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Author Topic: F-16 Fighting Falcon  (Read 202100 times)
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« Reply #250 on: October 31, 2018, 08:46:15 pm »

I meni sam e brojke baš ne liće na verodostojne, no pitanje jest, koje kriterije so procenjivali. Siguran sam, da nisu upotrebljavali procenu lovačkih sposobnosti za dog-fajt. Takva konfiguracija aviona obično se upotrebljava za lovačko-bombarderske akcije, gde niti je prisutan niti se oćekuje protivnik u vazduhu. Smestiti tu masu na potkrilne pilone (zbog nastalih momenata i time opteretiti već onako opterećeno krilo) sasvim je nešto drugo od smeštanja te mase na trup aviona.
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« Reply #251 on: November 01, 2018, 02:00:11 am »

Malo smijesno.  Izrael je koristio F-16A Block 10 za glavninu neprijateljskih obaranja.  To je bilo izmedu 1981 I 1982-e protiv Sirije iznad Libanona gdje su oborili mozda 44 Sirijskih aviona i helikoptera.

Koliko znam, Izraelski F-16C/D/I su samo oborili dronove.  Glavna svrha F-16I (a I F-15I) je bombardiranje.
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« Reply #252 on: November 01, 2018, 05:16:08 pm »

CFT za F-16 moze da primi oko 1.700 litara goriva sto je povecanje od nekih 40%.

Baš deluje neverovatno da tih dodatnih 1.700 lit (što je više od 1.5 t) deluje samo 1% na ukupnu mobilnost malenog aviona kao što je F-16

Pretpostavljam da su mislili na uticaj na pokretljivost kada su CFT tankovi prazini. Obicno se prvo trosi gorivo iz dodatnih tankova pa tek onda iz unutrasnjih.
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« Reply #253 on: November 07, 2018, 11:53:23 pm »

Zasto Hrvatska nije jos potpisala ugovor za Izraelske F-16C/D-30.

Izgleda da je problem sto Lockheed Martin nije pregledao avione sto se tice mogucnosti produzenje zivota tih aviona (SLEP).  A izgleda za SLEP treba avion biti u originalnom stanju, a to Izraelski F-16 nisu.  Atreba I neko platiti za to a i da se avioni vrate u SAD.

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« Reply #254 on: February 08, 2019, 12:41:53 pm »

Mala dorada
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« Reply #255 on: February 08, 2019, 03:54:38 pm »

Boingov model 908. Čak je i pobedio u preliminarnim analizama ostale takmace, ali je na kraju izgubio od General Dynamics-ovog Model 401.

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« Reply #256 on: February 08, 2019, 08:00:59 pm »

Mala dorada


Бил Ганстон се не би љутио...
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« Reply #257 on: April 07, 2019, 03:34:04 pm »

Borbeni avion F-16 tokom vojne vežbe pogodio sam sebe
Tanjug  07.04.2019.

Holandski borbeni avion F-16 nekako je pogodio samog sebe automatskim oružjem tokom vojne vežbe, prenose lokalni mediji pozivajući se na izvore iz istrage.

Vojska još nije sigurna kako se tačno incident dogodio. Borbeni F-16 je pretrpeo "ozbiljnu štetu" nakon što je pogođen projektilom, za koji je ispostavilo da je njegovo oružje, javio je holandski NOS. Bizaran incident dogodio se u januaru i od tada je pod istragom. Par borbenih aviona američke proizvodnje učestvovali su u vežbi i gađali su mete na zemlji, kada je jedan od njih oštećen. Avion je bezbedno sleteo, a pilot nije povređen.

Na fotografiji iz istrage koju su objavili holandski mediji, vidi se oštećenje od projektila, a navodno je oštećen i motor aviona. Zasad nije poznato koliko je projektila pogodilo avion, ali je najmanje jedan definitivno ostavio trag, prenosi

- Ovo je ozbiljan slučaj, zato i želimo da otkrijemo šta se dogodilo i kako, da bismo u budućnosti mogli da sprečimo takve stvari - izjavio je inspektor za bezbednost, general Vim Bargerbos.

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« Reply #258 on: April 07, 2019, 07:46:01 pm »

Ako je bilo više aviona na vežbi, možda su se nešto ''pobrkali'' pa im se projektil oteo kontroli  Embarrassed
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« Reply #259 on: June 09, 2019, 12:16:49 pm »

Razlike između F-16 C/D Block 70/72 i F-21.


Difference between new F-21 and New F-16 Block 70 Fighter jet
February 22, 2019

Lockheed Martin has announced a fighter jet it calls the F-21. The single-seat fighter is packed with missiles, modern sensors, and can engage in both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. It’s not exactly “new” though—the rest of the world knows this plane as the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

India is seeking a foreign fighter for its air force. There’s stiff competition between Lockheed’s F-16, Boeing’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, the Swedish Gripen, French Rafale, European Eurofighter Typhoon, and Russian jets. To break through the logjam, Lockheed decided it needed to upgrade its offering

The latest version of the F-16, officially dubbed the F-16 Block 70, is a thoroughly modern fighter jet. The original F-16 was introduced in the 1970s, but the new jet is a different beast thanks to advanced avionics, the APG-83 active electronically scanned array radar, above-wing fuel tanks for increased range, and an automatic ground collision avoidance system. The Block 70 also has a structural service life of 12,000 hours, compared to just 8,000 hours for earlier versions of the F-16.

The “F-21” also has some tricks the Block 70 doesn’t have. Lockheed’s promotional video shows the fighter with a remarkable ten missiles—eight medium range, radar-guided AMRAAM missiles plus two AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles.

The F-21 can be seen carrying a Sniper electro-optical targeting pod, also produced by Lockheed Martin. In service with the U.S. Air Force, the Sniper pod provides HD forward-looking infrared (also known as thermal imaging), a dual mode laser, video data link, and digital data recorder. The F-21 also features an aerial refueling probe for refueling using the drogue system and a huge flat panel cockpit display.

“The F-21 is different, inside and out, Vivek Lall,” vice president of Strategy and Business Development for Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, said in a statement.

The Block 70 upgrades included an AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar, a modern commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)-based avionics subsystem, the AN/APX-126 Advanced IFF, the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II, CFT (Conformal Fuel Tanks); and a high-volume, high-speed data bus as well as other baseline features such as a Link-16 Theater Data Link, Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod, advanced weapons, precision GPS navigation, and the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS).

One of the most interesting upgrades of the Block 70 to the baseline F-16s is the Northrop Grumman’s advanced APG-83 AESA radar, that enables greater detection and tracking ranges, multiple target track (20-plus target tracks), high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) maps for all-environment precision strike, interleaved air-to-air and air-to-surface mode operations for improved situational awareness, operational effectiveness and survivability; and robust electronic protection for operations in dense radio frequency (RF) environments.

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