RV i PVO => Kosmonautika => Topic started by: Dreadnought on April 29, 2021, 10:54:15 am

Title: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 29, 2021, 10:54:15 am

„Harmonija nebesa“: Kina poslala u svemir modul sa prostorijama za stanovanje

Kina je lansirala bespilotni modul koji sadrži prostorije za tri osobe koje će biti nastanjene na trajnoj svemirskoj stanici, a koja bi trebalo da bude završena do kraja 2022. godine, objavili su kineski mediji.

Modul, pod nazivom „Harmonija nebesa“ (Tjanhe na kineskom), lansiran je sa Long marš 5b, najvećeg kineskog nosača raketa, iz svemirskog Venčang lansirnog centra, sa južnog ostrva Hainan.

Tjanhe je jedan od tri glavne komponente koje će sačinjavati prvu samostalnu svemirsku stanicu.

Lansiranje Tjanea je prvi od 11 misija neophodnih da se kompletira svemirska stanica, koja će leteti oko Zemlje na visini od 340 do 450 kilometara.

Rad na svemirskoj stanici je počeo 2011. godine i u tom projektu su učestvovale svemirske laboratorije Tjangong-1 i Tjangong-2.

​Kina je napravila prioritetnim svemirsko istraživanje, sa ciljem da bude vodeća sila u toj oblasti do 2030. godine, prenosi Tanjug.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 29, 2021, 10:55:15 am

China launches key component of permanent space station

China launched an unmanned module on Thursday containing living quarters for three crew on a permanent space station that it plans to complete by the end of 2022, marking another major advance for the country’s space exploration.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 29, 2021, 11:25:49 am

Explainer: Why is China building a new space station?

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 29, 2021, 11:30:22 am

How will China build the Tiangong space station?

What does core module of China's space station look like?

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 29, 2021, 12:14:28 pm

China's space station core module enters planned orbit

The first module of the Chinese space station

The Tianhe (Chinese: 天和; pinyin: Tiānhé; lit. 'Harmony of the heavens'), code name TH, or Tianhe Core Module (TCM) is the foundation element of the Chinese space station, as the final stage of Project 921 Tiangong program, part of the Chinese space program.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 30, 2021, 06:09:03 am

China's space station will have foreign astronauts: official

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 30, 2021, 06:10:59 am

China's first space station core module Tianhe in 60 seconds

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on May 03, 2021, 09:07:38 am

Ogromni deo rakete sa kineske svemirske stanice nekontrolisano kruži oko Zemlje, mogao bi pasti za nekoliko dana

Ogromno telo rakete kruži oko Zemlje van kontrole i moglo bi pasti nazad na planet u sledećih nekoliko dana.

Kina je u sredu lansirala prvi modul nove svemirske stanice koju gradi, "Tjanhe". Objekt težine oko 21 tonu je jezgreni deo kineske rakete “Long marč 5b”, piše “Jahu njuz”. Umesto da padne na prethodno određeno mesto u okeanu, kao što je uobičajeno za odbačene rakete, deo “Long marča 5b” počeo je nekontrolisano da kruži oko planete.

Deo će verovatno pasti nazad na Zemlju u sledećih nekoliko dana, izvestio je “Spejs”.

-Mislim da je prema trenutnim standardima neprihvatljivo dopustiti da se vrati u atmosferu nekontrolisano. Od 1990. ništa teže od 10 tona nije namerno ostavljeno u orbiti da se vrati nekontrolisano – rekao je astronom Džonatan Mekdauel.

Modul je dug oko 30 a širok oko pet metara. Kad ispadne iz svoje orbite možda će izgoreti u našoj atmosferi, ali bi veliki delovi otpada mogli preživeti napad. Većinu planete čini okean i to je najverovatnije gde će delovi da slete, ali i dalje postoji pretnja po naseljena područja.

Putanja modula odvodi ga “malo severnije od Njujorka, Madrida i Pekinga i daleko na jug kao što su južni Čile i Velington, Novi Zeland” – mogao bi da padne bilo gde u tom rasponu.

Kina je lansirala raketu “Long marč 5b” i u maju 2020. da je testira. Njen jezgreni deo takođe je nekontrolisano pao na Zemlju, šest dana nakon lansiranja. Ušao je u našu atmosferu iznad Atlantskog okeana. Lokalni izveštaji su ukazali da su delići pali na Obalu Slonovače.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on May 15, 2021, 10:03:50 am

The Point: Another space station: Cause for concern or celebration?

China successfully launched the core module of a new space station on April 29. It was the first of the 11 planned missions to deliver astronauts, supplies, and laboratory modules to build what will become China's first low-Earth orbital space station called "Tiangong," or "Heavenly Palace" before the end of 2022. China has decided to build a space station through its own efforts that's open to all. The U.S. and China should collaborate in space and whichever other areas where it's necessary, despite legal and political obstacles standing in the way, because everybody will benefit from it.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on May 17, 2021, 03:04:44 pm

Izveštaj američke obaveštajne službe o novoj pretnji

Direktor američke nacionalne obaveštajne službe objavio je izveštaj u kom tvrdi da kineska svemirska stanica koja je u izgradnji predstavlja rizik za nacionalnu bezbednost SAD.

Kineska svemirska stanica u izgradnji namenjena je postizanju vojnih i ekonomskih prednosti koje je Vašington stekao vođstvom u svemiru, navodi se u nedavno objavljenom godišnjem izveštaju direktora američke nacionalne obaveštajne službe.

U izveštaju se tvrdi da je kineska svemirska stanica deo nastojanja zvaničnog Pekinga u kompromitovanju američke bezbednosti.

"Kineska vojska nastaviće da istražuje svemirske usluge, poput satelitskog izviđanja i pozicioniranja, navigacije i proračuna vremena, kao i satelitskih komunikacija u svrhu svog naoružanja i zapovedno-kontrolnih sistema kako bi nagrizli informacijsku prednost američke vojske", piše u izveštaju.

Tvrdi se i da Kina sprema protivsvemirska oružja kojima će ciljati američke satelite.

"Peking nastavlja sa obukom svojih vojnih svemirskih elemenata i sa postavljanjem novog destruktivnog i nedestruktivnog kopnenog i svemirski baziranog antisatelitskog naoružanja", dodaje se u izveštaju.

To znači, prenosi portal Zimo, da Kancelarija direktora američke nacionalne obaveštajne službe veruje da Kinezi razvijaju svemirske letelice koje mogu presresti i zarobiti američke satelite ili zemaljske lasere koji ih mogu omesti u radu.

Kina je već počela da koristi kopnene protivsatelitske rakete namenjene uništavanju satelita u niskoj orbiti oko Zemlje i kopnene lasere koji su verovatno namenjeni oslepljivanju ili oštećivanju osetljivih optičkih senzora na tim satelitima, dodaje se u izveštaju.

Sve navedeno deo je poziva američkih stručnjaka da SAD pripreme svemirski odbrambeni sistem. Mnogi tvrde da je trenutna američka satelitska infrastruktura izrazito ranjiva na napade neprijateljskih zemalja.

