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Author Topic: Švajcarska kupuje borbene avione  (Read 17175 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2013, 05:15:38 am »

A sta je sa svajcarskim F-18?

Samo su iznajmljeni.

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« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2015, 02:32:42 pm »

Vir: Defender hr

Švicarska prizemljila flotu borbenih aviona F-5E Tiger zbog napuklina

Datum objave:

Tijekom redovitog pregleda, pronađene su napukline u strukturi konstrukcije aviona F-5E (jednosjed), što je rezultiralo privremenom zabranom letenja za 30 švicarskih aviona F-5E Tiger. Dvosjedi F-5F nisu obuhvaćeni ovom zabranom. Što se tiče ostalih 18 F-5E i F-5F, oni su dio inventara ratnog zrakoplovstva, ali na njima se već neko vrijeme ne leti, priopćilo je švicarsko ministarstvo obrane, civilne zaštite i sporta.

U sklopu cjelokupnog pregleda, otkrivena je druga, još veća pukotina na istom dijelu strukture zrakoplova. To otkriće opisano je kao vrlo ozbiljno od strane tehničkog evaluacijskog tima. Nakon zajedničke analize rizika oružanih snaga Švicarske i RUAG-a, zrakoplovstvo je odlučilo poduzeti preventivne mjere:

- Zrakoplovi čija struktura ima pukotine ne mogu letjeti dok se nastali problem ne riješi;
- Zrakoplovi koji još nisu provjereni, privremeno ne lete sve dok traje inspekcija flote.

Dostupnost flote F-5E Tiger stoga je ograničena. Trenutno, 13 aviona F-5E tek treba provjeriti. Provedba inspekcijskog rada zahtijeva dva tjedna rada po avionu. Prema trenutnim planovima, svi zrakoplovi će biti provjereni do kraja drugog tromjesečja 2015. godine.

Održavanje Svjetskog gospodarskog foruma (WEF) će biti osigurano uporabom švicarskih borbenih aviona F/A-18 Hornet nad Davosom. Privremeno ograničenje raspoloživosti F-5E Tiger također utječe na djelovanje švicarske akrogrupe Patrouille Suisse koja neće moći odraditi planirani nastup u Lauberhornu.

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« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2015, 03:01:12 pm »

Horneti su i onako u dežurstvu PVO a ne Tigrovi. Oni su većinom neka vrsta aktivne rezerve.
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« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2015, 09:39:03 am »

Vir: Defender hr

Datum objave:

Švicarsko ratno zrakoplostvo otpisalo je trećinu borbenih aviona F-5E/F Tiger te popravlja njih šest nakon otkrića strukturnih napuklina. Švicarsko ministarstvo obrane je priopćilo kako su strukturne napukline primjećene kod aviona F-5 prošle godine tijekom remonta. Isti slučaj zabilježen je na drugom avionu u siječnju te je zrakoplovstvo naložilo inspekciju cjelokupne flote F-5. Radovi na njih šest će koštati oko milijun USD te će biti kompletirani početkom iduće godine. Northrop F-5 je ušao u sastav američkog Ratnog zrakoplovstva još 1962. Švicarska je kupila 110 aviona F-5 u periodu 1978-1984.

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« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2020, 12:16:48 pm »

уторак, 22.09.2020.

Швајцарска набавља ловачке авионе, али ко је непријатељ ове земље?

Швајцарска, која је последњи пут ратовала пре више од два века, планира потрошити милијарде франака за ловачку авијацију. Многи се томе противе, истичући да то неутрална држава не може себи да приушти, посебно ако се зна да би модерни надзвучни авион прелетео ову земљу само за десетак минута.

Противници набавке авиона позивају се на то да ни Ирска, Малта или Луксембург немају ловачку авијацију, па на планирани трошак од шест милијарди швајцарских франака гледају као на бацање новца.

„Ко је баш непријатељ? Ко напада малу, неутралну земљу окружену НАТО-ом”, пита Приска Зајлер Граф, социјалдемократска посланица у парламенту Швајцарске. Одлуку о томе да ли ће се ићи у ову набавки донеће грађани на референдуму 27. септембра, преноси „Јутарњи лист”. Швајцарски су пре шест година одбацили план куповине шведских „грипена”. Стручњак за испитивање јавног мњења Лукас Голдер сматра да ће грађани вероватно подржати владин план набавке авиона. Такво одобрење грађана на референдуму могућило би влади да се у току следеће године одлучи за набавку ловачке авијације између авиона као што су европски „јурофајтер”, француски „рафал”, амерички Ф/А-18 (најмодернија верзија) или амерички Ф-35. Неки од ових авиона замениће постојеће авионе Ф/А-18 (старија верзија) који се тек 2030. године повлаче из употребе. Посланик Томас Хуртер из Швајцарске народне странке, бивши војни пилот, каже да се Швајцарска мора заштити не ослањајући се на друге земље.

