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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Južnom i Istočnom kineskom moru  (Read 210399 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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Last Login:November 23, 2022, 11:38:10 am
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« Reply #550 on: October 13, 2021, 07:42:28 am »

Kineska vojska upozorila: Slomićemo tajvanski separatizam i strano mešanje po svaku cenu

Kineska vojska upozorila je da će "odlučno slomiti" svaki pokušaj razdvajanja Tajvana od Kine.

U dnevnom komentaru Narodnooslobodilačke vojske (PLA) kineska armija izrazila je uverenje da je „osujetila kompletno spoljno mešanje i separatističko delovanje u vezi sa „ nezavisnošću Tajvana “.

Prethodno je službeni list kineske vojske Pla daily objavio video na svom Veibo nalogu koji prikazuje „nedavne“ vežbe, u kojima vojnici vežbaju „desant na plažu i izbode jurišne vežbe sa mora na ostrvo“.

Video prikazuje vojnike kako izvode desant uz pomoć malih letelica, probijaju bodljikavu žicu i druge prepreke, kopaju rovove u peščanom sprudu i vežbaju borbu u šumi.

"Ako bi se separatističke snage" nezavisnosti Tajvana "usudile odvojiti Tajvan od Kine u bilo koje ime i na bilo koji način, Narodnooslobodilačka vojska će ih odlučno slomiti po svaku cenu", navodi se u komentaru Pla daily.

Vežbe su navodno izvedene na poligonu u provinciji Fuđian, koja je udaljena samo 180 kilometara od regiona Tajvanskog moreuza.

Kineska vojska, poslednjih meseci, rasporedila je ratne brodove i borbene avione na jurišne vežbe u blizini Tajvanskog moreuza kao odgovor na američke „provokacije“.

Od početka oktobra kineski ratni avioni izvršili su skoro 150 upada u tajvansku zonu protivvazdušne odbrane - signalizirajući visoke tenzije između Tajpeja i Pekinga. Međutim, ti letovi su prestali poslednjih dana, prenosi RT.

Podsećamo, kineski predsednik Si Đinping rekao je da je tajvanski „separatizam “ „najveća prepreka“ ponovnom ujedinjenju sa Kinom - dodajući da bi ponovno ujedinjenje ostvareno „mirnim sredstvima“ najbolje „služilo interesima nacije u celini“.

Međutim, tajvanska predsednica Cai Ing Ven izjavila je da ostrvo i kopno ne bi trebalo da budu „međusobno podređeni“, dodajući da će se Tajvan „opirati aneksiji ili zadiranju u suverenitet“.

U međuvremenu, nedavni izveštaji otkrili su da američke snage za specijalne operacije tajno mesecima obučavaju tajvanske trupe, kako bi ih pripremile za borbu protiv Kine. Vašington održava nezvanične veze sa Tajpehom i isporučuje ostrvo oružjem, prenosi RT.

Počasni global moderator
kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #551 on: October 13, 2021, 08:34:59 am »

USA: Pentagon warns against China's "destabilising" policy towards Taiwan

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby gave a press conference in Washington DC on Tuesday warning against China's 'pressure' on Taiwan and in the South China Sea in general, something the US believes could lead to further instability and possible confrontation.

"The PRC has stepped up efforts to intimidate and pressure Taiwan and other allies and partners, including increasing their military activities conducted in the vicinity of Taiwan, the East China Sea and the South China Sea, which we believe are destabilising and only increase the risk of miscalculation," said Kirby.

He went on to say that the US "are urging Beijing to cease this military diplomatic and economic pressure and the coercion against the Taiwan. We have an abiding interest in peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and that's why we're going to continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defense capability," after emphasising Washington's commitment to the One China policy.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #552 on: October 13, 2021, 08:51:53 am »

China puts increased economic pressure on Taiwan

President Xi Jinping has vowed to reunify mainland China with self-ruled Taiwan - adding to growing tensions between the two governments. Speaking to mark the 110th anniversary of China's 1911 revolution, President Xi said he wanted to return Taiwan to Chinese rule through peaceful means. President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan would not bow to pressure. China has been attempting to place the island under economic strain by increasing controls on exports.

