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Author Topic: Lockheed Martin predstavio prvi F-16 Block 52 naručen od Pakistana  (Read 3375 times)
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kapetan korvete

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« on: October 15, 2009, 03:18:26 am »


Lockheed Martin je predstavio prvi F-16 Block 52 za RV Pakistana na ceremoniji kojoj su prisustvovali komandanti oba RV, američkog i pakistanskog. Prvobitno je poručeno 36 aviona Block 52, ali je kasnije to redukovano na 12 jednoseda F-16C i 6 dvoseda F-16D, uz opciju kupovine dodatnih 18 aviona. U okviru ugovora biće isporučeno i 500 Raytheon AIM-120C5 AMRAAM raketa, zatim 200 Raytheon AIM-9M-8/9 Sidewinder,  500 Boeing JDAM bombi, 1,600 laserski vođenih GBU-12/24 i 700 BLU-109 bombi namenjenih uništavanju ciljeva ukopanih ispod zemlje.
Isporuka prvog Block 52 se očekuje u decembru, a Lockheed Martin takođe vrši modernizaciju pakistanskih F-16A/B Block 15

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Lockheed Martin unveils first F-16 Block 52 ordered by Pakistan
By Stephen Trimble

Lockheed Martin today unveiled the first of up to 36 F-16 Block 52 fighters that could be sold to the Pakistan Air Force in a ceremony attended by the chiefs of both Pakistani US air forces.

The so-called “Peace Drive I” programme brokered by the US government once called for Pakistan to buy up to 55 F-16s. That number has been reduced to firm orders for 12 single-seat F-16C and six F-16Ds.

Pakistan also has signed options to buy 18 more F-16 Block 52s, all powered by Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 engines.

The F-16s currently on order represent the “latest configuration of the best 4th generation multirole fighter available in the world today,” John Larson, vice president of F-16 programmes for Lockheed Martin, said in a statement.

In June 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency listed the systems that Pakistan had requested for its F-16s.

Requested sensors included Northrop Grumman mechanically-scanned APG-68(V)9 radars and ITT ALQ-211(V)9 advanced integrated defensive electronic warfare suites (AIDEWS) without digital radio frequency memory.

The proposed weapons package included an order for 500 Raytheon AIM-120C5 advanced medium range air to air missiles, 200 Raytheon AIM-9M-8/9 Sidewinders, 500 Boeing joint direct attack munitions, 1,600 enhanced GBU-12/24 laser-guided bombs and 700 BLU-109 penetrator bombs.

Lockheed is also under contract to upgrade 34 Pakistan F-16A/B Block 15 fighters with modern weapons and sensors.

First delivery for the newly-built F-16 Block 52 is scheduled in December. The event will mark the first F-16 order fulfilled to Pakistan since the US government suspended deliveries under the previous Peace Gate IV programme in the early 1990s.

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Izvor: Flightglobal


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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 07:13:35 am »

Ovo nije ništa drugo do isporuke vec davno narucenih 16-tica.Tokom 90-tih Pakistan je narucio 28 komada i uredno isplatio amere meðutim do isporuke nikada nije doslo,jer je vladala kao zabrinutost zbog pakistanskog nuklearnog programa pa su im na kraju jos uveli i sankcije.Pakistanske 16-tice podelili su USN za svoj agresorki skvadron i ANG.
Tokom 80-tih pakistanski F-16 su se proslavili u vazdusnim borbama sa sovjetskim migovim i suhojim.Sem u jednom slucaju pakistanci su dobile sve duele.



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« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2009, 12:10:37 pm »

Tokom 80-tih pakistanski F-16 su se proslavili u vazdusnim borbama sa sovjetskim migovim i suhojim.Sem u jednom slucaju pakistanci su dobile sve duele.
Da ne bude zabune, uglavnom se nije radilo o vazdušnim bojevima, pakistanski piloti su obarali avione koji se povređivali vazdušni prostor - Su-22, Su-25, transportne itd.
U tom jednom slučaju jedna strana tvrdi da ga je MiG-23 oborio, a druga da je prijateljska vatra.