Kako se tehnologije vezane za svemirska putovanja sve više razvijaju i postaju sve sofisticiranije, samo je pitanje vremena pre nego što neko nađe način na koji ih može iskoristiti i u oružane svrhe. To za sobom, naravno, povlači i pitanje svemirskih odbrambenih kapaciteta.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on May 19, 2021, 08:56:04 am

Core module of Tiangong space station enters rendezvous orbit

The recently launched core module of #China's Tiangong space station has entered the planned rendezvous orbit. The China Manned Space Agency said the module is now preparing to dock with Tianzhou-2 cargo spaceship that's scheduled to be launched this week. The agency said in a statement on Tuesday that the core module named Tianhe, or Harmony of Heavens, has carried out a series of tests to verify its designs for rendezvous, docking operations, astronaut accommodation and experimental equipment. It said everything is in good shape. On Monday evening Beijing time, the Tianhe core capsule was observed flying over the moon.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on May 30, 2021, 10:03:27 am

China's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft docks with space station module

China's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft docked with Tianhe, the core module of the country's space station, at 5:01 a.m. (Beijing Time) on Sunday, bringing supplies, equipment and propellant, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

The computer-orchestrated rendezvous and docking process took approximately eight hours, the CMSA said. A Long March-7 Y3 rocket carrying Tianzhou-2 blasted off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province at 8:55 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Saturday.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on May 30, 2021, 11:46:21 am
недеља, 30.05.2021.

Кина лансирала летелицу с опремом за своју будућу свемирску станицу у орбити Земље

Кина је у суботу лансирала теретну летелицу с опремом за своју будућу свемирску станицу у орбити око Земље, објавили су државни медији.

Ракета „Дуги марш” од 14 тона с храном, опремом и горивом полетела је с рампе Венчанг на јужном тропском острву Хаинан, јавила је новинска агенција „Синхуа”. Теретна летелица се успешно одвојила од ракете, ушла у орбиту око Земље и отворила соларне панеле за снабдевање струјом, рекла је агенција позивајући се на Кинеску свемирску агенцију (ЦMSA).

За изградњу свемирске станице, назване „Тиангонг” (Небеска палата), требаће десетак лансирања опреме. Станица би требало би да буде потпуно оперативна већ идуће, 2022. године, а очекује се да ће остати у ниској Земљиној орбити 15 година. После очекиваног обустављања рада постојеће, Међународне свемирске станице (ИШ) 2028. године, „Тиангонг” би могла бити једина станица с посадом у Земљиној орбити.

„Прво ћемо транспортовати неопходан материјал за подршку, резервне делове и опрему, а затим посаду”, најавио је директор ЦМСА Хао Чун, преноси агенција.

Пекинг је свом свемирском програму дао милијарде у покушају да сустигне пионире у истраживању свемира - Русију и Сједињене Државе, уз амбициозне планове у Земљиној орбити и слање беспилотних летелица на Месец и Марс. Али Кина је изазвала и жестоке критике, пре свега Сједињених Држава и многих стручњака због потенцијално опасног кршења правила о поступању у свемиру: почетком маја допустила је да велики део једне искоришћене ракете падне на Земљу пошто је у орбиту однео централни део будуће кинеске свемирске станице.

Иако су кинеске власти више пута уверавале да су спремне за међународну сарадњу у својој будућој станици, и даље није јасно како би то било. Али, Европска свемирска агенција (ЕСА) већ је послала астронауте у Кину да се у симулатору обуче за рад у „Тиангонгу”, очекујући завршетак изградње. Почетком овог месеца, Кина је успешно спустила своје прво моторно возило с точковима - „ровер Журонг”, на Марс, као тек трећа земља која је то постигла. Очекује се да ће то возило ускоро почети да прикупља податке о геологији Марса, током три месеца фотографишући и анализирајући узорке на пространој равници лаве на северној хемисфери те планете, преноси Бета.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on May 30, 2021, 02:51:15 pm
недеља, 30.05.2021.

Кина: Ракета се спојила са модулом будуће свемирске станице

Кинеска ракета „Дуги марш 7” са свемирским модулом „Тијанџоу 2” лансирана у суботу, спојила се данас с главним модулом будуће кинеске свемирске станице, објавили су данас државни медији у Пекингу.

Спајање је завршено јутрос у 5.01 по пекиншком времену, пренео је „Гардијан” писање кинеске новинске агенције Синхуа. Кина ће морати да пошаље још десет мисија како би завршила састављање свемирске станице Тјангонг (у преводу - небеска палата) до 2022. године. Ракета је у суботу лансирана са космодрома Венчанг, на острву Хајнан, у Јужном кинеском мору, наводи Танјуг. Свемирски модул „Тијанџоу 2” донео је гориво и неопходне залихе на кинеску орбиталну станицу лансирану 29. априла, преноси АП.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 16, 2021, 09:21:33 am

China's first space station core module Tianhe in 60 seconds

The Tianhe core module is the largest and most complicated spacecraft independently developed by China. It can support astronauts carrying out different scientific and technical experiments in space. The Tianhe core module is the basis, while the next two modules will be assembled later in orbit to form the complete Chinese space station.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on June 17, 2021, 08:48:27 am

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on June 17, 2021, 11:46:44 am

The Shenzhou-12 crewed spacecraft autonomously docked to the Tianhe core module on 17 June 2021, at 07:54 UTC (15:54 China Standard Time). Shenzhou-12 (神舟十二号) transports the first three astronauts, Nie Haisheng (commander), Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, to the China Space Station (中国空间站), informally known as Tiangong (天宫, Heavenly Palace). The Tianhe core module (天和核心舱) is the first and main component of CSS, with the Tianzhou-2 (天舟二号) cargo spacecraft already docked.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on June 17, 2021, 03:05:24 pm
Astronauti stigli na svemirsku stanicu: Kina uspešno korača ka ambicioznom programu
Srna 17.06.2021.

Kineski svemirski brod sa trojicom astronauta spojio se danas sa novom svemirskom stanicom, što je veliki korak napred u ambicioznom svemirskom programu Kine.

Brod "Šenžu-12" spojio se sa modulom "Tijanhe" oko šest časova nakon lansiranja iz svemirskog centra Đijukuan, na obodu pustinje Gobi. Trojica astronauta će živeti u modulu i izvoditi eksperimente, testirati opremu, obavljati poslove održavanja i pripremati stanicu za spajanje sa dva laboratorijska modula sledeće godine, preneo je AP.

Kina je usjela da pošalje 14 ljudi u svemir od 2003. godne i postala je tek treća zemlja, posle bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza i SAD, koja je to uradila samostalno. Vreme putovanja sa Zemlje do stanice u orbiti naše planete skraćeno je sa dva dana kao rezultat "mnogih velikih dostignuća i inovacija", izjavio je državnoj televiziji zamenik glavnog inženjera misije Gao Su. On je rekao da su mnogi sistemi automatizovani ili se kontrolišu sa daljine, što "značajno smanjuje pritisak na astronaute".

"Šenžu-12" je treća od 11 misija, a četiri će biti sa ljudskom posadom, koje su neophodne za završavanje radova na prvoj kineskoj svemirskoj stanici. Gradnja je počela u aprilu lansiranjem najvećeg od tri modula.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Solaris on June 17, 2021, 05:54:38 pm
Lijepo Kinezi napreduju.  :klap


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: fazan on June 17, 2021, 06:11:34 pm
Lijepo Kinezi napreduju.  :klap

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 17, 2021, 06:32:06 pm

The first astronauts on board the China Space Station

Shenzhou-12 hatch opening: the Shenzhou-12 crew entered the Tianhe core moduleon 17 June 2021, at 10:48 UTC (18:48 China Standard Time). Astronauts Nie Haisheng (commander), Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo will spend three months on board Tianhe core module (天和核心舱), the first and main component of the China Space Station (中国空间站), informally known as Tiangong (天宫, Heavenly Palace).

