Vojna istorija => Avioni => Topic started by: duje on July 29, 2012, 05:16:04 am

Title: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: duje on July 29, 2012, 05:16:04 am

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, koji  je u sastavu zračnih snaga SAD služio tokom čitava drugog svjetskog rata, možda je najglasovitiji  avion  SAD u ratu. Njegov razvoj u prvoj polovini tridesetih godina pokazuje s kakvim su se elanom Amerikanci bavili pitanjima preciznog teškog bombardera u vrijeme kad se veći dio evropskih projekata bombarderskih aviona odnosio na kategoriju srednjih bombardera.

B-17 je bio projektiran  1934. godine na osnovu zahtjeva što ga je u maju izdao Zrakoplovni korpus armije SAD tražeći projekt višemotornog bombardera koji će biti sposoban da teret najmanje 900kg  prenese na udaljenosti od najmanje 1.640km brzinom od 322km/h  ili više. Kako je kompanija radila na jednom drugom većem bombarderu,  Modelu  294 ili XB-15, odluka da sudjeluje i  u natječaju za novi avion bila je riskantna. Rad na  nacrtu  i  konstrukciji napredovao je brzo i prototip Modela 299, kako je firma Boeing označila novi avion, prvi put je poletio u julu 1935. Taj se prototip ponekad pogrešno spominje kao  XB-17. Za pogon su služila četri zvijezdasta  motora  Pratt & Whitney R-1690 Hornet po 750KS, defanzivno naoružanje sastojalo se od pet pojedinačnih mitraljeza od 7,62mm, a ponjeti  je mogao teret od 2.177kg bombi. Iako je taj prototip bio uništen u udesu, njegove su performanse toliko obećavale da je USAAC  naručio pretproizvodnu partiju od 14 aviona YB-17, koji je u decembru dobio novu oznaku Y1B-17. Prvi primjerak  isporučen je u decembru 1936. sa  zvijezdastim motorom Wright  GR-1820 od 930KS. Prvih 13 aviona Y1B-17 bilo je dovršeno po  tom standardu, dok je četrnaesti izgrađen kao jedini model Y1B-17A u toj  pariji s motorima opskrbljenim turbokompresorom. S takvim motorima povećana je maksimalna brzina na 501k/h, a operativni plafon na 9.144m, pa su oni korišteni za sve daljnje modela  B-17.

Poslije izvršenih ispitivanja, model  Y1B-17 dobio je novu oznaku B-17, a model  Y1B-17A ozmaku B-17A. Kako je mornarica SAD  stavila prigovor na avion kojim se pokušava prisvojiti njeno pravo da brani obale Amerike, planiran veliki broj aviona B-17 koje je USAAC namjeravao nabaviti morao je biti smanjen.   Godine  1938.  Naručen  je prvi stvarno proizvodni model, B-17B koji je imao veće vertikalno kormilo, veće flapsove i modificiran nos aviona.  Model  B-17B izgrađen je u 39 primjeraka. Proizvodnja modela  B-17C, kojih je bilo naručeno 38 komada,  započela je 1939. godine.  Taj je model  mogao ponjeti  veću težinu u polijetanju, poboljšani su mu motori i naoružanje. Poslije B-17C slijedila su u 1941. godini 42 aviona modela  B-17D. Avion B-17D se samo neznatno razlikovao od svog prethodnika i  bio je prva varijanta “leteće tvrđave”  koja je u sastavu  USAAF ušla u borbu. Veći broj tih aviona uništen je na zemlji prilikom iznenadnog  japanskog  napada na Havaje i Filipinsko otočja u decembri 1941.