Inače je jedan Su-25 preživeo pogodak Sidewinder rakete sa F-16 u motor (spasla ga je modifikacija, oklopna ploča između motora)
kapetan korvete

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« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 02:20:27 pm »

Postojala je i neka anegdota da je ruski avion nosio bombe i kada je ušao F-16 u duel sa njim, pilot MiG-23 je odbacio bombe kako bi lakše pobegao a navodno je jedna bomba pogodila F-16, nije eksplodirala ali ga je toliko oštetila da je ovaj pao. Naravno to je samo lepa priča, mislim da se to nikada zaista nije desilo.

Inače pakistanci su rešili da modernizuju i postojeće F-16A/B Block 15, a mislim da su u tu svrhu postigli sporazum o kupovini određenog broja APG-68(V)9  radara, ta vest se pojavila pre dve godine ako se nevaram i cena uopšte nije bila velika za te radare, koliko se sećam nešto preko milion dolara po komadu, mada vest nije proverena pa je uzmite sa rezervom.

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« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 02:48:35 pm »

Postojala je i neka anegdota da je ruski avion nosio bombe i kada je ušao F-16 u duel sa njim, pilot MiG-23 je odbacio bombe kako bi lakše pobegao a navodno je jedna bomba pogodila F-16, nije eksplodirala ali ga je toliko oštetila da je ovaj pao. Naravno to je samo lepa priča, mislim da se to nikada zaista nije desilo.

Nemam sad pri ruci taj tekst,prva prilika postaviceu ovde ima nesto od toga sto si naveo.

pakistanske vazdusne pobede

O ratu u vazduhu izmedju sovjeta i pakistanaca



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« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2009, 07:06:59 am »

Tekst koji sam najavio objavljan maja 1993.  u AFM, autor teksta je Sergey Vekhov.

On April 29,1987 2 PAF F-16s were scambled to intercept a strike package on a mission to interdict Pakistan supported Mujahideen (Islamic Mercenary) operations that were launched against the Soviet troops and the pro-Soviet afganistan government. The battle resulted in a F-16 kill for Pakistan and the official explanation has been that the pilot (who ejected safely) was shot down by his own wingman.

On April 29,1987, L/C Pochitalkin led a flight of four MiG-23s to mine mountain path under Mujahedeen control in the Djavara region,to the south of Host. These routes were used to supply weapons and ammunition to the dykhi(ghosts-Russian translation of Farsi 'dyshman' meaning bandit) who blockaded the town. The strikes delivered 1,100lb(500 kg) bombs onto the highland passes effectively blocking the way for the arms caravans. The MiG-23s were usually armed with up to four KMGU (Ronteyner Malogabaritnyh Gruzov - small weapon container) each carrying 24 anti-personal mines.

At the place where the Griffons would have to 'work' (meaning 'to execute an order' in the Russian Air Force), Mujahedeen had many and varied air defence weapons including Chinese built 12.7mm DShK machine guns, and 20mm Oerlicon guns with a range of 6600 ft. And from 1986, Dykhi used General Dynamics' Stinger shoulder-mounted surface-to-air missile (SAM), with a range of 11,550 ft to defend thier main bases. These would have to be destroyed and the flight group leader decided upon the following mission: fly to the target at 26,400 ft, and just before reaching it, dive to 1,320 ft and toss the bombs while climbing, then enter a 90 degree left rolling climb to 23,100 ft. Such tactics would avoid entering Mujahedeen air defence space.

Early on the morning of April 29, four MiG-23s got airborne from Bagram. Meteorological conditions were difficult with multiple cloud layers, known as puff pie, starting at 9,900 ft up to 33,000 ft. The monotonous highland terrain also complicated orientation, but L/C Pochitalkin was an experienced pilot - he regularily led four to eight Griffons during combat missions. Just before the target area, he managed to find his bearings by the little town of Tani, to the south of Host. The three MiGs folloed him closely. The war had provided pilots with the opportunity to gain considerable experience of formation flying, so they are really tight.

