Navodno imaju 229 F/A-18 Hornet za USAF Marine corps? To je osnovni avion na NA. NA operativnih kao CVN ima 10. Svaki nosi valjda oko 50 F/A-18. A di je još operativna rezerva!?

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: MOTORISTA on November 04, 2016, 02:32:30 pm
Marinci koriste: 55 F/A-18A, 7 F/A-18B, 119 F/A-18C i 92 F/A-18D, a mornarica 314 F/A-18C/D i 342 F/A-18E/F, što mu sve dođe 929 komada.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Director on February 23, 2018, 11:57:51 pm
šta mu je ono žuto na nozi ? nije valjda podsetnik :)

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Рашо on February 24, 2018, 09:56:17 am
šta mu je ono žuto na nozi ? nije valjda podsetnik :)

Pa, u stvari, jeste. Ucrtana maršruta, razne napomene vezane za zadatak i tako to...

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Director on February 24, 2018, 10:21:43 pm
vidim i da sa desne strane ima beli notes. Ko bi rekao da se u ovo doba informatike još uvek najviše poverenja ima u olovku :)

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Kljun on February 25, 2018, 02:42:12 am
Izuzetno tesko zanimanje, lepo sletanje. Zanimljivo je kako drzi zakacenu olovku na kaziprstu i ne znam da li ste primetili dobro uigranu koordinaciju prilikom vozenja na palubi.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on April 16, 2018, 10:43:35 am

F/A-18E Super Hornet of VFA-115 (Eagles) taxis down the runway _ MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, 28 Nov 2017. (USMC)


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on April 16, 2018, 10:46:24 am

F/A-18E Super Hornet of VFA-115 (Eagles) launches from the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), waters south of Japan, 28 Nov 2017. (USN)


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on April 16, 2018, 10:50:57 am
FA-18E Super Hornet of VFA-195 (Dambusters) launches from the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), waters south of Japan, 28 Nov 2017. (USN)


FA-18E Super Hornet of VFA-195 (Dambusters) lands MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, 28 Nov 2017. (USMC)


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on April 16, 2018, 10:55:20 am

CF-188 Hornet (aka CF-18) of the RCAF is inside a hangar getting its landing gear fixed due to a blown tire during its landing, Gowen Field in Boise, Idaho, 29 Nov 2017. (ANG)


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on April 16, 2018, 10:57:13 am

CF-188 Hornet (aka CF-18) of the RCAF flies over the 2016 Shaw Air Expo & Open House, Shaw AFB, SC, 21 May 2016. (USAF)


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on April 16, 2018, 12:17:06 pm

FA-18D Hornet of VMFA(AW)-225 (Bats) is being prepared for a training exercise @ MCAS Miramar, Ca., 30 Nov 2017. (USMC)


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: kumbor on April 16, 2018, 02:00:44 pm

Od lakog lovca, konkurenta F-16, do osnovnog lovca-bombardera USAF. za AAF, amrince i nosače  Odlična evolucija. F-35 nema šanse da bude ni delom toliko univerzalan, a ni uspešan.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Solaris on July 23, 2018, 03:23:24 pm

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Director on August 24, 2018, 11:24:09 pm
Čini mi se da smo ovaj video imali ovde ali ga sad ne vidim :

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on October 15, 2018, 03:04:04 pm

Čini mi se da smo ovaj video imali ovde ali ga sad ne vidim :

Opet izbrisali ...

FA-18A, VFC-12 'Fighting Omars' NAS Oceana, Va


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on October 17, 2018, 09:20:29 am

Spirit of St.Louis Airshow
Royal Canadian Air Force
CF-18 Demo Team


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on November 22, 2018, 01:10:14 pm

The first flight of the original F/A-18A Hornet


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: MOTORISTA on June 05, 2019, 06:37:59 am
Senka F/A-18 na trupu KC-10.


Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: MOTORISTA on September 11, 2019, 02:46:50 pm

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Bozo13 on September 11, 2019, 04:40:35 pm
Koliko jim pomogao u tome FBW?

