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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Etiopiji  (Read 60682 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #45 on: November 15, 2020, 07:53:10 am »

Ethiopia is now accusing Tigray regional forces of trying to escalate the conflict there by firing rockets at a neighboring region. The struggle between the central government and Tigray began after Addis Ababa claimed the regional forces had attacked national military bases. Tigrayans controlled Ethiopia's central government for 30 years. But their power has waned under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who came to power in 2018. Thousands of civilians have fled the fighting many with harrowing stories. A refugees camp for quickly filled up in neighboring Sudan.

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« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2020, 10:46:48 am »

U sukobe u Etiopiji se umešala i vojska Eritreje?
Tanjug 15.11.2020.

Lider pobunjenika iz regiona Tigraj na severu Etiopije izjavio je da njegovi borci, pored borbi sa etiopskom vojskom, vode bitku i sa 16 eritrejskih divizija.

U izjavi za Rojters, lider Narodnog oslobodilačkog fronta Tigraja Debrecion Gebremišel rekao je da se njegove snage bore sa eritrejskim snagama na nekoliko frontova. Etiopski premijer Abij Ahmed pokrenuo je 4. novembra vojnu ofanzivu na nemirni region Tigraj. Vlada Eritreje negirala je da se umešala u lokalne sukobe u Etiopiji.

Etiopija i Eritreja su inače vodile rat od 1998. godine do 2000. ali su odnose popravile i potpisale mir tek 2018. godine za šta je premijer Etiopije Abij Ahmed dobio i Nobelovu nagradu za mir.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2020, 04:22:41 pm »

U sukobe u Etiopiji se umešala i vojska Eritreje?

O intervenciji Eritreje u korist Etiopije ...

Tigray's TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) is claiming that 16 divisions of Eritrean army are backing Ethiopian forces against Tigray fighters in the ongoing Tigray conflict. Getachew Ruda, spokesperson of TPLF and Tigray leader, claimed in a TV interview that 18 divisions of Eritrean army were involved in Tigray war in support of Ethiopian forces. Keeping in view that 1 division has between 10,000 to 25,000 soldiers, numbers claimed by Getachew Ruda seem exaggerated. But several news outlets including Reuters and AFP have aired interviews of Ethiopian refugees in Sudan, who claim that Tigray villages are being shelled from Eritrean side.  Ertirean army seems to be backing Ethiopian forces though numbers quoted by TPLF leader seem exaggerated.

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« Reply #48 on: November 15, 2020, 04:24:06 pm »

O intervenciji UAE u korist Etiopije ...

UAE drones flying from Assab city of Eritrea are supporting Ethiopian forces in the ongoing Tigray conflict, claim Tigray leaders. Tigray and TPLF leader Getachew Ruda today in a tweet claimed that United Arab Emirates UAVs are supporting Ethiopian forces and Assab city of Eritrea is serving as drone base for UAE drones. Meanwhile fighting between Ethiopian forces and Tigray fighters in Tigray region of Ethiopia continues unabated.

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« Reply #49 on: November 15, 2020, 06:20:46 pm »

Najmanje 34 ubijenih u napadu terorista
Tanjug 15.11.2020.

U jeku rata koji se na severu Etiopije, u regionu Tigraj, vodi između etiopske vojske i pobunjenika, naoružani teroristi su na zapadu zemlje napali autobus i ubili najmanje 34 ljudi, saopšteno je iz nacionalne organizacije za ljudska prava.

"Ovaj napad je sumorni podsetnik o ljudskim žrtvama koje podnosimo kao društvo", navodi se u saopštenju.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2020, 08:29:09 am »

ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) are claiming to have captured Alamata town of Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. Alamata town is in Raya area near Amhara and Afar states. ENDF are now expected to advance from Alamata town towards Mekelle city of Tigray region in the coming days. Fighting between the ENDF and Tigray, TPLF fighters continues unabated.

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« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2020, 08:39:20 pm »

Etiopska vlada: Nema pregovora o okončanju sukoba u Ugandi

Etiopska vlada saopštila je danas da nije došlo do posredovanja u Ugandi vezanih za sukob oko Tigraja

Ranije je bilo medijskih spekulacija da bi pregovori mogli da počnu. Tvrdnja o posredovanju u Ugandi nije tačna, navela je vladina radna grupa za sukob u Tigraju, dok je predsednik Ugande Joveri Museveni napisao na svom Tviter nalogu da se sastao sa etiopskim ministrom spoljnih poslova i pozvao na otpočinjanje pregovora, preneo je Rojters.

Na severu Etiopije, u regionu Tigraj, vodi se rat između etiopske vojske i pobunjenika. Etiopski premijer Abij Ahmed pokrenuo je 4. novembra vojnu ofanzivu na region Tigraj.

