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Author Topic: Dešavanja u Etiopiji  (Read 57051 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #90 on: November 23, 2020, 11:19:21 am »

Aksum airport heavily damaged by Tigray fighters : Ethiopian govt forces

Ethiopian government has shared images of Aksum airport recently captured after fighting between ENDF and Tigray fighters. Aksum airport seems heavily damaged. ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) announced to have captured Aksum town 4 days ago. Tigray fighters have been denying the claim of ENDF to be in control of Aksum town. But today Tigray leaders admitted destroying Aksum airport. Meanwhile ENDF are advancing towards Mekelle city of Tigray region.

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« Reply #91 on: November 23, 2020, 08:33:40 pm »

понедељак, 23.11.2020.

Више од 40.000 избеглица из Етиопије побегло у Судан

КАРТУМ - Више од 40.000 избеглица из Етиопије стигло је у Судан од 10. новембра бежећи од офанзиве владиних снага у региону Тиграј, саопштио је данас Високи комесаријат УН за избеглице (УНХЦР).

Суданску границу је прешло 40.277 Етиопљана, од којих 45 одсто су деца до 17 година, 51 одсто одрасли до 59 година и четири одсто чине старије особе, навео је УНХЦР и додао да 53 одсто избеглица чине мушкарци а 43 одсто жене. Агенција УН је навела да дневно у Судан дође више од 3.000 људи и додала да би у наредних неколико месеци број избеглица могао да буде до 100.000 уколико не престану сукоби.

Премијер Етиопије Абиј Ахмед покренуо је 4. новембра војну офанзиву против снага Ослободилачког фронта народа Тиграја (ТПЛФ) које управљају тим регионом. Тиграјци чине пет одсто становника Етиопије, али већ дуго имају значајан утицај у земљи. ТПЛФ је доминирао политиком и снагама безбедности од 1991. до 2018. када је изабран Ахмед, после чега је ослабила њихова моћ, јавља АФП а преноси Бета.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #92 on: November 24, 2020, 12:19:33 pm »

Ethiopia on the verge of genocide, warns GenocideWatch

GenocideWatch, an international US-based organization which monitors genocide incidents across the world, has warned that Ethiopia has entered stage 9 of genocide process. According to GenocideWatch, Tigrayan, Amhara and Oromos all are at risk. Since the start of fighting between Tigray fighters and government force on November 4, international organizations have been warning of impending genocide in Ethiopia.

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« Reply #93 on: November 24, 2020, 12:21:44 pm »

Mekelle city not encircled claims Tigray President

Mekelle city of Tigray region is not encircled by ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ), claims Tigray President Debrestion Gabremichael in a statement. Debrestion rejected 72-hour ultimatum announced by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad on Sunday. He vowed to defend Mekelle city against likely offensive by Ethiopian government forces to capture Mekelle city of Tigray region in Ethiopia.

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« Reply #94 on: November 24, 2020, 12:23:49 pm »

Tigray TV live reporting from Abiy Addi town 100 km west of Mekelle

Tigray TV yesterday did live reporting from Abiy Addi town which is situated 100 km to the west of Mekelle city in Tigray region of Ethiopia. The reporter showed Abiy Addi residents chanting slogans in support of TPLF.  Ethiopian government forces are claiming to have encircled Mekelle city of Tigray region while Tigray President Debrestion has rejected this claim. Meanwhile movement of ENDF MLRS and howitzers towards Mekelle has been seen. After the expiry of 3-day ultimatum, ENDF are likely to launch offensive for capturing Mekelle city from Tigray/TPLF fighters

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« Reply #95 on: November 24, 2020, 12:57:33 pm »

Ethiopia - Tigray conflict: Thousands flee besieged capital ahead of military assault

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy #Ahmed's government said on Tuesday that many Tigrayan militia and special forces were surrendering in line with an #ultimatum before a threatened offensive against the regional capital Mekelle. There was no immediate response from the #Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), which earlier said it had destroyed an important army division. FRANCE 24's Maria Gerth-Niculescu tells us more.

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« Reply #96 on: November 25, 2020, 06:01:21 am »

уторак, 24.11.2020.

