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Author Topic: "Ljubljana Gap", mit ili se stvarno raspravljalo o mogucem iskrcavanju na Balkan  (Read 3293 times)
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Prijatelj foruma
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Last Login:May 13, 2024, 07:42:32 pm
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« on: December 26, 2022, 10:34:53 am »

Ne postoje pisani dokumenti,( ima nesto malo u Washingtonu u arhivama i vecinom se svodi na usmena iskazivanja sjedoka razgovora), o planovima saveznika da se iskrcaju na Balkan, i da se prodorom kroz tzv ljubljansku kotlinu zauzme Bec , Austrija i tako daljim prodorima rat skrati za minimalno 6 mjeseci cime bi se sacuvali i mnogi zivoti. Vecinom je to bila Churchill-ova ideja , naravno Staljin je bio protiv a Roosevelt je bio suzdrzan, naglasavajuci nepoznanicu kako bi se partizani postavili u tom slucaju jer bi to znacilo jacanje mogucnosti kao u Grckoj za povratak kralja u Jugoslaviju. Smatra se danas ,da se je to dogodilo, da bi manji dio srednje Evrope ukljucujuci i Jugoslaviju potpao pod utjecaj komunizma. Povjesnicari smatraju da je tada na mjesto Roosevelta , koji je bio popustljiviji prema Staljinu, bio Thruman da bi se stvari odvijale drugacije. I dan danas se raspravlja o tome da li bi iskrcavanje na Balkan bilo toliko veci izazov za snabdjevanje iskrcanih saveznickih snaga u odnosu na snabdjevanja snaga u Italiji i kasnije jugu Francuske. Dodatnu tezinu da se od toga odustane bio je pritisak snaga francuskog generala de Gola, da se izvrsi operacija Dragon i Anvil na jugu Francuske a i sumnja da bi se oslobodilacke snage Francuske prikljucile borbama na Balkanu i u Austriji i dalje?

Britanska povjesnicarka Eizabeta Barker u svojoj knizi( Britanska politika na Balkanu u II svjetskom ratu,Globus, Zagreb 1977.)svjedoci o strategiskoj dilemi Velike Britanije kako krupnim vojnim napadom kroz Ljubljanski prolaz upasti u Podunavlje prije Crvene armije.U tom kontekstu posebno znacenje ima s jedne strane Zadar, a sa druge Losinj sa Cresom kao oslonac za operacisku bazu vojnopomorskih snaga.Ona pise:
"Iz perspektive 1974. godine tesko je odgovoriti na pitanje da li su dvije politike koje je britanska vlada prihvatila i primijenila prema Jugoslaviji odnosno Grckoj,odluka o njima bila je prakticki donijeta prije kraja 1943 godine,bile korisne za britanske interese.Tesko je zamisliti kako bi nam uspijelo da dovedemo Mihailovica na vlast a da je on kojim slucajem dosao na vlast, doslo bi do nove runde srpsko-hrvatskih masakara, koji bi po svojoj prilici bili jednako krvavi kao i oni sto su se dogodili 1941. i 1942. godine-i Jugoslavija bi se tada naprosto raspala." Kraj citata Barker.
Povijesne cinjenice,dakle ,ukazuju na ulogu cetnika u saveznickim kombinacijama oko Losinja 1943.godine.Nap omenimo neke najvaznije podatke.Raspolo zenju i odlucnosti cetnika da na Losinju docekaju saveznike narocito je pridonio potpukovnik Mladen Zujovic(Bio je clan Centralno nacionalnog komiteta Draze Mihailovica.Pos lije smrti Bircanina,svibn ja 1943,Draza Mihailovic ga je odredio za komandanta cetnika u Dalmaciji i Lici.Poslije kapitulacije Italije prebacio se iz Splita u Rijeku.)On je bio glavna veza cetnika sa stabom 2.talijanske armije.Kada je 8.rujna Italija kapitulirala,Mladen Zujovic je pozvan u Stab 2.talijanske armije gdje mu je saopcena kapitulacija.Ta da mu je receno da je odsjecen od cetnika u Gorskom kotaru i Lici i da su cetnici iz Selca i Senja prebaceni na Losinj.U tom armijskom stabu Zujovic je,kako sam kaze."primljen kao saveznik i obavijesten o naredjenjima iz britanskog staba u kojima se govorilo da Italija organizira obranu jadranske obale."
Tom prilikom mu je omoguceno da se preko radio-stanice javi Drazi Mihailovicu i da se i sa njime savjetuje.Posli je toga Zujovic je napisao proglas u kome obavjestava da ce cetnici sacekati saveznike na obali i otocima Jadrana.Proglas su trebali siriti talijanski avioni,medjutim ,do toga nije doslo.Cetnici kao da teze realizirati proijekat iz 1941.(Radi se o Projektu S.Moljevica, od 30.VI.1941. o vanjskoj politici Velike Srbije poslije II svjetskog rata,Zbornik V.I.I.,tom XIV,knj.1,Beogr ad 1981).
U aranzmanu talijanskog obavjestajnog oficira fasista pukovnika Grinjola,10.ruj na poslije podne,Zujovic napusta motornim camcem Rijeku i otplovljava za Losinj.Osnovni mu je cilj da preduzme sve kako otok Losinj ne bi zaposjele snage NOVJ,vec da saceka sa cetnicima saveznicke pomorske snage i osigura njihov prihvat.Da bi postigao taj cilj,zalaze se za organiziranje obrane Losinja.Prvi je ,vec 11.rujna,napust io otok Losinj,kako ne bi pao pod udar oruzja NOVJ.Uputio se motornim camcem preko Visa,Sveti Andrija, i stigao u Brindizi,nakon 6 dana plovidbe,a zatim u Kairo gdje je djelovao kao suradnik Bozidara Purica,predsjed nika izbjeglicke vlade.(Branko Latas,potpukovn ik:"Cetnici iz Like u sluzbi Nemaca na podrucju Hrvatskog primorja i u Italiji 1943-1944. godine"Vojnoist oriski glasnik br.1/1979,Beogr ad)
Koliko su tada bile ralne namjere cetnika da na otoku Losinju docekaju saveznicke snage u vrijeme dok su se one borile tek na prilazima Jadranu u Juznoj Italiji?! Medjutim,kako je rat dalje odmicao i napredovala saveznicka fronta u Italiji,to su saveznicke( britanske) pomorske snage bile sve prisutnije na Jadranu, ali u to doba njima nije preostajalo drugo nego da se bore protiv njemackih snaga na Jadranu i da se na tom dijelu evropskog ratista oslanjaju na NOVJ i njenu mornaricu.
Na osnovi podataka, dobijenih od cetnika,savezni cki Ured za specijalne operacije razmatrao je mogucnost posjedanja otoka Losinja.Da bi provjerio stvarno stanje, uputio je u to podrucje obavjestajnu grupu ukrcanu na jednu kocu.Nju je na Losinju umjesto cetnika prihvatila Komanda luke Losinj.Sef grupe,kao oficir saveznicke armije,upucen je u Glavni stab NOV-a i PO Hrvatske.Time je njegov boravak u Jugoslaviji legariziran.On se vratio na Losinj i tamo je,nakon iskrcavanja Nijemaca, zajedno sa cijelom grupom zarobljen(13.XI 1943.)
Dalje,poznato je da je u razgovorima u Beogradu 7.XI 1944. Macklean-a i marsala Tita i 20.III 1945.godine izmedju saveznickog vrhovnog komandanta na Sredozemlju feldmarsala Alexandera i vrhovnog komandanta NOV-a i PO Jugoslavije marsala Tita bilo govora o Zadru i o Losinju.Tom je prilikom feldmarsal Alexander izjavio da planira operaciju zauzimanja otoka Losinja kao podrsku saveznickim snagama i njihovom napredaovanju prema sjevernoj Italiji.Marsal Tito je vjesto otklonio takve namjere saveznika i u zavrsnim operacijama,got ovo bez njihove pomoci,snagama 9.divizije i Pomorske komande sjevernog Jadrana oslobodio otoke Cres i Losinj(poginulo 495,zarobljeno 685 njemackih vojnika).Put prema Puli i Trstu bio je slobodan.(Brank o Mamula,admiral, "NOB na moru izvor iskustava suvremene opcenarodne obrane",Mornari cki glasnik br.5/1978,Beogr ad).
Prisutnost snaga NOVJ i Mornarice na obali i otocima,dakle ucinili su izlisnim svako angaziranje saveznickih snaga preko jugoslavenskog teritorija i mogucnost da bez dozvole Vrhovnog staba NOVJ borave i djeluju na jadranskom pomorskom vojistu.Time je jasno stavljeno do znanja da Jugoslavija, kao ravnopravan partner saveznicke koalicije,oslon jena prije svega na vlastite snage,ne dopusta nikome da ugrozi politicke ciljeve njene borbe izvojevane pod rukovodstvom Josipa Broza Tita.(Andjelko Kalpic:"Dostign uca Jugoslavije na Jadranu-djelo Titove epohe",Vojnoist oriski glasnik br.2/1977.Beogr a).U tom kontekstu likvidacija cetnika na Losinju(rujna 1943) od NOVJ ima osobito znacenje.
U velikim prekretnicama drugog svjetskog rata,kao sto je to jesen 1943.godine na Sredozemlju i proljece 1945.godine na evropskom ratistu, Losinj je imao istaknuto mjesto za pobjedonosan ishod narodno-oslobod ilackog rata i socijalisticke revolucije naroda i narodnosti Jugoslavije.U jesen 1943,onemogucen je pokusaj cetnika da budu oslonac za otvaranje "odskrinutih" vrata na tlu nove Jugoslavije za tudje interese.

