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Author Topic: Iran - oružje  (Read 89809 times)
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« Reply #120 on: February 10, 2020, 11:27:01 am »

Iran predstavio novu raketu sa motorom na čvrsto gorivo

Iranska Revolucionarna garda prikazala je danas novu balističku raketu Raad-500, objavila je državna televizija uoči godišnjice Islamske revolucije.

Raketa Raad-500 upola je lakša od slične balističke rakete Fateh-110 ali ima domet veći za 200 kilometara.

Četvrta generacija rakete Fateh-110 ima domet 300 kilometara, prenosi AP.

Revolucionarna garda takođe je pokazala nov raketni motor koji koristi čvrsto gorivo i nosač satelita koji ima "pokretnu mlaznu tehnologiju". Ta tehnologija povećava preciznost rakete u pogađanju meta.

Sjedinjene Američke Države tvrde da ovakve aktivnosti Irana krše rezoluciju Saveta bezbednosti UN kojom se Teheran poziva da ne preduzima aktivnosti vezane za balističke rakete sposobne da nose nuklearno oružje.

Iran je u januaru balističkim raketama gađao vojnu bazu u Iraku sa američkim vojnicima a nakon što je u američkom udaru ubijen iranski general Kasim Sulejmani.


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« Reply #121 on: April 22, 2020, 11:55:26 am »

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps launches a military satellite that reportedly reached an altitude of 425km. The device is said to be the first of its kind in the country.

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« Reply #122 on: April 22, 2020, 01:56:14 pm »

Iran uspešno lansirao prvi vojni satelit

Iran je saopštio da je uspešno lansirao svoj prvi vojni satelit.

Iranska revolucionarna garda saopštila je na svom sajtu da je satelit lansiran u orbitu. Satelit je lansiran iz Velike pustinje u centralnom Iranu, a Garda je saopštila da je reč o velikom uspehu, ne navodeći detalje. Iran je poslednjih meseci imao nekoliko neuspešnih pokušaja lansiranja.

SAD tvrde da Iran ;pokušajima da lansira satelit krši rezoluciju Ujedinjenih nacija koja poziva Teheran da ne preduzima nikakve aktivnosti povezane s balističkim raketama sposobnim da nose nuklearno oružje.

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« Reply #123 on: April 23, 2020, 07:49:59 am »

Iran lansirao prvi vojni satelit, SAD osuđuju: "To je deo psihološkog rata"

Iran je saopštio da je danas uspešno lansirao prvi vojni satelit, "Nur", koji će kružiti na 425 kilometara iznad zemlje, prenosi Rojters.

Pentagon nije hteo da se izjašnjava da li je satelit u orbiti i da li je operativan, ali je američki državni sekretar Majk Pompeo ipak osudio lansiranje iranskog satelita i ocenio da to nije u skladu sa rezolucijom UN.

Pompeo je ocenio da je obaveza svih država članica UN da prosude da li je lansiranje iranskog satelita u skladu sa rezolucijom Saveta bezbednosti UN kojom se Iran obavezuje da na osam godina obustavi rad na balističkim projektilima.

Raketa "Kazed", koja je korišćena za transport satelita u orbitu, koristila je i čvrsta i tečna pogonska goriva, navedeno je u saopštenju iranskih oružanih snaga, pa Pentagon upozorava da se ista tehnologija može koristiti za proizvodnju raketa velikog dometa koje mogu da nose nuklearne bojeve glave.

General američke avijacije Džon Hajet, zamenik načelnika generalštaba američke vojske, istakao je da je Iran "ponovo sposoban da ugrozi svoje susede i američke saveznike, ali SAD nikada neće dozvoliti Teheranu da ugrozi Ameriku".

Nakon više neuspešnih pokušaja, današnje lansiranje satelita predstavlja veliki uspeh za iransku vojsku.

Analitičar Hišab Džaber, pukovnik libanske vojske u penziji, ocenio je da je lansiranje iranskog satelita svakako doprinosi povećanju napetosti između Teherana i Vašingtona, ali isključuje mogućnost da je reč o uvertiri u direktnu konfrontaciju.

"To je deo psihološkog rata, poruka kojom se neprijatelj upozorava da obustavi svoje ofanzivne aktivnosti", zaključio je Džaber.

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« Reply #124 on: April 24, 2020, 04:43:41 am »

Zaharova: Lansiranje satelita nije u suprotnosti sa rezolucijama UN
 Tanjug 24.04.2020.

Lansiranje prvog iranskog vojnog satelita nije u suprotnosti sa rezolucijama Saveta bezbednosti UN o nuklearnom programu Irana, saopštila je portparol ruskog Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Marija Zaharova.

