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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Etiopiji  (Read 57046 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2020, 08:11:27 am »

TPLF ( Tigray Peoples' Liberation Front ) President Debretsion Gebremichael last night claimed that Ethiopian forces had bombed Tekeze dam in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Tekeze dam, Tekeze hydro electric power station is on Tekeze river in Tigray region where fighting between TPLF fighters and ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces) is underway. Ethiopian government today rejected this claim of TPLF regarding air strikes on Tekeze dam in Tigray region.

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« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2020, 09:19:48 am »

Eksplozije u dva grada u Etiopiji

U dva grada etiopske savezne države Amhara, Bahir Daru i Gondaru, na severu zemlje, noćas su ođeknule dve eksplozije.

Država Amhara graniči se sa državom Tigraj na krajnjem severu zemlje u kojoj se snage federalne vlade bore s lokalnim pobunjenicima, a lokalne vlasti istražuju da li su sukobi u Tigraju povezani sa dve noćašnje eksplozije. Od početka ofanzive na dobro obučene pobunjenike u Tigraju, koju je 4. novembra naredio premijer Etiopije Abij Ahmed zbog čestih pobunjeničkih napada na vojne baze federalnih snaga, poginulo je više stotina ljudi, preneo je Rojters.

Ujedinjene Nacije i organizacija Afričkog jedinstva izrazili su zabrinutost da bi sukobi u Tigraju mogli da se prošire i na ostale delove Etiopije, druge najmnogoljudnije afričke države, čime bi bio ugrožen širi pojas istočne Afrike. Etiopska komisija za ljudska prava najavila je da će poslati istražni tim s ciljem da se utvrde upozorenja Amnesti internešenela da su u regionu Mai Kadra, na severu savezne države Tigraj, tokom ofanzive federalnih snaga izvršene masovne likvidacije. U saopštenju Etiopske komisije za ljudska prava upozorava se i da postoji opravdana bojazan od etnički motivisanih likvidacija koje su sprovodile federalne snage nad lokalnim stanovništvom.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2020, 12:00:20 pm »

The United Nations human rights chief Michelle Bachelet on Friday expressed "increasing alarm" at the situation in Tigray state, Ethiopia, saying it risked spilling completely out of control. Mass killings reported by Amnesty International, if confirmed as having been committed by a party to the conflict, would amount to war crimes, she added. France 24's John Zarocostas explains.

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« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2020, 12:01:36 pm »

The Ethiopian government said on Friday that its military offensive against the leaders of Tigray province was proceeding successfully and would end shortly as civilians fleeing fighting in Tigray region described bombing by government jets, shooting on the streets and killings with machetes, as they joined thousands of refugees crossing into neighbouring Sudan.

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« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2020, 12:06:35 pm »

Eksplozije u dva grada u Etiopiji

Two explosions hit cities in Ethiopia's Amhara state, which neighbours the northern state of Tigray where federal troops are fighting local forces, and the human rights commission warned against rights violations in the conflict.

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« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2020, 03:58:03 pm »

Drone images captured on Friday reveal a refugee camp on the Sudanese border town of al-Fashqa. The camp is currently hosting refugees who have fled the fighting in the Ethiopian region of Tigray.

The UN refugee agency estimated that more than 14,500 refugees crossed into the neighbouring Sudan as fighting intensifies; now into the second week of the conflict.

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« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2020, 04:26:40 pm »

Tigray's TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) fired rockets at Bahir Dar and Gondar airports of Amhara region in Ethiopia, claims Ethiopian government. According to a statement issued by office of Ethiopian Prime Minister, rocket was fired towards Bahir Dar and Gondar cities of Amhara state which caused damage to airport. Amhara state shares border with Tigray where fighting is going on between ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) and TPLF fighters.

Ethiopia is withdrawing thousands of troops from Somalia for deployment to Tigray region, claims Bloomberg. Several thousand Ethiopian soldiers are helping Somalian government in its fight against insurgency. According to Bloomberg, withdrawn Ethiopian soldiers will be deployed to Tigray region where fighting has broken out between ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali and TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) fighters.