Od kuda cetnici na Losinju.??
Cetnici su se uglavnom drzali prostora gdje su zivjeli Srbi koji su ih podrzavali.Ovakav duzi boravak, mjesecima na Losinju dio je propalog plana o iskrcavanju saveznika kao je Churchill rekao u "Meki trbuh Evrope."pored Italije razmatrala se mogucnost o iskrcavanju na Jadranu, tocnije Kvarner-Istra.To je bio dio plana Churchilla da sprijeci prisustvom saveznickih snaga pobjedu Tita I komunista nakon rata.On je imao problem /kompleks iz WWI pomorskim desantom na Dardanele/Turska ,kojom je neuspjelom operacijom zapovijedao kao minister mornarice. Roosvelt je bio protiv ,jer se nije znalo kako ce se postaviti partizani tako velikom prisustvu saveznickih snaga.Staljin je bio protiv jer je vec gubio uticaj u Grckoj gdje su uz pomoc Britanaca jacali rojalisti.
Iz tih teskih ali i slavnih dana borbe za otok Losinj pokusat cemo reci nesto vise o igri oko tog otoka i nastojanje da se putem cetnika osigura izlaz iz dilema oko saveznickog iskrcavanja na Balkan.
Poznato je da su Churchillovi prijedlozi u vezi s istocnom obalom Jadrana bili najvjerojatnije izraz njegove politike, tzv. guranja noge u odskrinuta vrata, odnosno nastojanje da se makar i simbolickom prisutnoscu vlastitih vojnih snaga osigura i slijedeci korak: intervencija!
Pretpostavka o takvom iskrcavanju bila je jos jedan od poticajnih faktora rukovodstva NOP-a da sto odlucnije izgradjuje oruzane snage i sistem narodne vlasti,da onemoguci svaki predah izdajnicima naroda da se ukljuce u trgovinu s nacionalnim teritorijem za racun stranih sila.U tom kontekstu sprijecen je i pokusaj cetnika da se prikupe i ucvrste na Losinju.
Naime u jesen 1943.Churchill je nastojao da vojne snage saveznika budu na istocnoj obali Jadrana(Dalmaci ja).Takvoj se upotrebi snaga protive SAD.Konsolidaci jom saveznicke fronte u Italiji sve je prisutnija ideja i teznja za intervencijom na sjevernom Jadranu(Istra, Slovensko primorje).
Ona ima visestruko strategisko znacenjerosirit i utjecaj saveznika sto dalje prema Istoku.
Istra je zauzimala znacajno mjesto u razmjeni misljenja Tita i Churchilla u Italiji u kolovozu 1944.Tada je Churchill ukazao da ce saveznicke snage izvrsiti desant na Istru i krenuti dalje na sjever.Iznoseci tu ideju,zatrazio je da to ostane strogo povjerljivo saopcenje.Na sebe je preuzeo obavezu da ce o tome obavijestiti Roosvelta i Staljina.Ta svoja dva partnera informirao je o sastanku s Titom, ali nista nije spomenuo o saveznickom iskrcavanju u Istri...Na kraju 1944. razradjuju se planovi za prodor 5.americke armije k Istri.(Vojimir Kljakovic:Pitanje saveznickog iskrcavanja na Balkan 1939-1945,Vojno istoriski glasnik 3/1978.)

Tito i partizani nisu bili naravno odusevljeni vecim prisustvom britanaca na Jadranu ,te su i protestirali i trazili povlacenje dvije britanske krstarice HMS Colombo i HMS Delhi iz Splita i Zadra, sto je i postignuto.

