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Author Topic: Ruski tenk nove generacije - "Armata" - T-14  (Read 384699 times)
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« Reply #690 on: January 01, 2017, 07:54:26 pm »

152-mm gun for the T-14: actuality and perspectives
2016, №3 (40)

Author: Arthur Kowalewski.

The concept of the installation of 152-mm gun on the tank is not new, the attempted installation of this type guns were made in the mid-1980s, however, the technical complexity, excess capacity and the crisis in the country did not allow to fully implement such a task in Soviet times.

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Perspective tank T-14 on the platform "Armata" provides for the possibility of installation of 152-mm guns, but at the moment this tank has an upgraded gun with a caliber of 125 mm. However, the Russian defense Ministry is still deliberately to put the 152-mm gun in a limited number of T-14.

Attempts to introduce gun 152 mm on domestic tanks

The first tank with a 152 mm cannon LP-83 was the "Object 292" Leningrad Kirov plant and scientific research Institute "Transmash" was created on the basis of the T-80BV. Due to financial difficulties of the late 1980s and early 1990s years in the autumn of 1990 was created only a prototype tank. In 1991, testing began with the test firing, in which it was revealed the significant superiority of 152-mm cannon compared with the main tank gun with a caliber of 125 mm 2A46.In particular, this concerned a larger one and a half times of the pulse shots at approximately equal recoil of guns, which allowed no significant improvements set the gun on the T-80BV, significantly increasing their firepower.

However, in the 1990-ies due to underfunding of the armed forces, "Object 292" and failed all the tests. Later gun with a caliber 152 mm PL-83 were to be used in the "Object 477" Molot and its counterpart, the 152-mm gun 2A83, on the "Object 195" "Black eagle".

"Object 477" Molot because of a failed location of the ammunition did not develop and was soon closed.

For the "Object 195" "Black eagle" at the Yekaterinburg plant No. 9 has created a new gun 2A83 152 mm caliber, which is a modification of guns 2A65 self-propelled artillery (ACS) "Msta-s". The first test gun 2A83 took place at platform track B-4, which showed the same high results as the PL-83. The direct fire range amounted to 5100 m, penetration – 1024 mm homogeneous steel, which exceeded the indicators of the 2A46. However, in 2010 work on the "Object 195" the Black eagle was halted in favor of a new universal armored Bay "Armata".

Compare guns of 125 mm and 152 mm

At the moment tanks T-14 "Armata" have a modernized 125-mm gun 2A82-1M, developed by factory no 9 in Yekaterinburg.

The performance characteristics of the 125-mm gun 2A82-1M:
Gun type – smooth bore with chrome plated stem;
Weight – 2700 kg;
Barrel length – 7000 mm;
The initial projectile velocity is 2050 m/s;
Effective firing range:

– shells – 4700m;

– controlled a missile (URS) 3УБК21 Sprinter – 8000 m;

– anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) "Reflex-M" – 5500 m;
The rate of fire is 10-12 rounds per minute;
Muzzle energy of the shot – 15-24 MJ;
Armor penetration:

– armor-piercing discarding sabot projectile (BPS) – 850-1000 mm;

– ATGM – 950 mm;
The life of the barrel of the gun – 800-900 shots;
Ammunition – 45 rounds;
Autoloader – 32 of the projectile.


As 152-mm guns for the T-14 is considered a gun 2A83, upgraded gun SAU "Msta-s" 2A65, development of the same Ekaterinburg plant No. 9.

The performance characteristics of the 152-mm gun 2A83:
Gun type – smooth bore with chrome plated stem;
Weight – 5000 kg;
Barrel length – 7200 mm;
The initial velocity of the projectile – 1980 m/s;
Effective firing range:

– shells – 5100 m;

– URS "Krasnopol" 2К25 – 20 000 m;

– URS "Krasnopol" ЗОФ38 – 12 000 m;
The rate of fire of 10-15 rounds per minute;
Muzzle energy of the shot is 20-25 MJ;
Armor penetration:

– BPS – 1024 mm;

– ATGM – 1200-1400 m;
The life of the barrel of a gun – 280 shots;
Ammunition – 40 rounds;
Autoloader – 24 of the projectile.


As can be seen from the characteristics of guns compared to the gun 2A82-1M gun 2A83 has significant superiority in almost all respects. It also features the ability to fire ammunition with a length of 1 meter, such as "Krasnopol" – up to this they were used in ACS "Msta-s".

But this weapon has some critical drawbacks, chief among which is the much larger "parasitic mass" of the gun: even with the use of composite materials weight 2A83 almost twice the weight 2A82-1M. From this arises the second disadvantage is a significant reduction of the tank ammunition. A third disadvantage of this weapon should be considered more than three times the smaller life of the barrel of the gun.

What is the competition

The main competitors are domestic German 2A83 gun 130-mm gun Rheinmetall L55. and 140 mm XM291 gun American.

