Vesti => Kopnena vojska => Topic started by: MOTORISTA on December 22, 2018, 03:41:38 pm

Title: Mađarska nabavlja nove tenkove i samohodne haubice
Post by: MOTORISTA on December 22, 2018, 03:41:38 pm
Mađarska planira nabavku tenkova Leopard 2A4 i 2A7, kao i haubica PzH-2000.


Hungary signs deal to buy dozens of tanks, howitzers from Germany’s KMW
By: Jarosław Adamowski     1 day ago

WARSAW, Poland — As part of efforts to modernize the country’s land forces and replace Soviet-designed gear, the Hungarian Ministry of Defence has awarded a deal for 44 Leopard 2 A7+ tanks and 24 PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers to Germany’s Krauss-Maffei Wegmann.

In addition, Hungary will buy 12 used Leopard 2 A4 tanks for training, KMW said in a statement. The deal was signed Dec. 19 in Budapest. Prior to the signing, Hungarian Defense Minister Tibor Benko met with Frank Haun, the chief executive of KMW, the defense ministry said in a statement.

Benko said he hoped that the contract would further strengthen the cooperation between the Hungarian and German armed forces. The latest development comes shortly after the Hungarian ministry handed an order for 16 H225M multi-purpose helicopters to Airbus. The aircraft are to be fitted with the HForce weapon management system. On Dec. 17, Hungary and Airbus Helicopters also signed a memorandum of agreement to launch industrial cooperation on long-term aviation projects with a focus on manufacturing parts for helicopter dynamic systems.

The latest contracts are part of Hungary’s ten-year Zrinyi 2026 military development program whose principal aim is to upgrade the weapons and equipment of the country’s armed forces.


Title: Re: Mađarska nabavlja nove tenkove i samohodne haubice
Post by: Rade on July 25, 2020, 12:02:38 pm

Оружане снаге Мађарске примиле су прву серију од четири ремонтована и модернизована тенкова Leopard 2A4 које је купила из вишкова немачке војске.

Мађарска је у оквиру активности усмерених на модернизацију својих оружаних снага, децембра 2018. потписала уговор са Немачком о куповини 44 нових тенкова Leopard 2 A7+, 24 самоходних хаубица PzH 2000 и 12 тенкова Leopard 2 A4, који би се користили за обуку војника тенковске специјалности.

Испорука нових тенкова Leopard 2 A7+ се очекује од 2023. године

Према изворима из мађарског министарства одбране, нови тенкови ће заменити старе тенкове Т-72.

Извор: RaportOnline (

Title: Re: Mađarska nabavlja nove tenkove i samohodne haubice
Post by: Rade on August 13, 2022, 07:06:20 am

Započeta je isporuka samohodnih haubica PzH 2000 kalibra 155 mm, koje je Mađarska naručila decembra 2018. godine. Tada je naručeno 44 tenkova Leopard 2A7+ i 24 samohodne haubice PzH-2000.


Fotografije su snimljene na granici Austrije i Mađarske.

Haubice će ući u sastav 101. artiljerijskog diviziona 25. pešadijske brigade, koja je razmeštena u garnizonu Tata na severu Mađarske.

Inače, ovo je jedina artiljerijska jedinica mađarske vojske.