Nema bas puno pisanih dokumenata o planovima ja iskrcavanje na Jadran, ali samo i zbog same pomisli da bi se moglo dogoditi Nijemci su pojacali svoje snage i prisustvo u tom dijelu Jadrana.
Od tuda i prisustvo eksplozivnih camaca u uvali Cikat/Cigale , na Losinju ,kao i ronilaca diverzanata grupae M.E.K. 71 I 90 :
"Im Bereich des Oberbefehlshabe rs Süd agierten die M.E.K.s 20, 71 und 90. Vom M.E.K. 20 sind von Mitte 1944 bis Kriegsende nur sehr wenige Einsätze bekannt geworden. Es befand sich im September 1944 im Raum Split und wurde ab Frühjahr 1945 von den dalmatinischen Inseln abgezogen. Über seinen Verbleib bei Kriegsende ist nichts bekannt. Das M.E.K. 90 war seit September 1944 in schwere Kämpfe im Raum Dubrovnik und Metkovic verwickelt. Sein Rückzug erfolgte anschließend über Triest–Mostar–A gram nach Wien und dann nach Lübeck, wo es bis Kriegsende nicht mehr zum Einsatz kam. Das M.E.K. 71 war das aktivste Einsatzkommando an der Adria und operierte im Bereich der kroatischen und jugoslawischen Inselketten, die sich noch größtenteils in deutscher Hand befanden. Von Dezember 1944 bis Ende April 1945 waren die Kampfschwimmer dieser Einheit an der gesamten Küste Dalmatiens aktiv und führten zahlreiche Aufklärungsmiss ionen in feindlichen Häfen durch, aber auch Anschlags- und Sabotageakte gegen Straßen- und Eisenbahnbrücke n, Lager- und Vorratshäuser, Treibstoffdepot s und Licht-, Flut- und Radarmasten. Unterstützt wurden sie dabei zumeist von Schnellbooten der Kriegsmarine, darunter S 33, S 58, S 60 und S 61 der 1. Schnellboots-Di vision. Im Dezember 1944 verfügte das M.E.K. noch über 48 Soldaten. Nach der Räumung des Balkans setzte das M.E.K. 71 seine Unternehmungen an der Ostküste Italiens fort. Dort kamen die meisten Angehörigen der Einheit am 8. Mai 1945 in Kriegsgefangenschaft.
In den letzten Kriegstagen wurden die Verbände der Kampfschwimmer, sofern sie nicht inzwischen kapituliert hatten, von einem Brennpunkt zum nächsten verlegt, sofern man noch von einer „Verlegung“ sprechen konnte. Eine operative zentrale Führung war infolge der unterbrochenen Kommunikationsw ege nicht mehr möglich, und zumeist strandeten die Verbände irgendwo zwischen den Fronten und verblieben dort bis zur endgültigen Niederlage. Wieder andere wurden eiligst in vor Ort kämpfende Wehrmachtseinhe iten eingegliedert und erlebten dort das Kriegsende".

Sa iskrcavanjem na Jadranu mislilo se je da be se rat skratio za oko pola godine a i smanjio bi se znatno broj zrtava na obije strane.
U Vojnim arhivima SAD-a u Washingtonu ali, i u nekim vecim bibliotekama po Europi moze se naci material o razradi te ideje koja se cesto spominje pod nazivom :"Ljubljana gap" jer bi se iskrcavanjem u Istri dalje prodiralo prema Ljubljani I Becu.

Upitno je i sporo napredovanje saveznickih snaga kroz Italiju. Njemci su pruzali zestok otpor na raznim linijama odbrane, Monte Casino, Gustavova linija odbrane itd..Tako da su saveznici bili prisiljeni i na obilazno iskrcavanje kod Anzia. Postoje i razmisljanja da su saveznici namjero sporo napredovali da bi dali vremena Njemcima da se obracunaju sa sve vecim rastucim pokretom talijanskih partizana i komunista na sjeveru Italije tako da kada zauzmu cijelu Italiju imaju manje problema sa komunistima. Slicno su napravili i Rusi kada je buknuo Varsavski ustanak u zidovskom getu. Rusi su bili na 30-tak km od Varsave i ustanici su culi grmljavinu ruskih topova i nadali su se da ce Rusi doci. No to se nije dogodilo. Buduci da su ustanici bili pro zapadno orjentirani, bolje reci pro britanski, pustili su da se Njemci surovo sa njima obracunaju da po zauzimanju imaju manje problema sa mogucom opozicijom.

Nemam namjeru praviti nikakvu reviziju povjesti nego bi bilo interesantno cuti i druga razmisljanja nasih clanova foruma.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2022, 11:08:10 am by milan55 » Logged
Prijatelj foruma
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« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2022, 11:47:30 am »

Citat jednog clana drugog foruma "Axis History forum" , nik Delta Tank na ovu temu Ljubljana gap! Myth!, navodi knjige gdje se nesto od ovoga spomonje:

Ljubljana Gap

It is time to examine the Ljubljana Gap and the surrounding myths and try to find the truth. Here is the myth which has been repeated often and I just happened to find it printed in the book entitled “The Last Lion, Winston Spencer Churchill, Visions of Glory, 1874-1932” (ISBN 0-316-54503-1) by William Manchester,
Page 20:
. . .At his insistence amphibious assaults were attempted on Rhodes and other Greek islands. All failed. In 1944 he even wanted to seize the tip of Sumatra, which was wholly without strategic value. George C. Marshall said, “His planning was all wishing and guessing.” Actually, it wasn’t. Had the combined chiefs adopted his grand proposal to sail up the Adriatic and invade Europe through the Ljubljana Gap, some military historians believe, British Tommies and American GIs, not Russians, would have been the liberators of Budapest, Prague, Vienna, and Warsaw, with all that would have entailed for the postwar world. But by then his stock had fallen because he had championed so many impractical schemes. 24 (footnote 24, Liddel Hart in Stansky 95; Irrepressible 234; Moran 834)

When this is mentioned in conversation I almost always say “How in the hell could we do this?” “We are going to somehow cut the Russians out of the fighting and now we, the Western Allies are going to fight the entire German Army instead of just a portion of it! How?!”

So while reading this book, “Masters and Commanders” (ISBN: 978-0-06-122857-5) by Andrew Roberts. I came across several instances where the British proposed forcing the Ljubljana Gap and capturing Vienna and the discussions and arguments that followed. So that I don’t get accused of being bias I will just type in the text so that everyone can form their own opinion.