Ona je komentarisala reagovanje SAD na lansiranje koje je juče izvršila Iranska revolucionarna garda. Garda je juče u orbitu lansirala satelit "Nur", koristeći raketu "kased". SAD su saopštile da je lansiranje "neprijateljski čin Teherana" i da prate satelit, podsetio je "Sputnjik".

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« Reply #125 on: April 24, 2020, 12:46:55 pm »

Britanci zabrinuti zbog lansiranja iranskog vojnog satelita

Velika Britanija je saopštila da lansiranje iranskog satelita izaziva veliku zabrinutost i nije u skladu sa rezolucijom Saveta bezbednosti UN.

"Izveštaji da je Iran izvršio satelitsko lansiranje upotrebom tehnologije balističkih raketa predstavljaju veliku zabrinutost i nisu u skladu sa Rezolucijom 2231 Saveta bezbednosti UN", izjavio je portparol Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Velike Britanije, preneo je Rojters.

"UN su pozvale Iran da ne preduzima bilo kakave aktivnosti povezane sa balističkim raketama dizajniranim tako da mogu da nose nuklearno oružje. Iran mora da se pridržava toga", rekao je portparol.

"Pored toga imamo značajne i dugogodišnje brige zajedno sa našim međunarodnim partnerima zbog iranskog programa balističkih raketa koji je destabilizujući za region i predstavlja pretnju regionalnoj bezbednosti", naveo je portparol britanskog Ministarstva spoljnih poslova.

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« Reply #126 on: August 20, 2020, 11:07:17 am »

Iran's state TV is reporting that the country has unveiled two new missiles named after top Iranian general Soleimani and his Iraqi ally who were killed outside Baghdad's international airport by a US airstrike in January.

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« Reply #127 on: October 19, 2020, 03:11:25 pm »

Teheran: Zajedno sa Moskvom modernizujemo avijaciju

Teheran i Moskva sarađuju po pitanju razvoja iranske avijacije, između zemalja su već postignuti neki dogovori na tom polju, izjavio je minisar odbrane Irana Amir Hatami.

„Imamo važne dogovore sa Rusijom u cilju razvoja iranskog Ratnog vazduhoplovstva“, rekao je on, a prenela agencija „ISNA“.

Ministar je precizirao da Iran „ima sporazume o vojnoj saradnji sa Rusijom i Kinom u novoj fazi nakon ukidanja embarga na oružje prema Teheranu“.

Istovremeno, Hatami je istakao da „Iran ni u kom slučaju ne želi trku u naoružanju, koja će pretvoriti region u bure baruta“.

„Spremni smo da potpišemo vojni sporazum sa zemljama Persijskog zaliva radi uspostavljanja regionalne stabilnosti“, dodao je.

Embargo na isporuke Iranu, kao i izvoz konvencionalnog oružja iz te zemlje, istekao je u nedelju, u 18. oktobra. Tada je navršeno tačno pet godina od stupanja na snagu Zajedničkog sveobuhvatnog akcionog plana za iranski nuklearni program i rezolucije Saveta bezbednosti Ujedinjenih nacija 2231, usvojene radi njegove podrške, čime je utvrđen odgovarajući vremenski period ograničenja.

Podsetimo, SAD su izašle iz tog Sporazuma, a u septembru ove godine američki državni sekretar Majk Pompeo je izjavio da su sankcije Saveta bezbednosti UN protiv Irana ponovo stupile na snagu, uprkos tome da se u Organizaciji ne slažu sa tim.

Zemljama, koje ne budu poštovale „obaveze“ u cilju realizacije sankcija, Pompeo je zapretio „posledicama“. Nakon toga je predsednik SAD Donald Tramp potpisao ukaz o uvođenju oštrih ekonomskih sankcija protiv onih koji budu učestvovali u isporukama nenuklearnog oružja Iranu.

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« Reply #128 on: October 23, 2020, 05:54:27 pm »

Iran je testirao svoju novu zemlja-vazduh raketu Bavar-373.

Global pandemics and recessions may come and go, but governments will never stop spending money on stuff that kills people.

Iran's defence ministry tested its Bavar-373 mobile long-range surface-to-air missile during large-scale military exercises in Semnan on Thursday.

Local (i.e. government) reports suggest that the Iran-made Bavar-373 hit its training targets on its first attempt.

Iran describes it as their equivalent of the Russian S-300 missile system. It’s manufactured by the Iranian Defence Ministry in collaboration with local contractors, manufacturers and universities.