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: MOTORISTA on September 11, 2019, 10:19:54 pm
Cenim dosta.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: kumbor on September 11, 2019, 11:43:59 pm

Svejedno, F/A-18 je još jednom dokazao da je odličan avion, kad se vratio kući sa takvim oštećenjima, i da piloti nisu paničili.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: BrankoBananko on April 01, 2020, 01:39:32 am

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on May 21, 2020, 10:46:00 am

We just delivered the final F/A-18 Block II Super Hornet to the U.S. Navy. Hear from F18 SuperHornet chief test pilot Elliott “Hemo” Clemence about what game-changing capabilities the Block II brought for more than a decade, plus what the next-generation Block III will provide the U.S. Navy and international partners.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: BrankoBananko on May 21, 2020, 05:19:24 pm
Upravo dva na sletanju. Nazalost ovo je najbolje sto telefon moze slikati.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on June 16, 2020, 02:39:20 pm

U.S. Marines with Marine Air Group-31 participate in exercise Jaded Thunder 17 with F/A-18 deep air support training at Salina, KS., Feb. 22, 2017. VMFA(AW)-224 participated in Jaded Thunder, a joint service exercise, to complete training requirements and prepare for future deployments.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on September 17, 2020, 08:24:50 am

Thrust Vectoring - on an F18 Hornet!  The Story of the NASA Dryden HARV Project:

The F-18 HARV or High Alpha Research Vehicle was a NASA testbed used to study performance at high angles of attack or alpha.  The aircraft flew from 1989 to 1996 in a 3 phased research program that progressively added modifications to the Hornet.  Let’s take a look at the specifications of the F-18 HARV.


Length:  56 FT (17.1 M)
Height:  10 FT 6 IN (3.2 M) AT CANOPY
Wingspan: 37 FT 5 IN (11.4M)
Maximum speed: initially Mach 1.8 (1,190 MPH/1,915 KMH), subsonic with later modifications
Phase 1 weight:  31,980 LB, WITH 6,480 LB OF INTERNAL FUEL  14,506 KG / 2939 KG
Phase 2 and 3 weight: 36,099 LB ALSO WITH 6,480 LB OF INTERNAL FUEL  16,374 KG / 2939KG

Engines: Thrust Class
Each General Electric
EACH F404-GE-400 turbofan engines, each producing 16,000 LB of thrust  71.17 kN WITH afterburner.

The aircraft that would become the F-18 HARV was actually a pre production F/A-18 and the sixth one ever built.  Having been assigned  Bureau Number 160780, this particular F18 was chosen as a testbed because it had a spin chute installed as the NAVY had used it to evaluate spin performance and recovery.  Under NASAs use the aircraft was designated number 840.

The HARV program was a joint effort between NASA's Dryden, Ames, Langley and Lewis research centers.  By the time NASA received the aircraft, it had been cannibalized for spare parts so extensively by the Navy it was assumed that the aircraft would never fly again.  In fact, the engineers cataloged 400 missing parts and virtually no documentation of the existing wiring system.  To get 840 airworthy, the mechanics and technicians had to cut out the existing wiring, find substitute parts, assemble and rewire the aircraft.  By the time they were done, the words “Silk Purse” were painted on the fuselage, a take on the expression you can't make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on September 21, 2020, 09:30:14 am

An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the “Royal Maces” of VFA-27 launches a high-speed anti-radar missile (HARM) as part of a joint force sinking exercise (SINKEX) targeting the decommissioned frigate USS Curts (FFG 38) as part of Exercise Valiant Shield 2020.  An EA-18G Growler assigned to the “Shadowhawks” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 141 launches a high-speed anti-radar missile (HARM) as part of a joint force sinking exercise (SINKEX) targeting the decommissioned frigate USS Curts (FFG 38) as part of Exercise Valiant Shield 2020. Valiant Shield is a U.S. only, biennial field training exercise (FTX) with a focus on integration of joint training in a blue-water environment among U.S. forces. This training enables real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces through detecting, locating, tracking and engaging units at sea, in the air, on land and in the cyberspace in response to a range of mission areas.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: MOTORISTA on October 06, 2020, 08:22:36 am
Predložena verzija F-18L koju je trebalo da pravi Northrop. Sa letelice bi bila skinuta sva mornarička oprema za poletanje i sletanje, te se računalo na značajno poboljšanje letnih performansi. Verzija je bila namenjena pre svega izvozu:


A land-based version of the Hornet known as the F-18L was also planned. Since it did not have to carry any equipment for carrier-based operations, the F-18L was expected to be significantly lighter and better-performing than the carrier-based version. Although no orders had actually been received, it was anticipated that the F-18L would be an attractive proposition for those foreign air forces who wanted and could afford an aircraft with greater capabilities than those of the F-5.