Sljedeći model  koji je ušao u naoružanje bio je B-17E, znatno modificiran tip, pri čemu su korištena iskustva što su jih posade Kraljevskih zračnih snaga stekle u borbi. Godine  1941. dobio je RAF deset aviona B-17C, koji su u njegovu sastavu nosili  naziv Fortress I,  a iskustva u borbi pokazala su da je defanzivno naoružanje od jednog mitraljeza  kaibra 7,62mm i šest kalibra 12,7mm sasvim nedovoljno. Prvi od 512 izgrađenih aviona B-17E isporučen je USAAF-u  u  oktorbru 1941, a karaktriziralo ga je potpuno revidirano defanzivno naoružanje i  mnogo veće repne površine, čime je omogućeno bolje upravljanje avionom na velikim visinama. Naoružanje tog novog modela sastojalo se od kupola s po dva mitraljeza od 12,7mm na repu aviona, leđnom i  trbušnom dijelu,  te dva mitraljeza od 12,7mm na bokovima trupa i  dva od 7,62mm u nosu. Teret bombi, koji je kod modela B-17 bio 4.761kg, povećan na 7.983kg za male udaljenosti. Iznenađuje što je B-17E, iako mu je ukupno opterećenje poraslo za 2.880kg, dok su mu  za pogon još uvjek služili zvijezdasti  motori  Wright R-1820-65 od  1.200KS, kave je imao i model  B-17C, postizao maksimalnu brzinu od 510km/h na visini od 7.620m, prema 468km/h prethodnog modela na istoj visini. B-17E uključen je u operacije na pacifičkom ratištu u decembru 1941, a na evropskom u julu 1941. Korišten je bio u prvom napadu Osme zrakoplovne armije SAD  na Evropu 17. Augusta 1941.

Međutim, u maju  1942. Pojavio  se  B-17F izgrađen na osnovi iskustva koja su B-17D stekli opreirajući na Pacifiku u mjesecima neposredno poslije japanskog napada na Pearl Harbor. Imao je nov, u jednom komadu odliven nos od “perspexa”, poboljšan motor R-1820-97, te ojačan stajni  trap, što mu je omogučavao da se opterećenje u polijetanju od 24.494kg poveća na 29.484kg, a na kraju i  na 32.659kg. Daljnji elementi su mu dodavani  kasnije u toku proizvodnje, ili su mu jih dodavale jedinice prve borbene linije, a radilo se obično o zaštitnom oklopu, defanzivnom naoružanju i  povećanju zapremine rezervoara za gorivo u krilima. Na kraju je, ponovnom ugradnjom nosača pod krilima, omogućeno tom modelu da ponese teret od 9.435kg bombi  na vrlo kratke udaljenosti. Proizvodnja  B-17F iznosila je u svemu 3.405 aviona. Međutim, uprkos svim modifikacijama, B-17F trpio je još uvjek teške gubitke nad Evropom, osobito od strane njemačkih lovaca , čiji su piloti otkrili da je nos slaba točka “leteće tvrđave”.

U nastojanju da doskoči njemačkim frontalnim napadima, kojima je bio razlog slabo naoružanje u nosu aviona, firma Boeing  je razvila model  B-17G, koji je prvi put poletio u julu 1943. Taj je model imao kupolu ispod nosa  aviona  s parom mitraljeza od 12,7mm, kakva je bila korištena kod zadnjih  aviona modela  B-17F, a kasniji avioni  serijske proizvodnje imali su poboljšan i  turbokompresor,  čime je povećan i operativni plafon za 1.524m, tj. na 10.668m. Jedinice prve borbene linije izvršile su  i  mnoge druge modifikacije. Prioizvodnja B-17G, zadnje varijante osnovnog modela B-17, iznosila je u svemu 8.680 aviona.

Sveukupna proizvodnja tipa B-17 dosegla je brojku 12.731 aviona i “leteća tvrđava”  je s velikim uspjehom služila kao standardni dnevni  teški  bombarder  USAAF-a  u Evropi,  Jugoistočnoj  Aziji i na sjeverozapadnom Pacifiku. Međutim,  1946. godine ostalo jih je još samo nekoliko stotina u službi. Glavni nedostatak B-17 bio što je po projektu taj model  bio srednji  bombarder, pa i  ako je kasije u ratu mogao ponjeti vrlo veliki teret bombi, bilo je to samo na uštrb akcionog radijusa. Druga mana bila mu  je što se i suviše lako zapalio kad bi bio pogođen neprijateljskom vatrom.

Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress

-Tip: teški bombarder sa deset članova posade
-Motori: četri zrakom hlađena zvijezdasta Wright R-1820-97 Cyclone 9 sa po devet cilindara, svaki snage 1.200KS u polijetanju  i  1.000KS na 7.620m
-Naoružanje: defanzivno – dva pokretljiva mitraljeza Browning M2, 12,7mm  u kupoli ispod nosa, trbušnoj kupoli, leđnoj kupoli i repnoj kupoli ; i četri mitraljeza Brownig M2 od 12,7mm po jedan na dva položaja s obje strane nosa i dva položaja s obe strane trupa;  ofanzivno 7.983kg bombi
-Maksimalna brzina: 462km/h na 7.620m s normalnim teretom bombi
-Brzina krstarenja: 258km/h na 7.620m, s 1.814kg bombi
-Penjanje: 6.096m za 37min
-Operativni plafon: 10.851m
-Dolet: 2.897km pri brzini 258km/h s 1.814kg bombi;  5.472km bez ratnog tereta
-Težine: 16.391kg prazan; 24.948kg opterećen
-Razmah krila: 31,64m
-Dužina: 22,78m
-Visina: 5,82m
-Površina krila: 131,92m²

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: duje on July 29, 2012, 05:21:48 am

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: duje on July 29, 2012, 05:29:55 am

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Solaris on November 02, 2014, 07:18:44 pm
Start-up , taxi and takeoff Boeing B-17G . Both aircraft belong to the Collins foundation, the B-17 is known as "909"

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Bozo13 on October 29, 2015, 09:05:00 am

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Bozo13 on March 20, 2016, 05:14:59 pm

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Kuzma® on June 20, 2016, 04:37:21 pm
Obaranje iznad Nisa


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Solaris on April 24, 2017, 04:34:01 pm

See the inside of a B-17 Flying Fortress. Come visit the museum and help contribute to make this warbird airworthy again! Ongoing restoration.

Also at the museum I met a WWII Veteran who is credited with shooting down 2 German aircraft, a Bf109 and a Fw190 from the Ball Turret on his B-17. Wilbur Richardson

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: momo PT61 on April 25, 2017, 03:20:27 am
prototip x299

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: momo PT61 on April 25, 2017, 03:37:57 am
Prve tvrdjave u borbi-b17mk-1 u RAF Bombarder Command

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on November 30, 2017, 04:34:11 pm

B-17, 91st bomb Group


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 01, 2017, 06:44:26 pm
Nov 21, 1944 - B 17 43-38147 "Fuddy Duddy" was declared MIA when the ship failed to return to base. It was confirmed 7 KIA and 3 POW.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 01, 2017, 10:02:25 pm

Sergeant Harold Rogers of the 401st Bomb Group with his dog mascot "Mister". in the waist gun position of a B-17 Flying Fortress nicknamed "Un Petit Peu".


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 02, 2017, 03:06:01 pm

Ground crew work on the engine of a 422nd Bomb Squadron, 305th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortress (JJ-V, serial number 42-29641) nicknamed "Black Swan" at Chelveston airfield in late June 1943


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 02, 2017, 05:44:37 pm

B-17 je bio projektiran  1934. godine na osnovu zahtjeva što ga je u maju izdao Zrakoplovni korpus armije SAD tražeći projekt višemotornog bombardera koji će biti sposoban da teret najmanje 900kg  prenese na udaljenosti od najmanje 1.640km brzinom od 322km/h  ili više. Kako je kompanija radila na jednom drugom većem bombarderu,  Modelu  294 ili XB-15, odluka da sudjeluje i  u natječaju za novi avion bila je riskantna. Rad na  nacrtu  i  konstrukciji napredovao je brzo i prototip Modela 299, kako je firma Boeing označila novi avion, prvi put je poletio u julu 1935. Taj se prototip ponekad pogrešno spominje kao  XB-17.

Ovaj bi trebalo da je XB-17, prvi let je obavljen na današnji dan.

2 Dec 1936: Boeing YB-17 (36-149) made its first flight


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 03, 2017, 03:16:22 pm

B-17 G " Powerful Poodle " take`s a direct hit from flak over Ludwigshafen, Germany, during her tenth and last sortie. She went down at 11:25 Nov 5, 1944, all of the crew were killed.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 03, 2017, 03:25:00 pm

American 8th Air Force Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bombing raid on the Focke-Wulf factory in Germany, 9 October 1943.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 04, 2017, 08:03:07 pm

B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 91st Bomb Group fly in formation.



Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on December 10, 2017, 04:22:57 pm

B-17 Flying Fortresses, including (serial number 42-37806) of the 390th Bomb Group fly through flak, 16 December 1943


B-17 Flying Fortresses, including (serial number 42-37806) of the 96th Bomb Group fly through flak


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: MOTORISTA on December 29, 2017, 01:58:16 pm
Jedan presek.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: MOTORISTA on January 01, 2018, 09:36:41 am
Jedno poređenje sa drugim bombarderima USAAF/USAF kroz istoriju.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 16, 2018, 09:15:32 am

Engineers work to complete the runway, in time for the first B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-3123) nicknamed ,"Ron Chee" of the 381st Bomb Group to touch down.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 20, 2018, 11:47:33 am

Personnel of the 401st Bomb Group watch a B-17 Flying Fortress land at Deenethorpe


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 20, 2018, 11:49:33 am

A B-17 Flying Fortress (2C-O, serial number 43-38028) of the 838th Bomb Squadron, 487th Bomb Group flies through flak


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 20, 2018, 11:52:45 am

Ground personnel of the 91st Bomb Group fit a nose turret to a B-17 Flying Fortress (42-3506) nicknamed "Sir Baboon McGoon" at Tannington, December 1943.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 20, 2018, 12:16:35 pm

B-17 Flying Fortresses, including (DF-F, serial number 42-97880) nicknamed "Little Miss Mischief", of the 91st Bomb Group fly in formation during a mission.


Fred Heiser, a pilot of the 385th Bomb Group, and his crew sit atop the wing of a B-17 Flying Fortress (42-32059) nicknamed "Poltergeist"


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 20, 2018, 02:40:00 pm

B-17 Flying Fortress of the 94th Bomb Group at Bury St Edmunds (Rougham) 1945.


Joe Harlick and Don Caldwell of the 91st Bomb Group sit on the bonnet of a Jeep in front of a B-17 Flying Fortress (42-29837) nicknamed "Lady Luck", 1943


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: lovac on April 20, 2018, 08:10:12 pm
Posle DC-3, ovo je najlepši avion ikada napravljen!  :super

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 07:32:30 am

A 365th Bomb Squadron, 305th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortress ('XK') from above with an engine on fire.


A B-17 Flying Fortress of the 388th Bomb Group in flight


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 07:37:05 am

B-17 Flying Fortresses, including (AW-H, serial number 43-37723) and (QJ-J, serial number 43-37683) of the 96th Bomb Group line up for take off at Snetterton Heath.


The wreck of a B-17 Flying Fortress of the 96th Bomb Group that crash landed on rail tracks at Snetterton Heath.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 07:50:54 am

A flight of 486th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortresses drop their loads of anti-personnel bombs on the target below


A formation of 95th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortresses leave contrails in the sky.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 07:57:23 am

B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 385th Bomb Group after bombing industrial areas in Regensburg, 25 February 1944.


97th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortresses, including (serial number 44-6181), drop their payloads on Lechfeld airdrome on the 12th of September 1944.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 12:39:31 pm

Crewmembers of 305th Bomb Group B-17 "Lallah-V" climb out of the top escape hatch after the aircraft's landing gear collapsed as the aircraft returned from a raid on 29 of July 1943.


A damaged B-17G Flying Fortress (serial number 42-31413) of the 385th Bomb Group after crash-landing at Honington, 13 May 1944.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 12:57:52 pm

B-17E Flying Fortress (serial number 41-9025) used as a hack plane by the 390th Bomb Group in front of the control tower at Framlingham.


A B-17 Flying Fortress (RD-D, serial number 42-29524) nicknamed "Meat Hound" of the 423rd Bomb Squadron, 306th Bomb Group


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 01:04:29 pm

Ground personnel of the of the 388th Bomb Group work on the engines of a B-17 Flying Fortress nicknamed "Tom Paine".


A group of fitters at work rivetting and patching over the flak holes in the fuselage of a 447th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortresses that had been on the 8 March 1944 Berlin raid.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 01:23:38 pm

The B-17 Flying Fortress was famous for its durability. This B-17 Hang the Expense of the 100th Bomber Squadron of the USAAF rests in an England.


Airmen of the 379th Bomb Group insepct the damaged tail of a B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-39789).


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 01:27:40 pm

Two airmen of the 398th Bomb Group examine the damaged tail of a B-17 Flying Fortress.


The fire damaged nose of a B-17G Flying Fortress (serial number 42-31289) nicknamed "Belle of Maryland" of the 410th Bomb Squadron, 94th Bomb Group.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 21, 2018, 02:17:17 pm

A silhouetted B-17 Flying Fortress in flight.


