Vesti => RM => Topic started by: Dreadnought on August 04, 2009, 03:39:27 pm

Title: Još 5 do 6 testova za podmornicu Borei klase "Juri Doloruki" pre preuzimanja
Post by: Dreadnought on August 04, 2009, 03:39:27 pm
Najnovija ruska strateška nuklearna podmornica Borei klase "Juri Doloruki" će morati da ide na još najmanje 6 testova pre nigo što bude primljena u aktivnu službu. Prve pomorske probe su završene 10. jula ove godine.
Očekuje se da podmornica bude naoružana novim Bulava balističkim raketama ...

Cela vest u nastavku ...

Yury Dolgoruky sub to undergo 5-6 tests before commissioning

MOSCOW, August 3 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's newest Borey class strategic nuclear submarine, the Yury Dolgoruky, will undergo up to six more sea trials before being commissioned with the Russian Navy, the Sevmash plant said on Monday.

The submarine, which is expected to be armed with the new Bulava sea-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM), successfully completed its first round of sea trials in the White Sea on July 10.


"According to our estimates, the submarine still needs at least five or six sea trials before commissioning," said Anastasia Nikitinskaya, a spokesperson for Sevmash plant.

The vessel is 170 meters (580 feet) long, has a hull diameter of 13 meters (42 feet), a crew of 107, including 55 officers, a maximum depth of 450 meters (about 1,500 feet) and a submerged speed of about 29 knots. It can carry up to 16 ballistic missiles and torpedoes.

The construction cost of the submarine totaled 23 billion rubles (about $713 mln), including 9 billion rubles ($280 mln) for research and development.

Two other Borey class nuclear submarines, the Alexander Nevsky and the Vladimir Monomakh, are currently under construction at the Sevmash plant and are expected to be completed in 2009 and 2011. Russia is planning to build eight of these submarines by 2015.

According to Navy officials, fourth-generation Borey class nuclear-powered submarines will form the core of Russia's fleet of modern strategic submarines, and will be deployed with Russia's Northern and Pacific fleets.

However, the commissioning of the submarine could be delayed by setbacks in the development of the troubled Bulava missile, which has suffered six failures in 11 tests.

The future development of the Bulava has been questioned by some lawmakers and defense industry officials, who have suggested that all efforts should be focused on the existing Sineva SLBM.

But the Russian military has insisted that there is no alternative to the Bulava and pledged to continue testing the missile until it is ready to be put in service with the Navy.


Title: Re: Još 5 do 6 testova za podmornicu Borei klase "Juri Doloruki" pre preuzimanja
Post by: duje on September 17, 2013, 11:49:54 am
Vir: Defendr

Ruska podmornica klase Borei na testiranjima u Bijelom moru

Datum objave:

Ruska podmornica Vladimir Monomakh, najnovija podmornica na nuklearni pogon klase Borei, na putu je za Bijelo more gdje će obaviti ispitivanja. Vladimir Monomakh je napustila brodogradilište Sevmash koncem prošlog tjedna radi odlaska na testiranja, izjavio je neimenovani izvor iz brodograđevne industrije. Testiranja će biti nastavljena unatoč odluci ministra obrane Sergei Shoigua da zaustavi ispitivanja podmornica klase Borei, prije svih Alexander Nevsky i Vladimir Monomakh, nakon što nije prošao test gađanja sa interkontinentalnom balističkom raketom Bulava početkom rujna.

Podmornica Vladimir Monomakh trebala bi ući u uporabu ruske Pacifičke flote slijedeće godine. Kako se ne bi odgađalo uvođenje podmornica u operativnu uporabu, očito se došlo do kompromisa da se dopusti testiranje svih ostalih sustava na podmornici, osim oružanih, dok se ne utvrdi uzrok neuspjeha sa Bulavom.

Title: Re: Još 5 do 6 testova za podmornicu Borei klase "Juri Doloruki" pre preuzimanja
Post by: duje on January 08, 2014, 07:51:50 am
"Alexander Nevsky" klasa Borei