Page 490:
The day after D-Day, Alexander reported that if he were left with his twenty-seven divisions in Italy, and not lose any to Anvil, he could break through the Apennines into the Po Valley, take eighteen divisions north of Venice and force the Ljubljana Gap between Italy and northern Yugoslavia. Once there, he stated in his memoirs, “the way led to Vienna, an object of great political and psychological value”. This prospect appealed to Churchill and Clark, but to very many others. Brooke told Churchill that with Alpine topography and winter weather, “even on Alex’s optimistic reckoning. . . we should have three enemies instead of one.” 15 (Bryant, Triumph in the West, p.223)

Page 517: (Description of the terrain and transportation network.)
. . If the British wished to get entangled in Balkan intrigues and struggles, Marshall seemed to be saying, he might provide some landing craft but would otherwise leave it entirely up to them.
“It was a dazzling idea, this grand project of reaching Vienna before our Russian allies,” wrote General Alexander in his memoirs, “and we discussed it informally at my headquarters.” Yet taking the route to Vienna along the so-called Ljubljana Gap involved horrendous difficulties. The “Gap” was a col 2,000 feet high and 30 miles wide leading to the Save Valley. Between the Save and Vienna is the Karawanken mountain range, with 6,000 foot peaks through which only two roads descended into the Klagenfurt valley. After that there were 200 miles of roads through yet more narrow valleys. “The powers of recovery of the German forces were a matter of record,” points out Sir Michael Howard. They would be falling back along their own lines of communication; at the Ljubljana Gap they would have had a front to defend about one quarter of the length of the Pisa-Rimini Line. . . Finally, the distance from Rome to Vienna is some six hundred miles-about three times the distance from Naples to Rome which it had taken the Allies six months to cover.”16 (Howard, Mediterranean Strategy, p. 66) It seems surprising that a strategist of Brooke’s eminence could ever have proposed such a scheme to the Combined Chiefs of Staff, though not that he should later have denied doing so. He had sarcastically criticized Churchill’s Jupiter plan for proposing to “advance victoriously over one mountain range after another” in northern Norway, yet that is roughly what he himself now advocated in the push to Vienna.
Rear-Admiral Morison explained that the Ljubljana Gap, “narrow tortuous, dominated by mountain peaks, would have been a tactical cul-de-sac”. 17 (Morison, American Contributions, p. 34) A railway that ran through a large number of tunnels could have been easily destroyed, while the two-lane road could have supported two divisions at most. Furthermore, if it turned into a race to Vienna and Budapest, the Russians would comfortably have won it from the north-east. Even with a Trieste landing taking place in September at the earliest, the Western Allies had run out of time, as the Russians were already in Bucharest.

Page 540:
. . .Furthermore, the Ljubljana Gap concept was effectively killed off – with the help of Brooke, who had by then had time to examine the operation more closely – and the British were also persuaded to go on the defensive in Italy and move five divisions from there to fight under Eisenhower.

Page 574:
Although Brooke must take immense credit for steering Churchill off his favoured but flawed operations such as Jupiter (northern Norway) and Culverin (northern Sumatra), it was a post-war fiction of Brooke’s that he had not fully supported the Dodecanese and Ljubljana Gap schemes, at least at some stages of the policy-making process. It is clear from the records that he had, and his subsequent attempts to rewrite history are just as culpable as Churchill’s.

Page 577:
. . . As for the hare-brained plan to capture Vienna via the Ljubljana Gap, Brooke swiftly changed his mind and joined Roosevelt and Marshall in opposing Churchill.

The following comes from the book entitled: “Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare 1943-1944” by Maurice Matloff. This part of the U.S. Army in World War II series, and you can find it here: ... m#Contents

Page 469:
In the meantime, in Washington, the JWPC proceeded to examine the four choices and came out strongly for the retention of ANVIL. In their view, ANVIL. would open ports more quickly, help OVERLORD more directly by drawing off or-pinning down German troops, and make the most effective use of French troops.7

Army planners were inclined to agree with this estimate, especially if OVERLORD were going forward according to plan. If OVERLORD should bog down, an operation via Sete, Toulouse, and Bordeaux or the direct seizure of St. Nazaire and Nantes and a later move against Bordeaux might be in order. OPD's Strategy Section doubted that Wilson had enough forces to carry out his favored plan-operations against Istria followed by an advance through northern Italy toward Ljubljana Gap. In addition, the winter weather and the poor line of communications would make it difficult to support such an operation, the French would very likely protest the use of their troops in the Balkans, and the relief of pressure on OVERLORD would be slight. The Strategy
Section did not ignore the political implications of invading the Balkans, for the possibility of becoming involved in civil wars in Greece and Yugoslavia was taken into account. As Colonel Billo, chief of the section, warned, "Had we adopted a strategy to defeat Germany politically and economically then the suggested operation might be considered. Remember, too, the Austrians held off the Italians for 4 years in World War I.8

Page 470:
While the Army planners were mulling over the Mediterranean possibilities, Marshall had flown from England to Italy to confer with Wilson and his commanders. Marshall evidently had some success in convincing Wilson of the urgent need of the Allies for a major port through which some forty to fifty divisions waiting in the United States could be sent to OVERLORD, since on 19 June the Mediterranean commander came out in favor of ANVIL with a 15 August target date provided the CCS agreed with Marshall that the need for a port was paramount. Otherwise, Wilson would prefer to push on in Italy toward Ljubljana Gap and southern Hungary.9

Page 471-472:
The President would not yield. He immediately replied to Churchill unequivocally: "The exploitation of 'OVERLORD,' our victorious advances in Italy, an early assault on Southern France, combined with the Soviet drives to the west-all as envisaged at Teheran-will most surely serve to realize our object-the unconditional surrender of Germany." Roosevelt reminded Churchill that Stalin had favored ANVIL and that they would have to inform the Soviet leader of any change in plans. The President clearly set forth his position on political objectives: "I agree that the political considerations you mention are important factors, but military operations based thereon must be definitely secondary to the primary operations of striking at the heart of Germany." To conduct an operation against Istria, he went on, would be to disregard two important considerations-the agreed grand strategy for an early defeat of Germany, and the time factor involved in a campaign to
debouch from the Ljubljana Gap into Slovenia and Hungary. It was doubtful whether, on purely logistical grounds, more than six divisions could, "within a decisive period," be put into the fighting beyond the Ljubljana Gap. "I cannot agree," he declared, "to the employment of United States troops against Istria and into the Balkans, nor can I see the French agreeing to such use of French troops." If ANVIL were not launched, the whole question of French troops would have to be reopened. The President concluded:

At Teheran we agreed upon a definite plan of attack. That plan has gone well so far. Nothing has occurred to require any change. Now that we are fully involved in our major blow history will never forgive us if we lost precious time and lives in indecision and debate. My dear friend, I beg you to let us go ahead with our plan.
Finally, for purely political considerations over here, I should never survive even a slight setback in "OVERLORD" if it were known that fairly large forces had been diverted to the Balkans.17
Years later a still-annoyed Churchill was to write, "It was his [the President's] objections to a descent on the Istrian peninsula and a thrust against Vienna through the Ljubljana Gap that revealed both the rigidity of the American military plans and his own suspicion of what he called a campaign 'in the Balkans.'" Churchill vigorously denied that anyone involved in these discussions had "ever thought of moving armies into the Balkans." On the other hand,
Istria and Trieste were, in the Prime Minister's opinion, strategic and political positions that "might exercise profound and widespread reactions, especially after the Russian advances."18

More quotes from various books I have read in the past couple of months.