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 17, 2021, 06:34:30 pm

3 astronauts enter China's space station core module

China has successfully launched three astronauts into space, marking a milestone in the country's space program. The astronauts expressed their gratitude and excitement as they entered the core module of the country's first space station.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 18, 2021, 08:15:10 am

China's Space Station Mission: Space Exploration Milestone?

To infinity and beyond – China's Shenzhou-12 spacecraft blasted off from Jiuquan in northwestern China on Thursday morning. This time, a crew of three – Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo – are on board for a three-month visit to China's space station. The Shenzhou-12, which means "Divine Vessels," is the third of 11 missions China planned to complete its space station. Over the last decades, China has sent 11 astronauts into space. This manned mission is the first time China has sent humans into space in nearly five years. Crew members will live on the Tianhe, "Harmony of the Heavens," and the planned three-month stay would set a new record for all Chinese astronauts. With China forging ahead with its space exploration program, what lies ahead for the crew of three in putting the finishing touches on the country's space station? How well can they carry out their mission?

China's Space Station Mission / China a 'Systemic Challenge'?

— A three-man crew was sent to China's space station – what will the three-month mission entail? What does it mean for space exploration?
— China was called a "systemic challenge" at the NATO Summit – a Chinese security pundit sets the record straight on China's defense policy and peaceful growth.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 18, 2021, 10:36:31 am

The Chinese space station has a kitchen to heat food

Over 120 different dishes, including such Chinese classics as Kung Pao chicken, were prepared and delivered to the Chinese space station by Tianzhou-2 last month. Huang Weifen, one of the chief designers of the Chinese manned space program, said the menu was designed to be of high quality and appetizing for astronauts.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 18, 2021, 01:07:22 pm

China promises international space cooperation for more countries

China successfully launched its Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft on June 17, sending three astronauts into low-earth orbit and then into the core module of the space station. It's a huge step forward for the country in its efforts to build a space station by 2022 and it could be seen that international cooperation will play an important role in future research on China's space station. According to Chinese space officials, developing countries will especially be welcome.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 19, 2021, 08:28:23 am

Chinese astronauts dock with Tiangong space station | DW News

A Chinese spacecraft carrying three people has docked successfully with the country's new space station. The Shenzhou-12 rocket blasted off blasted off about six hours earlier to take part in a three-month mission to set up experiments and prepare for a series of space walks. This latest mission is considered a significant step forward in establishing Beijing as a major player in space.

For the next three months, the crew of three will live in a module slightly larger than a city bus, carrying out experiments, going on space walks, and preparing the station for completion next year.
China’s space agency will be monitoring the astronauts to see how they handle the time away from Earth.

China's space program is mostly homegrown. The United States Congress forbade NASA from cooperating with China ten years ago. It cited concerns over the Chinese space program's secretive nature, and its connections to the military.

The International Space Station, launched in 1998, has hosted astronauts from over a dozen different nations - but for China, it's off limits.

Beijing's response? We'll build one ourselves. While the ISS reaches the end of its lifespan, China plans to complete its station by next year. And when it does, it will be in a position to decide who can come aboard.

While there's still work to be done on the space station, China is already looking ahead to its next project, a proposed lunar base that it's planning together with Russia.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 19, 2021, 08:32:47 am

Wi-Fi up and running in China's Tianhe core module

Setting up Wi-Fi, unboxing supplies delivered from Earth… the astronauts are busy with housewarming at their new home in China's Tianhe space station core module about 400 kilometers above Earth. During their three-month stay, the astronauts will conduct experiments and space walks. They'll use robotic arms to install equipment and check for any issues.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 19, 2021, 09:54:52 am

Robotic arm to play important role in performing tasks on Tiangong space station

The three Chinese astronauts on board the Shenzhou-12 spaceship entered the country's space station core module Tianhe on Thursday and will carry out spacewalks to put the finishing touches on the station's exterior. The robotic arm on Tianhe, with its high intelligence, will facilitate the astronauts in completing these tasks.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 19, 2021, 01:11:41 pm

Explore astronauts' 'gym' at the Chinese space station

Let's take a look at the full-sized model of the Tianhe core module and check out the "space gym" at the space station which is equipped with a bicycle, "space treadmill" and other machines to help the astronauts work out.

The major tasks to be carried out by Shenzhou-12 crew members

China on Thursday launched the crewed Shenzhou-12 spacecraft, sending three astronauts to its space station core module Tianhe for a three-month mission. The Shenzhou-12 crew will complete four major tasks in orbit, let's take a look.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 21, 2021, 10:32:54 am

Is there a night shift in the space station?

To ensure the safety and stability of the system, astronauts (also known as taikonauts in China) used to take turns on "night shift." In the Shenzhou-12 mission, the new acousto-optic alarm system is able to inform the astronauts once it finds anything unusual. The improvement allows for the taikonauts to work hard and sleep well.

How efficient is Tianhe core module's propulsion system?

Tianhe, the core module of China's space station Tiangong, is equipped with an advanced propulsion system that has never been used on a manned spacecraft. Experts say it improves energy efficiency and could slash journey times in space. Let's hear what its developers say about it.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 21, 2021, 10:35:59 am

China's Tiangong space station: Look at this all-Chinese operation interface

China successfully launched its Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft on June 17, sending three Chinese taikonauts into low-Earth orbit and then into the core module of the Tiangong space station. With an all-Chinese operation interface, what does the inside of the Chinese space station look like? Take a look.

A bite of China's space station

The Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft brought more than 120 kinds of space food to astronauts in China's space station at the end of May. What will they eat over the next three months in space? From fish-flavored shredded pork to kung pao chicken, what's on the menu for Chinese astronauts? Let's check it out!

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 23, 2021, 09:29:35 am

A look at astronauts' daily life on Tianhe core module

The Chinese astronauts will spend three months in space. So what's daily life going to be like for them?

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 30, 2021, 10:12:15 am

Taikonauts send birthday wishes from space to CPC

Three Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, have sent birthday wishes to the Communist Party of China (CPC) from space, ahead of the CPC's centenary.

Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo are the first Chinese astronauts to live and work in the country's space station, which is currently under construction.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 04, 2021, 06:32:15 am

Watch: Taikonauts conduct first spacewalk after entering the Tianhe module

The three taikonauts currently stationed in the Tianhe core module of China's space station conduct their first extravehicular activity (EVA), also known as the spacewalk. Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo are expected to carry out work related to space station construction and appliance testing during the outside-cabin operation.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 04, 2021, 06:33:59 am

Two Shenzhou-12 taikonauts perform first spacewalk after entering Tianhe module

Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, two of the three Chinese astronauts or taikonauts stationed in the Tianhe core module of China's space station, ventured outside on Sunday to conduct the first extravehicular activities of their mission.

This is the second spacewalk that Chinese astronauts have carried out since the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008, during which Liu helped his teammate Zhai Zhigang perform a landmark 20-minute spacewalk.

