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Author Topic: Tenk T-80(U)  (Read 217104 times)
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Milan (longtrip)
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« Reply #300 on: May 20, 2017, 05:03:39 pm »

Нисам знао да јединице са ОБТ могу бити "десантне". То није могао СССР ни на врхунцу развоја ВДВ. Ово је допринос војној науци. Можда се мисли на некакве јуришне, елитне ОМЈ.

Т-80 будет отправлена высокомобильным десантным войскам Украины на передовую!

Можда је мислио да их избацује падобраном као комшије Ракушку из Антонова  Grin
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 05:23:54 pm by Milan (longtrip) » Logged
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« Reply #301 on: May 20, 2017, 06:29:28 pm »

Nema kraja ratu: Porošenko šalje "lepotane" u Donbas VIDEO
Predsednik Ukrajine Petro Porošenko saopštio je da je poslao tenkove T-80 na liniju fronta u Donbas.

IZVOR: TANJUG, B92, 20.05.2017.

"Još jedna u nizu partija lepotana-tenkova T-80 biće poslata visokomobilnim desantnim snagama Ukrajine na prvu liniju fronta! Nastavljamo da jačamo naše odbrambene mogućnosti“, napisao je Porošenko na Fejsbuku, prenosi "Sputnjik".

Navodi se da je uz post ukrajinski predsednik objavio i video-snimak na kojem se pokazuju manevarske mogućnosti tenka.

Ispod snimka navodi da cev tenka iznosi 125 milimetara, a maksimalna brzina borbenog vozila 70 kilometara na čas.
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« Reply #302 on: February 01, 2018, 08:20:14 pm »


История -

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« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 09:16:16 am by MOTORISTA » Logged
Milan (longtrip)
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« Reply #303 on: March 01, 2018, 10:18:50 pm »

T-80BV u Ivangorodu pre nekoliko dana

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« Reply #304 on: June 22, 2018, 07:52:36 am »

T-80 - total disaster? Па лепо и у филму кажу да је много важнија била неприпремљеност посада, лоша обука и тактика. ЕРО касете нису биле имале пуњење, па су биле бескорисне. Гасна турбина на Т-80 је поузданија и мање троши од оне на Абрамсу. Први пут се код Руса баш на Т-80 појавило нешто што личи на комплексни СУВ.
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« Reply #305 on: June 24, 2018, 04:56:08 am »

Mislim da se to odnosi vise na usporedbu sa T72, gledajuci cenu, odrzavanje i upotrebnu moc.
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« Reply #306 on: July 28, 2018, 04:28:53 pm »

Povodom Dana mornarice, koji se održava 29. jula, stanovnicima grada Severomorsk u Murmanskoj oblasti biće prikazan modernizovani tenk T-80BVM. Tenk će biti predstavljen na statičkoj izložbi, zajedno sa oklopnim vozilima Tigar, BTR 80 i BTR 82, artiljerijskim  oruđima 2B-16 Nona, MT-12 Rapir i dr.

Proizvodnja tenkova modela T-80 prestala je u drugoj polovini devedesetih godina.Ipak, jedinice su ostale sa nekoliko hiljada tenkova ovog tipa, uključujući i modele T-80B i T-80BV. Njihove karakteristike više nisu zadovoljavale uslove koje nameće moerno ratovanje, te je stoga razvijen program modernizacije ovih tenkova. Prvi T-80BVM je prikazan septembra 2017. godine kod Luga (Lenjingradski region).

Tenk je naoružan topom kalibra 125 mm, modela 2A46M i sa dva mitraljeza, jednim kalibra 7,62 mm i jednim 12,7 mm (model Kord). Vatrena moć tenka je poboljšana zahvaljujući mogućnosti korišćenja POVR 9K119 Refleks, sistemu za upravljanje vatrom 45M, koji obuhvata i nišansku spravu 1G46-2 i višekanalnu spravu Sosna-U i dr.

Tenk je pogonjen gasnom turbinom GTD-1250, snage 1250 KS, koja može da pogoni tenk maksimalnom brzinom od 70 km/h na putu, odnosno 45 km/h van puteva. 

