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« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2015, 05:56:39 pm »

Sva moć Američke ratne mornarice u jednoj grafici

U smislu nosivosti ali i tehničke superiornosti, Američka ratna mornarica je najveća i najnaprednija pomorska sila na svetu.

Mogućnosti i dometi Američke mornarice dodatno su unapređeni i osnaženi vojnim savezima kao što je NATO gde SAD igra ključnu ulogu.

Oksonica mornarice SAD i glavni adut američke vojske u svetu svakako je nosač aviona. SAD trenutno ima 10 nosača u svojoj floti, daleko više od bilo koje druge nacije na svetu.

Indija, koja trenutno gradi svoj treći nosač, druga je po broju ovih plovila na svetu.

Druga velika prednost Američke ratne mornarice jeste što u svojoj floti ima i balističke nuklearne projektile i podmornice spremne za napad.

Ova plovila u stanju su da rade mesecima između obnavljanja zaliha i da funkcionišu istovremeno kao nuklearna zastrašujuća sila i da love neprijateljske brodove i podmornice.

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Izvor: businessinsider

EDIT: Pošto je originalni grafik u ogromnoj rezoluciji pa samim tim i ''težak'' 3.5mb ovde je link do original slike

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« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2017, 02:34:54 pm »

Još jedna grafika , flotna lista mornarice SAD 2017. Pogledati pdf jer je ogromna rezolucija .
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« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2017, 02:58:28 pm »

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« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2017, 02:01:40 pm »

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Italian Navy (Marina Militare)

The Italian Navy in 2017 (updated) consists of the following warships:

2.  aircraft carriers (Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi)
4.  destroyers (Andrea Doria, Caio Duilio, Luigi Durand de la Penne, Francesco Mimbelli)
14. frigates (Carlo Bergamini, Virginio Fasan, Carlo Margottini, Carabiniere, Alpino, Luigi Rizzo, Grecale, Libeccio, Scirocco, Euro, Espero, Zeffiro, Bersagliere, Aviere)
6.   corvettes (Urania, Sfinge, Driade, Chimera, Fenice, Sibilla)
8.   submarines (Salvatore Todaro, Scirè, Pietro Venuti, Romeo Romei, Primo Longobardo, Gianfranco Gazzana Priaroggia, Salvatore Pelosi,Giuliano Prini)
10. offshore patrol vessels (Comandante Cigala Fulgosi, Comandante Borsini, Comandante Bettica, Comandante Foscari, Sirio, Orione, Cassiopea, Libra, Spica, Vega)
3.  landing platform docks (San Giusto, San Giorgio, San Marco)
12. minehunters (Gaeta, Termoli, Alghero, Numana, Crotone, Viareggio, Chioggia, Rimini, Vieste, Milazzo)
3.  logistic support vessels (Etna, Stromboli, Vezuvio)
1.  SIGINT ship (Elettra)
1.  submarine rescue ship (Anteo)
4.  patrol coastal boats (Esploratore, Sentinella, Vedetta, Staffetta)
11.  minelayer and coastal transport boats (Gorgona, Tremiti, Caprera, Pantelleria, Lipari, Capri, Ponza, Levanzo, Tavolara, Palmaria, Procida)
4.  coastal oilers (Panarea, Favignana, Linosa, Salina)
16.  fighters operating from the aircraft carriers
50. approximately ASW/TH helicopters

and large numbers of auxiliary vessels

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« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2017, 02:04:14 pm »

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Royal Norwegian Navy (Sjøforsvaret)

The Royal Norwegian Navy in 2015 will consist of the following warships:

5. frigates (Fridtjof Nansen, Roald Amundsen, Otto Sverdrup, Helge Ingstad, Thor Heyerdahl)
6. submarines (Ula, Utsira, Utstein, Utvær, Uthaug, Uredd)
6. fast attack missile crafts (Skjold, Storm, Skudd, Steil, Glimt, Grist)
4. minehunters (Oksøy, Karmøy, Måløy, Hinnøy)
4. minesweepers (Alta, Otra, Rauma, Gomma)
1. logistic support vessel (Valkyrien)

and some auxiliary vessels

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« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2017, 02:07:19 pm »

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Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Marine)

The Royal Netherlands Navy in 2017 (updated) consists of the following warships:

6 frigates (De Zeven Provinciën, Tromp, De Ruyter, Evertsen, Van Amstel, Van Speijk)
4 submarines (Walrus, Zeeleeuw, Dolfijn, Bruinvis)
4 offshore patrol vessels (Holland, Zeeland, Friesland, Groningen)
1 joint logistic support ship (Karel Doorman)
2 landing platform docks (Rotterdam, Johan De Witt)
6 minehunters (Makkum, Schiedam, Urk, Zierikzee, Vlaardingen, Willemstad)
1 logistic support vessel (Pelikaan)
1 submarine support ship (Mercuur)
2 hydrographic survey ships (Snellius, Luymes)

and a variety of auxiliary vessels

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« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2018, 06:43:40 pm »

Zna li netko organizaciju Turske i Grčke mornarice krajem 80ih
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« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2020, 06:49:16 am »

Zna li netko organizaciju Turske i Grčke mornarice krajem 80ih

Greek and Turkish Navies 1988



-"Amyntika Themata" (Defense Affairs), Greek journal, April 1989

- "PTISI" (Flight), Greek journal, April 1988

- wikipedia

- Navies of the West, Bernard Ireland, Ian Allan, London 1984


I. Hellenic Navy

20000 personnel including 12000 conscripts


1. Organization


a) General Staff and subordinate Commands



                            ------- Fleet Headquarters (Salamis-CO: Vice Admiral)


                           ----- Naval Training Command (CO: Rear Admiral-Skaramangas)


                           ----- Logistics Command (CO: Rear Admiral - Athens )


                           ----- Aegean Sea Naval Command ( Piraeus -covering the entire sea

border with Turkey )


                           ----- Northern Greece Naval Command ( Thessaloniki -

coasts and harbors of Thessaly and Northern Greece )


   ----- Ionian Sea Naval Command (Patras - coasts and

harbors of Western Greece )


Note, that in contrast to current practice my sources for 1988 indicate that the 3 naval commands were directly subordinate to the General Staff and not to the Fleet Headquarters. These commands were responsible for maritime surveillance and coastal defense in their area using a network of surveillance facilities and coordinating with local Coast Guard units.


b) Fleet Headquarters and subordinate Commands


Fleet Headquarters


                            ----- Destroyer Command (CO: Commodore)

                           |            |

                           |            --- Destroyer and Frigate Flotillas (CO: Captain)


                           --------- Fast Attack Craft Command (CO: Captain-commands all                                                                     

|               missile, torpedo and patrol boats)


-------- Submarine Command


-------- Landing Ship Command


------- Mine Warfare Command


--------Naval Helicopter Command


Note: the 32nd Marine Brigade is an Army formation and the 353rd Naval Aviation Support Squadron was an Air Force unit but with Naval officers and NCOs as observers


c) Naval Training Command and subordinate Commands


Naval Training Command


                                         -- Naval Officer Cadet School ( Piraeus )


                                         -- Underwater Demolition Unit (Skaramangas- with several

                                        |          Underwater Demolition Teams)


                                         --- Palaskas Training Center (Skaramangas) (recruit and

                                        |                                     specialties training)


                                        --- Kanelopoulos Training Center (Skaramangas) (recruit and

                                        |                                     specialties training)



                                         --- Sakipis Training Center ( Salamis ) (machinery training)


                                         --- Poros Training Center (Poros) (NCO training)


d) Logistics Command and subordinate Commands


Logistics Command


                                --- Salamis Naval Base (main base of the Fleet)


                                --- Crete Naval Base ( Souda Bay - mainly for repairs)


Note: There were also two Naval Stations in Crete and Corfu , as local support facilities, both directly subordinate to the General Staff.


2. Equipment (class in italics, country code indicates design origin of ship originally build for Greece or in Greece , "ex-" indicates ships transferred from other navies)

Submarines 4 U209/1200 DE ,4 U209/1100 DE, 1 Guppy III Tench ex-US, 1 Guppy IIA Balao ex-US

Frigates: 2 Kortanaer NL

Destroyers (all ex-US): 6 Gearing FRAM I, 1 Gearing FRAM II, 1 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II, 4 Fletcher (+4 decomissioned Fletcher in reserve)

Destroyer Escorts: 4 Cannon ex-US

Missile Boats: 6 Combattante IIIA FR, 4 Combattante III FR, 4 Combattante II FR, 2 Esterel FR (as patrol boats)

Torpedo Boats: 6 Jaguar/Seeadler (ex-DE), 4 Tjeld/Nasty NO

Coastal Patrol Boats: 3 Panagopoulos/Goulandris class GR

Landing Ships and Landing Craft: 1 LSD Cabildo ex-US, 2 Terebonne Parish ex-US LSTs, 3 LST-1 ex-US, 2 LST-511 ex-US,  5 LSM-1 ex-US, 70 landing craft including 8 LCU, 2 LCT, 13 LCM, 34 LCVP, 14 LCP, 7 LCA

Minelayers: 2 MMC class (ex LSM-1, ex-US)

Minesweepers: 9 MSC-294 Falcon, 5 Adjutant (US, ex-BE)

Support Ships: 1 Electronic Warfare Ship (Otter ex-DE), 1 Depot ship Rhein (ex-DE), 2 fleet and 4 coastal oilers, 2 Water Tankers, 1 Ammo Ship and several training, hydrographic ships, support craft and tug boats.

