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Author Topic: Topovi obalnih baterija JRM  (Read 68196 times)
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« on: February 01, 2015, 12:06:58 pm »

Kao dopuna Solarisove teme Popis i raspored obalnih baterija JRM.

Za izvor uzet Bojanov spisak sa foruma tank-net
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 02:30:10 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 12:15:22 pm »

150 mm D40 Austro-Ugarska

Poznat još kao:
Nemačka 15 cm/40 (5.9") SK L/40

These guns were used as secondary armament on many pre-dreadnoughts and large cruisers of the late 1890s and early 1900s.  Also exported to Austria-Hungary where they were used on a few ships.
During the Second World War, this gun equipped a few transports and supply ships and was used in some coastal artillery batteries.  Many of the latter were supplied with a new, more streamlined shell.

Constructed of A tube and two layers of hoops.  Used the Krupp horizontal sliding wedge breech block.

 All German 15 cm guns had an actual bore diameter of 14.91 cm (5.87 in).


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66 mm D45  / D50

Poznat još kao:
Austro-Ugarska 7 cm/50 (2.75") K10 i K16 Skoda

A widely used weapon employed in both the anti-torpedo boat and anti-aircraft roles in easily removable mounts.  Some of these guns were mounted on top of main gun turrets where they could be coupled with the 30.5 cm guns for gunnery practice.  The K16 (also known as BAG) was slightly different to suit an anti-aircraft mounting but had the same ballistic characteristics as the K10.
Seven of these guns were allocated for coast defense and eight more were given to the Army.

Actual bore diameter was 6.6 cm (2.6").

Ship Class Used On Viribus Unitis, Erzherzog Karl and Sankt Georg Classes


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* 01 15cm SK L_40.jpg (133.97 KB, 900x387 - viewed 421 times.)

* 02 66 mm D45_D50.jpg (67.47 KB, 913x663 - viewed 378 times.)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 01:57:37 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2015, 01:56:05 pm »

190 mm D42 Austro-Ugarska

Poznat još kao:
Austro-Ugarska19 cm/42 (7.48") Skoda
Italija 190 mm/39 (7.48") Skoda

Used on Austria-Hungary pre-dreadnoughts and armored cruisers of the early 1900s.
Some of these ships were ceded after World War I to Italy, where they were scrapped and the guns then used as coastal artillery and on pontoon GM269.


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76 mm D40 Italija

Poznat još kao:
UK 12-pdr [3"/40 (7.62 cm)] 12cwt QF Marks I, II and V
Japan 3"/40 (7.62 cm) Elswick Pattern N and Vickers Mark Z
Japan 3"/40 (7.62 cm) 41st Year Type
Japan 8 cm/40 (3") 41st Year Type
Italija 3"/40 (7.62 cm) Armstrong 1916 and 1917
Italija 76.2 mm/40 (3") Ansaldo 1916 and 1917

First used on the "27-knot" destroyers of the 1890s.  Many small warships still carried these old guns during World War II and they were also used in coastal defense batteries.
The Mark I was a fairly complicated design of A tube, B tube, jacket and C hoop shrunk over the B tube/jacket join.  The Mark II was a First World War gun with a combined B tube and jacket while the Mark V was produced during the Second World War and had a monobloc barrel.  Some 4,737 Mark I and IIs were built along with an additional 3,494 Mark Vs.  Canada also built over 1,000 of these weapons, which were referred to as the "Ogden 3-inch" as they were manufactured at the Canadian Pacific Railway's Ogden shops in Calgary.

The Japanese guns were originally purchased directly from Elswick and Vickers but later ones were license-built copies.  These guns were similar to or virtually identical to the British Mark I.  Used as anti-torpedo boat guns on larger warships.  Redesignated as 41st Year Type on 25 December 1908.  Redesignated in centimeters on 5 October 1917.  Although finally classified as 8 cm, the bore remained 3.0" (7.62 cm).

Early Italian guns were purchased from Elswick.  Nearly all of the later ones were built by Ansaldo under license to a design provided by Armstrong during World War I or to a modified design for anti-aircraft mountings.  After World War I, these guns were used afloat mainly on older warships and auxiliaries.  About 730 guns were used for the anti-aircraft defense of Italy during World War II.


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* 03 190 mm D42.jpg (213.46 KB, 1024x556 - viewed 404 times.)

* 03 76 mm D40 Italija.jpg (63.72 KB, 607x800 - viewed 418 times.)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 02:06:36 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 02:24:11 pm »

88 mm D35 Njemačka

Poznat još kao:
Nemačka 8.8 cm/35 (3.46") SK L/35

An interim weapon used to arm coastal battleships and cruisers of the late 1890s and early 1900s.  Replaced by the more powerful 8.8 cm/45 (3.46") SK L/45 on new construction.


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76mm D30 Italija

Nepoznat top.