Taikonauts conduct first spacewalk from China's space station

Chinese astronauts or taikonauts are conducting extravehicular activities also known as spacewalk on Sunday for the first time since they entered the space station's core module Tianhe on June 17.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 04, 2021, 07:40:55 am

Kineski astronauti prošetali po svemiru

Dva kineska astronauta izašla su danas u svemirsku šetnju iz nove orbitalne kapsule Šenžu da bi osposobili 15-metarski robotizovani instrument s funkcijom veštačke ruke.

Državna TV je prenosila svemirsku operaciju astronauta Liju Bominga i Tanga Hongboa dok su prelazili rampu iz orbitalne kapsule u svemir i trećeg člana posade, pilota kineske ratne avijacije i komandanta ove svemirske misije, generala Nie Haišenga koji je ostao u letelici, prenosi AP.

Kapsula Šenžu spojila se sa matičnom stanicom 17. juna, a trojica astronauta imaju zadatak da dovrše opremanje orbitalne stanice i u potpunosti je osposobe, objavili su državni mediji.

Kineska svemirska agencija planira ukupno 11 lansiranja do kraja sledeće godine kako bi se još dva modula spojila sa 70 tona teškom orbitalnom stanicom, preneo je Tanjug.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 04, 2021, 10:21:17 am

Footage: Stunning view from China's space station

Two Chinese astronauts stationed in the Tianhe core module of China's space station, Tiangong, conducted extravehicular activities for the first time on Sunday. One of their tasks was to elevate the panoramic camera outside the core module. Here's the footage filmed by the camera showing spectacular views of space.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 06, 2021, 07:22:49 am

Space log: Taikonauts' break time in space

Cameras inside China's space station captured the three taikonauts having lunch together. They did a variety of exercises after their meal, then got back to work following a 10-minute break.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 13, 2021, 10:07:16 am

China space station: How do regenerative life support systems work?

Astronauts depend on cutting-edge technology to regenerate vital resources such as air, water and other life support systems in outer space. The fundamental technology responsible for creating a livable environment is called environmental control and life support. So how do these systems work for China's space station?

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: jeremijaljesina on July 13, 2021, 01:27:35 pm

China space station: How do regenerative life support systems work?

Astronauts depend on cutting-edge technology to regenerate vital resources such as air, water and other life support systems in outer space. The fundamental technology responsible for creating a livable environment is called environmental control and life support. So how do these systems work for China's space station?

Kakve veze ima ovaj video sa kineskom svemirskom stanicom?

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 13, 2021, 01:31:23 pm

China space station: How do regenerative life support systems work?

Astronauts depend on cutting-edge technology to regenerate vital resources such as air, water and other life support systems in outer space. The fundamental technology responsible for creating a livable environment is called environmental control and life support. So how do these systems work for China's space station?

Kakve veze ima ovaj video sa kineskom svemirskom stanicom?

Nema veze, pogrešan video  :)

Izmenio sam u postu gore, evo još jednom.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 15, 2021, 11:49:51 am

Views of Earth from China's Tiangong space station

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 18, 2021, 08:04:49 am

Working, watching TV and exercising: A day in the life of a taikonaut

Three Chinese astronauts currently stationed in the Tianhe core module of China's space station Tiangong have been following a regular work and life schedule during the month since their space mission started. The taikonauts entered their new home on June 17 after boarding the Shenzhou-12 spaceship that launched them into space.

How is the health of China's taikonauts holding up after first extravehicular activities?

The astronauts are in good health after completing their first extravehicular operations, according to the China Manned Space (CMS). The extravehicular activities are seen as one of the most important tasks for the Shenzhou-12 spaceship crew. The three astronauts – Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo – successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks after approximately seven hours of extravehicular operations on July 4.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on August 06, 2021, 07:16:03 am

Chinese taikonauts conduct a series of experiments in space

The three Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, have conducted a series of experiments during their stay at the country's first space station, Tiangong. China's space station will carry out 49 space medical experiments, while the Shenzhou 12 mission will complete 14 of them. The human system research cabinet is the main facility for aerospace medicine experiments, and is adopted by China's space station for the first time.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on August 14, 2021, 08:17:00 am

Stunning! China's space station meets Perseid meteor shower over NW China

A stunning video shot in northwest China's Gansu Province on August 13 shows China's space station meeting the Perseid meteor shower.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on August 17, 2021, 10:00:51 am

Taikonauts complete assembly of space centrifuge in China's space station

Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, recently completed the assembly of a space centrifuge at the country's first space station, Tiangong. Newly released footage recorded by cameras on the space station core module Tianhe showed the whole process of the assembly.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on August 20, 2021, 01:29:21 pm

Chinese astronauts complete second round of spacewalk

Chinese astronauts have completed their second spacewalk also known as extravehicular activities (EVAs) and returned to the space station core module Tianhe, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Friday. Astronaut Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo completed the first EVAs during the country's space station construction on July 4.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on August 24, 2021, 10:49:42 am

Working in space: China's space robotic arm in 60 seconds

Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, completed their second extravehicular stint with the help of a giant robotic arm on August 20. It is the most intelligent, complex and technologically challenging robotic arm that China has developed, using domestic core components.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 01, 2021, 07:58:41 am

China releases photos taken by Shenzhou-12 astronauts

The China Manned Space Engineering Office on Tuesday released photos captured by Shenzhou-12 astronauts from space.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 01, 2021, 01:27:33 pm

Homecoming: Chinese astronauts prepare for returning to Earth from China's space station

Three Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, are wrapping up their space mission after completing two extravehicular activities and other planned tasks. They are expected to head for Earth in mid-September.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 03, 2021, 12:27:36 pm

Chinese astronauts talk with Hong Kong youths from space

Youths from China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) had a real-time Earth-to-space interaction with the taikonauts onboard China Space Station on Friday.

Nearly 300 science researchers, lecturers and students in Hong Kong have participated in the event.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on September 16, 2021, 07:48:58 am
Четвртак, 16.09.2021.

Кинески астронаути завршили рекордну тромесечну мисију у свемиру

Тројица кинеских астронаута завршила су данас рекордну мисију од три месеца у свемиру на кинеској свемирској станици у изградњи, јавила је агенција Синхуа.

Њих тројица напустила су Земљу на летелици Шенџоу-12 у јуну, а њихова 90-одневна мисија најдужа је коју су икад остварили кинески астронаути, навела је кинеска агенција не прецизирајући када се очекује астронаута повратак на Земљу. Према агенцији летелица се одвојила од свемирске станице Тјангонг уз коју је била прикачена три месеца у 8.56 по кинеском времену (2.56 по средњоевропском времену), преноси Бета.

У контексту тензија са Западом успех мисије је питање престижа за Пекинг који је 1. јула прославио стогодишњицу Комунистичке партије Кине. Када буде завршена кинеска свемирска станица личиће на стару совјетску станицу Мир (1986-2001). Предвиђено је да буде у функцији најмање десет година. Кина је решила да изгради сопствену станицу у свемиру када су САД одбиле да јој дозволе учешће у Међународној свемирској станици.

Међународна свемирска станица у којој учествују САД, Русија, Канада, Европа и Јапан треба да заврши рад 2024 године, мада је америчка свемирска агенција Наса најавила могући продужетак после 2028. године.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 16, 2021, 08:26:33 am

Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft separates from China's space station

The China Manned Space Engineering Office announced on Thursday that the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft had successfully separated from China's space station.

Taikonauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo lived on the space station's core module for 91 days, setting a record for Chinese astronauts on a single mission. The crew is now heading home aboard the Shenzhou-12 spacecraft.