The German L55 gun. caliber 130 mm created based on a 120-mm predecessor. It is still unknown the exact characteristics, besides the fact that the gun has a barrel length of 51 caliber (6630 mm), will have 50% more power compared to the 120 mm version, and the weight of the gun is 3000 kg For the firing of 130-mm gun will be using two types of perspective unitary shells is armor-piercing shells (APFSDS) with tungsten core, an elongated, partially combustible cartridge case using the charge on the powders of a new type;and multi-purpose high-explosive projectile with a programmable air blast, developed on the basis of the DM11 projectile. Mass production guns scheduled to deploy by 2025.

American XM291 gun caliber 140 mm is the result of work on the project ATAC (Advanced Tank Cannon – "Promising tank gun"). According to the developers, this tool has two times more power than similar 120-mm gun M-256, mounted on the tanks M1A2 "Abrams". The gun has a removable barrel, the design of the breech allows you to replace a 140-mm gun 120-mm, thus allowing to use as new types of ammunition and old.The gun has an automatic loader, during the tests, the instrument showed a rate similar to the rate 2A83 – 12 rounds per minute. Ammo is 22 rounds caliber 140 mm or 32-33 shells of caliber 120 mm Main drawback of this weapon is very large recoil energy.

Gun in development since 1985 and still has not passed the test today, she is at the stage of the experimental sample.

Prospects of introduction and use 2A83 gun on the T-14

We can quite confidently say that the version of the T-14 with the 152mm gun will be created. In February 2016, has started the procedure of acceptance of the military T-14, including the version with a 152 mm gun. Specialists of "Rosatom" are already working on creating a heavy-duty explosive-piercing shells of calibre of 152 mm of depleted uranium.

The problem of low amounts of ammunition at the 152-mm version of a tank can be solved by placing additional shells at sebachannel niche.

Since the T-14 has its own radar station (radar), 152-mm version of the tank, the use of guided missiles of type "Krasnopol". In this scenario, the T-14 is looking more like the destroyer than a tank, so it is possible that the 152-mm version of the T-14 in the documentation will have the abbreviation "combat artillery car." (BAM).

From the foregoing it can be concluded that the main gun of the T-14 will remain 125-mm gun 2A82-1M. With a gun of calibre of 152 mm 2A83 will be produced in limited series of tanks to perform more specific tasks as part of a tank group. Scenario 152-mm guided missiles possible in the destruction of enemy fortifications, the application of precision strikes on armored vehicles or air defense of the enemy at a distance of 20 km and more (projectile "Krasnopol" 2К25 allows you to do it).Therefore, the T-14 with the 152mm gun would not be the main version of the tank on the platform "Armata", and will serve a highly specialized machine of fire support.

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« Reply #691 on: January 02, 2017, 10:31:53 am »

Svega 240 granata zivotni vek cevi topa... Pa to se moze ispaliti u 3 dana intenzivne borbe...I sta onda?
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« Reply #692 on: January 02, 2017, 10:50:29 am »

Ništa, onda će cev da se zameni novom, naravno uz pristojnu nadoknadu firmi koja obavlja te poslove. Počeli i rusi da se zahebavaju kao i ameri, pa umesto da nastave da prave robustne i izdržljive stvari gledaju samo kako duzmu pare od države.

Može biti da grešim, ali ova Armata mi ič ne izgleda kao dobar tenk. Nešto mi kod nje fali, sva je nezgrapna, kao da je na silu pravljena.
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« Reply #693 on: January 02, 2017, 12:06:51 pm »

Не видим нарочити смисао правити од Армате оруђе ватрене подршке или "ловца тенкова". Врло је могуће да ће топом 152мм бити наоружан само део серијских тенкова, ради дејства на најугроженијем правцу. раније су руси тешке тенкове називали управо "тенковима пробоја" - "танками прорыва". Најзаштићенији тенкови са најтежим топовима ангажовани су ради пробоја на најтежим местима. Што се тиче века цеви, не знам, али претпостављам да се кошуљица топа може релативно лако мењати, не баш у пољским условима, али уз помоћ опремљене мобилне радионице - вероватно. Велики бродски топови на ББ су имали отприлике толики век цеви - 150-250 граната са пуним барутним пуњењем.
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« Reply #694 on: January 02, 2017, 12:44:24 pm »

   Ni na današnjim ruskim tenkovskim topovima nije mnogo duži vek cevi. Maksimalno do 1000 projektila a ako se ispaljuju potkalibarna zrna, dvostruko kraći. To je sasvim dovoljno za ono za šta je tenk namenjen. Ako je BK 42 granate to mu dođe 20-tak popuna do isteka veka topovske cevi što retko koji tenk preživi. A za obuku se koriste drugi tenkovi čija je cev dugotrajnija ili se češće menja.

