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« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2010, 08:48:47 pm »

To što je bio vlasništvo TOB ne mora da znači da su ga dobro pazili. Digli su ga na neki divlji škverić iza "beton hale" i ostavili ga tamo da čeka opravku, rekonstrukciju, i sl. Sad su ga opravili - "ostali samo dugmići".

Uostalom, pošto je Srbija "izašla iz krize", očekujem nabavku novih, namenskih turističkih brodova za obilazak grada sa njegovih dveju reka! Tako rade u Evropi i u daleko manjim gradovima.
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« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2010, 12:14:26 pm »

Pa u Beogradu već postoji namenski turistički brod, "Sirona", koja je, ako se ne varam bila u vlasništvu agencije "Putnik". Šta je sa njom? Nisam je video da isplovljava već duže vreme.
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« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2010, 12:24:45 pm »

Pa u Beogradu već postoji namenski turistički brod, "Sirona", koja je, ako se ne varam bila u vlasništvu agencije "Putnik". Šta je sa njom? Nisam je video da isplovljava već duže vreme.
Обзиром на финансијску ситуацију (посебно у великим фирмама које су главне муштерије), пре ће бити да се нема пара да се закупи брод, него да са бродом нешто није у реду.
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« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2010, 12:41:41 pm »

Pa onda bi mogli da da naprave ugovor sa TOB, da "Sironom" voze posetioce. A brod ima i restoran i kuhinju, i idealan je za takve stvari.
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« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2010, 05:38:02 pm »

Pa u Beogradu već postoji namenski turistički brod, "Sirona", koja je, ako se ne varam bila u vlasništvu agencije "Putnik". Šta je sa njom? Nisam je video da isplovljava već duže vreme.

Sirona je jedna od bivših službenih rečnih jahti nemačke vlade. To je pravi mali rečni putnički kruzer, ali je isuviše luksuzan za obilazak grada sa vode i kratke izlete. Kupila ju je od Nemaca firma Srbe Ilića (koji je svojevremeno kupio "Putnik" pa je privatizacija poništena). Kako je Agencija za privatizaciju izgubila arbitražu u Parizu, Sirona je vraćena Srbinoj firmi, za koju sada plovi. U septembru je onaj mol na Pristaništu gde je Sirona bila vezana zasmetao komunalnoj inspekciji, pa je brod ostao bez svog mola.

Beograd nema prave brodiće za razgledanje grada i kratke izlete, sa oko 50 mesta, šetnom palubom, malim toaletom i kafeom. "Metro na vodi", privatna beogradska firma, je nešto pokušala, ali ne ide, pa ne ide.
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« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2010, 02:36:04 pm »

Zaplovio najveći brod na svetu


Allure of the Seas, veličine četiri fudbalska igrališta i vredan
1,5 milijardi dolara napustio je brodogradilište u Finskoj

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Allure of the Seas, za nijansu veći blizanac broda "Oasis of the Seas" kompanije "Royal Caribbean", veličine četiri fudbalska igrališta i vredan 1,5 milijardi dolara, u petak 29. oktobra napustio je brodogradilište u Turku u Finskoj, u kome je građen od februara 2008. Kao i njegov blizanac, i "Allure of the Seas" je ispod mosta u Karsoeru u Danskoj prošao zahvaljujući prilagođenim dimnjacima i mirnom moru. Očekuje se da za nekoliko nedelja uplovi u matičnu luku u Fort Loderdejlu na Floridi.

Izvor: Večernje Novosti

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« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 03:12:51 pm by dreadnought » Logged
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« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2010, 02:54:02 pm »

Prolazak ispod mosta.

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« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 03:14:15 pm by dreadnought » Logged
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« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2011, 07:28:47 am »

Novi brodovi za Maersk Line

Poznata firma Maersk Line je naručila 10 novih kontejnerskih brodova u Južnoj Koreji, u brodogradilištu Daewoo Shipbuilding, koji će biti najveći na svetu, i čija je vrednost 1,8 milijardi Dolara. Novoizgrađeni brodovi će imati kapacitet 18000 kontejnera, trošiće u proseku 50% manje goriva po kontejneru, a postoji opcija i za izgradnju još 20 takvih brodova.

The Danish Armada
Feb 21st 2011, 23:38 by The Economist online

BIGGER ships have sailed the seven seas. But the scrappers have ensured that the fleet of massive container vessels ordered by Denmark’s Maersk Line will be the world’s biggest afloat by the time the first of them is launched in 2013. Maersk announced on February 21st that Daewoo Shipbuilding of South Korea will construct ten of the ships in an order worth $1.8 billion; the Danish company has an option to order 20 more. And if the new ships claim no overall record for size they will significantly alter the economics of container shipping.

