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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Etiopiji  (Read 57060 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #195 on: December 25, 2020, 10:58:13 am »

Sudan refuses to withdraw from newly-taken positions along Sudan-Ethiopia border

Sudan has refused to withdraw from the areas along Sudan-Ethiopia border newly captured by Sudanese forces in the past few days. Sudanese Foreign Minister, in an interview with Sky News Al Arabiya, said that Sudan would hold talks with Ethiopia about border demarcation but its forces would not withdraw from newly captured positions. Earlier Ethiopian Foreign Minister called upon Sudan to pull back from the positions in Al Fashqa farms area of El Gedaref state captured by Sudanese forces since last Tuesday. Fighting erupted on last Tuesday between Sudanese army and Ethiopian militia after Sudanese soldiers were ambushed by Ethiopian Amhara militia fighters in Jebel Abu Tayyour area in Al Fashaga farms areas of Al Qadarif state of Sudan. Sudan says that it will continue negotiations with Ethiopian government regarding demarcation of Sudan-Ethiopia border but its forces will not retreat from newly captured positions on Sudan-Ethiopia border. For several decades, Sudan and Ethiopia are locked in a border dispute over fertile lands of Al Fashqa farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan.

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« Reply #196 on: December 25, 2020, 07:17:27 pm »

Broj poginulih u napadu u Etiopiji porastao na 222
Autor:Agencije 25. Dec. 2020

Broj poginulih u napadu koji se dogodio u etnički podeljenom regionu Benišangul Gumuž, na zapadu Etiopije, porastao je na 222 osobe, izjavio je danas za Rojters volonter iz Crvenog krsta.

“Juče smo sahranili 207 žrtava i još 15 napadača”, rekao je dobrovoljac Melese Mesfin. Napad se dogodio u selu Bekoji u okrugu Bulen u zoni Metekel, a etiopska komisija za ljudska prava koju je imenovala država u početku je procenila da je ubijeno više od 100 ljudi. Još jedan u nizu masakara koji je počinila neka od sukobljenih etničkih grupa u tom regionu dogodio se dan nakon posete premijera Etiopije Abija Ahmeda, koji je govorio o potrebi da se pred lice pravde izvedu svi odgovorni za prethodne napade, preneo je AP.

U Etiopiji živi više od 80 različitih etničkih grupa što čini pokušaje premijera Ahmeda da se promoviše nacionalno jedinstvo velikim izazovom.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #197 on: December 26, 2020, 09:14:30 am »

Sudan Ethiopia border dispute: Latest update

Sudan Ethiopia border dispute has been intensifying since Tuesday, December 16. Sudan army is claiming to have made considerable advance into disputed Al Fashaga farms area of El Gedaref state. According to some sources, Sudanese army has taken back 50% of disputed Al Fashqa farms territory from Ethiopian farmers and Ethiopia Amhara militia. Sudanese forces have succeeded in taking control of strategic Mount Abu Tayyur or Jebel Abu Tayyur from Ethiopian forces.  But Sudanese army could not gain control of Khor Shein and Qala Luban in Fashaga al Sughara (Smaller Fashaga). It seems that Sudanese forces have managed to advance in Fashaga al Kubra (Greater Fashaga) but Sudanese forces are facing stiff resistance in Fashaga al Sughara (Smaller Fashaga). There are large settlements of Ethiopian farmers in Fashaga al Sughra (Small Fushqa.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #198 on: December 26, 2020, 04:58:31 pm »

Sudan army claims to have advanced to Ethiopian border town Abdurafi

Sudanese army is claiming to have advanced all the way up to Abdurafi town. Abdurafi town is on Ethiopian side of Ethiopia-Sudan border. Sudanese army is launching a large scale military offensive along Sudan-Ethiopia border in El Gedared state of Sudan to push back Ethiopian farmers and Ethiopian militia members from long-contested fertile lands of Al Fashaga farms. Sudan and Ethiopia are locked in a border dispute over fertile lands of Al Fashqa farms in Qadarif state of Sudan for years.

Sudan says it has seized 60 agricultural projects from Ethiopian farmers on Sudan-Ethiopia border

Sudanese military officials claim that Sudanese army has seized 60 agricultural projects of cotton, sunflower etc. and 600 pieces of agriculture machinery including tractors, harvesters etc. from Ethiopian farmers along Sudan-Ethiopia border. Sudan army launched a large military offensive on Sudan-Ethiopia border on December 16 after Sudanese soldiers were ambushed by Ethiopian militia members in Jebel Abu Tayyur area. Sudan and Ethiopia are locked in a decades-long border dispute over Al Fashaga farms area situated in El Gedaref state of Sudan.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #199 on: December 26, 2020, 05:02:48 pm »

Tigray's DW TV back on air & rumors of Ethiopian Mig 23 downed near Shire town

Tigray's DW TV is back on air and rumors are going around about an Ethiopian Mig-23 fighter jet shot down near Shire town of Tigray. Tigray's DW ( Dimtsi Weyane) TV channel went offline a couple of weeks ago after Ethiopian government forces took control of Mekelle city of Tigray. Since yesterday rumors are going around that an Ethiopian Mig 23 warplane has down shot down near Shire. But so far these rumors could not be verified. On November 4, Ethiopian government forces ( ENDF) launched a military operation against regional government of Tigray. Fighting is still underway in some parts of Tigray region.

