vodnik I klase
Last Login:September 07, 2018, 11:35:24 pm
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« Reply #520 on: March 22, 2018, 10:51:27 pm » |
Рекао је да Срби и Србија представљају проблем американцима.
COTTON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, General Scaparrotti, for joining us once again.
I'd like to continue a conversation about the Balkans that you started with Senator Shaheen. Many people tend to focus on the Baltics, since they are NATO countries exclusively. But I think that NATO status probably makes them a bit more stable, in terms of the threat Russia poses, than the Balkans, in which there are numerous countries that don't belong to NATO.
Could you be more specific and say a little bit more about which countries in the Balkans are matters of concern for you in terms of Russian meddling and interference?
SCAPARROTTI: Well, I think Serbia in particular. There's a -- there's a connection...
COTTON: Serbia proper or Republika...
COTTON: ... Srpska?
SCAPARROTTI: Well, I would tell you that it's Serbia as a nation, but then the Serb population, as well, within the Balkans. There's obviously a historical connection there, an affiliation.
And -- but there's also, because of that, a better opportunity for Russian influence. And they take advantage of that in terms of disinformation, influence upon those populations -- the spoiling effect, in some cases, perhaps with Serbia, with respect to Kosovo, or within the tripartite government of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
And that's my concern, and I've seen an increase in that, I believe, in the -- in the year and a half that I've been in this job.
Него "директоре", зар ти није напорно да будеш аутошовиниста?
vodnik I klase
Last Login:September 07, 2018, 11:35:24 pm
Posts: 656
« Reply #521 on: March 22, 2018, 10:54:55 pm » |
Ako baš hoćeš da analiziraš šta je skaparoti rekao imaš na YT celo saslušanje (preko 2 sata) pa slušaj i prenesi nam sve što je u vezi sa nama. Ja sam gledao delove vezane za siriju, na pitanje šta misli o postavljanju s-300 i s 400 u regionu odgovorio je "rešili bismo to bez problema u slučaju potrebe". Čudno da sputnjik nije preneo taj deo Спутњик није пренео тај део зато што не преноси глупости које трабуњају амерички генерали, али и зато што тај део не постоји. COTTON: Sure thing.
And, while we're on the topic of Turkey, there have been reports that Turkey may be on the verge of acquiring the Russian S-400 air defense system. That quite possibly could trigger sanctions under CAATSA, a law that Congress passed last year.
Could you give your thoughts on what Turkey is thinking in buying a Russian system, especially now that CAATSA is on the books here and might target those kind of sanctions against a NATO partner?
SCAPARROTTI: The -- you know, they've stated publicly that they intend to purchase, and they've made a deal with Russia to employ the S-400 as -- as their air defense system.
I've had this discussion with their chief of defense multiple times, and we continue to discuss it. If they were to employ this system, they obviously are interoperable with the NATO systems and the U.S. ones, and they couldn't be connected to the system.
They're aware of that ramification, and we've made -- not only myself, but other members of our government have made them clearly aware of the other ramifications of moving forward with the purchase of the S-400. So they're aware of that.
The last thing I'll say is that we're -- we're in close discussion with Turkey, with respect to air defense measures and the systems they could employ. I don't think that's a -- a finished deal yet.
I mean, I think that -- that they're talking to us, as well as others, to purchase a system that's interoperable in NATO. And I think we have some time, and my intent's to continue to work that aspect, to convince them that the better system is, in fact, one of the NATO-interoperable systems.
Халуцинације, илузије, поремећај реалности рекао бих. Или и ти само трабуњаш а ниси ни прочитао шта је речено?
vodnik I klase
Last Login:September 07, 2018, 11:35:24 pm
Posts: 656
« Reply #522 on: March 22, 2018, 10:58:49 pm » |
INHOFE: Thank you, General Scaparrotti. That's an excellent statement. I -- I think we all look at Russia now, and -- and, with the new strategy that we have, we include both China and Russia as the threats.
Of course, in your AOR, it's primarily Russia, and it's a -- we've seen advancements there. There was a RAND report that came out yesterday, there are three things in the RAND report that I -- I want to refer to.
One was, in 2016, Russia spent 5.3 percent of its GDP on the military. What's important is we look at some of (ph) what we are expecting from our NATO partners to -- to recognize this.
Second thing that was in that report: Russia has the ability to defeat a NATO ally and present NATO with a strategic and operational challenge; specifically, that Russian forces could reach the capitals of Estonia and Latvia in 60 hours.
And, third, they say Russia has approximately 32,000 troops in the Baltics region, compared to 78,000 for Russia (sic). And the -- NATO is -- is outnumbered 757 -- that's Russia -- to 129, NATO, in tanks in the AOR.
In addition to the RAND report that came out, the Army Times article this morning -- plans on -- it says the Army plans on repositioning two fully modernized armored brigade sets of equipment in Belgium and the Netherlands and, as you said in your opening statement, in addition to one, I guess, rotational armored brigade combat team.
So, to -- to set the -- this hearing off, let me ask you a series of five kind of -- these should be yes or no questions, however there's no such thing as a yes or no question in Washington.
First, the national security adviser, General McMaster, stated that U.S. ground forces are, quote -- this is his statement (ph) -- quote now -- "outranged, outgunned and overmatched by Russian ground forces." Do you agree with that?
SCAPARROTTI: Chairman, if you look at in a -- in a -- in a concentrated way, on the border of Eastern Europe, and only on the ground force, I would agree with that statement.
INHOFE: All right.