Masters and Commanders, by Andrew Roberts. ISBN: 978-0-06-122857-5.

Page 463
Brooke added that, when he visited Italy that December, ‘The terrain defies description. It’s like the North-West Frontier; a single destroyed culvert can hold up an army for a day.’ ( I know this does not pertain to the Ljubljana Gap, but the terrain is similar, and it also in my mind shows how ridiculous it was to think that somehow Italy would be a major theater of war, even if conquered it leads. . Nowhere!)

The Business of War, the War Narrative of Major-General Sir John Kennedy. William Morrow and Company, New York, 1958. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 58-10565.

Page 332.
There are still hopes that Alexander may break up the German Army in Italy completely by a good hard punch on the Pisa line, or South of it. We are now examining his next move intensively.
Alexander wants to go on into Austria via Ljubljana. The objection to this is that he would arrive before the Julian Alps in September or October, with winter coming on, and only two roads for an advance. A big force would thus be immobilized unless the Germans were disintegrating-in which case Alexander would not need a big force. Therefore, the right course seems to be to give Alexander a free hand South of the Alps, then he can threaten the Julian front with small forces. His surplus forces should be used for two purposes:
(a) an amphibious operation against France (we have examined three possibilities, viz. Biscay, Sete, and Toulon; of these the last seems best in every way), and
(b) reinforcing Normandy.

Page 333
Winston is, meantime, very keen to push on to Vienna by the Julian Alps and “thrust in a dagger under the armpit”. The Julian operations are impossible unless the Germans are finished. 26th June. Cherbourg fell today. Alexander is still stuck at Trasimene.

The Mediterranean Strategy in the Second World War. By Michael Howard. Frederick A Praeger, Publishers, New York-Washington 1968. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 68-19851

Page 61-63
It does not appear that even at this stage the British Chiefs of Staff had any clear program for the further development of the Italian front, beyond drawing more German forces into the area and destroying them. But General Alexander, understandably elated by his victory, was developing a more ambitious program. On 7 June, three days after the fall of Rome, he reported the morale of his troops to be
‘irresistibly high. . . Neither the Apennines nor even the Alps should prove a serious obstacle to their enthusiasm and skill’. If he were left his full force of twenty-seven divisions, he claimed, he would be able to break through the Apennines to the Po valley, reach the river Piave north of Venice with eighteen divisions, and carry the ‘Ljubljana Gap’, through which the main road and railway ran from Italy into northern Yugoslavia.

Once through the so-called Ljubljana Gap [wrote Lord Alexander in his memoirs] the sway led to Vienna, an object of great political and psychological value. . . The terrain between the Trieste and the Drava river is mountainous, but not more so than much of Italy over which we had advanced successfully; and troops which could overcome a brave and stubborn enemy such as we had met in the Apennine ranges north of Florence would surely not be stopped by what we might find in Yugoslavia and beyond.’

This sanguine view, which was widely shared at general Alexander’s headquarters, (footnote 3) awoke no echo whatever in Washington. It was skeptically received even by the British Chiefs of Staff. President Roosevelt, refusing to abandon the South of France landings in favor of such an operation, suggested tactfully that General Alexander, ‘for several natural and very human reasons’ was underestimating the difficulties that lay ahead of him. General Brooke pointed out to the prime Minister
‘that even on Alex’s optimistic reckoning, the advance beyond the Pisa-Rimini line would not start till after September; namely, we should embark on a campaign through the Alps in the winter. . . If we took the season of the year and the topography of the country in league against us, we should have three enemies instead of one’. But in Mr. Churchill General Alexander found an enthusiastic supporter. Not only did the Prime Minister long to see what he described as ‘the most representative Army of the British Empire now in the field’ end up in a blaze of glory. He was now, for the first time, beginning to worry about the spread of Russian influence in Eastern Europe.

Footnote 3. See e.g. Marshal of the R.A.F. Sir John Slessor, The Central Blue (London 1957), p. 588. ‘As a matter of fact this was a very unduly optimistic appreciation, though I did not think so at the time-everyone in Italy was still too cock-a-hoop at the capture of Rome and no one foresaw the skilful and dogged defense that we had still to overcome

Page 65-66.
Yet by August the decision to divert forces from Italy to DRAGOON had already been taken. Mr. Roosevelt had given his final decision on 2 July. The decision may subsequently have been regretted on both sides of the Atlantic, but at no stage in the very thorough discussions which had preceded it had the desirability of forestalling the Russians in Central Europe been cited as an argument in favor of General Alexander’s plans. Nor were any serious calculations produced to show that these plans were feasible, and it may be doubted where any were ever made. The evidence of General Alexander himself does not suggest that they were.
It was a dazzling idea, this grand project of reaching Vienna before our Russian allies, and we discussed it informally at my headquarters. Yet it would have been premature to start planning such an operation before it was certain that we could reach the valley of the Po before the end of 1944.

Page 67-68.
The alternative to ANVIL-DRAGOON which the British Chiefs of Staff were urging on their American colleagues was thus not an operation to forestall the Russians in Vienna or the Balkans. I was a continuation of the battle of attrition in Italy. They desired, they told the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 26 June, that General Alexander should be allowed to ‘continue to develop the full power of his offensive in Italy with the object of engaging and destroying all German armies opposed to him‘. Even if such a battle had led to the total collapse of the German forces in Italy, a pursuit to Vienna through terrain where even comparatively small units could have imposed repeated delays, would have been a very difficult matter indeed. And with the Russian armies already spreading over Rumania, Bulgaria and Hungary, with Yugoslavia already liberated by communist-led partisans who regarded the Allied armies with much suspicion and some dislike, it is hard to see how such an operation, even if successful, could have affected the post-war balance in South-Eastern Europe which the Western allies had already virtually accepted at Teheran. It was thus difficult to agree at any point with the judgment of General Mark Clark, who commanded the Allied ground forces under General Alexander, when he asserts that ‘the weakening of the campaign in Italy in order to invade Southern France instead of pushing on into the Balkans, was one of the outstanding political mistakes of the war’.

This one is from Michael Howard's book, cited above.
Page xi
Sir Arthur Bryant’s first volume provoked an equally powerful and nationalistic response from the other side of the Atlantic in Professor S. E. Morison’s American Contributions to the Strategy of World War II. But by this time a great deal more evidence had become available with the publication of British and American official histories and memoirs. The fears and political passions which had done so much to provoke the controversy in the first place were dying down, and a more balanced picture was emerging. By 1963 it was possible for an American scholar, Dr. Richard M. Leighton, to write:

We now know. . . that responsible British leaders never advocated an Allied invasion of the Balkan peninsula and that the ‘Balkans versus Western Europe’ controversy referred to by many post-war writers is a myth. . . The familiar stereotype that pictures the British as persistently maneuvering at the conference table and behind the scenes to weaken and postpone the cross-channel invasion, while striving to build up the Mediterranean Theater at its expense. . . is not consistent with the findings of post-war research.

