English Language Discussion => Forum za traženje pomoći na stranom jeziku => Topic started by: Dili on February 25, 2011, 12:57:11 am

Title: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Dili on February 25, 2011, 12:57:11 am

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Boro Prodanic on February 25, 2011, 08:39:32 am
@Dili, I can't find a word about RY Minesweeper on this web-site?! Please, could you be more precise?

Thank you!


Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: ML on February 25, 2011, 09:18:17 am
Boro onaj brod što dižu je minolovac tipa Marjan.

(English: Boro, the ship they are lifting is minesweeper Marjan type.)

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Boro Prodanic on February 25, 2011, 11:45:18 am
Boro onaj brod što dižu je minolovac tipa Marjan.

Sorry Dili, I have not looked carefully. :)

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: ZastavnikDjemo on February 25, 2011, 06:19:23 pm
Nice find Dili! Parabéns! :)

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: jadran2 on February 25, 2011, 07:00:28 pm
Great findings, Dili!

Minespeeper "Malinska" sank April 13th 1941, by order of M. Pleiwiess, future "Arbe"...........

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Dili on February 25, 2011, 07:43:55 pm
Thanks :)

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: jadran2 on February 25, 2011, 08:18:56 pm
Great findings, Dili!

Minespeeper "Malinska" sank April 13th 1941, by order of M. Pleiwiess, future "Arbe"...........

correct... M. Pleiweiss.......

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Akagi77 on February 09, 2012, 03:29:46 pm
Or Pleiweis (according to some documents). In Yugoslav Navy Mirko Pleiweis was ordered to write Plajvajz, according to Serbian orthography, and was once confined for two weeks to his chamber, whem writing Pleiweis instead...

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: kumbor on February 09, 2012, 05:50:25 pm
Ovo je verovatno tačno. Postojala je odredba u pravilu službe, ili drugom odgovarajućem dokumentu, koji je nalagao transkripciju "stranih" prezimena. Mogu da se ne slažem s tim, ali takvo je bilo pravilo, a vojska ne priznaje demokratiju u svojim redovima, kamoli samoupravljanje. Hrvatski jezik danas strogo vodi računa o prenošenju originalne transkripcije, ali možda baš zato mnogi Hrvati voze "Renaulta" ili "Peugeota", čitajući upravo tako kako je napisano. Poštovanje originalne transkripcije je opravdano ako umeš da pročitaš, ali ako ne umeš, onda imaš problem.

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Akagi77 on February 09, 2012, 07:35:25 pm
 ;D A njemacki auti imaju gume Mihelin (naravno Michelin, oliti po Vuku Mislen = sa "sh"). Dobijem ospice... No tko mi je kraiv sto sam ucio i francuski, pa me to nekako udari u zivac ;)
Ovo o kucnom pritvoru (u kabini) potjece iz Pleiweisove knjige "Slomljeno sidro", a netko mu je namjestio, jer su uzeli njegov potpis kao povod za kaznu, a u komentaru je pisalo "...jer voli svapski da se potpise". Inace je po njemu Pleiweis bilo slavno slovensko prezime (vjerojanto nesto drugo sto je germanizirano u doba Austrije), ali je on uvijek bio malo cudan. Tako je u Puli 31.10.1918 on jedini na brodu dignu crnogorsku, a ne hrvatsku ili slovensku zastavu...

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Akagi77 on February 09, 2012, 07:38:23 pm
Uyyy, now I see, that I must write it all over in English... O.k. the fact about being confined to his cabin came from Pleiweis´ autobiography "Slomljeno sidro" (Broken Anchor), and he was having problems with his coleagues, so they found one letter of his with the autograph "Pleiweis", and he was condemned because "he liked to write his name in German"...

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Solaris on February 09, 2012, 10:17:20 pm
Pratim ovu raspravu i sad ću blufnut nešto stvarno OT ali..
Dali se izraz "plajvaz" koristio za neku olovku ili kredu - nekad davno ?

sory poz.

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: kilezr on February 09, 2012, 10:29:40 pm

 Što bubnti? Potpuno si u pravu! Olovka se ranije zvala plajvaz, često je i sada u upotrebi taj izraz.

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: kumbor on February 09, 2012, 11:37:51 pm
to je od BLEIWEISS, tj. upravo OLOVKA., pisaljka sa jezgrom od olova.

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Solaris on February 10, 2012, 10:35:58 am
Hvala, ovdje kod nas ima izraz "lapiš" za onu građevinsku olovku ali da dalje ne idemu u OT.


Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Dili on February 11, 2012, 06:15:36 am
What was the rank of Mr. Pleiwiess ?

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Akagi77 on February 11, 2012, 10:57:42 am
His final rank in the RYN was Captain (kapetan bojnog broda), and he was commanding the Northern Defence Sector (Maritime Coastal Defence of the Northern Adriatic) with the seat at Selce, near Crikvenica. After ordering the destruction of his base and scuttling of seven coastal passenger steamers in the Bay of Klimno on Krk Island, he proceeded along the coast, reached river Zrmanja and scuttled Malinska at Obrovac, to fly over Bosnia and Croatia on foot with a score of his sailors and other military personel of the dissolved RY military forces. He finally reached his home town in Slovenia. He was held responsible for death of colonel Petar Kvaternik, brother of Ustasha "Military Leader" Slavko Kvaternik, who was shot after being already taken in custody of Pleiweis at Crikvenica, where he was attempting to resume power in name of NDH. During the war Pleiweis remained in Slovenia, under Italian occupation, and only after the war he participated somehow in the building of the new Yugoslav navy, but I think that he was not reactivated any more.

Title: Re: Italian engineers recovering Royal Yugoslav Minesweeper?
Post by: Dili on February 17, 2012, 10:10:17 pm
Thanks Akagi77.