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Author Topic: Helikopter Mil Mi-2  (Read 43780 times)
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« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2015, 10:57:39 am »

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* mi-2001.JPG (802.31 KB, 1995x1201 - viewed 244 times.)

* mi-2002.jpg (91.58 KB, 800x536 - viewed 231 times.)

* mi-2003.jpg (122.23 KB, 600x400 - viewed 253 times.)

* mi-2004.jpg (602.95 KB, 1200x797 - viewed 262 times.)

* mi-2005.jpg (954.4 KB, 1920x2560 - viewed 248 times.)
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« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2015, 11:00:31 am »

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* mi-2006.jpg (653.54 KB, 2580x1932 - viewed 239 times.)

* mi-2007.jpg (484.16 KB, 1984x961 - viewed 259 times.)

* mi-2008.jpg (654.81 KB, 1280x745 - viewed 247 times.)

* mi-2009.JPG (1155.54 KB, 2061x1416 - viewed 238 times.)

* mi-2010.JPG (626.94 KB, 1536x1231 - viewed 258 times.)
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« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2015, 11:01:41 am »

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* mi-2011.JPG (1177.45 KB, 1959x1469 - viewed 247 times.)

* mi-2012.jpg (647 KB, 2555x1345 - viewed 258 times.)

* mi-2013.jpg (446.34 KB, 1280x960 - viewed 250 times.)

* mi-2014.JPG (317.99 KB, 1893x941 - viewed 242 times.)

* mi-2015.jpg (924.45 KB, 1499x997 - viewed 259 times.)
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« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2015, 11:03:16 am »

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* mi-2016.jpg (1074.87 KB, 2152x1431 - viewed 251 times.)

* mi-2017.jpg (72.41 KB, 697x327 - viewed 262 times.)

* mi-2018.jpg (446.75 KB, 1400x949 - viewed 249 times.)

* mi-2019.jpg (400.88 KB, 1220x890 - viewed 262 times.)

* mi-2kokpit.jpg (353.97 KB, 1000x750 - viewed 247 times.)
kapetan bojnog broda
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#vragu i rat#

« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2016, 05:29:02 pm »

Slična već postoji na temi. Slikanje za potrebe privrede i društva.  Smiley

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* aaaa-2.jpg (166.16 KB, 1024x561 - viewed 246 times.)
kapetan bojnog broda
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#vragu i rat#

« Reply #45 on: August 02, 2017, 11:15:04 am »

Gledatelji koji su u nedjelju nadomak Minska uživali u zrakoplovnom sportskom natjecanju Pronebo, festivalu koji organizira tamošnji aeroklub DOSAAF, svjedočili su čudu kada se pilot maloga sovjetskoga transportnog helikoptera Mi-2 zaigrao tijekom nastupa slobodnim stilom.

Naime, u jednom je trenutku propelerom na repu zagrebao po tlu te je upravo nevjerojatno da se helikopter nije prevrnuo i razbio.

Unatoč tome što je izbjegao tragediju, organizatori su trenutačno reagirali i pilotu pokazali "crnu zastavu", što znači da su ga zajedno s ostatkom posade diskvalificirali, ali i suspendirali s budućih natjecanja.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 10:07:35 am by Dreadnought » Logged
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« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2018, 04:37:52 pm »

Ispred MJV. Inače su u muzeju završili 12506, 12512, 12513, 12514 i 12515.

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* Mi-2 MJV.jpg (1278.43 KB, 2402x1630 - viewed 204 times.)
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« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2019, 10:09:07 am »

Fotografija iz knjige "Avijacija Srbije i Jugoslavije 1901-1994.", autor Zlatomir Grujić. Bila je ranije u temi, ovog puta malo veći format.

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* Mil Mi-2_JRV.jpg (186.03 KB, 1280x687 - viewed 114 times.)
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« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2020, 01:33:42 pm »

Ispred MJV.

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* Mi-2AMSJ MJV.jpg (1206.75 KB, 1200x812 - viewed 24 times.)
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« Reply #49 on: November 25, 2020, 12:02:00 pm »

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* Mi-2AMSJ.jpg (82.6 KB, 402x512 - viewed 24 times.)
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