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« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2014, 10:47:56 pm » |
Opozicija odbila ponudu Janukoviča za mesto premijera i zamenika istog. Kažu da će "završiti šta su započeli." Jao.
poručnik fregate
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« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2014, 11:53:17 pm » |
после овога јасно је да је у питању покушај државног удара, а то се зна како се решава...
Stručni saradnik - opšti
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« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2014, 12:47:06 am » |
Nekako mi se čini, ne bih voleo da sam u pravu, da Janukovič nema previše volje da brani državu od takvog prevrata. Obratio sam pažnju na crvenocrne zastave u izveštajima. Nisu preovlađujuće, ali ih ima podosta. Za info iz Ukrajine gledam 1. ruski kanal i filujem sa CNN izveštajima. Domaće izveštaje ne koristim, jer uskoro će ceo dnevnik svake televizije biti samo o evropskim integracijama Srbije i borbi protiv kriminala. Ne sećam se kad sam video izveštaj iz Sirije, sem 30 sekundi vesti o početku i krizi konferencije u Montrou, koji se nekad zvao Montre / Montreux i bio poznat po Zlatnoj ruži. Očekujem i da Kijev preimenuju u Kyiv, kad je već Diseldorf za stalno postao Dizeldorf (valjda misle da je po Rudolfu Dieselu dobio ime).
Počasni član foruma
poručnik fregate
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« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2014, 10:38:35 am » |
sa jedne eng stranice:
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich on Thursday called for an emergency session of parliament to end the crisis in the country which has brought thousands of anti-government protesters on to the streets and caused violent clashes with police.
"Mass unrest has been accompanied by violence, bloodshed, fires. That means that on Thursday the situation must be settled immediately," the presidential website quoted Yanukovich as telling parliament speaker Volodymyr Rybak.
Yanukovich's words, as he sat down to a fresh round of talks with opposition leaders, were the first signs of a possible willingness to make concessions to the opposition, which has been calling for the dismissal of Yanukovich's government over heavy-handed police tactics in two months of street unrest.
Speaker Rybak added to the sense of compromise, saying the emergency session, which would be held early next week, could consider the opposition's call for the government of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov to step down.
Rybak also said "questions linked to laws passed by parliament" could be discussed - apparently a reference to sweeping anti-protest laws rammed through parliament last week by Yanukovich loyalists.
These laws only served to boost mass demonstrations on the streets of Kiev at the weekend, leading to violent clashes with police, and the opposition is demanding they be repealed.
Last Login:June 29, 2014, 07:11:28 pm
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« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2014, 11:17:11 am » |
sa jedne eng stranice:
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich on Thursday called for an emergency session of parliament to end the crisis in the country which has brought thousands of anti-government protesters on to the streets and caused violent clashes with police.
"Mass unrest has been accompanied by violence, bloodshed, fires. That means that on Thursday the situation must be settled immediately," the presidential website quoted Yanukovich as telling parliament speaker Volodymyr Rybak.
Yanukovich's words, as he sat down to a fresh round of talks with opposition leaders, were the first signs of a possible willingness to make concessions to the opposition, which has been calling for the dismissal of Yanukovich's government over heavy-handed police tactics in two months of street unrest.
Speaker Rybak added to the sense of compromise, saying the emergency session, which would be held early next week, could consider the opposition's call for the government of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov to step down.
Rybak also said "questions linked to laws passed by parliament" could be discussed - apparently a reference to sweeping anti-protest laws rammed through parliament last week by Yanukovich loyalists.
These laws only served to boost mass demonstrations on the streets of Kiev at the weekend, leading to violent clashes with police, and the opposition is demanding they be repealed.
u duhu ovog sto si napisao, krajnje kompromisno rjesenje http://serbian.ruvr.ru/2014_01_25/MUP-Ukrajine-svi-koji-ostanu-na-Majdanu-ce-se-smatrati-ekstremistima/
kapetan bojnog broda
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#vragu i rat#
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2014, 12:54:27 pm » |
Nije baš neka vijest ali ... --------------------- Mladi par se vjenčao na barikadi u centru KijevaSituacija u Ukrajini ne pokazuje naznake smirivanja. Širom Kijeva postavljene su barikade, a sukobi demonstranata i policije dešavaju se svako malo. Jedan mladi par barikadu je iskoristo ne za sukob nego za demonstraciju svoje ljubavi. Oni su sudbonosno da izgovorili upravo na barikadi dok su okupljeni građani aplaudirali. "Odlučilo smo doći ovdje i vjenčati se kako bismo iskazali podršku opozicionoj vladi. Mi volimo našu zemlju i volimo jedno drugo. Želimo mir, ne želimo pljačkaše u vladi već slobodnu zemlju", kazao je mladoženja za "BBC". Dnevni avaz
Boro Prodanic
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« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2014, 01:04:04 pm » |
To venčanje nije ni malo slučajno.
Sve je to projektovano i pažljivo odmereno, tako da ovo jeste važna vest (za onog ko hoće stvari da pogleda uz sopstvenu analizu, a ne analizu TV komentatora ili novinara).
Počasni član foruma
poručnik fregate
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« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2014, 01:05:56 pm » |
ima li neka neutralna analiza, meni se cini da je ovo sve oko energetskih razloga..mozda sam u krivu
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« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2014, 01:08:22 pm » |
Ma nee, Perune, samo ti se čiiniii Na delu je novi pokušaj sputavanja Rusije, a zna se ko drži špinu/slavinu.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 01:20:30 pm by kumbor »
Boro Prodanic
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« Reply #59 on: January 26, 2014, 01:23:23 pm » |
Interesantno je da Rusija još uvek ništa ne preduzima, sudeći prema informacijama koje su dostupne.
Možda zato što je kolač već unapred isečen i podeljen (npr. po Dnjepru)?