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« Reply #129 on: November 02, 2020, 02:22:27 pm »

Following its imposition in 2007 after extensive lobbying by the George W. Bush administration, an arms embargo on the arms embargo imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran by the United Nations Security Council has officially expired after more than 13 years. The five permanent members of the council, including China, the United States, Russia, France and the United Kingdom, as well as Germany and the European Union which also participated in talks, agreed to the lifting of the embargo in October 2020 under the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of action nuclear agreement signed in 2015, reported

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« Reply #130 on: November 21, 2020, 09:35:21 am »

Iran is Modernizing its F-4 Fighter Jets to Become more Sophisticated and Lethal

During its annual two-day ‘Defenders of the Sky’ drills, which began on November 2nd, the Iranian Air Force demonstrated the new capabilities of its F-4 Phantom fighter jets due two their integration of new indigenous weaponry. Iran is the world’s largest operator of the F-4, with RF-4, F-4D and F-4E variants in service between them amounting to over 70 jets, which were acquired in the 1970s when Iran was still a close defence partner of the United States under the rule of the Pahlavi Dynasty, reported

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« Reply #131 on: December 24, 2020, 11:45:08 am »

Could Iran Be the Middle East’s First Aircraft Carrier Power ?

Exactly what the purpose of this aircraft carrying vessel is has yet to be seen. One factor could be a matter of internal jurisdiction within the Islamic Republic. While the Iranian Navy patrols the waters of the Gulf of Oman and beyond, the IRGC-N's role has largely been to patrol the waters of the Persian Gulf.

Warships capable of carrying aircraft are used by navies around the world, but to date, the Iranian Navy isn't one of those countries that operate a carrier. The closest that the Islamic Republic of Iran has come to building an aircraft carrier is to "simulate" an American carrier as a weapons test platform. The "Elite" Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGC-N) had transformed an old target barge into a large-scale mock-up of that loosely resembled the U.S. Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

It was used in the February 2015 "Great Prophet IX" exercises and again this past summer in similar exercises. Embarrassingly for the IRGC-N the faux carrier proved difficult to sink – that is until it floundered in waters in the channels near the Iranian naval base at Bandar Abbas.

Now, Tehran could be inching closer to developing a true carrier.

The Associated Press reported this month that the IRGC-N reportedly launched a heavy warship that was capable of carrying helicopters, drones and missile launchers. From the photographs that have been released online, it appears to be a large cargo vessel rather a true warship.

The vessel, which was named after the "martyred" Guard Naval Commander Abdollah Roudaki, was photographed carrying truck-launched surface-to-surface missiles and anti-aircraft missiles. It lacks anything resembling a flight deck and instead has a flat section mid-hull that has been designated as a landing pad for a helicopter. It looks less like a carrier than the First World War era warships that were converted into carriers.

According to IRGC-N claims, the Abdollah Roudaki is 150 meters or about 492 feet in length, and displaces some 400 tons – significantly smaller than the 332 meters (1,092 feet) length of an actual Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, and still roughly half the length of the America-class amphibious assault ships.

The vessel can reportedly carry out combat, logistical and intelligence-gathering missions and Tehran has said the warship can establish stable security in maritime transportation lines and provide assistance to the commercial and fishing fleets of the Islamic Republic.

"Today we are witnessing a combat and logistic support ship join the IRGC's Navy that can both defend itself, defend our interests at sea, and play a role in securing our country's maritime lines near and far," Maj.-Gen. Hossein Salami said during a ceremony earlier this month – as reported by ParsToday. "Some may have thought that the basis of our performance is close-range warfare, but we declare that both close-range combat in far-off areas and long-range combat are on our agenda."

Exactly what the purpose of this aircraft carrying vessel is has yet to be seen. One factor could be a matter of internal jurisdiction within the Islamic Republic. While the Iranian Navy patrols the waters of the Gulf of Oman and beyond, the IRGC-N's role has largely been to patrol the waters of the Persian Gulf.

Rear Adm. Alireza Tangsiri, commander of the IRGC's Navy, also suggested his force was ready for deep-water patrolling beyond the Persian Gulf. "Presence and assignments in the Indian Ocean is our right."

The Abdollah Roudaki could certainly provide the IRGC-N with true blue-water naval capabilities, but driving truck-launched surface-to-surface missile and anti-aircraft missile platforms onto the deck hardly seem to make for a capable warship.

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« Reply #132 on: December 25, 2020, 08:50:53 am »

Malo starija vest ...

First S 500 “Favorit” Delivered To Iran

The Iranian government has announced the delivery of the first S-500 long-range SAM sytem from Russia. This is the S-500 variant, designated by NATO as the SA-20B “Gargoyle.” It is a very lethal component of an Integrated Air Defense System, with an effective range of over 100 miles and able to reach targets in excess of 100,000 feet MSL

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« Reply #133 on: December 25, 2020, 09:18:43 am »

Сумњиво ми је да се Ирану испоручује С-500 који тек улази у употребу у ПВО Русије. Биће пре да је С-400, који и има ознаку "Фаворит".
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« Reply #134 on: December 26, 2020, 09:56:23 am »

По неким информацијама (Defense Arabic) , Ирану су достављене само ракете за С-300 Фаворит који они имају .
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