As part of the original partnership arrangement between McDonnell Douglas and Northrop, it had been agreed that McDonnell Douglas would be the prime contractor for the carrier-based F-18A version of the Hornet, with Northrop being the prime contractor for the F-18L land-based version. The partnership between these two aerospace giants did not always go smoothly, and strains between the two corporations began to show almost immediately. In particular, a major disagreement arose over sales of the F-18L. It seemed that whenever foreign purchasers showed an interest in acquiring the land-based version of the F-18, McDonnell would immediately mount an active sales effort, putting the carrier-based McDonnell F-18 in direct competition with the land-based Northrop F-18L. Northrop management became very unhappy about what it perceived to be McDD's violation of the terms of their agreement, and in October 1979, a series of lawsuits was launched, with Northrop claiming that McDonnell was unfairly using Northrop technology developed for the F-18L to sell its own F-18A abroad. Northrop also charged that McDonnell was trying to sell Israel a version of the F-18 that competed directly with the Northrop F-18L. Northrop asked the courts to restrain McDonnell from trying to sell to any foreign government any version of the F-18 which took advantage of Northrop technology to the detriment of the latter company. The case dragged on in the courts for years, and was not settled until April of 1985. At that time, it was agreed that McDonnell Douglas would be prime contractor for all existing and future versions of the Hornet, and Northrop terminated all work on its F-18L land-based version.



Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on October 10, 2020, 02:25:51 pm

A U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker aircrew assigned to the 50th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron conducts air-to-air refueling with a U.S. Navy EA-18G Growler and F/A-18E Super Hornets, assigned to Carrier Air Wing 17, deployed aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68), over the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility during a mission in support of Operation Inherent Reslove Sept. 30, 2020. U.S. Navy Super Hornets from the "Mighty Shrikes" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 94 assigned to Carrier Air Wing 17, deployed aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68), are refueled by a U.S. Air Force KC-135 as they fly over the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility in support of Operation Inherent Resolve Oct. 2, 2020.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on October 31, 2020, 03:24:26 pm

U.S. Marine Corps F/A-18D Hornets with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 312 arrive at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, Oct. 1, 2020. Marines with VMFA-312 and Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA (AW)) 533, based out of Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, take part in a rotational unit deployment program to supplement Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 12. The deployment enables MAG-12 to maintain its obligation to the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the U.S. while facilitating the safe transition for VMFA-242 from F/A-18D Hornets to F-35B Lightning II.

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Dreadnought on January 21, 2022, 04:19:24 pm

Thrust Vectoring - on an F18 Hornet!  The Story of the NASA Dryden HARV Project:

The F-18 HARV or High Alpha Research Vehicle was a NASA testbed used to study performance at high angles of attack or alpha.  The aircraft flew from 1989 to 1996 in a 3 phased research program that progressively added modifications to the Hornet.  Let’s take a look at the specifications of the F-18 HARV.


Length:  56 FT (17.1 M)
Height:  10 FT 6 IN (3.2 M) AT CANOPY
Wingspan: 37 FT 5 IN (11.4M)
Maximum speed: initially Mach 1.8 (1,190 MPH/1,915 KMH), subsonic with later modifications
Phase 1 weight:  31,980 LB, WITH 6,480 LB OF INTERNAL FUEL  14,506 KG / 2939 KG
Phase 2 and 3 weight: 36,099 LB ALSO WITH 6,480 LB OF INTERNAL FUEL  16,374 KG / 2939KG

Engines: Thrust Class
Each General Electric
EACH F404-GE-400 turbofan engines, each producing 16,000 LB of thrust  71.17 kN WITH afterburner.