Shenzhou-12 crew expresses gratitude as spacecraft separates from China's space station

The China Manned Space Engineering Office announced on September 16 that the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft had successfully separated from China's space station.

The Shenzhou-12 crew has worked and lived in the space station for 90 days, setting a new record for Chinese astronauts on a single mission. The astronauts saluted and expressed their gratitude to the people who have supported them from the home planet Earth.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 16, 2021, 08:28:04 am

Tianzhou-3 cargo ship, carrier rocket transported to launchpad in Hainan

The Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft and its Long March carrier rocket are now on the launch pad. They will lift off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in South China's Hainan Province soon.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 16, 2021, 04:30:35 pm

Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft, carrier rocket transported to launchpad

China is preparing to launch a third cargo spaceship, Tianzhou 3, to deliver supplies to its space station. The combination of Tianzhou 3 and the Long March-7 Y4 carrier rocket was transferred to the launch pad on Thursday in the Wenchang Launch Site in South China's Hainan Province.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on September 16, 2021, 04:43:55 pm
Kineski astronauti vraćaju se na Zemlju
Novosti online 16. 09. 2021.

Tri kineska astronauta Nie Hajšeng, LJu Boming i Tang Hongbo započeli su povratak na Zemlju sa svemirske stanice Tiangong, koja je u izgradnji.

Svemirska letelica Shenzhou-12 ("čarobni brod") sa astronautima otkačila se sa glavnog modula "Tianhe" stanice uoči povratka, saopštili su kineski državni mediji. Državna televizija obavestila je o poslednjem danu pre službene misije sletanja, što je značilo da se očekuje da se astronauti vrate na Zemlju u petak. Kapsula bi trebalo da se spusti u centralnoj Mongoliji na severu Kine. Tim za potragu i spašavanje bio je spreman, međutim, službeno nije objavljeno vreme povratka.

Kineski astronauti proveli su oko tri meseca u svemiru, što je najduža kineska svemirska misija do sada. Lansiranje rakete s dodatnim teretom za novu svemirsku stanicu pripremljeno je u svemirskoj luci Venčang na južnom kineskom ostrvu Hajnan. Nova posada će u sledećih nekoliko nedelja odleteti na svemirsku stanicu, čiji je završetak predviđen za kraj 2022. godine.     


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 17, 2021, 08:47:36 am

Live: Chinese astronauts to return home after 3-month space mission

Chinese astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo embark on the voyage home after the Shenzhou-12 spaceship completed circumnavigation and radial rendezvous tests on Thursday.

They have lived and worked in China's space station for 90 days, the longest stay in space by Chinese astronauts, according to the China Manned Space Agency. The three astronauts were sent into space aboard the Shenzhou-12 spaceship and entered the Tianhe core module on June 17.

Shenzhou-12 spaceship successfully lands in north China

The re-entry capsule of the Shenzhou-12 spaceship, with three astronauts aboard, successfully returned to the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on September 17.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 17, 2021, 08:49:42 am

China declares Shenzhou-12 mission a complete success

China announced on September 17 that its Shenzhou-12 manned spaceflight mission was a complete success.

The Shenzhou-12 return capsule landed safely in the predetermined area of the Dongfeng Landing Site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The three Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, are all in good condition.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 17, 2021, 09:52:17 am

Kineski astronauti se vratili na Zemlju nakon 90 dana

Tri kineska astronauta vratila su se danas iz tromesečne misije u svemiru.

Nie Haišeng, Liu Boming i Tang Hungbo sleteli su danas svemirskim brodom Šenžu-12 nešto posle 13.30 po lokalnom vremenu.

Oni su se juče ujutru odvojili od matične svemirske stanice.

Državna televizija CCTV prikazala je snimke sletanja neoštećene kapsule u pustinju Gobi.

Tokom misije u svemiru, koja je počela 17. juna lansiranjem svemirskog broda Šenžu-12, kineski predsednik Si Đinping razgovarao je sa trojicom astronauta.

Iako je kineska vojska, koja vodi svemirski program, objavila samo nekoliko detalja, očekuje se da će astronauti u naredne dve godine odlaziti u 90-dnevne misije na svemirsku stanicu kako bi je osposobljavali da u potpunosti bude funkcionalna.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 18, 2021, 06:44:05 am

Shenzhou-12 returned: How important is the parachute?

The three taikonauts aboard ​China's Shenzhou-12 spacecraft naturally get most of the attention during discussions of their historic 90-day mission. But on their return to Earth, a key piece of equipment takes a starring role: the giant parachute that softens their landing. China's self-developed parachutes have escorted all Shenzhou spacecraft back to Earth smoothly.​ One is on display in the lobby of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 19, 2021, 02:24:02 pm

China Ready to Launch Tianzhou-3 Cargo Spacecraft: CMSA

China is ready to launch the Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site at an appropriate time in the near future to deliver supplies to its space station, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) said Sunday.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 20, 2021, 10:29:51 am

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 20, 2021, 03:22:04 pm

China launches Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft for Tiangong Space Station

China launched the Tianzhou-3 unmanned cargo spacecraft from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in south China's Hainan Province on Monday. It is a part of the construction of China's Tiangong Space Station, which is scheduled to be completed in 2022.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on September 22, 2021, 02:39:54 pm

China's Space Station vs. International Space Station: Tech, Future Unpacked

China's first space station will be in full operation by next year. How did China build it on its own? While the future of the nearly 23-year-old International Space Station remains uncertain after 2024, will international cooperation be possible?

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on October 14, 2021, 02:51:39 pm
Kina šalje astronaute na najdužu svemirsku misiju
SVET Autor: Tanjug 14. okt. 2021

Kina je spremna da pošalje tri astronauta na svemirsku stanicu, gde će provesti šest meseci.

To će biti najduža kineska svemirska misija sa posadom i postaviće rekord u vremenu koji su kineski astronauti proveli u svemiru. Letelica Šendžou-13 bi trebalo da se lansira u subotu ujutru iz Satelitskog centra Ðijuquan u oblasti pustinje Gobi u jugozapadnoj Kini. Prva ekipa koja je bila na tromesečnoj misiji u svemiru na modulu Tjanhe vratila se polovinom septembra. Nova posada ima dva veterana, pilote DŽaja DŽinganga (55), Vang Japing (41), jedinu ženu na misiji, i Jea Guangfua (41). Očekuje se da ekipa obavi tri šetnje svemirom kako bi instalirala opremu sa namerom da se proširi svemirska stanica.

Kineska vojska, koja upravlja svemirskim programa, pustila je nekoliko detalja o misiji, ali je rekla da će poslati više posada na stanicu u naredne dve godine kako bi bila potpuno operativna. Šendžou-13 će biti peta misija dosad.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on October 16, 2021, 05:54:18 am
Kina lansirala troje astronauta na šetomesečnu misiju, cilj obaranje rekorda u dužini vremena provedenog u svemiru
Tanjug 15.10.2021.

Kina je lansirala tročlanu posadu na šestomesečnu misiju na svojoj svemirskoj stanici, koja bi, kako je planirano, trebalo da postigne novi rekord u dužini vremena provedenog u svemiru.

