RV i PVO => Civilna Avijacija => Topic started by: Solaris on January 14, 2017, 05:55:16 pm

Title: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: Solaris on January 14, 2017, 05:55:16 pm

Russian TU-144 First Transport Supersonic Jetliner in the World!
A Masterpiece in Heaven!

The Tupolev Tu-144 is commercial supersonic transport aircraft (SST).....This is the first supersonic transport aircraft and one of only two SSTs to enter commercial service, the other being the Anglo-French Concorde.
Tu-144 first flew on 31 December 1968 near Moscow two months before the first flight of Concorde. Last flight was on 26 June 1999.

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: Milan (longtrip) on April 25, 2018, 09:08:00 am

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: Dreadnought on March 16, 2020, 06:21:54 pm

Документальный фильм по сценарию писателя А. Аграновского, описывающий недолгую карьеру первого в мире сверхзвукового пассажирского авиалайнера Ту-144.

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: Dreadnought on March 16, 2020, 06:23:06 pm

Konkordski - Documentary - Tupolev TU-144 A documentary describing the history behind the Tupolev TU-144 and its competition with Concorde and all the cover-ups that occurred Subscribe.

This documentary film is about the Soviet Tu-144 one of the most powerful jet liners with a top speed of mach 2.3 ending with a crash landing in 1978 just after takeoff.

While the Concorde is often hailed as a triumph of modern engineering, the first supersonic transport to ever fly was actually Soviet-built. The Tupolev TU-144 flew even faster than the Concorde.

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: kumbor on March 16, 2020, 07:51:19 pm

TU-144 korišćen je na unutrašnjim linijama SSSR (npr. Taškent-Moskva) i na malom broju linija za inostranstvo. Korišćen je 6-7 godina, međutim, čak i za SSSR su troškovi upotrebe bili toliko visoki, da nije uopšte bio isplativ. Tiho je uklonjen iz flote, a jedan je završio u muzeju vazduhoplovstva u Monjinu.

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: treci puk on March 16, 2020, 08:56:56 pm
Da li je tačno da je avionska karta bila toliko jeftina da su ljudi iz drugih gradova SSSR-a leteli u Moskvu da bi otišli na pijacu?

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: kumbor on March 16, 2020, 11:07:12 pm

Вероватно су карте за ТУ-144 биле нешто скупље, не знам тачно. Знам да је повратна карта Москва - Кишињов (Молдавија), око 1200 километара, два сата лета на ТУ-154 (налик Боингу 727) коштала почетком 80их година 27 рубаља и 50 копејки. Просечна плата је тада била око 130 рубаља, Дакле, човек са просечном платом могао је сваке недеље да приушти себи такав лет тамо-назад и да му остане кусур за све комуналије. Боца вотке Столичнаја 0,5л (литарске боце су и данас реткост) коштала је 3 рубље и 60 копејки. Најбоља салама - а биле су јако добре, кад их је било у продаји, коштала је око три рубље - за кило. Чуо сам причу да је човек у Ташкенту својевремено наводно купио карту за ТУ-144 и пробао да у путничку кабину уђе са два овећа јагњета. Могла је да прође гуска, али јањци су већ били сувише! Тако јањци нису пробили звучни зид! ;D :super

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: kukador on March 17, 2020, 07:41:46 pm
jedan primerak je u muzeju u Sinsheimu u Njemačkoj. Prave si društvo sa Concordom.

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: kumbor on March 17, 2020, 11:36:52 pm

Bez obzira na sličnost sa Konkordom, pravi predak TU-144 je T-4, prototip supersoničnog strategijskog bombardera koji je ostao prototip.

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: Perun on March 18, 2020, 12:15:22 am

Suhoj T-4

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: kumbor on March 18, 2020, 01:14:07 am

Aerodinamički postoji očigledna sličnost TU-144 i Suhoja T-4. Jedino sam zaboravio da je TU-144 poleteo četiri godine pre T-4, što mi je potpuno s*ebalo koncepciju da mu je to predak! :zid :help

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: Dreadnought on July 24, 2020, 08:36:58 am

At its peak, the Anglo-French Concorde was the epitome of technological prowess and super sleek design in 20th-century aviation. It was considered the most beautiful commercial plane the world had ever seen - and, being the West's first supersonic jet, it was also the fastest of its era. However, the Concorde was not the first supersonic plane to make it to market. This honor went to a Soviet aircraft that reached supersonic speed months before the Concorde, and one that briefly became the pride of the USSR, before its ultimate failure.

The communist version of the Concorde was the Tupolev Tu-144, and it was the first passenger aircraft to fly at more than twice the speed of sound. The Tupolev's first flight occurred three months before the Concorde took to the air on March 2, 1969. But the Tu-144, which was dubbed 'Concordski' by Western observers for its similarities to its Western rival, never became quite as popular.

It was perhaps most notable as the first commercial supersonic plane to have a crash landing - which it did not once but twice.

Title: Re: Tupolev Tu-144
Post by: Dreadnought on January 14, 2021, 02:37:38 pm

Т-4 «Сотка» — Истребитель Авианосцев КБ Сухого