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« Reply #200 on: December 27, 2020, 06:12:04 am »

Sudan od Etiopije preuzeo kontrolu nad spornom terititorijom
Tanjug 27.12.2020.

Sudan je preuzeo kontrolu nad većim delom teritorije nakon što je optužio Etiopiju da pokušava da zauzme oblast u blizini granice između dve zemlje, prenosi Rojters.

Verujemo da je dijalog rešenje za svaki problem, ali će vojska Sudana vršiti svoju dužnost kako bi povratila našu teritoriju, rekao je za Rojters ministar za informisanje Faisal Salih. On je potvrdio da je vojska trenutno povratila kontrolu nad 60 do 70 odsto tog dela sudanske teritorije, kao i da su se sukobi smanjili u poslednja dva dana. Snage koje su vršile napade ne pripadaju miliciji, već je reč o regularnim snagama, tvrdi Salih.

Tenzije u pograničnom delu između Sudana i Etiopije razbuktale su se otkako je u etiopskom regionu Tigraj na severu zemlje izbio konflikt početkom novembra i otkako je na istok Sudana pristiglo preko 50.000 izbeglica, uglavnom iz ove oblasti. Sukob između dve strane odnosi se na poljoprivredno zemljište koje se nalazi u Sudanu, a koje već dugo vremena naseljavaju zemljoradnici iz Etiopije. U toku proteklih nekoliko nedelja došlo je do oružanih sukoba između sudanskih i etiopskih snaga, a strane se međusobno optužuju da postičku nasilje.

Dve zemlje su ove nedelje u Kartumu održale razgovore po pitanju trenutne situacije.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #201 on: December 27, 2020, 08:11:29 am »

Ethiopia massing troops on its border with Sudan

Ethiopia is massing troops and military equipment on its border with Sudan. Sudanese forces have launched a military offensive to take control of Al Fashaga farms area from Ethiopian farmers and Ethiopia militia fighters. Ethiopian forces yesterday conducted military maneuvers in Hadi, War Majo and Wadi Nur areas on Ethiopia Sudan border. Ethiopian forces seem to be flexing their muscles near Sudanese border. Sudanese forces are claiming to have taken control of several key areas including Jebel Abu Tuyyur from Ethiopian farmers in Al Fashqa farms areas of Al Gedaref state. Ethiopia and Sudan are locked in a long running border dispute over fertile lands of Al Fashaga farms in Al Qadarif state of Sudan.

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« Reply #202 on: December 27, 2020, 02:26:02 pm »

Sudan claims Eritrean troops have joined Ethiopian forces near Abdurafi on Ethiopia-Sudan border

Sudan is claiming that Eritrean forces have joined Ethiopian troops stationed near Abdurafi town on Ethiopia-Sudan border. According to Sudanese military officials, quoted by several Sudanese news outlets, Eritrean troops were moved from Umme Hajar area in Sudan-Eritrea-Ethiopia border triangle to Aburafi town which is on Ethiopian side of Ethiopia-Sudan border. Sudanese forces are launching a large military offensive in El Gedaref state of Sudan to clear Al Fashaga farms area of Ethiopian farmers and Ethiopian Amhara militia. Earlier Tigray leaders accused Eritrea of providing military support to Ethiopian forces in the ongoing fighting between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray fighters in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Ethiopia and Eritrea denied the allegations of Tigray leaders.

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« Reply #203 on: December 27, 2020, 03:22:06 pm »

Sudan claims to have captured 60-70% area on Sudan Ethiopia border

Sudanese government is claiming that its forces have retaken 60-70% area in the ongoing fighting along Sudan-Ethiopia border. Sudanese Information Minister, Faisal Muhammad Salih, in an interview with Reuters, made this claim. He further said that additional units of Sudan army had been deployed in Wad Aroud area on Sudan side of border while Ethiopia was stepping up its military presence near Abdurafi town on Ethiopian side of the border. Distance between Wad Aroud and Abdurafi is around 3 kilometers. Sudan and Ethiopia are locked in a long running border dispute over fertile lands of Al Fashaga farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan.

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« Reply #204 on: December 28, 2020, 08:36:49 am »

Tigray fighters claim General Zewdu Belay of ENDF has been killed near Samre

Tigray fighters claim that Major General Zewdu Belay of ENDF (Ethiopian National Defense Forces) has been killed in clashes near Samre town. Major General Zewdu Belay is head of Eastern Command of Ethiopian government forces. Ethiopian government has not issued any statement in this regard. Last month, Ethiopian Prime Minister announced that military operation in Tigray region of Ethiopia was over. Despite his announcement, fighting between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray regional forces still goes on in several parts of Tigray.