Svemirski brod Šendžou-13 sa troje astronauta lansiran je raketom Long Marč-2F u 12.25 po lokalnom vremenu, preneo je AP. Očekuje se da će se pristajanje na modul Tianhe završiti u narednih šest sati, čime će započeti misija koja će nastaviti rad prve posade. Ona je izvela dve svemirske šetnje pre nego što se sredinom septembra vratila sa svog 90-dnevnog boravka. U novoj posadi su dva veterana svemirskih putovanja.

Posadu čine pilot DŽai DŽigang (55), Vang Japing (41), jedina žena u misiji i Je Guangfu (41) koji prvi put putuje u svemir.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on October 16, 2021, 07:49:23 am

China launches its longest-ever crewed mission for space station construction

China launched the manned spaceship Shenzhou-13 early in the morning on October 16, sending three astronauts to its space station's core module Tianhe on a six-month mission. The spaceship has docked successfully with the radial port of the core module Tianhe, according to the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO).

Chinese Shenzhou-13 mission launched

China on Saturday launched the crewed spaceship Shenzhou-13, sending three taikonauts, or Chinese astronauts, to its space station core module Tianhe on a six-month mission. The three astronauts are Zhai Zhigang, the commander and China's first spacewalker, Wang Yaping, the first Chinese female astronaut to visit China's space station and carry out extravehicular activities, and Ye Guangfu, a newcomer to space.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on October 16, 2021, 07:50:57 am

China's Shenzhou-13 crew enters space station

The three Chinese astronauts carried into space on board the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft, entered Tianhe, the core module of China's space station Tiangong.

The trio, who will stay in space for about six months, entered Tianhe hours after the spaceship successfully docked with the core module.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on October 16, 2021, 10:42:23 am

Former NASA astronaut's message to first female taikonaut to CSS: Space is for women too

Retired astronaut Cady Coleman says her long hair was a statement that space is for women too, but she never let it get in the way. Coleman spent nearly a quarter of a century with NASA. She is fond of saying the experience of flying in space is magical, an emotion she knows Wang Yaping, the taikonaut set for a six-month stay in China's space station, will feel too.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on October 17, 2021, 10:08:07 am

Top Engineers Present China's Plan to Build Tiangong Space Station

Top engineers with China's space program presented on Saturday details of the country's plan to build the Tiangong space station.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on October 18, 2021, 11:10:11 am

Chinese taikonauts enjoy food in China's Space Station

The Shenzhou-13 crew members are in good condition and carrying out work smoothly after entering the Tianzhou-3 cargo craft on October 17. Shenzhou-13 was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gobi Desert on October 16. The crew will stay in orbit for six months, setting a new record for the duration of a Chinese crewed space mission.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on October 20, 2021, 07:04:35 am

6 months in space: What impact will it have on humans?

Six months! The Shenzhou-13 manned space mission will have twice the duration of Shenzhou-12. They'll celebrate Chinese New Year in space. And floating in space for six months is more challenging than you might think. How will this extended time in space affect humans? Join Yiqiu and this AR taikonaut for answers.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on November 07, 2021, 01:45:27 pm

While the future of the nearly 23-year-old International Space Station remains uncertain after 2024, China says its newly equipped Tiangong station will be up and running by next year. WSJ unpacks the design and technology of both space stations.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on November 09, 2021, 06:54:45 am
Vang Japing i Žai Žiđang instalirali opremu
Tanjug 08. 11. 2021.

VANG Japing je postala prva Kineskinja koja je izašla u šetnju svemirom u okviru svoje šestomesečne misije na kineskoj svemirskoj stanici.

NJen kolega astronaut Žai Žiđang napustio je glavni modul stanice u nedelju uveče, Vang mu se nešto kasnije pridružila da instaliraju opremu i testiraju mehaničku ruku svemirske stanice i oboje su se tek u ponedeljak rano ujutru vratili u orbitalnu stanicu, preneo je AP. Treći član posade Je Guangfu pomogao im je iz kosmičke stanice, navodi se na sajtu Kineske svemirske agencije.

Vang (41) i Žai (55) su već učestvovali u misijama na kineskim eksperimentalnim svemirskim stanicama koje se više ne koriste, a astronaut Žai je prvi Kinez koji je pre 13 godina izašao u šetnju svemirom. Modul Tianhe će sledeće godine biti povezan sa još dva dela svemirske stanice, nakon čega će ovaj kineski orbitalni kompleks biti težak oko 66 tona, čak 384 tone lakši od prve Međunarodne svemirske stanice koja je lansirana 1998. godine i bila teška 450 tona. Kineski vojni svemirski program planira da u naredne dve godine pošalje više posada na ovu stanicu kako bi bila potpuno funkcionalna.

Sovjetska kosmonautkinja Svetlana Savickaja bila je prva žena koja je 1984. godine izašla u svemir, a Ketrin Salivan je postala prva Amerikanka koja je to učinila nešto kasnije iste godine.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on November 09, 2021, 09:52:51 am
Chinese astronauts complete space walk outside future space station

Two Chinese astronauts have completed a several-hour-long space walk outside the Tiangong space station. The mission was notable for featuring China’s first woman astronaut to perform the out-of-this-world procedure.

Wang Yeping was joined by fellow astronaut Zhai Zhigang, another of the three-person team currently aboard China’s latest space station. The two successfully completed the 6.5-hour spacewalk in the early hours of Monday morning, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

The pair disembarked from the main module of the Tiangong station on a spacewalk that lasted over six hours. They carried out tests alongside the station’s robotic arm and installed equipment for part of the station’s ongoing construction.

A third astronaut, Ye Guangfu, assisted the duo from inside the station. State broadcaster CCTV shared footage of the astronauts carrying out their tasks and floating in space.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on November 09, 2021, 10:59:36 am

Vang Japing je prva Kineskinja koja je izašla u svemirsku šetnju

Vang Japing je postala prva Kineskinja koja je izašla u šetnju svemirom u okviru svoje šestomesečne misije na kineskoj svemirskoj stanici.

Njen kolega astronaut Džai Džigang napustio je glavni modul stanice u nedelju uveče, Vang mu se nešto kasnije pridružila da instaliraju opremu i testiraju mehaničku ruku svemirske stanice i oboje su se tek u ponedeljak rano ujutru vratili u orbitalnu stanicu.

Treći član posade Je Guangfu pomogao im je iz kosmičke stanice, navodi se na sajtu Kineske svemirske agencije. Vang (41) i Džai (55) su već učestvovali u misijama na kineskim eksperimentalnim svemirskim stanicama koje se više ne koriste, a astronaut Džai je prvi Kinez koji je pre 13 godina izašao u šetnju svemirom.

Modul Tianhe će sledeće godine biti povezan sa još dva dela svemirske stanice, nakon čega će ovaj kineski orbitalni kompleks biti težak oko 66 tona, čak 384 tone lakši od prve Međunarodne svemirske stanice koja je lansirana 1998. godine i bila teška 450 tona.

Kineski vojni svemirski program planira da u naredne dve godine pošalje više posada na ovu stanicu kako bi bila potpuno funkcionalna. Sovjetska kosmonautkinja Svetlana Savickaja bila je prva žena koja je 1984. godine izašla u svemir, a Ketrin Salivan je postala prva Amerikanka koja je to učinila nešto kasnije iste godine.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on November 12, 2021, 08:35:35 am

Space Log: Chinese astronauts show you how to clean a space station

The three Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, traveling aboard China's space station core module Tianhe did some cleaning between their duties to make their space home clean and tidy. Click on the video to see taikonauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu clean the meal area and collect the garbage in the space station.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on December 05, 2021, 09:59:21 am

How does the Shenzhou-13 crew undergo routine health checkups aboard the space station?