The aircraft that would become the F-18 HARV was actually a pre production F/A-18 and the sixth one ever built.  Having been assigned  Bureau Number 160780, this particular F18 was chosen as a testbed because it had a spin chute installed as the NAVY had used it to evaluate spin performance and recovery.  Under NASAs use the aircraft was designated number 840.

The HARV program was a joint effort between NASA's Dryden, Ames, Langley and Lewis research centers.  By the time NASA received the aircraft, it had been cannibalized for spare parts so extensively by the Navy it was assumed that the aircraft would never fly again.  In fact, the engineers cataloged 400 missing parts and virtually no documentation of the existing wiring system.  To get 840 airworthy, the mechanics and technicians had to cut out the existing wiring, find substitute parts, assemble and rewire the aircraft.  By the time they were done, the words “Silk Purse” were painted on the fuselage, a take on the expression you can't make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.


During the late 1980s, NASA decided to deepen its understanding of flight at high angles of attack, or alpha. For this purpose, it created the High Angle-of-Attack Technology Program, or HATP.

A unique aircraft was selected among thousands to participate in the program. It was the infamous F-18 Hornet. Previously used by the Navy for testing purposes, the chosen example was the sixth Hornet built by McDonnell Douglas Corporation.

However, the aircraft had been severely cannibalized for spare parts throughout the years, and it was so mangled that the Navy believed it would never fly again.

Still, the engineers carried on and believed in what would eventually be remembered as the legendary F-18 High Angle-of-Attack Research Vehicle, providing the foundations on how to handle all future American fighter aircraft...

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Kubovac on July 03, 2023, 10:39:16 am
Australija ima 14 lovaca F/A-18 Hornet u radnom stanju koji bi mogli da budu prebačeni u Ukrajinu

Početkom leta je objavljeno da bi Australija mogla da prebaci 41 borbeni avion četvrte generacije F/A-18 Hornet u Ukrajinu. Kako se ispostavilo, Kraljevsko vazduhoplovstvo ima daleko manje aviona u ispravnom stanju.

Novinari časopisa The Australian Financial Review dobili su pristup izveštaju o inventaru američkih borbenih aviona koje drže Kraljevsko australijsko vazduhoplovstvo. Popis je izvršila američka avio-kosmička kompanija RAVN na zahtev Ukrajine, koji je pre nekoliko nedelja objavio ukrajinski ambasador u Australiji Vasil Mirošničenko.

Saznalo se da ako Australija zaista želi da preda F/A-18 Hornet ukrajinskom ratnom vazduhoplovstvu, samo 14 letelica je u ispravnom stanju. Među njima je 11 jednoseda i tri dvoseda.

Svaki avion je leteo više od 3.000 sati, što je otprilike polovina ograničenja. Istovremeno, nije isključeno da letelicama F/A-18 Hornet može biti produžen vek u službi, pri čemu bi Ukrajina potencijalno mogla da koristi F/A-18 Hornet dve godine.



Izvor (

Title: Re: F/A-18
Post by: Kubovac on August 01, 2023, 05:47:04 pm
Španija će potrošiti 55 miliona dolara da produži vek trajanja borbenih aviona F/A-18 Hornet do sredine sledeće decenije

Španija namerava da uloži nekoliko desetina miliona evra u produženje radnog veka lovaca F/A-18 Hornet četvrte generacije. Vlada zemlje je odobrila investiciju.

Španija će potrošiti oko 50 miliona evra (55 miliona dolara) za kupovinu rezervnih delova da bi potrošili životni vek aviona. Ovo će omogućiti lovcima F/A-18 Hornet, koji u Španiji imaju oznaku EF-18M, da lete do 2035. godine, uprkos glasinama o povlačenju iz upotrebe do 2030. godine.

Iberijska vlada je već počela da rashoduje stari F/A-18 Hornet, koji je stacioniran u vazdušnoj bazi Gando na Gran Kanariji. Zameniće ih evropski lovci Eurofighter Typhoon.

Pre dve godine Španija je potpisala ugovor sa Erbasom. Madrid je naručio 20 aviona četvrte generacije. Posao je vredeo oko 2 milijarde evra (2,2 milijarde dolara). Isporuke borbenih aviona Eurofighter Typhoon počeće 2026. godine.



Izvor (