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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Etiopiji  (Read 57061 times)
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« Reply #75 on: November 19, 2020, 03:58:43 pm »

Etiopska vojska optužila direktora SZO da podržava pobunjeni Tigraj u kom plamte sukobi
Tanjug 19.11.2020.

Etiopska vojska optužila je direktora Svetske zdravstvene organizacije Tedrosa Gebrejesusa da podržava i pokušava da obezbedi oružje i diplomatsku podršku za vladajuću političku partiju u Tigraju, koja se bori sa fedaralnim trupama.

General etiopske vojske Birhanu Jula rekao je da je Gebrejesus član Narodnooslobodilačkog fronta Tigraja, "kriminalac koji bi trebalo da bude smenjen sa funkcije direktora SZO". On nije naveo više detalja o optužbama protiv Gebrejesusa, koji je Etiopljanin poreklom iz Tigraja. Portparol SZO je rekao da nema komentar na optužbe protiv Gebrejesusa, preneo je Rojters.

Tedros Gebrejesus je bio ministar zdravlja i ministar spoljnih poslova od 2005. do 2006. godine u bivšoj koalicionoj vladi na čelu sa Narodnooslobodilačkim frontom Tigraja. Front je predvodio zemlju sve dok premijer Ahmed Abij nije izabran za premijera pre dve godine. Gebrejesus je 2017. postao prvi direktor SZO poreklom iz Afrike.

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« Reply #76 on: November 20, 2020, 09:30:23 am »

Etiopska vojska optužila direktora SZO da podržava pobunjeni Tigraj u kom plamte sukobi

Ethiopian military chief accuses WHO head Dr Tedros of supporting Tigray forces

Ethiopian military chief, General Berhanu Jula, today accused head of WHO ( World Health Organization ) Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  of supporting Tigray forces. Ethiopian military chief claimed that Dr Tedros was procuring arms for Tigray fighters and trying to rally diplomatic support for Tigray government. WHO head Dr. Tedros is from Ethiopia and he is a Tigrayan. Meanwhile Tigray conflict continues escalating with intensifying fighting between Tigray fighters and ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces) in several parts of Tigray region.

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« Reply #77 on: November 20, 2020, 09:32:18 am »

Tigray forces again targeted Bahir Dar airport in Amhara last night

Tigray forces once again hit Bahir Dair airport in Amhara state of Ethiopia last night. Reportedly 3 places in Amhara state were hit with rockets last night by Tigray forces. Tigray fighters are saying that Bahir Dar airport and 2 military installations in Bahir Dar were targeted. This is the 2nd attack on Bahir Dar airport by Tigray forces within the last 5 days. Meanwhile ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces) continued launching airstrikes on Mekelle, capital city of Tigray region yesterday. Fighting between TPLF/Tigray fighters and ENDF forces in Tigray continues with no ceasefire in sight.

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« Reply #78 on: November 20, 2020, 01:16:51 pm »

Ethiopian govt suspends press license of Reuters over "biased reporting" on Tigray conflict

Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority ( EBA ) today suspended press license of Reuters correspondent for Ethiopia over alleged "false and biased reporting" on Tigray conflict. EBA issued warning letters to BBC and DW too. In the past few days, Reuters published 2 stories regarding ethnic profiling being done by Ethiopian government against Tigrayans. Ethiopian government, since the start of Tigray offensive on November 4, has blocked internet access and other communications making it almost impossible to report on on-ground developments taking place in Tigray.

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« Reply #79 on: November 20, 2020, 02:44:14 pm »

ENDF conducted airstrikes on Mekelle university in Tigray: Associated Press

Today Associated Press ( AP ), Washington Post and over international news sources claimed that ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) conducted airstrikes on Mekelle university in Tigray region on Thursday. According to AP, a Mekelle university official in an email to AP, revealed about ENDF airstrikes on Mekelle university of Tigray. AP did not disclose the name of the Mekelle university official. Ethiopian government denies having  carried out any airstrikes on Mekelle university. Today Tigray fighters made another claim that yesterday a drone strike was conducted in Tigray and the drone used did not belong to Ethiopian government forces.

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« Reply #80 on: November 20, 2020, 08:54:59 pm »

Direktor SZO demantovao da podržava vlasti u pobunjenom Tigraju: "Zbog situacije u mojoj domovini slama mi se srce"
Tanjug 20.11.2020.

Direktor Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) Tedros Adanom Gebrejesus demantovao je da je zauzeo stranu u sukobu u svojoj zemlji, Etiopiji i pozvao sve tamošnje strane da rade na miru i bezbednosti civila.

