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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Kolumbiji  (Read 22216 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2020, 05:51:10 pm »

The National University of Colombia suspended all its classes as student protests around the campus in #Bogota, turned into clashes with riot police, on Thursday.

Riot police officers were seen firing tear gas in an attempt to disperse protesters wearing facemasks and launching various projectiles at the police.

The students and unions oppose the project of so-called pension, finance and labour reform, pointing out that the measure would hit the interests of the working population.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2020, 11:29:50 am »

A student protest near Bogota's Pedagogical University turned violent on Wednesday, as members of the Jaime Bateman Cayon (JBC) group were seen among the crowd.

Footage shows riot police firing tear gas and deploying water cannon trucks trying to disperse protesters with hooded JBC members protesting near one of the city's universities.

Students and teachers from the Pedagogical University took to the streets to protest the lack of funding, which has reportedly led to staff shortages as well as dilapidated facilities.

The leftist JBC group was formed in 1990 by members of the 19 April Movement (M-19) who did not accept their demobilisation and named themselves after a M-19 member who was killed in 1983. They have since claimed responsibility for multiple kidnappings, international diplomats' abductions and bombings.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2020, 04:08:07 pm »

A student protest near Bogota's Pedagogical University turned violent on Wednesday, as members of the Jaime Bateman Cayon (JBC) group were seen among the crowd.

Students and teachers from the Pedagogical University took to the streets to protest the lack of funding, which has reportedly led to staff shortages as well as dilapidated facilities.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2020, 03:42:08 pm »

Clashes broke out between student protesters and the police by the District University in Bogota, on the second consecutive day of a national strike, on Friday.

Footage shows police firing water cannon and tear gas at the protesters, who were seen throwing projectiles.

Several demonstrators, some of them injured, were detained.

The strike has been called against a backdrop of rising violence against teachers and social leaders, with teachers also demanding the government stick to agreements to increase education funding as well as improving benefits for educators.

The protesters called on Colombian President Ivan Duque's government to honour previous agreements with Thursday's action preceding a general strike called for by unions and student organisations for 25 March, 2020.

The country's largest teachers' union, the Colombian Federation of Education Workers (FECODE) stated that up to 300,000 educators throughout the country are participating in the strike - affecting classes for seven million students.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 11:22:40 am by Dreadnought » Logged
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2020, 11:23:19 am »

Clashes erupted between student protesters and police in Bogota on Monday, as students were protesting both the creation and alleged abuses of Colombia's Mobile Anti-Disturbance Squadron (ESMAD).

Protesters can be seen being pushed back into and taking cover within the Pedagogical University of Bogota. Protesters barricaded themselves within the gates, over which they and police hurled tear gas cannisters back at once another.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2020, 02:00:05 pm »

Student protesters and riot police clashed anew in Bogota, on Tuesday, during ongoing protests against both the creation and alleged abuses of Colombia's Mobile Anti-Disturbance Squadron (ESMAD).

Footage shows the protesters hurling objects at police positions, and running away from tear gas and stun grenades.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2020, 03:19:46 pm »

Around 250 student protesters clashed with the police in the municipality of Soacha as they were protesting various issues in the public education system, including budget and teacher quotas.

Footage shows protesters throwing rocks and other projectiles at the police, as police is firing tear gas at them.

Similar events took place in Bogota later in the day, where student demonstrators were also met with tear gas.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2020, 08:18:35 am »

Amerika šalje vojsku u Kolumbiju zbog suzbijanja trgovine drogom

Američki vojnici će početkom juna stići u Kolumbiju kako bi ovoj zemlji pomogli u borbi protiv trgovine drogom u periodu od naredna četiri meseca, saopšteno je iz američke ambasade u Bogoti.

Američka brigada za pomoć snagama bezbednosti (SFAB) stići će u Kolumbiju početkom juna, a veličina jedinice još uvek nije poznata, prenosi Tanjug.

Prema podacima američke Kancelarije za nacionalnu politiku za kontrolu droge u Kolumbiji je u toku prošle godine proizvodnja kokaina porasla sa 879 na 951 tonu, dok je zemljište na kojem se uzgaja koka sa 208.000 hektara, koliko je iznosilo u 2018. godini, prošireno na 212.000 hektara u toku prethodne godine.

Kolumbija se suočava sa konstantnim pritiskom Sjedinjenih Američkih Država da se smanji uzgoj koke. Predsednik Kolumbije Ivan Duke je u ovoj godini postavio cilj da uništi 130.000 hektara uzgoja koke, za 30.000 hektara više nego u prethodnoj.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2020, 05:57:47 am »

Kolumbijska vojska oslobodila turiste od ekstremista

Kolumbijska vojska uspela je da locira i oslobodi dvojicu turista koje je pre 3 meseca kidnapovala disidentska gerilska organizacija, izvestio je BBC.