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« Reply #205 on: December 28, 2020, 08:40:37 am »

Sudan says it has retaken 11 settlements in El Quraisha on Sudan-Ethiopia border

Sudanese military sources claim that Sudan army has captured 11 more settlements of Ethiopian farmers in El Quresha area on Sudan-Ethiopia border. These settlements include Asmaru, Lakki, Pasha, Lamm, Melkamo, Meles, Ashkar, Arqa, Umm Pasha Teddy. According to Sudanese media and military sources, Ethiopian forces and farmers have been pushed back from the 11 settlements while fighting is underway for Lili settlement. Sudan and Ethiopia are locked in a decades-long border conflict over fertile lands of Al Fashaga farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan. Fighting erupted between Sudan army and Ethiopia militia fighters on December 16 after Sudanese soldiers were ambushed by Ethiopian militia members in Jebel Abu Tayyur area.

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« Reply #206 on: December 29, 2020, 07:46:56 am »

Huge Sudanese military convoys arrive on Sudan-Ethiopia border

Sudanese military convoys are pouring in on Sudan-Ethiopia border in Al Gedaref state of Sudan. Sudan-Ethiopia border witnessed heavy clashes between Sudan army and Ethiopian militia in recent days. Sudanese army has launched a military offensive to push back Ethiopian farmers and Ethiopian militia fighters from Al Fashaga farms area in El Gedaref state on Sudan-Ethiopia border. Sudanese politicians are issuing statements in support of Sudan's military. Jibyaril Ibrahim, head of Sudan's Justice and Equality party visited frontlines in Al Qadarif state. Sudanese military, which has been under pressure after last week's nationwide protests, seems to be the ultimate beneficiary of clashes on Sudan-Ethiopia border.

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« Reply #207 on: December 29, 2020, 07:49:33 am »

Eritrean troops committed war crimes in Tigray: NY Times

Eritrean soldiers committed gross war crimes in Tigray region of Ethiopia, claims The New York Times. According to the newspaper, Eritrean soldiers are fighting alongside Ethiopian soldiers against Tigray fighters and Eritrean soldiers killed, tortured and abducted dozens of Eritrean refugees at Hitsats and Shimelba refugee camps in Tigray. Ethiopian and Eritrean government deny about the presence of Eritrean troops in Tigray region of Ethiopia. But several international news sources have confirmed that Eritrean soldiers were not only part of fighting in Tigray but they committed gross human rights violations against thousands of Eritrean refugees at Hitsats and Shimelba refugee camps in Tigray region of Ethiopia.

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« Reply #208 on: December 30, 2020, 09:06:20 am »

Sudanese fighters damaged Ethiopian property worth 1 billion ETB on border: Ethiopian official

Ethiopia has admitted territorial losses to Sudanese fighters on Ethiopia Sudan border. According to Dessalegn Tasew, administrator of West Gondar zone, Sudanese fighters damaged and looted Ethiopian property worth 1 billion ETB or $25 million on Ethiopia-Sudan border. According to Mr Dessalegn, Sudanese forces looted agricultural machinery, livestock, crops etc. of Ethiopian farmers. Sudanese side says it has retaken the areas on Sudan-Ethiopia border, which are, according to international law, part of Sudan. Fighting broke out on Sudan-Ethiopia border on last December 16 in connection with long running dispute over fertile lands of Al Fashaga farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan.

Sudan has deployed Janjaweed fighters on border with Ethiopia, claim Ethiopian sources

Ethiopian sources claim that Sudan has deployed Janjaweed militia fighters on Sudan-Ethiopia border. Sudanese Janjaweed is mainly based in Darfur region of Sudan. Sudan has not officially announced any statement about the deployment of any militias along Sudan-Ethiopia border. According to Sudanese military officials, military operations along Sudan-Ethiopia border are being carried out by Sudan army. Fighting erupted on Sudan-Ethiopia border between Sudan army and Ethiopian militia fighters in connection with long running dispute over Al Fashaga farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan.

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« Reply #209 on: December 30, 2020, 11:16:11 am »

Fighting resumes between Sudanese & Ethiopian forces on border

Fighting has resumed between Ethiopian and Sudanese forces on Ethiopia-Sudan border. Both Ethiopia and Sudan have been sending military reinforcements to border areas in the past few days. Ethiopia sent forces to Abdurafi town and Sudan sent military convoys to Wad Aroud. Now small scale fighting has erupted between Ethiopian and Sudanese forces. Sudan and Ethiopia are locked in decades-long dispute about fertile lands of Al Fashaga farms in El Gedaref state of Sudan which borders Ethiopia. Sudanese army has taken back large swathes of land on Sudan-Ethiopia border from Ethiopian farmers in recent days.

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