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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Etiopiji  (Read 59997 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #165 on: December 16, 2020, 08:31:05 am »


Ethiopian forces claims recovering heavy military equipment of Tigray forces

Ethiopian government forces are claiming to have recovered heavy military equipment of Tigray forces. The military equipment was recovered in Yechllay or Chilay town of Tigray. The recovered military equipment includes artillery shells, Grad Rocket artillery covers and Ural military trucks. Tigray fighters are still in possession of heavy military equipment like MLRS ( Multiple Launch Rocket Systems ), howitzer, tanks etc. Though Ethiopian Prime Minister, last month, announced that military operation in Tigray region was over but fighting still goes on in some parts of Tigray.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #166 on: December 16, 2020, 08:35:06 am »

EU suspends financial aid to Ethiopia over human rights violations in Tigray

European Union has suspended financial assistance to Ethiopia over human rights violation in Tigray region of Ethiopia. EU provides around 90 million euros to Ethiopia as financial aid which is around 10 percent of Ethiopian budget. Earlier Amnesty International and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees raised their concerns about grave human rights abuses and war crimes committed in Tigray where Ethiopian government forces are fighting against Tigray fighters. Last week, US Senators called upon US government to impose sanctions on Ethiopia for war crimes in Tigray.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #167 on: December 17, 2020, 08:34:52 am »

Šef SZO optužen za genocid, slučaj stigao do suda u Hagu

Šef Svetske zdravstvene organizacije Tedros Gebrejesus trebalo bi da bude na meti istrage zbog genocida, navodi se u zahtevu koji je Međunarodnom krivičnom sudu podneo američki kandidat za Nobelovu nagradu za mir Dejvid Stejnmen, a dodaje se da je Etiopljanin možda umešan u mnoge zločine u svojoj domovini.

Gebrejesus je bio ključni donosilac odluka u vezi sa akcijama službi bezbednosti koje su uključivale ubijanje, lišavanje slobode i mučenje Etiopljana, piše u žalbi podnesenoj Međunarodnom krivičnom sudu.

Autor podneska, američki ekonomista i aktivista, Stejnmen, koji je bio nominovan za Nobelovu nagradu za mir 2019. godine, navodi da je etiopski biolog i istraživač imao ulogu u zločinima koje su tokom njegovog mandata u Vladi Etiopije počinile razne etiopske snage bezbednosti.

Pre nego što je 2017. godine stupio na mesto direktora SZO, Gebrejesus je najpre bio ministar zdravlja Etiopije između 2005. i 2012. godine, a kasnije ministar spoljnih poslova od 2012. do 2016. godine. U to vreme je navodno vršio barem delimičnu kontrolu nad nacionalnim represivnim aparatom, tvrdi Stejnmen.

Optužbe koje je uputio Amerikanac uglavnom se zasnivaju na premisi da je Gebrejesus kao visoki vladin zvaničnik i visokopozicionirani član stranke Narodnooslobodilačkog fronta Tigraja, koja je u to vreme bila deo vladajuće koalicije, imao vlast nad nacionalnom policijom i vojskom.

„Zahvaljujući tome što je bio visoki zvaničnik stranke, Tedros je bio jedan od samo nekolicine etiopskih zvaničnika koji su vršili kontrolu nad snagama bezbednosti“, navodi Stejnmen.

Kao dokaze Stejnmen uglavnom navodi izveštaje američkog Stejt departmenta o ljudskim pravima, kao i izveštaje Hjuman Rajts Voča, Amnesti Internešenala i raznih zapadnih institucija.

Nijedan od tih izveštaja ne spominje Gebrejesusa po imenu (niti bilo kog etiopskog vladinog zvaničnika), jer uglavnom izveštavaju o raznim slučajevima kada su nacionalne snage ubijale ili hapsile ljude tokom masovnih protesta i nereda koji su zahvatili naciju tokom ministarskog mandata Gebrejesusa, poput onih 2016. godine.

Ipak, to nije sprečilo Stejnmena da direktno optuži šefa SZO za saučesništvo u genocidu koji su počinili oni koje naziva njegovim podređenima. U žalbi se navodi da je Gebrejesus navodno nadgledao „ubijanje i nanošenje teških telesnih i duševnih povreda pripadnicima plemena Amhara, Konso, Oromo i Somali sa namerom da ta plemena uništi u celini ili delimično“.

