F-8 Crusader u Zemuniku

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Par crtica o ovom zanimljivom događaju

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opis slike i događaja iz knjige "letačka karijera Miljenka Lipovščaka" ;

"Američki mornarički lovac F-8 Crusader koji je iz neutvrđenih razloga sletio na Zemunik u vrijeme dok je Lipovšćak bio zapovjednik 21. MAD-e."

Iz vremena boravka u Zadru u sjećanju mu je ostao zanimljiv događaj kada je pilot američkog mornaričkog lovca Vought F-8 Crusader neočekivano sletio u Zemunik. Iako je svima bilo jasno da je bio na nekoj vrsti špijunskog zadatka ni nakon detaljne pretrage nije pronađena fotografska oprema. Avion i pilot su zadržani nekoliko dana nakon čega je malim dvomotornim avionom stigla skupina američkih stručnjaka sa pilotom koji je vratio F-8 u njihovu bazu ili možda na nosač aviona

Dva opisa događaja na engl. jeziku iz izvora na internetu ;

"Adm Paul Gilcrest tells this story in his book, “Crusader – Last of
the Gunfighters” pp. 142-143: A young LT who he identifes as “Duke”
had a major electrical failure and lost all comm/nav/IFF and bingoed
from the carrier in the Tyrrehain Sea to the Italian AF Base at
Capodichino. He flew over solid overcase by dead reckoning,
overshooting his intended destination and ending up low fuel over an
airfield behind the iron curtain. He was wined and dined and sent home
the next day."

"The unnamed aviator was flying from his carrier to an Italian Air Force Base at Capodichino, near Naples, having experienced an electrical failure. He had no nav, no communications, no IFF, etc. The base was socked in and he kept trying to find a place to land. After overflying the width of Italy, all covered in clouds, he kept flying until he got into the clear over water and saw coastline ahead. He flew on until he sighted an air field below. It turned out to be Dobrovnik, Yugoslavia. Low on fuel, he had no choice but to enter the pattern, rocked his wings to indicate he had no radio, and proceeded to land. Of course, he didn't know where he was until he was on the ground and saw all the MiGs parked parallel to the runway.

He was met by several vehicles filled with armed soldiers and lead to a parking place. All he could do was follow and do what they said. Realizing the cockpit was full of classified stuff, there wasn't much else to do but pull out a hair and place it across the canopy rail before locking the canopy, just to see if they got into the plane while he was away—assuming he ever got back to it himself.

After a flurry of flash message traffic, he received orders from his own people through diplomatic channels to fly back to Capodichino the next morning. The Yugoslavian Air Force guys treated him like an honored guest and fellow aviator, wined him and dined him that night, gave him a tank of gas and sent him on his way the next morning, with a MiG escort to the edge of Yugoslavian airspace. He had found the hair was still in place that morning when he got back to his plane.

He was a bit hung over from all that vodka (he learned that fighter pilots were the same everywhere), so the squadron sent their more experienced maintenance officer to get the plane fixed and fly it back to the carrier. Ironically, the maintenance officer took off in broad daylight with the wings still folded.

Gillcrist made no mention of anything being painted on the plane. I wonder if the Yugoslavians tagged it. Or maybe that happened after he got back to Italy."

Ako netko ima dodatnih saznanja o ovom događaju tj. točan datum bilo bi dobro da nadopuni.

Prvi put čujem za ovaj događaj. Hvala Jester.

Već pomenuta letelica je izgubljena 21. oktobra 1961. godine kada joj se lomi stajni trap prilikom sletanja na nosač aviona CV-42.

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I sam događaj...

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Mozda ovo da neki vremenski okvir.


U NOVJ je letio kao pilot Eskadrile za vezu Vrhovnog Štaba na Visu, a krajem rata kao zapovjednik 113. lovačkog puka bori se na Sremskom frontu. Poslije rata je upućen na školovanje u Sovjetski Savez, a po povratku je postao nastavnik na Vazduhoplovnoj vojnoj akademiji u Beogradu. Zapovjednik 103. izviđačkog puka postao je 1952., a slijedeće godine je premješten na položaj zapovjednika 21. mješovite avio divizije u Zadru. Kao upravnik i probni pilot od 1956. do 1960. boravio je u Vazduhoplovnom opitnom centru u Batajnici. Kao civilni pilot od 1961. do završetka letačke karijere 1980. letio je za nekoliko domaćih i inozemnih zračnih prijevoznika diljem svijeta, a osnivač je i višegodišnji direktor Više zrakoplovne škole u Zagrebu i hrvatskog prijevoznika Trans Adrie.



Догађај се десио након фебруара 1959. године. Тада је та јединица добила ловце Ф-8...

Quote from: MOTORISTA on September 21, 2014, 10:18:31 am

Već pomenuta letelica je izgubljena 21. oktobra 1961. godine kada joj se lomi stajni trap prilikom sletanja na nosač aviona CV-42.

Meni nešto ne štima, ako je ovaj izgubljen 1961, a u priči se spominje MiG, a znamo da juga do 21-ce nije imala MiG-ova koji se uvedeni 1962, koji su to MiG-ovi i gdje...?


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