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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Etiopiji  (Read 57045 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #105 on: November 27, 2020, 08:42:18 am »

Tigray fighters & Ethiopian forces make tall claims about losses of each other

Tigray fighters and Ethiopian government forces are making tall and conflicting claims about the losses suffered by each other. Ethiopian government is claiming that the number of casualties on Tigray fighters side is 10,000 while Tigray fighters claim that ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) have suffered 40,000 casualties so far. Both claims seem exaggerated. Meanwhile fighting between Tigray fighters and Ethiopian government forces continues without any ceasefire in sight.

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« Reply #106 on: November 27, 2020, 09:04:35 am »

Ethiopia to launch 'final phase' of offensive against Tigray leaders

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has ordered his military to launch a final offensive against Tigray leaders. Abiy Ahmed who won noble peace prize just last year in 2019 gave the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) 72-hours to ley down their weapons. Tigray leaders rejected this ultimatum and the set deadline for surrender has now expire.

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« Reply #107 on: November 27, 2020, 03:24:17 pm »

Ethiopian govt announces humanitarian corridor in Tigray region

Ethiopian government has announced establishment of humanitarian corridor in Tigray region in order to give access to international relief organaiztion. Earlier UN Secretary General called upon Ethiopian government to provide international relief and refugee organizations access into Tigray region.

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« Reply #108 on: November 27, 2020, 03:29:48 pm »

Ethiopian PM Ahmed rejects Tigray conflict talks in AU meeting

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed again ruled out dialogue with the leaders of the defiant #Tigray region Friday but said he was willing to speak to representatives "operating legally” there during his meeting with three African Union special envoys trying to end the deadly conflict between federal troops and the region's forces. FRANCE 24's Maria Gerth-Niculescu has more.

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« Reply #109 on: November 27, 2020, 05:38:38 pm »

петак, 27.11.2020.

Око 100.000 избеглица у Етиопији остаје без хране

ЖЕНЕВА – Скоро 100.000 еритрејских избеглица у етиопској регији Тиграј остаће без хране већ следеће недеље ако стране у сукобу не дозволе хуманитарну помоћ, саопштила је данас агенција УН за избеглице (УНХЦР).

Афрички мировни изасланици састали су се у петак са премијером Етиопије Абијем Ахмедом, само дан након што је рекао да је војска започела „финалну фазу” офанзиве због које групе за заштиту права страхују да би могло бити огромних цивилних жртава, преноси Ројтерс. УНХЦР наводи да 96.000 еритрејских избеглица које су у Етиопију избегле пре десет година, живи у четири кампа у Тиграју. Портпарол УНХЦР Бабар Балоч истиче да је потребан несметан хуманитарни приступ избеглицама и да ће, ако до тога не дође, оне од понедељка остати без хране, преноси Танјуг.

Он није прецизирао ко омета приступ камповима али је рекао да се позив односи и на етиопску војску и на побуњенички Тиграјски народни ослободилачки фронт.

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« Reply #110 on: November 28, 2020, 10:23:58 am »

Tigray forces again hit Eritrean capital, Asmara

Tigray forces have once again fired rockets on Asmara, Eritrean capital. Tigray fighters have been accusing Eritrea of backing Ethiopian forces. Eritrea denies any military involvement in Tigray conflict  but TPLF maintains that Eritrean army is fighting alongside Ethiopian forces against Tigary fighters. Today's attack was 2nd attack by Tigray fighters on Eritrea. 1st attack by Tigray forces on Eritrea was carried out 12 days ago.

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« Reply #111 on: November 28, 2020, 10:28:12 am »

Wukro, Hawzen & Negash towns in Tigray captured by ENDF: Ethiopian state TV

Wukro, Hawzen and Negash towns of Tigray region have been captured by Ethiopian government forces, claims Ethiopian state television. Wukro, Hawzen and Negash are to the north and northwest of Tigray capital Mekelle. Ethiopian Prime Minister, 48 hours ago, announced to launch final offensive on Mekelle city. Now ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) are less than 50 km away from Mekelle. Tigray government has rejected the Ethiopian government claim of having taken Wukro, Hawzen and Negash towns of Tigray region.