The controversy which Wilmot provoked and to which Leighton refers centered around the conflicting claims of OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of North-West Europe, and the ‘Mediterranean strategy’ advocated by the British Chiefs of Staff. It is not my purpose to pronounce any new judgments on a controversy which is, as Leighton rightly says, no longer a live issue among scholars. But among a wider public many of the misconceptions to which Wilmot gave currency still enjoy considerable circulation.

Interesantan post ako nekoga vise zanima drugog clana istog foruma nik The Enigma:

In the last volume of the Med and ME series of the British OH, General Jackson also points out the importance of the Danube to the German economy and Allied attempts to “close it”; 1,375 mines were laid in the river during six months during 392 sorties in 19 attacks. 60 tugs and 200 barges are believed to have been sunk disrupting and causing a “drastic reduction in the delivery of oil to the Reich” Resulting in the diversion of AA guns etc (Jackson, V,VI pt III p. 138)

Quite a few mentions of the gap and the attack into the Balkans are made in V.VI pt II:

Around 1st July General Harding completed “Appreciation number 4”. He estimated 12-14 German divisions in Italy, with an additional 6-7 in Germany and the Balkans; i.e. up to 21 divisions. AAI (Allied forces in Italy i take it?) mustered 18 divisions (14 inf and 4 armoured) with 7 indy brigades. In a three phase plan he believed that the Gothic Line could be taken and exploited to seize the Po region and finally cross the Piave to exploit and secure Ljubljana. However Harding believed that 18 divisions would be needed for this attack and that six divisions should be resting at any one time meaning a further six would be needed to complete this offensive. He suggested that the Battleaxe division should be kept in Italy (at the end of the month it was shipped to Egypt and would not return until 15 September (lt.Col Joslen, p. 102), the 52nd Lowland would be needed to dispatched from the Uk, and 6th Indian Div moved in from Persian and Iraq command (PAIC). The remaining forces coming from the US, that couldn’t be used right away in France, and those Indian divisions currently unemployed due to the monsoon.

Harding’s assessment was that each phase would have to be rapid advances to halt the German scored earth treatment of Italy other wise a slogging advance to Ljubljana would be “administratively impractical”.

Harding’s report concluded “The strategical advantages of continuing it [the offensive] to the logical conclusion of securing the Ljubljana Gap, preparatory to an invasion of southern Germany, are so great that supreme efforts should be made to find the means to enable that to be done”

Alexander apparently accepted Harding’s report and “detailed planning at all levels for the First Phase of the advance towards the Ljubljana Gap, namely breeching the Gothic Line.”

Alexander tried to get more troops into the theatre from PAIC on hearing of the Valkriene attempt but Brooke poo poo’d the idea citing the end of the war in sight would mean Alexander wouldn’t need more forces.

Seems over the month various reasons resulted in no troops being sent – PAIC cited internal security issues, 52nd was not released, the Americans built up the 92nd slowly as well as the arrival of the Brazilian division. A few British brigades were moved to the country but thats about it. Seems the extra 6 divisions, was not built up (piecemeal) until August/September.(Jackson, pp. 53-56)

It would seem imo the possible moment had long gone by this point

It would seem that Alexander fought tooth and nail to get operations going and to try and keep the Italian front from congealing... even into August, around the time he finally got his troops. Although it seems in various meetings Brook didn’t want him bringing it up to the Yanks, while Brook and Wilson now didn’t see the operation not being feasible any time until 1945 and the only if Ike’s boys got bogged down on the West Wall. Additionally the landing on the Istrian peninsula was to be made only by three divisions!

However it was only following whatever date this meeting took place during August that planning to consider the “desirability and practicability” of a landing on this peninsula took place, as well as estimating how many troops could be fed through to assault Ljubljana and beyond.(Jackson, various pages but mainly 210-211)

By late October Alexander was still planning for this operation with a target date of Feb 1945. One should consider that he also lost several divisions and brigades due to the situation in Greece during this period too. On 23rd Oct he issued orders that the ports, roads and rail communication lines should be improved to allow the advance on Ljubljana and Fiume.(Jackson, 385-386)

Those pages being the last mention in the contents. With that information i do withdraw my queries in regards to planning. But it seem so contradictory to me in regards to the logistical situation; Harding thought if operations didn’t bog down and additional forces were rushed to Italy the operation was entirely possible however three months latter Alexander is issuing orders for the RE to improve the lines of communications to allow the operation to go ahead the following year – this gives me the impression that the logistical situation was deteriorating.

What i don’t see is when or way the decision was made to abandon the crossing of the Piave in favour of the landing on the Istrian peninsula. Although it isn’t clear if they are suggesting two thrusts towards the gap; one via northern Italy and a second via this second method. Finally there doesn’t seem to any details, again (although one assumes these are in various primary sources), detailing the logistical planning to support operations beyond the gap.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2022, 11:55:40 am by milan55 » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2023, 08:37:01 pm »

О овој теми сам написао краћи чланак пре десетак година.
Користио сам записнике са Савезничких конференција током рата.
Доступан је овде:

Најбитније ставке:
Правац Балкана никад није сматран као повољан за напредовање у Европу.
Само једна пруга нормалног колосека, са два крака, је ишла од Београда према Солуну/Атини. На њој је било неколико мостова (два у Београду, Краљево, Нови Сад, Ћуприја, Краљево, Мезграја итд) чијим би се рушењем скоро паралисала ова комуникација. На савезничким конференцијама је за овај правац закључено да не би могли да њиме ни гоне немачке снаге, камоли да га под борбом заузимају.

На средини Јадрана су постојале само пруге узаног колосека, које су биле још мањег капацитета. Занимљиво је да на овом правцу јесте била првобитно планирано искрцавање, прво са неколико дивизија и ваздушним снабдевањем герилских снага. Касније је схваћено да би било довољно да снабдевају герилске снаге, без искрцавања савезничких снага. Овај правац није био планиран за напрадовање! Само за везивање непријатељских снага. Напредовање на овом правцу је далеко теже него правцем Солун - Београд, а ни он није био повољан за то.

На самом северу јесте било неколико пруга нормалног колосека које су повољније за напредовање. Међутим, тај правац никад није разматран. Разлог за то је очигледан - савезници нису имали довољно снага за такав подухват, чак ни кад су држали пола Италије и добар део Далнације.