Sada su na redu tužioci Međunarodnog krivičnog suda koji treba da odluče da li će uvažiti podnesak.

Gebrejesus uživa diplomatski imunitet kao član zdravstvene organizacije UN-a.

Ipak, to možda neće biti prepreka za njegovo krivično gonjenje pred Međunarodnim krivičnim sudom, koji funkcioniše nezavisno od UN-a. Ukoli se uvaži Stejnmenova žalba, to će biti prvi put da se tamo sudi zvaničniku UN-a.

Ovo nije prvi put da je Gebrejesus optužen za teška nedela. Još 2017. godine, dok je bio kandidat za poziciju šefa SZO, jedan od konkurenata optužio ga je za prikrivanje epidemije kolere u Etiopiji kako bi navodno spasao imidž tamošnje vlade. Ove godine su se takve optužbe ponovo pojavile kada su neki američki zvaničnici posumnjali da SZO nije dovoljno transparentna kada je reč o pandemiji virusa korona, prenosi RT.

Generalni direktor SZO je više puta negirao sve optužbe, ali još uvek nije komentarisao najnovije optužbe.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #168 on: December 17, 2020, 09:01:05 am »

Tekeze dam under ENDF control & Tigray's airspace opened

Ethiopian government says that Tekeze dam in Tigray region of Ethiopia is under the control of Ethiopian National Defense Forces ( ENDF ). Ethiopian state-backed television channels have shown videos of Tekeze dam. Moreover, Ethiopian government yesterday announced to open Tigray's airspace. Tigray's airspace was closed after fighting broke out on November 4 between Ethiopian National Defense Forces ( ENDF ) and Tigray fighters.

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« Reply #169 on: December 17, 2020, 09:04:26 am »

Fighting erupts on Ethiopia-Sudan border

Azerbaijan is not signing documents which will certify the mandate of Russian peace keepers in Nagorno Karabakh, claims Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Azerbaijan-Armenia agreed on November 10 to deploy Russian peace keepers to Nagorno Karabakh after having fought 44-day long war. So far Russia and Azerbaijan have not issued any statement regarding this statement of Armenian Prime Minister.

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« Reply #170 on: December 17, 2020, 09:07:49 am »

Pictures claiming to show mass lootings in Tigray by Eritrean troops

Satellite images are being shared since yesterday claiming to show mass lootings done by Eritrean troops in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Tigray leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, claimed in a statement that Eritrean troops fighting alongside Ethiopian government forces were looting Tigray resident's belongings. But the satellite images being shared since yesterday seem to be fake. These pictures are from Eritrean town Asha Golgol which is to the south of Eritrean capital Asmara. But the satellite images were taken in 2019 long before the start of ongoing fighting in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Some sources have been making claims that mass lootings have been done in Tigray region since the start of fighting between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray forces.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #171 on: December 17, 2020, 03:12:08 pm »

Tigray President Debretsion is in South Sudan, claims Sudans Post newspaper

Sudans Post newspaper is claiming that Tigray leader Debretsion Gebremichael is in South Sudan. According to the newspaper, Debretsion wants to take refuge in South Sudan. The newspapers says that a South Sudan government official has informed the newspaper about the presence of Debretsion Gebremichael in South Sudan. Last month, the newspaper published a similar story about a meeting in South Sudan between Tigray President Debretsion and Egyptian President Al Sisi. But South Sudan government rejected the story as false.

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« Reply #172 on: December 18, 2020, 09:55:21 am »

Sudan mobilizes its forces towards Ethiopia border after yesterday's clashes

Sudan is mobilizing its forces towards its border with Ethiopia. The move came after Sudanese forces were ambushed by an Ethiopian militia along Sudan-Ethiopia border yesterday. Several Sudanese servicemen were killed and some taken prisoner too. Sudanese government issued a strong statement against yesterday's attack on its forces in Al Gedaref state. Sudan and Ethiopia have been involved in a long running border dispute over Al Fashaga farmlands situated in El Gedaref province of Sudan. On December 5, Sudanese army took back some areas from Ethiopia militia which led to yesterday's ambush by Ethiopia militia. Now Sudan is sending large military reinforcements to its border with Ethiopia.