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« Reply #112 on: November 28, 2020, 10:31:06 am »

Somalian troops backing Ethiopian forces in Tigray: Tigray leaders

Tigray leaders are claiming that Somalian troops are backing Ethiopian government forces in Tigray war. According to Tigray supporters, more than 1,000 Somalian troops are fighting alongside Ethiopian government forces against Tigray fighters. Earlier Tigray government accused Eritrea of backing Ethiopian forces. After that, TPLF spokesperson claimed that UAE drones were carrying out airstrikes against Tigray forces. Now Tigray supporters are accusing Somalian soldiers of backing Ethiopian government forces in Tigray region. Officially Ethiopian and Somalian governments deny being part of Tigray conflict.

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« Reply #113 on: November 28, 2020, 03:56:28 pm »

субота, 28.11.2020.

Етиопска војска почела офанзиву на главни град Тиграја

НАЈРОБИ - Етиопска војска ;је данас почела ;офанзиву на Мекеле, главни град побуњеног региона Тиграја уз покушај да ухапсли вође тог региона, јавља АП. Телевизија Тиграја објавила је данас у подне да је Мекеле под артиљеријском ватром, а извештаји из града то потврђују.

За сада не може да се ступи у контакт са вођом Тиграја. Етиопска влада упозорила је становнике Мекелеа да „неће бити милости” ако се не склоне од вођа Ослободилачког фронта народа Тиграја (ТПЛФ). Комуникације су у великој мери прекинуте с Тиграјом, регионом на северу од шест милиона људи, те је тешко проверити тврдње зараћених страна у сукобу - Владе Етиопије и ТПЛФ који је некад био на власти у тој земљи.

Премијер Етиопије Абиј Ахмед, добитник Нобелове награде за мир, саопштио је пре два дана да је војсци наређено да крене ка побуњеном региону Тиграју јер је истекао његов 72-часовни ултиматум побуњеним снагама да се предају. Он је упозорио становнике да не излазе напоље и наредио разоружање, преноси Бета.

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« Reply #114 on: November 28, 2020, 03:59:25 pm »

Ethiopian forces start shelling Mekelle city of Tigray

Ethiopian government forces are shelling Mekelle which is capital city of Tigray region. Ethiopian Prime Minister, on Thursday, announced to start offensive on Mekelle city. Ethiopian forces are now less than 50 km away from Mekelle and heavy shelling on Mekelle city by Ethiopian government forces has been started. AFP and several other news sources are confirming that Mekelle is being shelled by ENDF. Mekelle is last stronghold of Tigray fighters.

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« Reply #115 on: November 29, 2020, 06:26:47 am »

субота, 28.11.2020.

Етиопске снаге тврде да су заузеле престоницу Тиграја

АДИС АБЕБА - Етиопске савезне снаге преузеле су „потпуну контролу” над главним градом регије Тиграј, Мекелеом, саопштио је вечерас војни штаб на званичној Фејсбук страници војске.

Власти су раније саопштиле да су владине снаге у завршној фази офанзиве у региону и да ће се побринути да заштите цивиле у Мекелеу, граду од 500.000 људи, преноси Ројтерс. Није било реакција тигрејских власти које су се бориле против владиних трупа у северној покрајини. Тврдње са свих страна тешко је верификовати, јер су телефонске и интернет везе до региона у паду и приступ је строго контролисан од почетка борби 4. новембра, наводи агенција.

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« Reply #116 on: November 29, 2020, 07:26:10 am »

Ethoipia says it has captured Mekelle city in Tigray region

Ethiopian government is claiming that Ethiopian government forces have taken control of Mekelle, which is capital city of Tigray region. Mekelle was Tigray fighters' last stronghold in Tigray region. Fighting between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray fighters started on November 4. Ethiopian Prime Minister office today issued a statement claiming therein that military operation in Tigray region is over as Tigray's capital city Mekelle has been taken by Ethiopian government forces.