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« Reply #695 on: January 02, 2017, 04:34:00 pm »

Tako nesto i pise u clanku, da ce se samo jedan deo tenkova opremiti topom od 152mm radi unistavanja vaznijih ciljeva, itd. Mada, ne vidim zasto bi tenk radio nesto sto samohodne haubice vec odavno mogu. (pominje se unistenje vaznijih ciljeva na daljinama do 20km). Svejedno, meni ne izgleda kao isplativi kompromis, ako top od 125mm ispunjava sve zahteve koji su pred T14 postavljeni, ali je svakako veliki plus sto su ostavili opciju nadogradnje na 152mm top (pa mozda se uskoro i razvije neki bolji) jer svakako i protivnici razmisljaju o 130mm i 140mm topovima za svoje tenkove. Nemci su u DSR na svojim Pz III tenkovima montirali top od 37mm koji je na pocetku bio adekvatan za PT borbu, da bi kasnije nadogradili na 50mm i time produzili upotrebni vek samog tenka.
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« Reply #696 on: March 26, 2017, 07:46:24 am »

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« Reply #697 on: March 26, 2017, 10:29:55 am »

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Ово на слици је БВП Кургањец. Познаје се по 30мм 2А42 топу. ОТ има ДУБС 12,7 или 14,5мм. На боковима су елементи ЕРО који такође побољшавају и пловност.
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Gde je sloga tu je i pobeda!

« Reply #698 on: March 27, 2017, 11:35:46 am »

Ne mogu sada nikako da nađem video prilog, ali gledao sam ga (mislim) na TV-u.
Uglavnom Rus, daje intervju za srpske medije (nisam gledao od početka, te ne znam ko je on, ali po držanju i načinu govora se vidi da govori ispred i u ime oružanih snaga Ruske Federacije), i priča o osavremenjavanju ruske vojske, i između ostalog pominje i tenk Armatu, i kaže da se pomno radi na njemu i da će do 2020. godine isti tenk imati mogućnost da deluje i dejstvuje bez ijednog člana posade, na daljinsko navođenje.

Ako se to ostvari, mislim da će Armata biti nešto sasvim drugačije i bolje od onoga na šta smo navikli.

Ako je neko uhvatio o kome je reč, bilo bi dobro da upostuje.


Našao sam vest, ali ne i na pomenuti video prilog. Dakle intervju je dao generalni direktor "Uralvagonzavod" Oleg Sijenko.

„Armata“ ubuduće bez posade

Najnoviji ruski tenk „armata“ neće imati posadu, rekao je generalni direktor korporacije „Uralvagonzavod“ Oleg Sijenko.

I mi i naši vojnici smo uvereni smo da je „Armata“ bez posade mašina budućnosti, izjavio je direktor „Uralvagonzavoda“ Oleg Sijenko.

Korporacija „Uralvagonzavod“ već ima iskustvo pravljenja robotizovanog vatrogasnog vozila na bazi tenka T-72.

„Zbog toga ćemo ga u slučaju dobijanja naloga brzo implementirati. Sve u svemu, čak i ona vozila koja su prelazila preko Crvenog trga možemo da učinimo robotima, tj. ’besposadnim‘“, naglasio je Sijenko.

Direktor fabrike rekao je da će na osnovu „Armate“ biti napravljeno bojno vozilo „Terminator 3“, čiji prethodnici — „Terminator 1“ i „Terminator 2“ predstavljaju pandan tenku T-72 i prave se samo za izvoz. Koncept razvoja vozila na osnovu platforme „armata“ sastoji se od 28 jedinica perspektivnih vrsta naoružanja. Unifikacija elemenata omogućiće da se poveća brzina remonta i zamene komponenata i agregata.

Sijenko je dodao da bi serijska proizvodnja najnovijeg tenka mogla početi već ove godine. Trenutno na unutrašnjem poligonu „Uralvagonzavoda“ radimo ispitivanja „armate“ sa motorom od 1350 KS, a u najskorije vreme počeće i sa pucanjem.

Tenk nove generacije T-14 na platformi „Armata“ prvi put je prikazan na paradi za 70. godišnjicu pobede u Drugom svetskom ratu na Crvenom trgu. Glavna specifičnost vozila je prazna kupola i blindirana kapsula za posadu, odvojena od spremišta municije. Ovakva šema povećava šanse da tenkisti prežive u slučaju udara.

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« Reply #699 on: March 27, 2017, 11:55:53 am »

Наравно, реч ће бити о нултој или првој серији, ограниченог броја тенкова. Мотор 12ЧН360 има макс. снагу од 1500кс, а у развоју је снага била ограничена на 1200кс због продужетка ресурса. Дизање снаге на 1350кс је знак скидања дела тих ограничења. "Роботизација", тј. уклањање посаде ће још дуго бити само за потребе опитовања, због великих ризика таквог корака.
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