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« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2020, 07:24:59 am »

Ethiopian pro government news outlets are sharing pictures and videos from Alamata town of Tigray region, which has been newly taken by ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces). Videos from Alamata and Waja town which is to the south of Alamata are being shared by Ethiopian government officials. According to Ethiopian government officials, Tigray fighters have fled this area. Fighting between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray fighters continues with no ceasefire in sight.

Tigray conflict: ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) fighter jets again launched air strikes on Mekelle city of Tigray region on Monday. According to Reuters, the bombing was carried out on Monday morning. So far Ethiopian government officials have not issued any statement regarding airstrikes on Mekelle city of Tigray on Monday. Meanwhile fighting between TPLF fighters of Tigray and ENDF forces continues without any letup.

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« Reply #53 on: November 17, 2020, 07:27:28 am »

Satellite images taken indicate S-125 air defense system deployed by Tigray forces in Mekelle city of Tigray region. At least 1 battery of S 125 air defense system has been seen deployed between Mekelle and Memekden village of Tigray region of Ethiopia. Earlier Ethiopian forces claimed to have destroyed S-125 air defense system being used by Tigray fighters. These pictures confirm that Tigray forces are still in possession of at least 1 battery of surface to air S-125 air defense missile system. Meanwhile fighting between ENDF and Tigray/TPLRF fighters in Tigray region of Ethiopia continues unabated.

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« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2020, 09:22:57 am »

Etiopska vlada: Nema pregovora o okončanju sukoba u Ugandi

Ethiopian government spokesperson yesterday rejected a story by AlJazeera   News that Uganda was mediating between Ethiopian government and  Tigray's TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) to find a way out of ongoing Tigray conflict. Radhwan Hussan, spokesperson of Ethiopian government Tigray Crisis Task Force, said that Ethiopian government did not ask Uganda to mediate. Earlier Ugandan President, in a tweet, said that he had met with Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister and he called for dialogue between Ethiopian government and Tigray government. Meanwhile fighting between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray fighters continues without any letup.

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« Reply #55 on: November 17, 2020, 09:38:51 am »

"Rok vam je istekao"

Premijer Etiopije Abij Ahmed upozorio da je istekao trodnevni rok koji je dat pobunjenicima u Tigraju da se predaju.

On je najavio konačni napad na regionalnu prestonicu Mekele.

Pobunjeničke snage su raketirale i susednu Eritreju tvrdeći da se vojska te zemlje umešala u ratne operacije koje prete da destabilizuju Rog istočne Afrike, preneo je Rojters.

U dosadašnjim borbama život su izgubile stotine ljudi s obe strane, a 25 hiljada izbeglica pobeglo je u Sudan. Upozorenje premijera Ahmeda upućeno je nakon "hiruški precizno izvedenog vazdušnog napada na pobunjeničke položaje po obodima prestonice Tigraja", saopšteno je iz kriznog štaba vlade u Adis Abebi.

"Po isteku trodnevnog roka za predaju pobunjenika, narednih dana sledi finalni čin sprovodjenja zakona", objavio je etiopski premijer na svom FB nalogu.

Iz pobunjeničkog tabora nema komentara na najave etiopske vlade, ali moguće je da će se pobunjenici pre najavljene oganzive etiopske vojske povući u nepristupačna, planinska područja Tigraja.

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« Reply #56 on: November 18, 2020, 08:45:27 am »

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad today announced to start final and decisive phase of military offensive in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Earlier he announced 3-day ultimatum calling upon Tigray fighters to lay down arms. Today he said that 3-day deadline was over and now Ethiopian government forces would launch final and decisive offensive in Tigray region. Meanwhile fighting between ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) of PM Abiy Ahamd and Tigray/TPLF fighters continues in various parts of Tigray with no ceasefire in sight.

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« Reply #57 on: November 18, 2020, 08:46:38 am »

Ethiopian government forces are claiming to have captured Shire town of Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. Shire town is deep into Tigray region and to the east of Shire is Aksum town. According to ETV, ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) are marching from Shire to Aksum town of Tigray region. TPLF / Tigray fighters have not issued any statement yet regarding ENDF claim of being in control of Shire town of Tigray region.

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« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2020, 09:11:07 am »

A major humanitarian crisis is unfolding in #Ethiopia, the United Nations #refugee agency said on Tuesday, with more than 27,000 people now having fled heavy fighting to Sudan. FRANCE 24's Bastien Renouil tells us more.

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« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2020, 09:23:08 am »

#Ethiopia's government said on Tuesday its troops had achieved significant victories on the eastern and western fronts of its war against the leaders of #Tigray and its army was marching to the region's capital Mekelle. FRANCE 24's Maria Gerth-Niculescu tells us more.

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