У једном савезничком документу МАФ из 1944. године разматрају колико ловаца би могли да употребе на простору Истре. Подаци су поражавајући - да употребе све што су имали, могли би током дана да константно патролирају са свега 4 авиона на почетку, да би тај број после неколико дана почео драматично да опада због напрезања.
Prijatelj foruma
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« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2023, 09:45:59 pm »

Hvala Vahtra, izvrsno obradjeno. Vidim da poznajes izvrsno materiju. molio bih te a i druge sa foruma da ne otvaram novi topik ako nesto znaju o tzv. "Martovskim pregovorima "1943 godine.

U jugoslovenskoj istoriografiji je tek 1973. pukovnik Miši Leković pomenuo takozvane Martovske pregovore. Njegova knjiga Martovski pregovori 1943. godine nije dala potpuniju sliku o pregovorima specijalnih izaslanika partizanskog Vrhovnog štaba (Koča Popović, Milovan Đilas i Vladimir Velebit) sa Edmundom Glezom fon Horstenauom, nemačkim opunomoćenim generalom u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj (i Zigfridom Kašeom). Nešto konkretnije napisao je Bogdan Krizman u predgovoru knjige Joze Tomasevica Četnici u Drugom svjetskom ratu, objavljene u Zagrebu 1979. godine.

Iako sam radio na aerodromu Losinj do rata, a jedan od ucesnika pregovora Vlado Velebit ima kucu na poluotoku ispod aerodroma, nisam nikada uspio da ga upoznam ali sumnjam da bi on o tome ista progovorio.
Prica se da su se ova tri partizanska oficira setala u partizanskim uniformama po Zagrebu u sred NDH???
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« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2023, 10:08:26 pm »

Пошто су Мартовски преговори донекле повезани са овом темом одговорићу на тај део.

По садржају су преговори имали више тема, размена заробљеника, статус зараћене стране за партизане, а иза кулиса обе стране су куповале време итд.
Оно што се данас потенцира а шта још увек није довољно истражено је дискусија која је настала питањем немачког официра шта би се десило кад би се Савезници искрцали на Јадран. Одговор партизанске делегације је да би се борили против њих уколико би се искрцали без одобрења. У то време је став Савезника (што се види из теме коју сам поставио) био да се подржава Влада у Лондону и ЈВуО (између редова на конференцији се види да су планирали да наоружају исти број герилаца колико има само ЈВуО).

Сад долазе занимљиви моменти за које кажем да нису истражени.
Немци у више мемоара наводе да су заробили курира који је преносио поруку Титу од Совјета да може да понуди Немцима да ће се борити против Савезника уколико се искрцају у Југославији. Немцима је то било занимљива информација, касније су је тумачили да би могло да дође до сукоба између Савезника (у каснијим преговорима су безуспешно покушавали да играју на ту карту). Међутим, решење је било далеко простије - искрцавање у том тренутку није ни било планирано, па су могли да тако нешто нуде без бојазни да ће се то и десити у скоријој будућности.
Такође је занимљиво да је слат курир, у време кад је постојала директна радио веза. Совјети су у то време знали да Британци могу да читају њихов радио саобраћај са Титом, тако да је избор курира био логичан потез - Немци су то могли да сазнају и пресретну, али Британци нису.

Оно што се данас потенцира, да су Мартовски преговори некаква колаборација са Немцима, да су партизани тиме исти као и четници је једна тотална будалаштина. Није постојала никаква Кампфгрупа Ковачевић или Дапчевић, али јесу постојале Кампфгрупе Лукачевић и Вајел, и то је на крају био и разлог што су непуних годину дана после мартовских преговора Британци одлучили да одустану од својих природних савезника монархиста и подрже идеолошке непријатеље партизане.
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« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2023, 10:35:32 pm »

Puno hvala Vahtra na izvrsnom odgovoru. Svaka cast. vidimda si izvrsan poznavalac . Hvala i na tim ,ne istrazenim dijelovima  sa kojima se ponekad spekulira. Nije se dogodilo pa ostaje sto bi bilo , da je bilo. I u pravu si dijelom je vezano i na ovu temu.
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« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2023, 11:29:03 pm »

Реално најголемиот страв на Хитлер било дека можно е сојузниците да отворат  јужен фронт во европа во 1943 година , поради големиот број на партизани па и четници  , бидејки јадранското море влегува длабоко во Европа на пример Сплит од Граз е  одалечен само 400 км ништо повеке.
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« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2023, 12:53:20 am »

Ne postoje pisani dokumenti,( ima nesto malo u Washingtonu u arhivama i vecinom se svodi na usmena iskazivanja sjedoka razgovora), o planovima saveznika da se iskrcaju na Balkan, i da se prodorom kroz tzv ljubljansku kotlinu zauzme Bec , Austrija i tako daljim prodorima rat skrati za minimalno 6 mjeseci cime bi se sacuvali i mnogi zivoti. Vecinom je to bila Churchill-ova ideja , naravno Staljin je bio protiv a Roosevelt je bio suzdrzan, naglasavajuci nepoznanicu kako bi se partizani postavili u tom slucaju jer bi to znacilo jacanje mogucnosti kao u Grckoj za povratak kralja u Jugoslaviju. Smatra se danas ,da se je to dogodilo, da bi manji dio srednje Evrope ukljucujuci i Jugoslaviju potpao pod utjecaj komunizma. Povjesnicari smatraju da je tada na mjesto Roosevelta , koji je bio popustljiviji prema Staljinu, bio Thruman da bi se stvari odvijale drugacije. I dan danas se raspravlja o tome da li bi iskrcavanje na Balkan bilo toliko veci izazov za snabdjevanje iskrcanih saveznickih snaga u odnosu na snabdjevanja snaga u Italiji i kasnije jugu Francuske. Dodatnu tezinu da se od toga odustane bio je pritisak snaga francuskog generala de Gola, da se izvrsi operacija Dragon i Anvil na jugu Francuske a i sumnja da bi se oslobodilacke snage Francuske prikljucile borbama na Balkanu i u Austriji i dalje?

Nemam namjeru praviti nikakvu reviziju povjesti nego bi bilo interesantno cuti i druga razmisljanja nasih clanova foruma.
Nešto malo van teme. Mišljenja sam da je moglo da prođe sa mnogo manje žrtava nego što je bilo na iskrcavanje na Normandiju. Da su hteli mogli su da se iskrcaju na više mesta, u nešto manjim grupama, nego poslali tri miliona vojnika, od toga 18.000 hiljada poginulih i gotovo 70.000 hiljada ranjenih i bolesnih na dobro branjeno području od 80 kilometara, još nemačka vojna obaveštajna služba nije uradila svoj posao, te su Nemci bili i iznenađeni pa čak i nespremni za rat, ali su pružili žestoku otpor i mnogo ljudi je baš bezveze žrtvovano. Čak bi puno bolje prošli da su recimo iskrcavanje uradili baš na jadranskoj obali. Ovo dalje je već geopotika zašto nisu, gde jesu, gde su mogli, gde su planirali, šta su planirali, što je takođe zanimljivo.