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Milan (longtrip)
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« Reply #307 on: March 06, 2020, 10:25:07 pm »

Sa ispitivanja u Švedskoj 1993-1994 kada si imali modele proizvedene 1985-98.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 10:31:57 pm by Milan (longtrip) » Logged
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« Reply #308 on: March 07, 2020, 04:16:40 am »

Report from terrain trials with T-80U

With 26 hp/tonne, the T-80U drives and accelerates very well in general. The difference in engine power between the T-80U and strv 104 (re-engined Centurion, nominal top speed 50km/h) is very noticeable on surfaces with some resistance, such as grassland or plowed fields. The T-80U is generally twice as fast as the strv 104 on these surfaces.

The suspension is good and allows high speeds over terrain without much discomfort for the crew.

Despite the antiquated steering system, with a good driver the tank does well in rough terrain, mostly thanks to its high engine power and good visibility for the driver.

Driving in rough terrain or narrow passages in the dark is considerably more difficult, mostly because the driver’s night vision periscope has a very limited field of view.

The tank has a very low reverse speed, which – among other things – limits its tactical options in prepared fighting positions.

The T-80U also does well with various obstacles such as steep slopes, trenches and road banks. The performance is however limited by the lack of self-cleaning tracks, which makes it tend to lose traction.

Re-positioning between prepared positions
If the re-positioning only involves driving forwards, the T-80U performs on par with modern western tanks. If reversing is involved, the T-80U is slower because of its low reverse speed.

In daylight, both the tank commander and the driver have good visibility forwards. When reversing, the commander has some problems with his visibility backwards since equipment on the turret are in the way.

When reversing in darkness, the tank commander has to turn the turret to the 6 o’clock position in order to get night vision so he can direct the driver.

Driving in difficult terrain
In daylight
T-80U average speed: 19.3 km/h
T-80U fuel consumption 201 liters/10 km
Strv 104 average speed: 14.4 km/h

In darkness
The same track as in the daylight trial was attempted, using the driver’s combined vision port (active IR and image intensifier). The trial was aborted after the tank had driven 300 meters in 60 minutes. Leopard 2 and M1A1 both have night vision devices well suited to this kind of driving.

When driving in daylight, the T-80U could maintain a relatively high speed. The driver’s visibility, the engine power and the steering system are all good enough for this kind of driving.

Driving in darkness, however, is very problematic. The driver’s field of view is so narrow he cannot see the tank’s corners. Since the turret has to be put in the 6 o’clock position to avoid damage to the gun, the tank commander cannot help him either.

Fuel consumption when driving in this type of terrain is very high.

Vertical obstacles
With the splash guard fasteners removed (20 minutes of work), the tank climbs a 1 meter tall vertical obstacle without any trouble. Without removing them, the tallest climbable obstacle is 0.8 meters.

Steep slopes
The tank does well up to a slope of about 25 degrees. The engine power is sufficient and if the surface is dry the track traction is good.

Top speed
On pavement, forward: 70.3 km/h
On pavement, backward: 11.3 km/h
On a grass field: 49.8 km/h
On a plowed field: 37.7 km/h

Slalom driving
Since every gear on the T-80U has a fixed turn radius, the tank has to be driven on the lowest gear to be able to make the tight turns, and it gets a result on par with the strv 104 despite being capable of much higher speeds.

The driver has some difficulties seeing when he’s past an obstacle; the commander has to direct him.

Time to prepare for fording
Depths up to 1.8 meters: 5 minutes
Depths exceeding 1.8 meters: 30 minutes

It is quick and easy to prepare for shallow fordings (up to 1.8 m).

« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 04:24:17 am by Perun » Logged
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« Reply #309 on: March 07, 2020, 04:25:11 am »

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« Reply #310 on: April 18, 2020, 06:28:08 am »

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« Reply #311 on: June 27, 2020, 06:46:41 am »

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« Reply #312 on: June 27, 2020, 07:16:24 am »

Gospođica jeste zgodna, ali na slici je T-90  Smiley
Vladimir Ivanović
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Da sam nomalan, poludio bih.

« Reply #313 on: June 27, 2020, 09:05:34 am »

A  baš si zapeo. Evo ti gospođica i tenk T80.

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milena braco
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« Reply #314 on: June 27, 2020, 09:28:03 am »

Vlado, pogrijesio si. Ovo je gospodja.
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