У Етиопији убијено најмање 600 цивила 9. новембра

АДИС АБЕБА - Најмање 600 људи убијено је у „ужасном масакру” који су починили 9. новембра сепаратисти у региону Тиграј у месту Маи Кадра, саопштила је данас етиопска Комисија за људска права.

Та комисија, која важи за независни орган али је директора Данијела Бекелеа именовао премијер Етиопије Абиј Ахмед, оптужила је неформалну групу младих Тиграјаца и снаге тог региона да су одговорни за „покољ” сезонских радника на том подручју, а који нису пореклом из Тиграја, преноси Бета. Међународна организација Амнести интернешенал већ је раније навела да је вероватно неколико стотина цивила убијено 9. новембра у месту Маи Кадра. Сматра се да је то најгоре зверство почињено од почетка војне операције на том подручју.

Премијер Етиопије, добитник Нобелове награде за мир 2019, покренуо је 4. новембра војну офанзиву против снага Ослободилачког фронта народа Тиграја (ТПЛФ) које управљају тим регионом. Комисија је у свом извештају навела да се позива на сведочења на лицу места додајући да је сахрана тих људи трајала три дана. УН су затражиле независну истрагу како би се утврдило шта се тачно догодило у том месту 9. новембра.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #97 on: November 25, 2020, 09:33:22 am »

Ethiopia claims Tigray fighters surrendering but Tigray fighters claim fighting back

Ethiopian government forces are claiming that Tigray fighters are surrendering but Tigray spokesperson said Tigray fighters are fighting back. On Sunday,  Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali announced 3-day ultimatum for Tigray fighters to surrender. According to Ethiopian government officials, large number of Tigray militia members and special forces have entered Afar region and surrendered. Afar region shares border with Tigray region of Ethiopia. On the other hand, Tigray spokesperson today claimed of inflicting heavy losses on Ethiopian government forces in Wajirat Raya of Tigray region in Ethiopia.

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« Reply #98 on: November 25, 2020, 09:35:20 am »

Ethiopian HRC inquiry holds Tigray militia responsible for Mai Kadra tragedy

An inquiry conducted by Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has held  Tigray militia members responsible for Mai Cadera tragedy which occurred on the night of November 9. Hundreds of civilians were killed in Mai Kadra town of Tigray region in Ethiopia on November 9. Both Tigray regional government and Ethiopian federal government have been accusing each other of having committed this massacre. According to EHRC inquiry findings, Tigray youth militia Samri and some elements of Tigray regional force committed this massacre. Ethiopian Human Rights Commission is backed by Ethiopian government. Tigray leaders have rejected the finding of Ethiopian HRC inquiry. They are calling for an independent inquiry into the massacre.

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« Reply #99 on: November 26, 2020, 07:38:44 am »

Ethiopia PM rejects international interference in Tigray conflict

Ethiopian Prime Minister, in a statement today, urged international community to refrain from interfering with internal affairs of Ethiopia. The statement says that international community must refrain from unlawful and unwelcome interference in Ethiopian internal affairs. Earlier, African Union President Cyril Ramaphosa nominated 3 peace envoys to mediate between Ethiopian government and Tigray's regional government but the mediation initiative was rejected by Ethiopian government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali. Ethiopian forces are expected to launch an offensive to capture Mekelle city of Tigray region but international community is calling upon Ethiopian government to start negotiations with Tigray leaders.

Ethiopian forces claim life is back to normal in Shire town

Ethiopian government is claiming that life if back to normal in the newly captured town of Shire in Ethiopia's Tigray region. Shire town of Tigray region was taken by Ethiopian government forces almost a week ago. Today Ethiopian government shared a video from Shire town in which residents of Shire town were shown praising Ethiopian army. TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ) has been rejecting ENDF's claim of being in control of Shire town. Meanwhile fighting between ENDF ( Ethiopian National Defense Forces ) and Tigray fighters continues unabated.

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« Reply #100 on: November 26, 2020, 08:02:09 am »

Ethiopia's 3-day deadline to Tigray fighters expired

3-day deadline announced by Ethiopian government to Tigray fighters has come to an end. On Sunday, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali issued 72 hour-ultimatum to Tigray fighters to surrender before the launch of ENDF's offensive on Mekelle city, capital of Tigray region. Tigray fighters have vowed to keep on fighting. In the coming hours, Ethiopian government forces could launch an assault on Mekelle city which is home to 500,000 civilians.