Just before the taget, the MiGs descended, then during the steep climb released their bombs and, keeping close formation, climbed left into a combat turn leaving the battle course at 90 to 100 degrees. Having reached 21,450 ft, the flight leader lokked back, and between the clouds saw a flying torch-like flame. Thingking it could be a plane from his group, L/C Pochitalkin turned his MiG aroung and called to his wingman. All three pilots responded immediately that they were OK. The flight leader reported to base that he had seen a burning aircraft, and Major Osipenko, the regiment's intelligence officer, flying in the trailing aircraft, confirmed this. Then L/C Pochitalkin banked left vectoring onto the torch. Suddenly, all the MiG pilots saw an F-16 Fighting Falcon appear from heavy clouds at 13,200 ft, it made a steep bank round its burning co-partner, engaged the afterburner, and disappeared into the clouds, heading for Pakistan territory. On the way home, the airwaves were alive with the questions about the incident to the flight leader.

After landing at Bagram, L/C Pocjitalkin told that his group had been attacked by a pair of Paistan Air Force F-16s and one F-16 was shot down. Later this report was confirmed by Had, Afghanistan intelligence, an offshoot of the Soviet KGB (and a very effective servvice). It reported that the F-16 pilot ejected safely, landing in a rebel controlled region - he was transferred to Pakistan that night. Later, wreckage from the Falcon was also transferred.

Throughout the analysis of the incident, one major question remained unanswered - how was the F-16 was shot down, when the Griffons were not armed with missles. Three possiblities were considered by the committee.

The first, and the most likely, was that the F-16 met the rain of bomb mines on its rising trajectory and blew up. The Falcons probably took off from Kamra Air Base, near Miranshah. Kamra is situated so close to the Afghan border that the F-16 could launch their Sidewinders immediately after getting airborne. PAF pilots intended to intercept Soviet fighters at high altitudes, assuming that they would be dive bombing, but on that day the Griffons'worked' on the climb, and steeply descended before the attack. At that moment, the F-16 could have slipped forward and become caught up in the 'cloud' of bombs.

The second version suggested that during pursuit, the F-16 came upon the climbing MiGs, and trying to avoid them, the Pakistan pilot jerked the plane into a sharp bank and exceeded the maximum g-load.

The final thoery was that the Falcon could have been shot down by his wingman. Intercepting th MiGs from the aft hemisphere, the F-16s tracked them on their radar up to the point where they released their bombs. But when the close formation Griffons carried out drastic flak evasion manoeuvers, the F-16s had to carry out the turn and the wingman may have hurriedly fired his Sidewinders accidently hitting his leader.

Iz svega do sad recenog moze se videti da su pakistanci otvoreno pruzali  vazdusnu podrsku talibanima i odvracali sovjetske avione od napada na njih u pogranicnom podrucju Afg-Pak.Rusi su izbegavali sukobe s PAF i samim time pokazili da nemoju ono sto treba jednoj vojnoj sili da bi se obracunala cak i sa tako malim vazduhoplovstvom kao sto je pakistansko.Da su na njihom mestu bili Izraelci -unistili bi im sve i jedan avion i aerodrom,tako da im ne bi vise padalo na pamet da  urade nesto slicno,a ujedno bi bila lekcija i drugim kako bi prosli u eventualnom sukobu s njima.Sto bi rekli u Maratoncima " Eeee tako se to radi kratko ali je******* ".



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« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2009, 07:07:38 am »

Intervju s pakistanskim F-16 pilotom Sameen Mazhar inace komadanstom eskadrile (S/L),nije bas taze ali pruza kakav takav uvid kakvo je stanje kod njih.

S/L Sameen Mazhar joined the Pakistani Air Force (Pakistan Fiza'ya) in October 1980, and after four years of rigorous training and academics at the PAF College at Sargodha, he was awarded a bachelors degree in Aerosciences. He then went to the Air Force Academy at Risalpur for flying training. After 1 1/2 year of flying training, including primary and basic jet flying on T-37 a/c, he was awarded his "wings" and was commissioned as a "pilot officer" in the G D(P) (general duty pilot) branch of the PAF in 1985. In Pakistan, this is quite an achievement, since the attrition rate during various tests and phases was almost 50%. Only half of the cadets could make it to the pilot officer rank during these five years.

