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Author Topic: Antikineski vojni savez  (Read 69819 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #350 on: October 03, 2021, 11:43:44 am »

China has 'realised' AUKUS is a 'game changer'

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #351 on: October 04, 2021, 08:20:06 am »

US trying to get 'as many countries' to isolate China

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #352 on: October 05, 2021, 10:10:01 am »

Australia's nuclear submarine deal is going to 'unravel'

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says the nuclear-powered submarine deal Australia has with the United Kingdom and America is going to “unravel”.

“First of all, we can’t possibly build it in Adelaide, that’s just ridiculous, we don’t know anything about building nuclear submarines," Mr Sheridan told Sky News host Alan Jones.

“It’ll take us 15 years to train a workforce, the thousands of contractors you’d have to have involved with stuff certified for use in a nuclear submarine.

“But we’ll persist with this fiction because no government will be brave enough to say to Adelaide, you can’t build nuclear subs, then at some point we’ll work out it’s too expensive, it’s too far away and so we won’t abandon it, but we’ll say we’re going to get there eventually.

“At the moment, the government has had a tremendous political victory and it's done it so brilliantly because it doesn’t have to spend a dollar, it doesn’t have to do anything, it can just have a committee meeting for 18 months and everybody thinks we’ve got nuclear subs."

« Last Edit: October 05, 2021, 01:49:18 pm by Dreadnought » Logged
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« Reply #353 on: October 05, 2021, 05:10:11 pm »

Blinken s Makronom, da pomogne u uspostavljanju poverenja između Francuske i SAD
SVET Autor: Beta/AFP 05. okt. 2021

Američki državni sekretar Entoni Blinken sastao se sa francuskim predsednikom Emanuelom Makronom u nastojanju da "pomogne u uspostavljanju poverenja između Francuske i SAD" nakon krize zbog poništenog ugovora o kupovini podmornica.

Državni sekretar, koji je prema agendi trebalo da se sastane samo sa diplomatskim savetnikom francuskog predsednika, imao je i „dug razgovor u četiri oka“ sa Makronom, saopštila je Jelisejska palata. U saopštenju se naglašava da Pariz i Vašington „nastavljaju rad na koordinaciji po pitanjima od zajedničkog interesa, bilo da je reč o saradnji EU i NATO-a, Sahelu ili indo-pacifičkoj oblasti“.

Kao središte novog bezbednosnog pakta Australije, SAD i Velike Britanije, nazvanog „Aukus“, Australija će nabaviti podmornice na nuklearni pogon koristeći američku tehnologiju, jednostrano raskinuvši ugovor sa Francuskom o izgradnji 12 konvencionalnih podmornica na dizel.

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #354 on: October 06, 2021, 06:57:53 am »

Australia is 'going to have nothing' when it comes to submarines

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says the only thing to happen from Australia’s new submarine deal with America and the United Kingdom is “we’ve killed our conventional submarines”.

“If we start constructing these subs in Adelaide in 10 years' time, we won’t have built any subs for thirty years before then, it will be two decades at least before we get a sub after that,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News Australia.

“All that the government's promised us so far is that we’re not going to have any submarine capability at all at the end of the Collins.

“And for the next 20 to 30 years, the only capability we’re going to have is the Collins capability, which is already old and reaching the end of its useful life.

“All that’s its really announced is that we are going to have nothing.”

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #355 on: October 07, 2021, 04:57:00 pm »

‘We need to make the cost of going to war over Taiwan intolerable’ for China

Sky News host Catherine McGregor says “we need to make the cost of going to war over Taiwan intolerable” for China.

This comes as nearly 150 Chinese warplanes have breached Taiwan’s air defence zone since last Friday.

Ms McGregor said “we’re on the precipice” of war but “we can avoid going over the brink”. 

"And it's by actions like what Tony Abbott's doing, and this tripartite agreement with the United States and the UK," she told Sky News host Alan Jones.

“We've got to enhance capacity; we’ve got to show resolve and we’ve got to put pressure on Xi internally."

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« Reply #356 on: October 08, 2021, 11:08:08 am »

Abbott: Australia not beating 'drums of war'

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has told an international forum that it is possible China could attack Taiwan quite soon and it is in everyone’s interest to ensure it does not happen.

Mr Abbott has gone from being supportive of China and its trade relations with Australia to critical of the country and the Chinese Communist Party.

He praised Taiwan for going from an impoverished dictatorship to a successful democracy and criticised China’s human rights abuses and aggression in the region.

Mr Abbott said if the "drums of war" can be heard in the region, it is "not Australia that's beating them".

"The only drums we beat are justice and freedom, freedom for all people in China and in Taiwan to make their own decisions about their lives and their futures," he said.

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« Reply #357 on: October 09, 2021, 09:18:04 am »

Australia will 'get a reaction' from China over Abbott's Taiwan visit

ASPI’s Peter Jennings says Australia will “get a reaction” from China over comments made by former prime minister Tony Abbott.

“I’m sure we’ll get a reaction and it will be the usual type, accusing Australia of having a cold war mentality,” Mr Jennings told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“Tony Abbott’s quite right to say that the way that China has behaved internationally over the last few years is almost exhausting its ability to shock anymore with the type of language it will use.”

Mr Jennings said Australia had “overly stringently applied” the one-China policy and limited contact with Taiwan, but contact may increase due to China’s aggression.

“I think Australia now needs to rethink how we engage with Taiwan and Tony Abbott is quite right it is a very respectable democracy, a liberal democracy, a country which is an important trading partner of Australia,” he said.

“If people are not going to be interested in the defence of Taiwan, why on earth should we ask other countries to be interested in our defence?”

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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #358 on: October 10, 2021, 11:25:57 am »

Relationship between Australia and China currently 'clearly strained'

Sky News contributor Christopher Pyne says the relationship between Australia and China is currently “clearly strained” both economically and politically.

Mr Pyne spoke to Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, asking he if was “surprised” that the relationship between China and Australia had taken “this turn”.

“I’m not really in a position to advise Australia,” Dr Balakrishnan said.

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« Reply #359 on: October 11, 2021, 06:46:56 am »

Zaharova: Svi učesnici AUKUS-a moraće da odgovaraju pred svetom

Sve zemlje saveza Australije, Velike Britanije i SAD (AUKUS) moraće da odgovaraju pred svetskom zajednicom o njihovim ciljevima, izjavila je portparolka Ministarstva inostranih poslova Rusije Marija Zaharova.

Prema njenim rečima, Australija, Velika Britanija i SAD su dužne da odgovore ne samo na osnovna pitanja koje interesuju zemlje čije se infrastrukture menjaju usled ovog poteza, već i na pitanja svetske javnosti kao i Međunarodne agencije za nuklearnu energiju koja nije dobila ni jednu informaciju o tom projektu.

Takođe je rekla i da ni jedna od tih zemalja AUKUS-a očigledno nije uzimala u obzir posledice zatrpavanja regiona nuklearnim podmornicama.

„Da li se uopšte iko zapitao o ekološkom aspektu cele te ideje ukoliko se u regionu pojave nuklearne podmornice?“, zapitala se Zaharova.

Portparolka ruskog MIP-a je dodala i da je moguće da je ceo ovaj projekat osmišljen kako bi se pokrenula „igra“ na unutrašnjim vojnim tržištima tih zemalja.

„To su pre svega trenutni interesi, međutim uvek postoje i srednjoročni i dugoročni. Da li iko o njima razmišlja uopšte?“, zaključila je.

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