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Author Topic: Tenk M-84  (Read 2421246 times)
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Vladimir Ivanović
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Da sam nomalan, poludio bih.

« Reply #1390 on: August 22, 2012, 03:21:11 pm »

A Vojsku Srbije?
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« Reply #1391 on: August 22, 2012, 03:24:33 pm »

neču da komentiram, ali you get the point.

Vladimir Ivanović
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Da sam nomalan, poludio bih.

« Reply #1392 on: August 22, 2012, 03:39:23 pm »

Očekivao sam ovakav odgovor, ali je najgore to što sam pisao nakoliko puta o ovome na više adresa u MO Srbije, ali nema pomaka.

Ima poslovica.

Pametnom kažeš samo jednom, a budali ne vrijedi govoriti.

Otvoreno i direktno pišem ovdje o svim vojskama i događajima. Ko se prepozna shvatiće. Ko se ne prepozna, opet, džaba mu je pisati.

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« Reply #1393 on: August 22, 2012, 10:38:44 pm »

Sviđa mi se ova slika. M84 u naoružanju SV. (pre par stranica bile detalne sliek unutrašnjosti). Nikako mi ne ide skupa, novi SUV, a guma na točkovima u očajnom stanju...

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* IMG_1391.JPG (729.25 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 350 times.)
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« Reply #1394 on: August 22, 2012, 10:40:23 pm »

I malo slika M87

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* 36 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (456.34 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 286 times.)

* 37 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (489.2 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 284 times.)

* 38 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (357.69 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 307 times.)

* 39 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (434.33 KB, 2400x3200 - viewed 171 times.)

* 40 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (424.43 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 161 times.)
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« Reply #1395 on: August 22, 2012, 10:41:50 pm »

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* 41 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (363.44 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 638 times.)

* 42 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (455.5 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 610 times.)

* 43 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (402.64 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 585 times.)

* 44 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (495.42 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 553 times.)

* 45 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (337.6 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 553 times.)
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« Reply #1396 on: August 22, 2012, 10:43:59 pm »

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* 46 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (265.61 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 145 times.)

* 47 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (342.87 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 159 times.)

* 48 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (407.42 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 154 times.)

* 49 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (343.61 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 149 times.)

* 50 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (366.55 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 161 times.)
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« Reply #1397 on: August 22, 2012, 10:45:07 pm »

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* 51 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (237.15 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 155 times.)

* 52 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (408.69 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 169 times.)

* 53 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (334.15 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 166 times.)

* 54 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (368.07 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 148 times.)

* 55 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (360.73 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 145 times.)
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« Reply #1398 on: August 22, 2012, 10:46:05 pm »

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* 56 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (357.31 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 168 times.)

* 57 PA mitraljez NSVT.JPG (429.63 KB, 3198x1765 - viewed 152 times.)

* IMG_1354.JPG (550.13 KB, 2736x3648 - viewed 133 times.)

* IMG_1355.JPG (383.39 KB, 3648x2736 - viewed 151 times.)
Vladimir Ivanović
Stručni saradnik - OMJ
poručnik fregate
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Last Login:July 25, 2022, 08:46:17 pm
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Da sam nomalan, poludio bih.

« Reply #1399 on: August 29, 2012, 02:31:40 pm »

Na osnovu mog pisanja na ovome forumu  ( ) o sajtu Budi profesionalac, te na osnovu zalaganja cjenjenog i poštovanog člana ovog foruma (ime napisano bojom za posebne članove), Vojska Srbije je jutros promijenila sliku i tekst na sajtu

Ispravljena je greška

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te sada taj dio sajta izgleda drugačije.

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Stavljena je slika tenka M84 iz prve serije, te ispravljene greške u opisu tenka i poslova posade. Možda bi slika tenka M84A bila ljepša. Ali u svakom slučaju

eppur si muove.

Hvala uvaženom  i cjenjenom članu ovog foruma na zalaganju.



* slika sa sajta Vojske Srbije.jpg (237.58 KB, 742x563 - viewed 175 times.)

* Budi profesionalac, izmjenjen.jpg (297.56 KB, 1128x685 - viewed 197 times.)
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