In a video released by China Manned Space Agency, Chinese taikonauts Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu and Zhai Zhigang used a multi-purpose medical scope to examine each other's eyes, ears and skin. It's a routine health checkup before delivering their first lecture from aboard the Tiangong space station.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on December 07, 2021, 05:28:16 pm

Shenzhou-12 crew meets press after September return

Taikonauts of China's Shenzhou-12 mission have met with the press again. It's been almost three months since they came back to Earth. The crew talked about their health condition and announced that they would go back to regular training. Meanwhile, China's space agency says it will be livestreaming the world's first series of classes from space on Thursday. Taikonauts of the Shenzhou-13 mission will be conducting lessons from the country's space station, which they are helping build for the next four months. The Tiangong classes will introduce students to construction efforts and how China's space station operates in orbit. Taikonaut and real-life teacher Wang Yaping was also part of a mission in 2013 that delivered a lecture from space to over 60 million schoolchildren across China via live video-streaming.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on December 09, 2021, 01:51:31 pm

Chinese astronauts teach students about positive and negative images using water ball

Two Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, show students that injecting air bubbles into a water ball can form two images – one positive, another negative.

China's Shenzhou-13 crew members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu gave a livestream science lecture to students on Earth from the space station's Tianhe core module on Thursday afternoon.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on December 09, 2021, 02:41:31 pm

Tiangong Class: Taikonauts show kids effervescent tablet experiment in zero-gravity setting

Two Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, show students that injecting air bubbles into a water ball can form two images – one positive, another negative.

Taikonauts teach class on water buoyancy in absence of gravity

China's Shenzhou-13 crew members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu gave a livestream science lecture to students on Earth from the space station's Tianhe core module on Thursday afternoon. Check out the video to see Wang Yaping show how buoyancy is almost non-existent in a zero-gravity environment.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on December 26, 2021, 02:13:00 pm

China's Shenzhou-13 astronauts conduct 2nd extravehicular activities

China's Shenzhou-13 astronauts conducted extravehicular activities (EVAs) for the second time on Sunday. Ye Guangfu went outside of the space station first, followed by Zhai Zhigang, while their teammate Wang Yaping remained inside to support their operations.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on December 27, 2021, 11:10:36 am

Shenzhou-13 taikonauts conclude second spacewalk

Taikonauts Ye Guangfu and Zhai Zhigang completed their extravehicular activities (EVAs) and returned to Tianhe, the core module of China's space station, on Monday. The two Chinese astronauts at the country's first space station ventured out for the second spacewalk on Sunday, while their teammate Wang Yaping remained inside to control the robotic arm to support follow-up operations, including lifting the space station's extravehicular panoramic camera and verifying autonomous object transfer, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on December 30, 2021, 02:12:33 pm

Tech Breakdown: What to expect from China's space station in 2022

2021 is a fruitful year for the construction of China's space station. The Tianhe core module was sent into orbit and two batches of Chinese astronauts boarded the space station for a long-term stay.

The construction is due to be completed next year after additional crewed missions.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: MOTORISTA on January 08, 2022, 01:35:34 pm

Chinese Space Station exploration of outer space didn’t end with the accomplishment it had in 2003 when it managed to become the third nation to independently send humans into orbit; rather it marked just a beginning for a space exploration journey. China has trained its astronauts so strategically that they are capable of executing high level missions, so how does life go on inside china space station? And What is China planning to do from its space station?

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on February 02, 2022, 04:43:16 pm

Taikonauts capture city lights from space on Chinese New Year's Eve

On Chinese New Year's Eve, taikonauts aboard the country's space station captured city lights from space.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on February 16, 2022, 09:36:54 am

Space Log: Taikonauts celebrate Spring Festival and Lantern Festival

The three taikonauts aboard China's space station enjoyed a fortnight's holiday to celebrate the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival. Have a look!

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Rade on April 18, 2022, 07:33:05 am
Према плану, 2022. године биће извршено 6 мисија и завршена изградња кинеске орбиталне свемирске станице:

1. Лансирање теретног свемирског брода Tianzhou-4 у мају.
2. Лансирање свемирског брода Shenzhou-14 са људском посадом у јуну са три астронаута (или како Кинези веле: тајконаута). Време проведено у орбити - 6 месеци.
3. Лансирање експерименталног модула Ventian за пристајање са главним модулом Tiānhé.
4. Лансирање експерименталног модула Mengtian у октобру за спајање са главним модулом Tiānhé, након чега ће три модула свемирске станице формирати основну "Т" конфигурацију.
5. Лансирање теретне свемирске летелице Tianzhou-5.
6. Лансирање теретне свемирске летелице Shenzhou-15 са три астронаута. Време проведено у орбити - 6 месеци.


Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on April 18, 2022, 04:18:33 pm

China says international collaboration on its space station possible by year's end

China welcomes international astronauts to conduct research in its space station. The foreign ministry said on Monday that it was preparing to carry out a first series of international cooperation projects and was working on setting up those projects with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. Officials say research and experiments can be done aboard China's space station as early as the end of the year.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on June 05, 2022, 05:44:14 am

China launches crewed mission to complete space station construction

China on Sunday launched the crewed spaceship Shenzhou-14, sending three taikonauts to its space station combination for a six-month mission. The spaceship, atop a Long March-2F carrier rocket, was lift off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.

The trio will cooperate with the ground team to complete the assembly and construction of the Tiangong space station, developing it from a single-module structure into a national space laboratory with three modules: the core module Tianhe and two lab modules Wentian and Mengtian.

Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 25, 2022, 07:47:43 am

Kina lansira jedan od 2 laboratorijska modula za pridruživanje svemirskoj stanici

Kina je u nedelju lansirala jedan od dva laboratorijska modula kako bi završila svoju stalnu svemirsku stanicu u orbiti.

Ventijan je lansiran sa tropskog ostrva Hainan uz veliku gomilu fotografa amatera i svemirskih entuzijasta. Dizajniran za naučne i biološke eksperimente, modul je poleteo na raketi Long March 5B Remote 3 i proveo je otprilike osam minuta u letu pre nego što je ušao u orbitu, navodi zvanična novinska agencija Sinhua.

Drugi laboratorijski modul, nazvan Mengtian, trebalo bi da bude lansiran u oktobru, a oba će se pridružiti svemirskoj stanici Tiangong. Tri astronauta već žive u osnovnom modulu i nadgledaće dolazak i pristajanje laboratorije.

Lansiranje je treće otkako je kineska svemirska stanica ušla u fazu izgradnje. Prethodili su ga teretni svemirski brod klase Tianzhou i svemirski brod Šendžou-14 sa posadom.

Kineskim svemirskim programom upravlja vojno krilo vladajuće Komunističke partije, Narodnooslobodilačka vojska, što je navelo SAD da ga isključe iz Međunarodne svemirske stanice. Kao rezultat toga, Kina je uglavnom morala sama da radi na svom programu svemirske stanice Tiangong, gradeći i potom napuštajući dve eksperimentalne stanice pre nego što je krenula sa najnovijom iteracijom.

Laboratorijski modul od 23 tone teži je od bilo koje druge svemirske letelice sa jednim modulom koja se trenutno nalazi u svemiru, prema državnom Global Timesu.