Nemam namjeru praviti nikakvu reviziju povjesti nego bi bilo interesantno cuti i druga razmisljanja nasih clanova foruma.
Zašto da ne ako nije istina. Mnogi od nas upravo ovde na Palubi, smo saznali pravu istinu, koja šira javnost ni danas ne zna, u vezi oslobođenja Kruševca, tema je tu negde u istorijskom delu.
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« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2023, 10:27:31 am »

шансата сојузниците ја пропуштиле во есената 1943 кога италјаните биле во хаос во албанија  и во југославија , и тука е таа шанса да се истовареле во драч и со брз продор да се пробиле кон македонија и косово .Но за наша срејка ако тоа го направеле , комунистите и партизаните во југославија немаше да победат и по војната ке ја втурнеја југославија во граганска војна како што беше подоцна со Грција .
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« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2023, 10:55:05 am »

Ne postoje pisani dokumenti,( ima nesto malo u Washingtonu u arhivama i vecinom se svodi na usmena iskazivanja sjedoka razgovora), o planovima saveznika da se iskrcaju na Balkan, i da se prodorom kroz tzv ljubljansku kotlinu zauzme Bec , Austrija i tako daljim prodorima rat skrati za minimalno 6 mjeseci cime bi se sacuvali i mnogi zivoti. Vecinom je to bila Churchill-ova ideja , naravno Staljin je bio protiv a Roosevelt je bio suzdrzan, naglasavajuci nepoznanicu kako bi se partizani postavili u tom slucaju jer bi to znacilo jacanje mogucnosti kao u Grckoj za povratak kralja u Jugoslaviju. Smatra se danas ,da se je to dogodilo, da bi manji dio srednje Evrope ukljucujuci i Jugoslaviju potpao pod utjecaj komunizma. Povjesnicari smatraju da je tada na mjesto Roosevelta , koji je bio popustljiviji prema Staljinu, bio Thruman da bi se stvari odvijale drugacije. I dan danas se raspravlja o tome da li bi iskrcavanje na Balkan bilo toliko veci izazov za snabdjevanje iskrcanih saveznickih snaga u odnosu na snabdjevanja snaga u Italiji i kasnije jugu Francuske. Dodatnu tezinu da se od toga odustane bio je pritisak snaga francuskog generala de Gola, da se izvrsi operacija Dragon i Anvil na jugu Francuske a i sumnja da bi se oslobodilacke snage Francuske prikljucile borbama na Balkanu i u Austriji i dalje?

Nemam namjeru praviti nikakvu reviziju povjesti nego bi bilo interesantno cuti i druga razmisljanja nasih clanova foruma.
Nešto malo van teme. Mišljenja sam da je moglo da prođe sa mnogo manje žrtava nego što je bilo na iskrcavanje na Normandiju. Da su hteli mogli su da se iskrcaju na više mesta, u nešto manjim grupama, nego poslali tri miliona vojnika, od toga 18.000 hiljada poginulih i gotovo 70.000 hiljada ranjenih i bolesnih na dobro branjeno području od 80 kilometara, još nemačka vojna obaveštajna služba nije uradila svoj posao, te su Nemci bili i iznenađeni pa čak i nespremni za rat, ali su pružili žestoku otpor i mnogo ljudi je baš bezveze žrtvovano. Čak bi puno bolje prošli da su recimo iskrcavanje uradili baš na jadranskoj obali. Ovo dalje je već geopotika zašto nisu, gde jesu, gde su mogli, gde su planirali, šta su planirali, što je takođe zanimljivo.

Nije bila opcija odustajanja od Normandije, već plan da se uđe u "trbuh" Rajha paralelno s oslobađanjem Italije. Što se četnika na otocima tiće, bilo ih je i na krku, pa i među njima Hrvata i svećenika. To su bili mahom monarhisti, pobornici Kraljevine Jugoslavije.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 11:33:38 am by Boro Prodanic, Reason: sređivanje posta » Logged
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« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2023, 01:35:00 pm »

Sto se Cetnika tice na Losinju nisu bili stalno nego su dosli na par mjeseci, na veliko cudo mjestana, vjerojatno po nalogu izbjeglicke vlade iz Londona, a na osnovi razgovora/planiranja moguceg iskrcavanja. Kao sto sam vec naveo Ruzvelt je bio protiv, jer je na bazi informacija OSS-a, bilo nejasnoca kako bi se postavili Tito i Partzani u tom slucaju.Staljin nije bio za to jer kad je vec dao Grcku pod uticaj Britanaca nije zelio da se to dogodi i Jugoslaviji. Churchill je bio pobornik iskrcavanja sa mora, jos kada je njegova ideja, kao prvog Lorda admiraliteta tada, bila neuspjelo iskrcavanje saveznika na Gallipoli/ Dardanelle sa oko 120 000 poginulih vojnika mahom Australije,J.Afrike, N.Zelanda itd. Taj napad u WWI je planiran i izveden traljavo posebno i ulazak u Bospor sa velikim bojnim brodovima koji su nekoliko stradali od netom postavljenih mina od  malog brodica imenom "orahova ljuska." Ono sto nisam znao, a nedavno sam procitao ,da se Churchill jako zurio iz straha/fobije, da Rusi ne zauzmu Istanbul/Konstantinopolj prije Britanaca, dok se u stvari Rusima uopce nije zurilo da to izvedu, pogotovo ne navrat nanos.Tu mrznju i rivalstvo Britanaca prema Rusima vidimo i dan danas.
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« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2023, 08:41:24 am »

U knjizi Warmaps autora Simon Goodenough, U izdanju Head ofDept. of War Studies, R.M.A. at Sandhurst, (vodeca britanska vojna akademija na stranici 121 , dat je prikaz mogucih iskrcavanja u Evropi okupiranu od Njemaca. Vidi se da se razmatralo i iskrcavanje na Balkan.

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« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2023, 08:45:28 am »

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« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2023, 05:04:46 pm »


Искрцавање преко Јадрана је било планирано раније са циљем везивања немачких снага. Први план је био да искрцају пар дивизија на обалу и створе мостобран, а да герилци у позадини снабдевају авионима.
Напредовање није планирано због слабе железничке мреже.

Касније су увидели да партизани прилично добро раде посао, па су схватили да нема потребе да се сами искрцавају, већ је довољно да шаљу помоћ партизанима
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« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2023, 08:51:10 pm »

Hvala Vahtra, sve to stoji , ja sam samo htio pokazati da sam i sam iznenadjen, na prikaz mogucih iskrcavanja , da je pokazan u knjizi koju sam upravo procitao, jedne renomirane britanske akademije. Dakle razmisljalo se. Ostalo smo prodiskutirali u postu i za i protiv. Poznata Churchill-ova maksima "U meki trbuh Evrope".
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