English Language Discussion => Forum za traženje pomoći na stranom jeziku => Topic started by: Gazda on August 27, 2024, 08:37:34 pm

Title: Underwater demolition devices in WW2 era
Post by: Gazda on August 27, 2024, 08:37:34 pm
Pozdrav kolege! Pišem u ime jednog prijatelja, amerikanca/španjolca, koji piše knjigu i treba pomoć vezano za podvodne diverzantske mine iz doba WW2, još nisam siguran o tipu mine i o mjestu gdje se radnja dešava, pa vas molim da uskočite ako ste zainteresirani, naime radi se o slijedećem, citiram ga(nastavljam na engleskom u slučaju da se on uključi u raspravu):

The story:

The character has lost all the fingers on his right hand from service in the war. He claims that the accident occurred while he was performing an underwater demolition of an explosive device for the navy. The process of the underwater demolition is described with technical details that make sense but are mixed with clearly inaccurate elements that anyone with training, experience or expertise would recognize as misleading or false. (Background: The character is actually lying. He is deceiving several of the other characters with the story to present himself as heroic. In fact, he lost his fingers while operating a machine in prison, convicted of manslaughter.)

What I need:

Technical details of a demolition of an underwater explosive device (during WWII). The details appear to make basic sense and are compelling to hear/read but they are mixed in with inaccurate elements that anyone with serious training, experience or expertise would recognize as misleading or false.

Even a few sentences could help.

So, to summarize, I would need some technical details of underwater demolition devices, types and models that were used during WW2.
Just to advise you all, I already asked question about size of demolition device, and theatre where all this was happening.

Title: Re: Underwater demolition devices in WW2 era
Post by: Gazda on August 29, 2024, 10:53:24 am
Diverzanti, ima li ko sta za dodati?