Kineski svemirski program lansirao je svog prvog astronauta u orbitu 2003. godine, čineći ga tek trećom zemljom koja je to uradila sama nakon bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza i SAD.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Dreadnought on July 25, 2022, 08:12:37 am

Kina dodaje naučnu laboratoriju svojoj svemirskoj stanici

Kina je u ponedeljak dodala laboratoriju svojoj stalnoj orbitalnoj svemirskoj stanici dok se kreće ka završetku strukture u narednim mesecima.

Laboratorijski modul Ventian lansiran je u nedelju iz svemirske baze Venčang na tropskoj ostrvskoj provinciji Hajnan uz veliku gomila fotografa amatera i svemirskih entuzijasta.

Nakon 13 sati leta, uspešno je pristao sa glavnim živim modulom stanice Tiangong Tianhe u ponedeljak u 3:13 ujutro (1913 GMT), prema Kineskoj svemirskoj agenciji sa posadom.

Ventian je dizajniran za naučne i biološke eksperimente, a laboratorijski modul od 23 tone je teži od bilo koje druge svemirske letelice sa jednim modulom trenutno u svemiru, prema državnom Global Timesu.

Nakon toga će uslediti drugi laboratorijski modul, Mengtian, koji bi trebalo da bude lansiran u oktobru. Tri astronauta trenutno žive u osnovnom modulu na šestomesečnoj misiji i nadgledali su dolazak i pristajanje Ventiana.

Raketa Long March 5B-I3, najmoćnija kineska, nosila je modul u trećem takvom lansiranju otkako je kineska svemirska stanica ušla u fazu izgradnje. Prethodili su ga teretni svemirski brod klase Tianzhou i svemirski brod Šendžou-14 sa posadom.

Kineski svemirski program vodi vojno krilo vladajuće Komunističke partije, Narodnooslobodilačka armija, i uglavnom je nastavio sa programom Tiangong bez pomoći drugih nacija. SAD su isključile Kinu sa Međunarodne svemirske stanice zbog njenih vojnih veza.

Kineski svemirski program lansirao je svog prvog astronauta u orbitu 2003. godine, čineći ga tek trećom zemljom koja je to uradila sama nakon bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza i SAD.

Spustio je robotske rovere na Mesec i postavio jedan na Mars prošle godine. Kina je takođe vratila uzorke Meseca, a zvaničnici su razgovarali o mogućoj misiji posade na Mesec.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Kubovac on November 04, 2022, 08:40:39 pm
Kineska raketa pala na Zemlju, NASA prozvala Peking

Dugi marš 5B lansiran je 24. jula s ciljem isporuke laboratorijskog modula novoj kineskoj svemirskoj postaji u izgradnji u orbiti.

Kineska raketa pala je na Zemlju u subotu iznad Indijskog okeana, a NASA navodi da Peking nije podijelio “specifične informacije o putanji” potrebne da bi se ustanovilo gdje bi krhotine mogle pasti, prenosi agencija Hina pozivajući se na Reuters.

Svemirska agencija SAD-a saopćila je da je raketa Dugi marš 5B ušla u Zemljinu atmosferu iznad Indijskog okeana oko 12:45 po lokalnom vremenu, ali je problematizirala „tehničke aspekte ponovnog ulaska, kao što je potencijalno mjesto raspršivanja krhotina“.

„Sve svemirske nacije trebale bi slijediti utvrđenu najbolju praksu i dati svoj udio u dijeljenju ove vrste informacija unaprijed kako bi se omogućila pouzdana predviđanja potencijalnog rizika od udara krhotina”, rekao je NASA-in administrator Bill Nelson.

„To je ključno za odgovorno korištenje svemira i osiguranje sigurnosti ljudi ovdje na Zemlji.“

Korisnici društvenih mreža u Maleziji objavili su video predmeta nalik krhotinama raketa.

Kineska svemirska stanica

Aerospace Corp, neprofitni istraživački centar blizu Los Angelesa koji finansira Vlada, saopćio je kako je bilo nepromišljeno dopustiti dijelu rakete koji ukupno teži 22,5 tona nekontrolirani povratak na Zemlju.

Ranije ove sedmice, analitičari su rekli kako će se tijelo rakete raspasti dok bude padalo kroz atmosferu, ali je dovoljno veliko da će brojni komadi vjerojatno preživjeti.

Kineska ambasada u Washingtonu nije odmah komentirala slučaj. Kina je ranije ove sedmice rekla kako će pomno pratiti ostatke, ali je rekla da predstavljaju mali rizik za bilo koga na Zemlji.

Dugi marš 5B lansiran je 24. jula s ciljem isporuke laboratorijskog modula novoj kineskoj svemirskoj postaji u izgradnji u orbiti, što je treći let najsnažnije kineske rakete od njenog prvog lansiranja 2020.

Aerospace Corp objavio je mjesto pada rakete (Twitter/AerospaceCorp):


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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Kubovac on November 13, 2022, 07:47:48 pm
Кина лансирала још једну ракету ка својој свемирској станици /видео/

Кина је лансирала у свемир теретни брод Тјенџоу пет са залихама за своју нову свемирску станицу у изградњи.

Ракета „Лонг марч 7“ која је понела теретно возило „Тјенџоу 5“ лансирана је данас из свемирске луке Венчанг на јужном кинеском острву Хаинан, саопштила је Кинеска свемирска агенција.
Десет минута после лансирања, „Тјенџоу 5“ одвојио се од ракете и ушао у задату орбиту, када су се отворили његови соларни панели и он је успешно наставио пут, пренела је Синхуа.

Летелица је два сата касније успешно пристала на недавно завршеној свемирској станици Тиангонг, саопштио је кинески свемирски програм.
Теретни свемирски брод понео је око 5,3 метричких тона материјала, као што су потрепштине за живот, научна опрема, као и мали експериментални сателит. Такође, „Тјенџоу 5“ носи и око 1,4 тоне горива за свемирску станицу, наводе кинески медији.
Тренутно на свемирској станици бораве тројица астронаута, а до краја месеца треба да им се придруже још тројица. Тренутна посада вратиће се на Земљу у децембру.
Кинеска свемирска станица требало би да буде оперативна од краја ове године.

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Title: Re: Kineska svemirska stanica
Post by: Kubovac on November 13, 2022, 07:50:50 pm

BESPILOTNA svemirska kargo letelica Tjendžou 5 automatski je pristala na Kinesku nacionalnu svemirsku stanicu u rekordno kratkom vremenu, saopštila je danas Kineska svemirska agencija.

Dodaje se da je Tjendžou 5 pristala u 12.10 po lokalnom vremenu, dva sata nakon što je lansirana sa lansirnog centra Venčang u pokrajini Hainan, čime je postavljen svetski rekord, preneo je TAS S.

Tjendžou 5 je pristao tri puta brže nego Tjendžou 4 kojem je trebalo skoro sedam sati da pristane nakon lansiranja.

Kineska nacionalna svemirska stanica se nalazi na visini od 400 kilometara i biće u funkciji više od jedne decenije.

Na njoj mogu da borave od tri astronauta, a u kratkom periodu i do šest, dok traje zamena postave.

Očekuje se da će stanica početi sa radom do kraja ove godine, dodale su kineske vlasti i biće dostupna za međunarodne projekte.

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