А ово ниси прочитао, чуо или шта већ радиш?
vodnik I klase
Last Login:September 07, 2018, 11:35:24 pm
Posts: 656
« Reply #523 on: March 22, 2018, 11:09:05 pm » |
KING: And it -- and it leads us back to the issue of -- of some kind of strategy and doctrine that we can develop, not unlike NATO at the end of World War I, not unlike the strategy of deterrence that underlay our nuclear policy for 70 years, which has -- which has worked.
Let me change the subject for a moment. Javelins to Ukraine -- any concern about that leading to an escalation on the other side, particularly given the fact that Russia is so much more proximate to the battlefield? Give me your thoughts about that.
SCAPARROTTI: I would say I have zero concern
Осим што овај сенатор привиђа НАТО после Првог Светског рата, питао је да ли испорука противоклопних ракета Украјини води ка ескалацији сукоба и да ли то брине скапаротија, али овога баш брига за ескалацију сукоба. Баш одговоран човек.
stariji vodnik I klase
Last Login:October 28, 2018, 08:23:25 pm
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« Reply #524 on: March 23, 2018, 12:38:09 am » |
Рекао је да Срби и Србија представљају проблем американцима.
COTTON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, General Scaparrotti, for joining us once again.
I'd like to continue a conversation about the Balkans that you started with Senator Shaheen. Many people tend to focus on the Baltics, since they are NATO countries exclusively. But I think that NATO status probably makes them a bit more stable, in terms of the threat Russia poses, than the Balkans, in which there are numerous countries that don't belong to NATO.
Could you be more specific and say a little bit more about which countries in the Balkans are matters of concern for you in terms of Russian meddling and interference?
SCAPARROTTI: Well, I think Serbia in particular. There's a -- there's a connection...
COTTON: Serbia proper or Republika...
COTTON: ... Srpska?
SCAPARROTTI: Well, I would tell you that it's Serbia as a nation, but then the Serb population, as well, within the Balkans. There's obviously a historical connection there, an affiliation.
And -- but there's also, because of that, a better opportunity for Russian influence. And they take advantage of that in terms of disinformation, influence upon those populations -- the spoiling effect, in some cases, perhaps with Serbia, with respect to Kosovo, or within the tripartite government of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
And that's my concern, and I've seen an increase in that, I believe, in the -- in the year and a half that I've been in this job.
Него "директоре", зар ти није напорно да будеш аутошовиниста?
Prevedi mi zadnji odgovor generala ?
vodnik I klase
Last Login:September 07, 2018, 11:35:24 pm
Posts: 656
« Reply #525 on: March 23, 2018, 12:53:19 am » |
"Рећи ћу вам да је то Србија као нација, а затим српско становништво..."
Остало ме не занима.
А како је могуће да нациста, ратни злочинац током Другог Светског рата и касније припадник организације која је окупљала СС официре (од 1949. до 1955. године) буде постављен на веома високу функцију у НАТО организацији (председник НАТО војног комитета, трећа позиција у НАТО пакту), у Вашингтону, где је обављао ту функцију од 1961 до 1964?
НАТО је задржао старе навике својих необичних високих функционера.
stariji vodnik I klase
Last Login:October 28, 2018, 08:23:25 pm
Location: Novi Sad
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« Reply #526 on: March 23, 2018, 01:00:37 am » |
što se tiče ovog ostalog mislio sam na ovaj deo :
"REED: Just changing slightly, we are and you are constantly trying to assess the -- the strengths, the weaknesses of the Russian forces, going forward, and not just Russian forces. Any sort of top-line sort of estimate of, you know, long-term, their -- their ability to be competitive with us?
SCAPARROTTI: Senator, in -- in this setting, I would say that, given their modernization and the pace that it's on and what we are aware of they're doing, we have to maintain our modernization that we've set out so that we can remain dominant in the areas that we are dominant today.
If we were not to do that, I think their pace would put us, certainly, challenged in almost every domain in a military perspective by, say, 2025.
stariji vodnik I klase
Last Login:October 28, 2018, 08:23:25 pm
Location: Novi Sad
Posts: 1 049
« Reply #527 on: March 23, 2018, 01:09:09 am » |
"Рећи ћу вам да је то Србија као нација, а затим српско становништво..."
Остало ме не занима.
А како је могуће да нациста, ратни злочинац током Другог Светског рата и касније припадник организације која је окупљала СС официре (од 1949. до 1955. године) буде постављен на веома високу функцију у НАТО организацији (председник НАТО војног комитета, трећа позиција у НАТО пакту), у Вашингтону, где је обављао ту функцију од 1961 до 1964?
НАТО је задржао старе навике својих необичних високих функционера.
Znači kad ti nešto ne odgovara to preskačeš, a meni kačiš da sam autošovinista zato što tebe "ostalo ne zanima". Lepo ....
vodnik I klase
Last Login:September 07, 2018, 11:35:24 pm
Posts: 656
« Reply #528 on: March 23, 2018, 01:25:07 am » |
Ти си сам себе представио као аутошовинисту.
Ја ти нећу преводити ништа, а ти ако не знаш енглески, иди на неки курс, у вечерњу школу, у Бондстил, где год хоћеш. Тај скапароци је јасно изјавио да је за њих проблем читава српска нација! То је сасвим довољно непријатељски оријентисано да остатак изјаве може бити занемарен.
Не рече ми ништа за овог нацисту? Или не смеш да кажеш ништа о есесовцима на служби у НАТО пакту?
Колико је још ратних злочинаца на разним положајима у НАТО пакту?
Milan (longtrip)
kapetan fregate
Last Login:October 28, 2023, 12:43:28 pm
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« Reply #529 on: March 23, 2018, 06:13:18 pm » |