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« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2020, 04:28:21 pm »

Tigray conflict: Fake pictures and videos are being shared regarding ongoing Tigray fighting between ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) and TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) fighters in northern Ethiopia. Misinformation and disinformation need to be taken into account before sharing any material on ongoing Tigray fighting.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2020, 07:20:15 am »

Eskalacija sukoba: Novi raketni napadi Etiopije ka Asmari

Nejmanje tri rakete ispaljene su večeras sa teritorije Etiopije prema prestonici Eritreje Asmari, rekli su diplomatski izvori za Rojters.

Britanska agencija navodi da su joj diplomatski izvori rekli da su najmanje dve rakete pogodile aerodrom u Asmari. Rojters dodaje da zbog prekida komunikacionih sistema u pobunjenoj etiopskoj državi Tigraj i u Eritreji nije mogao da potvrdi informacije o ispaljenim projektilima. U toku je, kako dodaje Rojters, veća eskalacija 11-dnevnih sukoba etiopskih federalnih trupa sa lokalnim snagama pobunjene države Tigraj.

Vlada pobunjene etiopske države Tigraj saopštila je ranije danas da su njene snage raketirale dva etiopska vojna cilja u znak odmazde za nedavne vazdušne udare federalnih snaga po ciljevima na severu.

Raketa je pogodila aerodrom u Gondaru u susednoj državi Amhara, ali je promašila aerodrom u Bahir Daru, saopštila je vlada Tigraja.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2020, 07:27:50 am »

Ethiopia: Tigray's TPLF has threatened to hit Eritrean cities of Asmara and Massawa. In a television interview today, senior Tigray leader  Getachew Reda claimed responsibility for rocket attacks on Gondar and Bahar Dar air ports of Amhara state last night. He further said that Tigray would carry out similar attacks against Asmara and Massawa cities of Eritrea if Eritrean soldiers kept on fighting in support of Ethiopian forces of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali. On November 4,  Ethiopian forces launched an offensive into Tigray region where fighting is still under way between ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali and Tigray fighters of TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ).

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« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2020, 07:29:41 am »

Tigray forces have fired missiles on Asmara, Eritrean capital. Reportedly 3 missiles were fired by Tigray forces which hit Information Ministry building, Airport and a residential complex in Asmara, capital city of Eritrea. Earlier in the day, TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) spokesperson Getachew Ruda, in a TV interview, threatened to hit Eritrean cities if Eritrea allegedly kept on backing Ethiopian government forces. Tigray's TPLF accuses Eritrea of backing Ethiopian government forces against Tigray fighters. On November 4, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali, launched a major offensive into Tigray region of Ethiopia. Tigray region shares border with Eritrea.

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« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2020, 07:32:48 am »

Rockets from Ethiopia's northern Tigray region hit the capital of neighbouring Eritrea on Saturday, diplomats said, the latest indication that Ethiopia's internal conflict is spreading beyond its borders.

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« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2020, 07:41:57 am »

Eskalira nasilje u regiji Tigray na sjeveru Etiopije. Sve je više navoda o gađanju civilnih područja i mogućem etničkom čišćenju. Vlada je prošle sedmice pokrenula vojnu operaciju protiv snaga Narodnog oslobodilačkog fronta Tigraya, koji kontrolira tu regiju, optuživši ih za napad na vojnu bazu. Hiljade civila od nasilja bježe u susjedni Sudan.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2020, 07:47:29 am »

At least three rockets have been fired from Ethiopia into neighbouring Eritrea, potentially adding a regional dimension to the conflict between Ethiopian government forces and leaders in the Tigray region on the 11th day of fighting.

Diplomats in the region say two of the rockets hit the main airport in Eritrea's capital, Asmara.

The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front had earlier threatened Eritrea. Eritrea and Ethiopia signed a peace deal two years ago, but Asmara is not on good terms with the Tigrayan leadership.

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« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2020, 07:49:54 am »

Ethiopian forces ( ENDF ) have been seen advancing into Adi Ramets town of Tigray region in Ethiopia. On November 4,  ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) launched an offensive into Tigray region of Ethiopia. Fighting is going on in Tigray region between ENDF and TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ). Ethiopian forces of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali are claiming to have made considerable advance into Tigray region. Adi Ramets town, where Ethiopian forces have been seen, is not deep into Tigray region. It seems Ethiopian forces are facing stiff resistance from Tigray fighters.

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