Turisti, jedan Švajcarac, drugi Brazilac, putovali su područjem Kauka kada se pojavio naoružani ekstremista i zaustavio vozilo kojim su se kretali.

"Zapretio nam je da ćemo ubrzo stići na groblje", posvedočili su oslobođeni turisti. Vojska je tokom akcije uspela da uhapsi otmičara.

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« Reply #39 on: August 21, 2020, 05:26:50 am »

Kolumbija traži izručenje bivšeg paravojnog šefa iz SAD
Tanjug 21.08.2020.

Kolumbija je zatražila od Sjedinjenih Američkih Država da izruče bivšeg paravojnog šefa Salvatorea Mankusa toj zemlji i tražiće međunarodnu pomoć da se on privede ukoliko bude poslat u Italiju, izjavio je danas predsednik Ivan Duke.

Mankuso, optužen za ratne zločine i kršenje ljudskih prava, nalazi se u pritvoru u SAD, gde je osuđen za trgovinu drogom nakon izručenja, zajedno sa drugim paravojnim vođama 2008. godine. Advokati bivšeg paravojnog šefa traže njegovu deportaciju u Italiju, gde takođe ima državljanstvo i terete ga za dodatne optužbe za trgovinu drogom, prenosi Rojters.

"Salvatore Mankuso ima ozbiljne dugove prema kolumbijskom pravosudnom sistemu, zbog čega sam zatražio njegovo izručenje. Ako bude deportovan u Italiju, sledićemo principe univerzalne nadležnosti za zločine protiv čovečnosti. Njegovi zločini neće proći nekažnjeno", izjavio je Duke putem svog Tviter naloga.

Mankuso (56) je optužen da je umešan u hiljade zločina koji su se dogodili tokom unutrašnjeg oružanog sukoba u Kolumbiji i bio jedan od glavnih vođa Ujedinjenih snaga samoodbrane Kolumbije, glavne paravojne grupe zemlje.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2020, 02:38:06 pm »

At least 5 people died during the violent protests that occurred on Tuesday in Bogota, after the death of a lawyer while being arrested by the police

The protesters threw stones and other objects at the riot police officers, who in turn used tear gas and stun grenades.

“The police killed him miserably, they had the cruelty to kill him, they killed him brutally, as seen in the videos, it is not fair, it is not fair, the police who they killed my partner should be burnt,” said one of the protesters .

Colombian lawyer Javier Ordoñez died on Tuesday after being violently detained by two police officers, who applied several electric shocks with a taser gun to him, in the Villa Luz neighborhoud, in the town of Engativa.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2020, 03:01:33 pm »

A group of protesters gathered in front of the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police of Cucuta on Thursday night to protest against the death of lawyer Javier Ordonez in police custody.

The protesters threw objects and painted the building, in addition to lighting a fire just outside. Riot police had to be deployed around the building to protect it.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #42 on: September 13, 2020, 08:35:08 am »

Clashes broke out as hundreds of protesters took to Bogota's streets on Friday decrying police brutality in the country.

Hundreds of protesters were seen marching and chanting through the streets of the Colombian capital in a protest that dragged on into Saturday. They smashed windows of a police station and set up bonfires before being met by a large number of heavily armoured police officers who were seen firing tear gas and stun grenades at the crowds to disperse them.

The protesters have gathered for the third day in a row in the Colombian capital to decry police brutality in the country as at least 13 people are believed to have died and several other being injured during the current social unrest.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #43 on: September 13, 2020, 12:35:24 pm »

Hundreds of protesters took to Bogota's streets for a fourth consecutive night to decry police brutality in Colombia. The intense stand-off swiftly resulted in arrests as clashes broke out.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2020, 09:07:30 am »

"Izvinite zbog policijske brutalnosti"

Gradonačelnica Bogote Klaudija Lopes izvinila se danas porodicama poginulih demonstranata i pozvala na pomirenje.

U protestima u kolumbijskoj prestonici prethodne sedmice usled policijske brutalnosti poginulo je 10 civila a ranjeno na stotine.

"Tražimo oproštaj za sve žrtve policijske brutalnosti. Iz dubine duše tražimo da se pravda zadovolji zato što znamo da i drugi takvi incidenti prolaze nekažnjeno i ne želimo da se isto dogodi i ovim žrtvama", rekla je ona na komemoraciji nastradalima u protestima.

Protesti u Bogoti i obližnjoj Soači počeli su zbog smrti Havijera Oronesa koga je u sredu upucala policija, prenosi Rojters.

Tokom protesta u sredu sedmoro mladih ljudi poginulo je pošto je policija u Bogoti upotrebila vatreno oružje. Još tri osobe poginule su na protestima u četvtak uveče u Bogoti, kao i još troje u Soači.

U sukobima je povređeno i 200 policajaca, a uništeno je i 60 policijskih stanica, kao i na desetine vozila javnog prevoza.

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