A B-17 Flying Fortress (**-Y, serial number 42-102557) nicknamed "Ice Cold Katie" of the 306th Bomb Group.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 12:04:20 pm

Air crew posing on Jeep in front of B-17F "Our Gang" of 324th BS, 91st BG, US 8th Air Force, Bassingbourn, England


Crew of B-17F Flying Fortress bomber "Memphis Belle" at an airbase in England, United Kingdom, 7 June 1943


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 12:08:34 pm

B-17 bomber formation


B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 43-97968) of the 486th Bomb Group bombs the target during a mission


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 12:22:08 pm

American airmen posing with the side machine gun of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber, May 1942.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 12:34:58 pm

The crew of a 97th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 41-24392) play poker near the tail of their aircraft


The crew of B-24J Liberator bomber "Upstairs Maid" being briefed before a mission, Saipan, Mariana Islands, 1945.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 12:43:39 pm

The chin turret of a Boeing B-17G bomber with the cowling removed, revealing its six .50 caliber machine guns (June 17, 1944)


Two ground crewmen of the 96th Bomb Group work on the ball turret of a B-17 Flying Fortress


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 12:45:13 pm

B-17G cockpit


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 12:57:29 pm

B-17s in formation


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 01:04:08 pm

91st Bomb Group, B-17 Flying Fortress (42-29837), 1943


B-17G Fortresses of the 381st Bomb Group in flight, Summer-Fall 1944


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 01:12:28 pm

Boeing B-17F-10-BO Flying Fortress 41-24485 "Memphis Belle" Captain Robert K. Morgan assigned to the 91st Bombardment Group


Crew of B-17F Flying Fortress bomber "Memphis Belle" returning from their 25th mission, England, United Kingdom, 7 June 1943


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 02:05:56 pm

A B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-30651) of the 385th Bomb Group in flight


B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 43-97968) of the 486th Bomb Group bombs the target during a mission


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 09, 2018, 04:42:35 pm

B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 390th Bomb Group break formation on their return from a mission


B-17F Flying Fortress bombers bombing Bremen, Germany through clouds with the aid of radar, 13 November 1943.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 11, 2018, 09:40:44 am

Ground crew at work loading up a 305th Bomb Group B-17 Flying Fortress with bombs for another raid


Ground personnel of the 91st Bomb Group work on the engines of a B-17 Flying Fortress nicknamed "Nine O Nine"


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 11, 2018, 10:04:08 am

Boeing B-17F of the 95th Bomb Group with damage to the No. 3 engine. (U.S. Air Force photo)


B-17G Fortress ,"Miss Donna Mae II" drifted under another bomber on a bomb run over Berlin, 19 May 1944. A 1,000 lb bomb from above tore off horizontal stabilizer


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 11, 2018, 12:14:01 pm

B-17F Fortress aircraft of the 91st BG, 8th Air Force executing a low fly-over during a demonstration at Bassingbourn, England


The legendary Don Bullock was well known for his low level flying... in particular in B-17s


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 13, 2018, 02:28:37 pm

Ground personnel of the 97th Bomb Group reservice a B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 41-9023) nicknamed "Yankee Doodle", following the raid on Rouen.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 13, 2018, 02:39:35 pm

B-17 Flying Fortresses, (serial number 42-31614), (VP-P, serial number 42-32025) nicknamed "Dreambaby", and (VP-W) of the 381st Bomb Group fly in formation during a practice mission


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 13, 2018, 02:52:23 pm

B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-10706) nicknamed "Miss Bea Havin'" of the 388th Bomb Group flies over countryside


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 13, 2018, 03:24:15 pm

Ground personnel of the 100th Bomb Group work on a B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-102657) nicknamed "Boss Lady"


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 15, 2018, 11:23:23 am

A B-17 Flying Fortress, fitted with a chin turret, of the 486th Bomb Group


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 15, 2018, 11:27:46 am

The fire damaged wreckage of B-17G serial 42-31513 (coded OR-S) of the 323rd Bomb Squadron, 91st Bomb Group


The fire damaged wreckage of B-17G serial 42-31513 (coded OR-S) of the 323rd Bomb Squadron, 91st Bomb Group


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 15, 2018, 12:22:57 pm
B-17, 305th Bomb Group personnel


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 15, 2018, 12:25:01 pm

B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-3123) of the 381st Bomb Group


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 15, 2018, 12:27:38 pm

A B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-3089) of the 96th Bomb Group and a P-47 Thunderbolt (serial number 42-8190) of the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 15, 2018, 02:28:32 pm

B-17 Flying Fortress of the 379th Bomb Group in flight 16 March 1944


B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 306th Bomb Group in flight during a mission


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 18, 2018, 04:48:14 pm

Nisam znao za ovaj podatak.