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen took a strong stance against what Taipei sees as Chinese aggression on Sunday, saying in a speech that her country would "not bow to pressure" from Beijing. Tsai said she hoped for an easing of tensions, but that "we will continue to bolster our national defense and demonstrate our determination to defend ourselves in order to ensure that nobody can force Taiwan to take the path China has laid out for us... as it offers neither a free and democratic way of life for Taiwan, nor sovereignty for our 23 million people." The president's speech was to mark Taiwan's National Day, which celebrates the start of the 1911 Wuchang Uprising that ended China's Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China, whose government relocated to Taiwan as a result of the Chinese Civil War.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #553 on: October 13, 2021, 09:21:52 am »

China blames collusion between Taiwan politicians, foreign forces for tensions with Chinese mainland

China blamed recent tensions between the mainland and Taiwan on collusion between the region's politicians and foreign forces. The spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, under China's State Council, made the remarks in a news conference on Wednesday. Ma Xiaoguang was responding to a question that quoted Taiwan politicians as saying that tensions are at their highest in 40 years. Ma said the actions of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan damages efforts to restore trust and bring benefits to people from both sides of the Taiwan Straits. He said their moves also erode the stability in the region. Ma said China's drills recently conducted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the Taiwan Straits are necessary to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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« Reply #554 on: October 13, 2021, 09:46:46 am »

Si otkrio šta je cilj masovnih vojnih vežbi, neće dozvoliti strano mešanje
Tanjug 13. 10. 2021.

KINESKE vojne vežbe u blizini Tajvana usmerene su prema snagama koje promovišu formalnu nezavisnost ostrva i predstavljaju pravedan potez u cilju zaštite mira i stabilnosti, saopštila je danas kineska Kancelarija za poslove Tajvana.

Vlasti u Pekingu poručile su i da vežbe imaju za cilj da odvrate eventualno mešanje spoljnih sila, a tokom današnje konferencije za novinare portparol kineske Kancelarije za poslove Tajvana naglasio je da je uzrok trenutnih tenzija sprega tajvanske vladajuće Demokratske napredne stranke (DPP) sa stranim snagama i njihove provokacije zbog zahteva za nezavisnost ostrva, prenosi Rojters.

Vojne tenzije sa Kinom, koja smatra Tajvan svojom teritorijom, najveće su u više od 40 godina, potvrdio je ministar odbrane u Tajpeju prošle nedelje, koji tvrdi da će, prema procenama, Kina moći da izvede invaziju punog obima na ostrvo do 2025. On se obratio u parlamentu nakon što je Kina četiri dana uzastopno vršila masovne upade avionima u takozvanu protivvazdušnu identifikacionu zonu Tajvana, što vlasti u Tajpeju smatraju demonstriranjem sile Pekinga. Uprkos tenzijama i današnjim komentarima, i kineski predsednik Si Đinping i predsednica u Tajpeju Caj Ing-Ven održali su relativno pomirljive govore tokom vikenda, navodi agencija.

Si je obećao da će ostvariti mirno ponovno ujedinjenje sa Tajvanom i nije direktno pomenuo upotrebu sile, a Caj je poručula da će Tajvan nastaviti da jača svoju odbranu, kako bi osigurao da niko ne može da prisili ostrvo da prihvati put koji je odredila Kina, a ponovila je želju za mirom i dijalogom sa Pekingom.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #555 on: October 13, 2021, 02:33:22 pm »

China says military drills near Taiwan a 'just' move

Chinese military exercises near Taiwan are targeted at forces promoting the island's formal independence and are a "just" move to protect peace and stability, China's Taiwan Affairs Office said on Wednesday. Military tensions with China, which claims Taiwan as its own territory, are at their worst in more than 40 years, Taiwan's defence minister said last week.

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« Reply #556 on: October 13, 2021, 06:50:45 pm »


China could soon outlaw all the news media outlets that are not directly funded by the Communist Party. China’s top economic planner has unveiled a new proposal that would bar private investment in news-related entities. China says that it is proposing to ban private investments to control “unlawful news media-related businesses”. Beijing is preparing to exercise greater control over the news industry, which is already heavily regulated. The current crackdown comes in the midst of a campaign by Xi Jinping to limit the power of private businesses.

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« Reply #557 on: October 13, 2021, 07:23:31 pm »


The US Army is sending one of the two Iron Dome air-and-missile defence batteries to a key military facility near China. The US is planning to deploy the Israeli Iron Dome system to Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. The deployment will be called ‘Operation Iron Island’ & will evaluate the capabilities of this air defence system. The deployment exercise will see the US gathering data on how it can integrate the Iron Dome with its air defence system. Although the US will not conduct a live fire of the system, it is being seen as a response to China’s growing aggression against Taiwan.

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« Reply #558 on: October 13, 2021, 07:27:21 pm »


Amid a power struggle between major power of the world, an arms race is intensifying. The United States, Russia & China are engaged in a power play & are racing for supremacy. All the three countries are now making big strides in the pursuit of hypersonic weapons. Beijing sees hypersonic weapons as crucial to PLA’s defence strategy & is trying to get ahead.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #559 on: October 13, 2021, 07:28:07 pm »


China has defended the recent military exercises in Taiwan’s air defence zone. A chinese official reportedly said the military drills were ‘necessary to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity’. Recently, at least 150 Chinese warplanes entered Taiwan's air defence zone over the course of 4 days. Taiwan scrambled jets to intercept Chinese aircrafts and activated its missile air defence systems.

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