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« Reply #173 on: December 18, 2020, 02:41:37 pm »

Sudanese military claims to have advanced into disputed area along Ethiopia border

Sudanese military commanders are claiming that they have advanced into Al Fashqa towards Ethiopian border. Sudanese forces say they are in control of Jabal Abu Teyyur . On December 5, Sudanese forces launched an offensive into disputed area along Ethiopia-Sudan border. On Wednesday, Ethiopian side launched an attack on Sudanese forces which caused casualties and injuries on Sudanese side. According to Sudan, the attack was carried out by an Ethiopia militia and Ethiopian forces.

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« Reply #174 on: December 18, 2020, 04:07:06 pm »

Ethiopia offers reward for information on fugitive Tigrayan leaders

#Ethiopia is offering a 10 million birr ($260,000) #reward to anyone with information on the location of fugitive leaders of the rebellious force in the northern region of #Tigray, the government said on Friday.

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« Reply #175 on: December 19, 2020, 07:48:23 am »

Ethiopia announces $250k reward for information on TPLF leadership

Ethiopian government today announced reward of 10 million ETB or $250k for information about TPLF leadership of Tigray region. ENDF announced that whoever will provide information about the whereabouts of TPLF leaders, will be given bounty of 10 million Ethiopian Birrs. Fighting between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray fighters have been going on since November 4. 

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« Reply #176 on: December 19, 2020, 07:51:17 am »

Sudanese soldiers digging trenches along Ethiopian border

Sudanese soldiers are digging trenches along Sudan-Ethiopian border. Today several pictures were shared which showed Sudanese forces fortifying their positions by digging trenches along Sudan-Ethiopia border. Tensions are rising on Sudan-Ethiopia border over long-running disputed territory of Al Fashaga farms in Qadarif state of Sudan. Today Ethiopian government summoned Sudanese ambassador and protested over alleged violation of its territorial sovereignty. This border conflict does not seem to be Sudan-vs-Ethiopian Amhara militia conflict. It appears that Ethiopian forces are standing behind Ethiopia militia which was accused of having carried out ambush on Sudanese soldiers on Tuesday.

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« Reply #177 on: December 20, 2020, 04:05:16 pm »

Etiopija: Eksplodirala bomba u Adis Abebi, troje poginulo

Tri osobe su poginule, a pet je povređeno kada je danas eksplodirala napuštena bomba u Adis Abebi, prestonici Etiopije, prenosi državna agencija te zemlje.

Prema navodima Etiopske novinske agencije, do incidenta je došlo u oblasti Lideta u blizini centra grada, a stradala su tri beskućnika, prenosi Rojters.

Eksplozija se dogodila u vreme kada već šest nedelja traju sukobi u severnoj regiji Tigraj između saveznih snaga i svrgnute regionalne vlade, ali za sada nema naznaka da je povezana s njima. Istraga je u toku.

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« Reply #178 on: December 21, 2020, 08:08:40 am »

Video shows massive civilian displacements in Tigray due to fighting

Tens of thousands of civilians have been displaced in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Fighting in Tigray between Ethiopia government forces and Tigray's regional forces started on November 4, which still goes on in some parts of Tigray. According to some estimates, around 1 million civilians have been displaced because of fighting in Tigray. Relief and Refugee organizations are still unable to reach all the people who are in need of humanitarian assistance in Tigray.

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« Reply #179 on: December 21, 2020, 11:28:35 am »

Sudanese army says it has retaken 2 areas from Ethiopian forces

Sudanese army officials todays claimed that Sudanese army has retaken two strategic areas from Ethiopia militia along Sudan-Ethiopia border. According to Sudanese army, it is in control of Jebel Abu Tayyour and advancing towards Khor Shad and Qala Lubaan areas. Ethiopian government has not issued any statement in this regard so far. Fighting erupted on Sudan-Ethiopia border in volatile Al Fashqa farms area on Tuesday when Sudanese soldiers were ambushed by an Ethiopian Amhara militia. Sudan and Ethiopia are involved in a long running border dispute over fertile lands of Al Fashaga farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan.

Sudan-Ethiopia fighting reaches Metema town of Ethiopia

Sudan-Ethiopia border fighting, which started on Tuesday, has reached Metema town of Ethiopia. Reportedly yesterday fighting broke out between Sudanese forces and Ethiopia militia near a military base in Metemma town of Ethiopia. Metema town is part of Gondar region of Ethiopia and it is on Ethiopian side of Ethiopia-Sudan border. Sudan and Ethiopia have been involved in a long running dispute over Al Fashqa farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan. Sudanese forces have launched an offensive into Al Fashqa farms to push back Ethiopia militia and farmers from border areas.

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