ASW Helicopters: 10 Agusta Bell AB 212, 4 Allouette III
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« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2020, 06:50:12 am »

II. Turkish Navy

55000 personnel including 42000 conscripts


Note: Since my sources are mainly Greek, the information given here will probably be less accurate and complete


1. Organization


a) Subordinate Commands:

General Staff ( Ankara )


    |-Fleet Command (Gölcük Naval Base - includes destroyer,

    |  submarine, fast attack craft, mine warfare and helicopter commands)


    |-Northern Sea Area Command (Istanbul-probably responsible for the Straits, Black Sea and

    |     fleet repair base)


    |- Southern Sea Area Command ( Izmir- probably responsible for Mediterranean )


    |-Naval Training Command ( Istanbul )


b) Naval Bases (list not complete):

-Gölcük Naval Base

- Mersin naval Base

- Iskederun Naval Base

- Erekli Naval base


Note: In Turkey Marines belong to Navy and at that time there was a Marine Regiment of 3 Btlns and a Amphibious Support Btln

Turkish Navy has an air arm; at that time it included two squadrons, see below under "equipment"


2. Equipment (class in italics, country code indicates design origin of ship originally build for Turkey or in Turkey , "ex-" indicates ships transferred from other navies)

Submarines 6 U209 DE , 2 Guppy III Balao ex-US, 5 Guppy IIA Balao ex-US, 2 Guppy IIA Tench ex-US, 2 Tang ex-US

Frigates: 2 Berk TU, 2 Köln ex-DE, 4 MEKO 200 DE (commissioned 1 mid July 87, 1 early February 88, 1 end July 88, 1 end July 89)

Destroyers (all ex-US): 6 Gearing FRAM I, 2 Gearing FRAM II, 2 Carpenter FRAM I, 1 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II, 1 Robert H. Smith, 2 Fletcher (both decommissioned  1987)

Missile Boats: 6 Dogan (Lürssen FPB-57, DE), 9 Kartal (modified Jaguar, DE)

Torpedo Boats: 5 Jaguar (ex-DE) 7

Coastal Patrol Boats: 2 Asheville ex-US, 6 PC 1638 ex-US, 4 PGM 71 ex-US, 1 Girne (Lazaga ES), 18 various types (incl 11 ex USCG 83-footer cutters)

Landing Ships and Landing Craft: 2 Terebonne Parish ex-US LSTs, 2 LST-1 ex-US, 1 LST Cakabey TU, 2 LST Sarukabey TU, 29 LCT, 13 LCU, 20 LCM

Minelayers: 1 Falster ex-DK, 6 coastal minelayers (ex LSM-1)

Minesweepers:  12 Adjutant MSC-268 and MSC-294 Falcon (9 ex-US, 2 ex-FR, 1 ex-BE) 6 Vegesack ex-DE, 4 Gaspe/Bay ex-CA, 8 YMP ex-US, 4 MCB -MSI Cape ex-US

Support Ships: 1 Depot ship Rhein (ex-DE), 6 coastal oilers, 3 Ammo Ships and over 90 training, hydrographic ships, support craft and tug boats.

Aircraft: 351 Squadron (Helicopters): 6 Agusta Bell AB 212, 3 AB-204AS, 14 UH-1H (other source indicates 18 AB212 and 3 AB204)

301 Squadron (fixed-wing): 2 S-2A Tracker, 2 TS-2A Tracker, 18 S-2E Tracker
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« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2020, 08:22:22 am »

U ovoj listi vidim mnogo brodova, podmornica i letelica koje su davno isključeni iz turske flotne liste , a mnogi novi brodovi nisu obuhvaćeni.
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« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2020, 08:34:43 am »

Popis je za 1988. godinu. To sam odgovorija na svoje pitanje Smiley
Dobija sam odgovor pa je red da ga proslijedim
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« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2020, 09:09:30 am »

Poslednji veliki JFS koji imam je baš za 1988/89. Skoro sve je to danas istorija povijesti! 80% tadašnjih novih plovila su danas u iglama, ekserima / čavlima.
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