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« Reply #117 on: November 29, 2020, 04:22:06 pm »

Vojska ušla u Mekele, vlasti gone tigrajske lidere
Tanjug 29.11.2020.

Savezna policija Etopije otpočela je danas potragu za liderima Tigrajskog liberalnog fronta (TPLF), nakon što je vojska ušla u Mekele, glavni grad te regije Tigraj, saopštio je premijer Abij Ahmed.

Premijer afričke zemlje je dodao da je ulaskom u Mekele, uporište tigrajskih političkih i vojnih lidera, otpočela treća faza tronedeljnog konflikta, preneo je BBC. Lider TPLF se, u međuvremenu, zavetovao da će nastaviti borbu u izjavi za Rojters.

Na stotine ljudi je ubijeno, a na hiljade je raseljeno usled sukoba države i regionalne partije, koju je Ahmed ranije u toku meseca optužio da napada komandni štab vojske u Mekeleu. Premijer ih je nazvao "kriminalnom bagrom" i obećao da će ih policija privesti pravdi. BBC je uspeo da razgovara sa svojim kontaktom iz Mekelea, koji je izjavio da vladini vojnici jesu ušli u grad i da su se u nedelju ujutro mogli čuti sporadični pucnji, zbog čega su civili pobegli u predgrađa. Ambasada SAD u susednoj Eritreji je rekla da je u glavnom gradu Asmari ođeknulo šest detonacija u subotu kasno uveče.

Tigrajanske snage su prethodno raketirale Eritreju, jer optužuju vlasti te zemlje da podržavaju etiopijsku vladu sve vreme, ali BBC dodaje da nije jasno da li su eksplozije u Asmari povezane sa okršajima u Tigrajskoj oblasti.

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« Reply #118 on: November 30, 2020, 07:10:44 am »

Ethiopian fighter jet shot down by Tigray forces, claims Tigray TV

An Ethiopian air force fighter jet was shot down today by Tigray forces, claims Tigray TV. According to Tigray TV, MIG-23 fighter jet of Ethiopian air force was shot down today by Tigray air defense system near Abiy Addi town of Tigray region. Tigray forces are claiming to have captured the pilot of Ethiopian downed Mig-23 warplane. Tigray TV showed burning wreckage of the downed plane and captured pilot as well. Did the Ethiopian fighter jet crash or was it shot down? So far Ethiopian government has not issued any statement about the claim of Tigray fighters to have downed a MIG-23 warplane of Ethiopian forces. Some Tigray supporters are claiming that the downed fighter jet belongs to Eritrean air force.

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« Reply #119 on: November 30, 2020, 07:31:39 am »

Tigray leader Debretsion announces to fight back after losing Mekelle

Tigray President Debretsion Gebremichael yesterday sent a text message to the Reuters. Debretsion announced to keep on fighting Ethiopian forces of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad. Ethiopian Prime Minister yesterday announced to have captured Mekelle city of Tigray region. Mekelle was the last stronghold of Tigray fighters. But late night after the fall of Mekelle city, Tigray forces fired several rockets on Eritrean capital Asmara, which shows that operational capability of Tigray forces could not be completely destroyed by Ethiopian government forces despite the fall of Mekelle.

Tigray fighters warn foreign diplomats to leave Addis Ababa immediately

Tigray fighters today warned foreign diplomats in Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to leave the city immediately. Tigray government sent a message to foreign diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa that Tigray fighters would fire missiles and rockets on Addis Ababa. Tigray leaders are announcing to hit targets inside Amhara and Oromo states like Bahir Dar, Gondar, Dessie in Amhara and Bishoftu in Oromo state of Ethiopia as well. Yesterday Ethiopian Prime Minister claimed to have concluded military operation in Tigray region of Ethiopia by having taken control of Mekelle city, Tigray capital. But Tigray leader Debretsion has announced to keep on fighting.

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