The Germans captured about 40 B-17s, and they restored about a dozen to flight capability


Zna li se nešto o upotrebi, da li su ih nemci koristili za bombardovanje?

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: lovac on October 18, 2018, 07:06:58 pm
Kako su ih zarobili?

Najverovatnije se radi o avionima koji su zbog raznoraznih kvarova sleteli na teritoriju koja je bila pod kontrolom nemaca i njihovih saveznika, ili nešto drugo?

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: vathra on October 18, 2018, 08:40:21 pm
Оштећени авиони који су слетели.
Са њих су скидали и моторе, ако остатак није био исправан.

Јединица се звала KG-200, није служила за бомбардовање него за специјалне мисије.
Има неколико извештаја америчких посада које су виделе да их прати непознати бомбардер ван формације, могуће да су са тим авионима скидали прецизно податке о висини и курсу.

Иначе су кориштени и код нас. Геринг је изјавио да су их користили за инфилтрацију агената на Балкану после ослобођења.

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 21, 2018, 07:40:03 am

Airmen of the 388th Bomb Group climb aboard their B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-30793) nicknamed "Tom Paine" before a mission


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 21, 2018, 10:24:25 am

A crew chief watches closely for signs of fire as the B-17 is started at a base in England


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 21, 2018, 10:38:25 am

B-17 Flying Fortress nicknamed "The Mudhen"


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 21, 2018, 10:59:25 am

A bomber crew of the 94th Bomb Group prepare to board a pathfinder B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 44-8457) nicknamed "Rapid City Spook"


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 21, 2018, 11:45:21 am

A bomber crew of the 100th Bomb Group prepare to board a B-17 Flying Fotress (serial number 42-102649) nicknamed Lady Geraldine


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 21, 2018, 12:20:26 pm

Gunners of the 95th Bomb Group on the wing of B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-97232 ) nicknamed "Sandy's Refueling Boys", August 1944.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 22, 2018, 03:23:24 pm

Groundcrew members tending to B-17F Fortress "Berlin Sleeper II" of the 342nd Bomb Squadron at Polebrook Air Base, late 1944.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on October 24, 2018, 03:15:19 pm

B-17 naoružan "Dizni bombom" (

B-17 Flying Fortress of the 92nd Bomb Group fitted with Disney Bombs taxying at Podington.

A 4500 lb Concrete Piercing rocket-assisted bunker buster bomb developed during WW2 by the Royal Navy to penetrate hardened concrete such as submarine pens, which could resist conventional free-fall bombs. Devised by Royal Navy Captain Edward Terrell, the bomb was fitted with solid-fuel rockets to accelerate its descent, giving it an impact speed of 990 mph (1,590 km/h) — substantially beyond the 750 mph (1,210 km/h) free-fall impact velocity[5] of the 5 tonne Tallboy "earthquake" bomb for comparable purposes. The Disney could penetrate 16 ft (4.9 m) of solid concrete before detonating. The name is attributed to a propaganda film produced by the Walt Disney Studios, that provided the inspiration for the design.



Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: kosta1961 on September 18, 2019, 04:11:22 pm

Švedski Putnički B 17

Jedna od zanimljivih  stranica istorije ovog legendarnog aviona je i njegovo pretvaranje u putnički još za vreme rata.

Švedska je pre rata razvijala svoju civilnu avijaciju,proširivanjem ruta čak do SAD.To se nije ostvarilo pa su  nastavili pregovore i za vreme rata.Medjutim početkom rata mogućnosti su postale veoma ograničene,pa su leteli gde su mogli.Tokom 1942g Švedska je održavala kurirsku avio liniju sa Škotskom ,to sa nekoliko DC 3 obojenih narandžasto.On je za to bio spor i uvek je bilo straha da će biti oboren.To se i dogodilo pa su dva izgubljena. Jednog  je oborio (Douglas DC-3-268 ,SE-BAG) oktobra 1943g ,gde je poginulo 13 putnika,noćni lovac Junkers Ju 88. Jedan oštećen je nekako došao do okoline Stoholma i prinudno sleteo.