S/L Mazhar did his fighter conversion on the Mig-17, and, thanks to his excellent flying skills was directly sent to the Mirage OCU (normally, after fighter conversion, all PAF pilots are sent to the F-6 (Sheniyang-built MiG-19, aka J-6) OCU or the F-7P (Sheniyang-built MiG-21, aka J-7). After successfully completing Mirage conversion, he was posted to Nr. 8 Tactical Attack sqn equipped with the Mirage V PA3. There he specialized in the Air to Sea role. From there he was posted to Nr. 11 OCU for conversion on the viper in 1990 after which he was assigned to Nr. 9 Multi role sqn. S/L Mazhar also flew the F-16 in the prestegious "Combat Commanders" School of the PAF, where he took an advanced course similar to USN Fighter Weapons School (Topgun).

How long have you flown the Viper and how many hours do you have on the F-16 ?

I have been flying the viper since 1990. But there was a break of 2 1/2 years in between when I did a tenure as a Flight Instructor in PAF Academy. Due to some restrictions, we do not fly as much as USAF or Turkish AF pilots do, therefore I only have about 500 Hrs on the F-16.

How would you compare the F-16 to the other aircraft types you flew ?

Well, in a nutshell, Mig is potent but lacks sophistication, but mind you if a good pilot is sitting in a Mig, it takes a while to get him in your HUD. Mirage comes no where close to the Viper in air combat, but for its role, surface attack, its a beautiful platform.

What is the principal role of the F-16 in the PAF ?

Although the principal role of Pakistani F-16 is Air Defence, it is utilized as a true multi role aircraft in our Air Force. We are extensively using the F-16 in various roles like strike, deep interdiction, escort etc.

Is there a difference in the roles of the three sqns ? Which squadron did you enjoy most serving with ?

Yes. Apart from the operational flying, Nr. 11 OCU has to fulfill the task of being the sole F-16 conversion unit for the PAF. CCS is purely an advanced tactics school for section leaders during their mid career. I enjoyed all the three assignments as I was flying the F-16.

What are the consequences of pakistan's geographical location for the Pakistani Air Force, and for the Pakistan F-16s in particular ?

I don't want to go in detail in this matter but due to obvious reasons of Russian invasion / unrest in Afghanistan in the west, and India's vision of becoming a mini superpower in the south east Asia, on our east, PAF has to keep a vigilant eye all along its border to defend the sovereignty of its country. The F-16s are the only a/c equipped with the latest avionics suite which can effectively fulfill this task therefore it puts them under tremendous pressure as far as the responsibility is concerned.

The PAF is one of the few airforces whose F-16s saw actual combat. How does this affect the Pakistani AF and its F-16 pilots ? What were the circumstances of those engagements ?

Pretty long question !!!!!!! It has made a pakistani pilot more wise I would say, and Air Force on the whole, as far as the employment of the F-16 is concerned. We have devised new tactics and educated our non AI equipped a/c pilots how to handle a situation if they are pitched against an AI equipped threat. In the beginning the Russians and the Afghanis were really flying like bafoons, but later they also learnt how to employ their a/c. They used split level tactics and played with numbers (typical Russian doctrine), in the end, to increase the task of the viper pilots. At time a single viper had to play with six to eight adversaries and mind you this is no exaggeration !!!!!!!!

What is life in a PAF F-16 sqn like ? Do you think the sqn life in the PAF is different from sqn life in other airforces ?

Life in a PAF F-16 sqn is quite tough; to be very frank. Due to the diversity of the role, the pilots are trained in almost all the roles. We do not have pilots specialised in only one role. You can very comfortably call them multi role pilots !!!!! This calls for full time dedication and hard work on the part of the pilots to maintain standards alongwith normal flying and 24 hours air defence alert duties. We really mean bussiness here in the F-16 sqns.

What flight profiles (air-air; air-ground,...) do you enjoy most and why ?

My favourite is the ESCORT role. It is a true blend of surface attack and air-air at low level. I think it's the ultimate you can derive out of a viper, though it demands a lot of training, there's no match pivoting a viper at 250 feet AGL, keeping an eye on the radar scope, watching your tail and shoot as well !

Do you have particularly fond memories of a specific deployment or exercise ?

HIGHMARK 93 - one of the major exercises PAF conducts. I had twenty five "confirmed" kills in air during a twelve day period, the highest for any pilot in any exercise of the PAF.


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