* 05 88 mm D35 Njemačka.jpg (38.58 KB, 800x593 - viewed 376 times.)
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« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2015, 03:00:00 pm »

80 mm M28 Čehoslovačka

Poznat još kao:
Nemačka Flak 33(t)

8-cm (76.5mm) L/50 commercial AA gun. It is sold to Yugoslavia (among others) as "M.1928" model (there was also slightly modified M.28A model, probably bought circa 1933). There is no specific German designation for these Yugoslav versions, so I suspect they were used as "Flak 33(t)" ones.

Data for Yugoslav gun is similar to "vz.33" one, except Yugoslavia used much heavier round: 8.1 kg (Vo 700 m/s). If I remember correctly, 112 guns were bought (80 x M.28 & 32 x M.28A). It is used by Yugoslav Coastal Arty well into the 1960s.


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90 mm D53 Italjanski

Poznat još kao:
Italija Cannone da 90/53

Poznati "Ansaldo 90/53". Večinoma prilagođeni upotrebi US municije 90 mm.

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* 06 Ansaldo 90 53.jpg (426.22 KB, 1024x637 - viewed 383 times.)

* 06 Skoda M28.jpg (.JPG (1417.9 KB, 2270x1687 - viewed 908 times.)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 04:12:02 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2015, 03:09:28 pm »

75mm M 97/40 Njemačka/Francuska

Poznat još kao:
Nemačka 7.5 cm Pak 97/40

Cev francuskog topa Canon de 75 modèle 1897, sa gasnom kočnicom "Swiss Solothurn" na lafetu 7.5 cm Pak 40. Nemam podataka dali su priređeni na koji drugi kalibar ili su ostali u originalnom (francuskom).

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88 mm M31 Sovjetski/Njemački

Poznat još kao:
Nemačka 7,62/8,8 cm Flak M31(r)
Rusija 76,2 mm zenitnaja puska obrazca 1931 goda

Sovjetski top M1931 kalibra 76 mm, modificiran od strane Nemaca za municiju 88 mm.

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* 08 Pak 97 40.jpg (17.22 KB, 800x338 - viewed 420 times.)

* 09 M31.jpg (34.62 KB, 267x276 - viewed 1699 times.)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 03:20:37 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2015, 03:32:33 pm »

88 mm M38 Čehoslovačka

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Vrlo verovatno Čehoslovački "8 cm PL vz37" ili "7.5 cm PL vz37" (oba modificiran na kalibar 88 mm. Kraljevina kupila 1936 godine 80 komada 8cm M.36 PA topova (Skoda vz.37)

Možda ima tko sliku topa da se pomogne kod identifikacije?

Možda za pomoč, slike obiju kandidata

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88 mm D56 Njemmačka

Poznat još kao:
Nemačka 8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41

Šta reči o Acht-acht ? Imamo temu Flak 88mm


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* 10 Skoda 8 cm Vz 37.jpg (130.6 KB, 777x388 - viewed 428 times.)

* 11 Skoda 7.5 cm Vz 37.JPG (22.86 KB, 800x500 - viewed 408 times.)

* 12 8,8 cm Flak 18.jpg (29.5 KB, 640x423 - viewed 308 times.)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 11:09:59 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2015, 03:39:51 pm »

Ovo ti je škoda 76,5 mm, u narodu poznatiji kao 8 cm vz.37.

A ovo ti je isto vz.37 ali u kalibru 75 mm.

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Najbliže sokoćala kalibru 88 koje je Škoda pravila su bili 83,5 mm vz.22 i 90 mm vz.12/20

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* Skoda_75_mm_model_1937_anti-aircraft_cannon.right_side.JPG (232.2 KB, 1024x683 - viewed 381 times.)

* 9cmPLKvz20.jpg (63.32 KB, 600x340 - viewed 342 times.)

* 835cmPLKvz22.jpg (153.17 KB, 432x567 - viewed 373 times.)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 03:44:34 pm by MOTORISTA » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2015, 03:51:18 pm »

150 mm D50 Austro-Ugarska

Poznat još kao:
Austro-Ugarska 15 cm/50 (5.9") K10 Skoda
Italija 150 mm/47 (5.9") Skoda

Skoda guns built at the Pilsen works.  Used as secondary weapons of Austria-Hungary's battleships.
The battleship Tegetthoff was ceded after World War I to Italy, where she was scrapped and her guns then used as coastal artillery.

Actual bore diameter was 14.91 cm (5.87").


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150 mm M28 Austro-Ugarska

Poznat još kao:

Verovatno Škodin top M28. Bila slika na Palubi ali ne mogu nači.

Ako sam šta zaboravio, slobodno javite.

* 13 15 cm D 50 Skoda Veli Brioni.jpg (86.66 KB, 1068x712 - viewed 484 times.)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 04:08:51 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
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« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2015, 04:12:01 pm »

Par fotografija mornarickog Skodinog topa iz 1916.g. (ako spada u ovu temu).
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* utovar mornarickog topa 15 cm 4.40 na stanici Villach.jpg (585.87 KB, 1647x1182 - viewed 416 times.)

* na poziciji u Kron alpama.jpg (706.68 KB, 1512x1094 - viewed 443 times.)
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