Tokom 1943g je osnovana avio kompanija -"Svensk Interkontinental Lufttrafik AB" (SILA),kao privatna firma,koja je oslobodjena politike i uticaja vlade.Dobili su prava za prevoz u SAD,i odmah je naručeno deset Douglas  DC­4.Ali,biće isporučeni kad se rat završi.U firmi SILA se razmišlalo šta da se radi.

Kada su SAD krenule da lete iznad Evrope,ošećeni avioni su sletali ,ako mogu, tamo gde će biti bezbedni.Tako je ,po nekim podacima,bilo oko 70 avijatičara koji su se našli u neutralnoj Švedskoj.Avioni i avijatičari su zarobljeni.Vojska SAD je tražila da vrate ljude,koji su im bili preko potrebni,ali i avione.Švedjani su se dosetili pa su pregovarali sa SAD da uzmu  avione u zamenu za avijatičare.Dogovoreno je da firmi SILA prodaju 10 aviona B 17 ,za 1 dolar ali da vrate ljude.

Ipak do kraja rata nije bilo letova iz Švedske do SAD.Leteli su iz Škotske,od oktobra 1944g,do avgusta 1947g.Igrom slučaja jedan od njih je preživeo do danas,pa je vraćen u predjašnje sanje.

Na kraju dobili su devet aviona,tri su ostavili za delove a ostale su prebacili u fabrike SAAB-a.Pretvaranje aviona u putnički je zahtevalo sklanjanje svu vojnu opremu,stavljanje švedske letačke opreme(radio uredjaji,tabla sa instrumentima po svedskom standardu),pilotskakabina promenjena za  dva pilota,radistu i navigatora  ,produženje nosa aviona( zbog centraže,jer je rep koriščen za tovarni prostor 1,8m³),pretvaranje dela za bombe u prostor za stvari(dizalica za bombe je iskorišćena za podizanje torbi).Unutrašnost podeljena na dve putnikče kabine i mali toalet u repu.Prva je imala osam sedišta,a druga sa svake strane kabine po tri udobne fotelje .Sa strane ,na trupu,napravljeni su novi prozori.Ulaz je paravljen na desnoj strani trupa.Kabine su bile zvučno izolovane i grajale su se.Obojeni su kamuflađnom bojom spolja(verovatno zelenom) sa velikim žutim natpisom sa starne na trupu "Sweden"


Posao je tajao 6 meseci,(prva tri završena u septembru,a ostali u novembru)a avion je označen kao F -17(navodno po Felix Hardeson,američki vojni ataše u Švedskoj).Ceo  posao je koštao 50000 dolara.
Prvi let je obavljen u oktobru 1944g za Prestwick,i to se nastavilo do krajarata.Nakon rata su leteli za Now York.Evropu,Afriku i južnu Ameriku,sve do avgusta 1947g,kada su stigli DC 4.Posle su neki prodati drugim zemljama.

Jedan od prvih prepravljenih u Švedskoj


Danska je sa nekima od njih letela do 1961g.Jedan je prodat French Institut Géographique National ,gde je leteo za potrebe snimanja zemlje iz vazduha.Pri zadnjem sletanju je oštećen ,pa je gurnut na kraj aerodroma.Otkriven je od istoričara vazduhoplovstva 1968g,pa je prenet u SAD,gde je obnovljen i vraćen u prvobitno stanje.Za razliku od drugih B 17 koji su obnovljeni,ovaj je bio u akcijama za vreme rata.

Avion koji je završio u Danskoj.

Razmah krila  31,6m
Dužina preko svega  23,7m
Visina 4,7m
Površina krila  138m²
Težina praznog aviona 18 150kg
Maksimalna poletna visina  25 850kg
Maksimalna brzina 415km/h
Krstareća brzina  305km/h
Maksimalna daljina leta 4830km
Maksimalna visina leta 10 600m

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on September 22, 2019, 08:11:58 am

How the Japanese obtained American B-17s and how they used them.

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: lovac on September 22, 2019, 09:28:38 pm

Švedski Putnički B 17

Maksimalna daljina leta 4830km
Maksimalna visina leta 10 600m

Nije mi jasno da li B-17 može zaista preleteti toliku razdaljinu, sa svojim tankovima za gorivo?
Ako leti na toj visini, putnička kabina mora biti hermetizovana i klimatizovana - da li je B-17 to imao?