U poruci na Tviteru, Tedros je rekao: "Postoje izveštaji koji sugerišu da zauzimam stranu u ovoj situaciji. To nije istina i želim da kažem da sam samo na jednoj strani, a to je strana mira". On je napisao da mu se "slama srce" zbog situacije u njegovoj domovini i pozvao sve strane da rade na postizanju mira i osiguraju bezbednost civila i humanitarnu pomoć onima kojima je potrebna, dodajući da je posebno zabrinut zbog trenutne situacije sa kovid-19.

Etiopska vojska optužila je prethodno direktora Svetske zdavstvene organizacije Tedrosa Gebrejesusa da podržava i pokušava da obezbedi oružje i diplomatsku podršku za vladajuću političku partiju u Tigraju, koja se bori sa fedaralnim trupama. General etiopske vojske Birhanu Jula rekao je da je Gebrejesus član Narodnooslobodilačkog fronta Tigraja, "kriminalac koji bi trebalo da bude smenjen sa funkcije direktora SZO". On nije naveo više detalja o optužbama protiv Gebrejesusa, koji je Etiopljanin poreklom iz Tigraja.

Portparol SZO je rekao da nema komentar na optužbe protiv Gebrejesusa, preneo je Rojters.

Tedros Gebrejesus je bio ministar zdravlja i ministar spoljnih poslova od 2005. do 2006. godine u bivšoj koalicionoj vladi na čelu sa Narodnooslobodilačkim frontom Tigraja. Front je predvodio zemlju sve dok premijer Ahmed Abij nije izabran za premijera pre dve godine. Gebrejesus je 2017. postao prvi direktor SZO poreklom iz Afrike.

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« Reply #81 on: November 21, 2020, 09:17:15 am »

Tigray Ethiopia: United Nations High Commission for Refugees and International Committee of Red Cross are warning of devastating humanitarian crisis in Tigray Ethiopia. On November 4, Ethiopian government forces launched military offensive into northern Ethiopian region of Tigray. Tens of thousands of refugees have crossed into Sudan from Tigray since November 4. ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) are carrying out blockade of Tigray region leading to choking of supply of basic necessities to Tigrayans. UNHCR today called upon Ethiopian government and Tigray leaders to establish a humanitarian corridor for providing safe access to relief and refugee organizations inside Tigray.

Ethiopian government forces are claiming to have captured Aksum, Adwa towns and surroundings of Adigrat city of Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. Three days ago, ENDF took control of Shire town on western front. From Shire, Ethiopian government forces are claiming to have advanced and captured Aksum, Adwa towns and outskirts of Adigrat city. If this claim is confirmed, it would be a deadly blow to TPLF / Tigray fighters.

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« Reply #82 on: November 21, 2020, 04:43:52 pm »

"Konačni obračun" - Vojska Etiopije napreduje prema prestonici pobunjene provincije Tigraj
Tanjug 21.11.2020.

Vlada Etiopije je saopštila da trupe etiopske vojske napreduju prema prestonici provincije Tigraj gde je najavljen konačni obračun s pobunjeničkim snagama.

Etiopska vojska je osvojila grad Adigrat koji se nalazi na oko 116 kilometara severno od prestonice Tigraja Mekele, ali iz pobunjeničkog tabora nema potvrde ove informacije, preneo je Rojters. Sve informacije koje stižu iz zone oružanih sukoba u regionu Tigraja su teško proverljive jer su telefonske i internet veze u prekidu od 4. novembra, kada je sukob i počeo.

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« Reply #83 on: November 21, 2020, 05:12:38 pm »

Adigrat city of Tigray region captured, claim Ethiopian govt forces

Ethiopian government forces are claiming to have captured Adigrat city of Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. According to Ethiopian government officials, ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) have taken Shire, Adwa and Adigrat city and are marching towards Mekelle city of Tigray region. TPLF / Tigray fighters have not issued any statement yet regarding ENDF claim of being in control of Adigrat city of Tigray region.

Tigray: Ethiopian govt rejects mediation by African Union

Ethiopian government today rejected the mediation initiative announced by African Union last night to solve Tigray crisis. Today Ethiopian Prime Minister Office issued a statement in this regard saying that the news regarding mediation by African Union between Ethiopian government and TPLF regarding Tigray conflict is fake. Last night African Union President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that he had nominated 3 special envoys who would meet both parties to Tigray conflict in order to put an end to fighting in Tigray region and to create conditions for inclusive national dialogue in Ethiopia.

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« Reply #84 on: November 22, 2020, 11:25:06 am »

Etiopska vojska pripema opsadu grada Mekele u Tigraju

Adis Abeba -- Etiopska vojska najavila je da će tenkovskim jedincama opkoliti grad Mekele, prestonicu pokrajne Tigraj.

Takođe, upozorila je lokalno stanovništvo da će grad biti na udaru artiljerije. U današnjim izveštajima lokalnih medija se navodi da je predstavnik etiopske vojske, pukovnik Dedžene Cagaje, ocenio da je sledeća faza sukoba presudna.