3 Tigray soldiers of Ethiopian contingent in South Sudan repatriated

3 Tigray soldiers of Ethiopian peacekeeping contingent in South Sudan have been repatriated. According to Ethiopian government, the 3 soldiers have alleged ties with TPLF ( Tigray People's Liberation Front ). Fighting has been  going on between TPLF fighters and Ethiopian government forces in Tigray region since November 4. Earlier several hundred Tigrayan soldiers part of Ethiopian peacekeeping contingent in Somalia were disarmed over loyalty concerns. Tigray leaders are accusing Ethiopian government of discriminating against Tigrayans in Ethiopia.

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« Reply #101 on: November 26, 2020, 09:35:13 am »

Hundreds killed in massacre in Ethiopia's Tigray, rights body says

A local youth group aided by police and militia killed at least 600 people in a "rampage" on November 9 in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region, the national rights watchdog said Tuesday.

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« Reply #102 on: November 26, 2020, 09:40:04 am »

More than one million displaced in Ethiopia's Tigray region as UN warns of 'critical' food shortages

The United Nations says shortages have become “very critical” in Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region as its population of 6 million remains sealed off and its capital is under threat of attack by Ethiopian forces seeking to arrest the regional leaders.

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« Reply #103 on: November 26, 2020, 10:33:05 am »

Ethiopian PM announces start of final phase of Tigray offensive

Ethiopian Prime Minister has announced to start final phase of military offensive in Tigray region. In a statement, Ethiopian Prime Minister Office announced to launch 3rd and final stage of military operation in Tigray region of Ethiopia. Assault on Mekelle city, stronghold of Tigray fighters, is going to be launched by Ethiopian government forces in the coming hours. Earlier on Wednesday evening, 3-day deadline given by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad Ali to Tigray fighters to surrender came to an end. Tigray fighters are vowing to fight back.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #104 on: November 26, 2020, 11:59:25 am »

"Ultimatum je istekao, pokrećemo završnu fazu"

Etiopska vojska pokrenuće završnu fazu vojne operacije u regionu Tigraj napadom na regionalnu prestonicu Mikele, najavio je premijer Abij Ahmed.

"Istekao je ultimatum od 72 sata kriminalnoj kliki TPLF da se mirno preda i naša vojna kampanja stigla je u završnu fazu", naveo je Ahmed na Tviteru.

On je dodao da će civilno stanovništvo biti pošteđeno i da su se već hiljade boraca predale.

Pobunjenici TPLF koji kontrolišu Tigraj, region na severu Etiopije, poručili su da će nastaviti borbu, prenosi BBC. Detalji borbi, međutim, teško se mogu proveriti jer su sve telefonske i internet komunikacije u Tigraju u prekidu.

Ujedinjene nacije su danas saopštile da je nivo nestašice u etiopskom regionu Tigraj vrlo kritičan, a da je zbog prekida komunikacija šest miliona stanovnika tamo blokirano. Ponestaje goriva i novca u gotovini, a više od milion ljudi je raseljeno. Hrane za skoro 100.000 izbeglica nestaće za nedelju dana, navodi se u novom izveštaju UN. Više od 600.000 ljudi koji se žive od dobijenih mesečnih obroka nisu ih primili u novembru.

Tigraj je trenutno odsečen od sveta jer nema komunikacije, aerodromi su zatvoreni, putevi su blokirani, a ne rade ni banke. Zbog blokade puteva program UN za hranu ne može da pristupi i distribuira zalihe hrane iz Makeleua, glavnog grada Tigraja.

Organizacija "Hjuman rajts voč" (Human Rights Watch) upozorila je da namerno sprečavanje isporuke pomoći kršenje medjunarodnog humanitarnog prava.

Premijer Etiopije, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za mir, Abi Ahmed je 4. novembra poslao jedinice savezne vojske na Tigraj posle višemesečnih rastućih tenzija sa regionalnim vlastima Fronta za oslobodjenje naroda Tigraja (TPLF). On insistira na tome da sukob naziva operacijom "primene zakona" dok su tenkovi opkolili glavni grad Tigraja Mekele u konačnoj akciji hapšenja vodja TPLF.

Upozorio je stanovnike polumilionskog grada da se udalje od vodja Fronta ili neće biti "milosti".

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