The three previous ships whose size exceeded that of these giants were all oil tankers. Maersk’s new "Triple-E" fleet will be the biggest container ships yet seen (artist's impression above). They will carry 18,000 boxes, 2,500 more than the biggest container ship currently in service, which is also operated by Maersk. The new vessels will use 50% less fuel per container than the present average. That will be good news for the environment and for Maersk's profitability, as crude oil sails past $100 a barrel.

The new ships will ply the routes between Asia and Europe, so the order is a bet by Maersk that China will prosper long into the future and so will its exports. Container shipping has bounced back remarkably quickly from the post-credit-crisis lows of 2009. The recovery in shipping in the first half of 2010 took many in the industry by surprise as China’s resilience was buttressed by growth in parts of Europe—particularly in poorer countries such as Russia and Turkey—and in America.

Profits ahoy
Maersk’s annual results are due to be delivered on February 23rd and should make pleasant reading for investors. That the industry is steaming ahead was confirmed last week by Asia’s largest container line, Neptune Orient. It said it had made $460m of profits in 2010 compared with a loss of more than $740m the year before. This year is likely to be plain sailing too. Shipping rates are rising and Maersk reckons global trade could grow by 8%. Clarksons, the world’s biggest shipbroker, is predicting something closer to 10%.

If the future for container-shipping lines looks promising, the same cannot be said for the bulk carriers, despite China's continuing hunger for raw materials. The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping rates for bulk goods such as coal, iron ore and grain, has foundered as container-shipping rates have picked up. The reason, explains Michael Lewis of Deutsche Bank, is the rapid growth in bulk-shipping capacity: the worldwide bulk fleet is expected to grow by 16% this year, double the rate at which freight volumes will grow.

Bulk shippers ordered lots of new vessels when China’s demand for raw material sent the index soaring to nearly 12,000 in 2008. But it closed on Monday at just 1,301. The current bulk fleet weighs in at 623m tonnes, with 277m tonnes (ie, 44% of existing capacity) on the order books. Container-shipping order books, in contrast, are back to normal, at around 25% of the existing fleet. Container shipping has fared better because it is far less fragmented than bulk shipping. There are just 20 or so global container carriers: Maersk's container fleet is around 500-strong. The bulk-shipping business, however, has few dominant firms, with most lines owning no more than a handful of vessels. That container shipping is dominated by just a few big lines made it easier for the industry to take out excess capacity in the 2009 downturn and will reduce the chances of reckless expansion now that good times are back.

Image credit: Maersk Line

Izvor: The Economist.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 12:48:52 pm by leut » Logged
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#vragu i rat#

« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2011, 09:45:09 pm »

Shell gradi najveći brod na svijetu

Nizozemska naftna kompanija Shell počinje s gradnjom najvećeg plutajućeg objekta na svijetu. Ako ste pomislili kako se radi o najvećem ekološkom parku na vodi, razmislite ponovo, ipak je riječ o Shellu. Naime, nakon više godina odlučivanja Shell je odlučio sagraditi Prelude FLNG (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) - plutajuću rafineriju prirodnog plina.

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Brod, ako se uopće može tako nazvati, bit će 488 metara dug, a kada u potpunosti napuni svoje kapacitete bit će težak 600 tisuća tona, gotovo šest puta više od najtežeg nosača zrakoplova. Težina čelika koji se planira utrošiti na gradu broda je jednako ogromnih 260 tisuća tona. Postrojenje će moći izdržati ciklone do kategorije 5

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Prelude FLNG će prirodni plin, kojeg će vaditi oko 200 kilometara zapadno od australske obale, hladiti na minus 162 Celzijeva stupnja pri čemu se volumen plina smanjuje 600 puta. Veliki prekooceanski tankeri za plin pristajat će uz Prelude te direktno s njega preuzimati vrijedan energent. Do sada se prirodni plin iz bušotine prvo morao prebacivati u rafineriju na kopnu što je iziskivalo značajnu infrastrukturu.

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Za sada još nije poznato koliko će ovakav poduhvat stajati Shell, no zna se da će izgradnja plutajućeg postrojenja završiti 2017.

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« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 12:50:36 pm by leut » Logged
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« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2011, 10:39:12 pm »

Koliko ce biti potrebno posade za njegovo opsluzivanje??
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