"Tenkovima ćemo opkoliti Mekele, okončati borbe u planinskim oblastima i napredovati na bojnom polju", izjavio je pukovnik Cegaje za državni medijski servis, preneo je Rojters.

Sukob u Tigraju je izbio 4. novembra kada su snage Narodnooslobodilačkog fronta Tigraja izvršile iznendani napad na položaje etiopske vojske. Sukobljene strane su potvrdile da je etiopska vojska zauzela grad Adigrat, na 116 kilometara severno od Mekele.

"Do sada smo napadali samo pobunjeničke položaje, ali će se to uskoro promeniti. Želimo da pošaljemo poruku građanima u Mekeleu da se spasu od artiljerijskih napada i oslobode se pobunjenika. Pripadnici pobunjeničkih snaga koriste civile kao štit i građani moraju da se izoluju od njih. Nakon toga, više neće biti milosti", poručuju iz etiopske vojske.

U međuvremenu, komandant pobunjeničkog Narodnooslobodilačkog fronta Tigraja Debrecion Gabrimajkl izjavio je da njegove snage na južnom frontu stoje čvrsto na položajima i dejstvuju oko Adigrata na severu. Predstavnik etiopske vojske Redvan Husein izjavio je da su pobunjenici onesposobili lokalne saobraćajnice, srušili mostove i minirali puteve na jugu pokrajne Tigraj, ali federalne snage to nije omelo da napreduju.

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« Reply #85 on: November 22, 2020, 02:50:01 pm »

Ethiopian government forces have laid siege to Mekelle city of Tigray region. Yesterday Ethiopian government helicopters dropped warning leaflets over Mekelle telling Mekelle residents to stay indoors. After capturing Shire, Aksum, Adwa and Adigrat city, next target of ENDF is Mekelle city. Mekelle is capital of Tigray region in Ethiopia.

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« Reply #86 on: November 23, 2020, 06:02:42 am »

недеља, 22.11.2020.

Премијер Етиопије дао рок од 72 сата лидерима Тиграја да предају оружје

АДИС АБЕБА - Премијер Етиопије Абиј Ахмед изјавио је да је лидерима региона Тиграја где су у току сукоби, поставио ултиматум од 72 сата да предају оружју и додао да ће у супротном покренути „немилосрдни напад”.

Ахмед, прошлогодишњи добитник Нобелове награде за мир, покренуо је 4. новембра војну офанзиву против снага Ослободилачког фронта народа Тиграја (ТПЛФ) које управљају тим регионом.

„Пут ка вашем уништењу приводи се крају и молимо вас да се предате у наредна 72 сата”, навео је премијер у поруци снагама ТПЛФ.

Неколико стотина људи погинуло је од почетка сукоба, мада тачни подаци о броју жртава нису познати. Суданске власти су са своје стране саопштиле да је више од 36.000 Етиопљана побегло у њихову земљу, преноси Бета. Тиграјци чине пет одсто становника Етиопије, али већ дуго имају значајан утицај у земљи. ТПЛФ је доминирао политиком и снагама безбедности од 1991. до 2018. када је изабран Ахмед, после чега је ослабила њихова моћ.

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« Reply #87 on: November 23, 2020, 08:19:30 am »

Tigray TV claims Aksum & Adigrat are still under TPLF control

Tigray TV is claiming that Aksum town and Adigrat city in northern Ethiopia are still under the control of TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) government. Yesterday ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) claimed to have taken control of Aksum town and Adigrat city. Tigray TV, which backs TPLF and Tigray fighters, showed videos claiming to be from Adigrat and Aksum and in the videos, life in Askum and Adigrat seems business as usual. These TV videos are fresh or old, is still not clear.

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« Reply #88 on: November 23, 2020, 08:22:25 am »

Idaga Hamus town on Adigrat-Mekelle line captured, claim Ethiopian govt forces

Ethiopian government forces are claiming to have captured Idaga Hamus town of Tigray region. Idaga Hamus town is on Adigrat-Mekelle line in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Yesterday ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) claimed to have captured Adigrat city of Tigray region. Ethiopian government forces are claiming to be advancing towards Mekelle city which is capital of Tigray region. While Tigray fighters say that they are doing tactical withdrawal and relocating their defense lines.

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« Reply #89 on: November 23, 2020, 10:59:42 am »

Mekelle offensive: Ethiopian PM gives 3-day deadline to Tigray

Before the start of offensive for Mekelle city of Tigray region, yesterday Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad gave 3-day deadline to Tigray fighters. He called upon Tigray/TPLF fighters to lay down arms and surrender before the expiry of 3-day ultimatum. He said that after 3 days, final offensive for capturing Mekelle city of Tigray region would be launched by ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces).

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