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: kumbor on September 23, 2019, 09:23:46 am
Ja mislim da za svaki let iznad 4.000m putnički avion MORA imati regulaciju pritiska u kabini.Pa još i tada, pre 70 godina!

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: kosta1961 on September 23, 2019, 02:40:13 pm
To maksimalna visina do koje može doći,ne znači da će sa putnicima letli na toj visini!
Na kojoj visini su pre rata leteli putnički avioni?

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: MOTORISTA on October 03, 2019, 05:34:55 am
Пет погинулих у паду „летеће тврђаве” из Другог светског рата
среда, 02.10.2019.

ХАРТФОРД - Најмање пет људи погинуло је у паду бомбардера из времена Другог светског рата у близини Међународног аеродрома Бредли, северно од Хартфорда у америчкој држави Конектикат, саопштили су званичници.

Авион Б-17 са четири мотора, у којем је било 13 путника, срушио се и запалио приликом неуспешног покушаја узлетања, док је пилот настојао да га поново приземљи, преноси АП.

„Летелица је у ваздуху била неколико минута, када је пилот пријавио проблем са достизањем висине”, рекли су званичници, преноси Танјуг. Авион Б-17 на аеродрому је раније ове недеље изложила едукативна група Колингс фондација. Само неколико оваквих авиона је у техничком стању да могу да лете. Авиони дуги 23 метра, са распоном крила 32 метра, коришћени су у дневним бомбардовањима Немачке током Другог светског рата.

То су биле изузетно ризичне мисије које су помогле да се разбије нацистичка ратна машина, наводи АП. Колингс фондација је саопштила да се исти авион срушио на аеро-митингу у близини Питсбурга 1987. године, када је повређено неколико људи.


Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: MOTORISTA on October 24, 2020, 08:15:10 am

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: MOTORISTA on January 07, 2021, 09:19:59 am

Kada je Bf-109 poštedeo B-17.

Susret dva pilota:

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: MOTORISTA on February 13, 2021, 12:21:05 pm

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 19, 2021, 09:09:34 am

The Swoose - B-17 Flying Fortress with an Unusual Tail

The Swoose is one of the most iconic aircraft of World War 2. Originally called Ole Betsy, this B-17D Flying Fortress aircraft was part of the team that flew the first U.S. bomber mission during the war.

The B-17 received its official nickname, The Swoose, when Australian repairmen changed its tail to a smaller shark-shaped fin. The tail reminded Captain Weldon Smith of a popular song about a tormented animal that was half-swan and half-goose

But no one was quite as smitten with The Swoose as Colonel Frank Kurtz. The personal pilot of Lieutenant General George Brett, commander of the Allied Air Forces in Australia, became fascinated with the aircraft and even named his child after the plane.

Together they carried out many air combat missions, but Kurtz was determined to make history and set off to break a few records...

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on April 25, 2021, 09:56:23 am

The Outrageous Custom Modified B-17 with 16 .50 Caliber Machine Guns

In 1943, a B-17 Flying Fortress laid low in a boneyard, ready to be torn apart for scraps. The aircraft came with a questionable reputation, having suffered heavy damage during its warfare missions. Many believed this was due to its ominous tail number, 41-2666.

But the aircraft was salvaged by a group of nine so-called military renegades led by pilot Jay Zeamer. Renamed as Old 666, the misfits put so many weapons on the aircraft that it looked almost comical, and the plane became the most heavily-armed bomber in the Pacific.

During one dangerous operation over New Guinea, the heavily-armored B-17 put all its weaponry to good use, taking part in one of the most decorated missions in American military history…

Title: Re: Boeing B-17, Flying Fortress
Post by: Dreadnought on September 26, 2021, 02:57:20 pm

The B-17 that Landed with No One On Board

On the early morning of November 23, 1944, a Royal Air Force antiaircraft unit stationed in the outskirts of Cortonburg, Belgium, spotted a 35,000-pound B-17 Flying Fortress flying towards them.

As the unscheduled aircraft continued to approach at high speed with its landing gears down, the base's personnel assumed it was an emergency landing.

Prepared for the worst, everyone watched as the B-17 uncontrollably landed in a nearby field. The soldiers waited for the crew to come out, but no one did.

Major John V. Crisp then came on board and found no traces of human presence.

The legend of the Ghost Bomber had begun.