– Ако не заменимо старе авионе, то значи да више нећемо имати ратно ваздухопловство, да више нећемо имати заштиту... Не знамо шта ће се догодити у идућих 50 година – каже Хуртер.

У Швајцарској је устаљено мишљење да је у Другом светском рату њихова снажна армија, као фактор одвраћања, утицала на то да нацистичка Немачка не изврши инвазију и на ову земљу. Швајцарски су после деценија мира дебатовали и о укидању војске али су грађани глатко одбили тај предлог на референдуму 1989. године.

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« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2020, 05:25:26 pm »

Швајцарска набавља ловачке авионе, али ко је непријатељ ове земље?

Švajcarci su se na referendumu izjasnili za nabavku novih borbenih aviona u vrednosti od 6,5 milijardi dolara. Za predlog nabavke je glasalo 56% izašlih an referendum, 40% je bilo protiv, dok je uzdržanih bilo 4%. Nabavka novih letelica bi trebalo da počne sa realizacijom od 2030. godine.


Swiss to Vote on Spending $6.5 Billion on New Fighter Jets
By Leonard Kehnscherper
September 26, 2020

Government says new planes are needed to keep country safe. Critics say jets aren’t suitable for threats like cyber crime

Neutral Switzerland looks ready to green-light spending as much as 6 billion francs ($6.5 billion) on fighter jets made by companies such as Boeing Co. or Lockheed Martin Corp. The referendum on replacing the country’s aging fleet from 2030 is scheduled for Sept. 27 and is expected to pass. Measures on immigration and paternity leave are also on the ballot, part of Switzerland’s tradition of direct democracy which sees citizens casting ballots on a variety of topics several times a year.

Sunday’s vote is the government’s second attempt at an upgrade of its air force. Officials say it’s necessary to keep the country safe, including for when heads of state attending the World Economic Forum in Davos. But critics say fighter jets aren’t suitable for modern-day threats like cyber-attacks or natural catastrophes. Six years ago the Swiss rejected a 3.1 billion-franc order for Saab AB’s Gripen jets. That was shortly after the Swiss had to rely on the Italians during a passenger plane hijacking in Geneva. The incident took place too early in the morning for their own air force.

Now the government is asking the public to approve the funding before deciding on the type of aircraft. Bids from France’s Dassault Aviation SA, Airbus SE, Boeing and Lockheed Martin have been solicited. Several European countries have decided to modernize their fleets, according to Jane’s Defence Weekly, with seven NATO air forces having chosen Lockheed Martin’s F-35. Belgium decided in 2018 to buy 34 F-35 jets for 3.8 billion euros ($4.3 billion) while Denmark in 2016 agreed to spend 20 billion kroner ($3 billion) to buy 27 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets.

Whichever company wins the Swiss aircraft contract will be required to place orders in the country equivalent to 60% of the purchase price of the new planes. The move is designed to help local industry.

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« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2020, 06:36:54 am »

Švajcarci podržali kupovinu novih borbenih aviona

Švajcarci su danas podržali plan vlade o kupovini novih borbenih aviona na referendumu iznenađujuće tesnom većinom glasova od 50,1 odsto.

Vrednost nabavke je šest milijardi švajcarskih franaka, prenosi Rojters.

Posle ovakvog ishoda referenduma, vlada treba da izabere sledeće godine između između više proizvođača borbenih aviona kao što su Erbas, Boing, francuski Rafal.

Avioni će zameniti zastarelu flotu od 30 borbenih aviona tipa F/A 18 hornet koji izlaze iz upotrebe 2030. godine.

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« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2020, 06:11:44 pm »

Američki Stejt Department je objavio svoju dozvolu prodaje aviona F-35 i F/A-18E/F Švajscarskoj ukoliko neka od te dve letelice bude izabrana za pobednika konkursa u toj zemlji:


Switzerland approved for potential F-35, F-18, Patriot buys worth billions

By: Aaron Mehta    October, 1. 2020

WASHINGTON — The U.S. State Department has preemptively cleared Switzerland to purchase the F-35A joint strike fighter and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, just days after a public vote narrowly ok’d the Swiss government to move forward with a planned procurement of new fighter aircraft.

The two packages were posted on the Defense Security Cooperation Agency’s website Wednesday. DSCA posts formal notifications to Congress that State deems the sales are worth moving forward.

However, the potential packages are not a sign that Switzerland has decided the Lockheed Martin F-35 or Boeing produced F/A-18 are their fighter of the future. Rather, the announcement is a bureaucratic move by State and DSCA to make sure that, should the jets be selected, there will not be delays in getting the stealth fighter cleared. The DSCA has previously done so with F-35 requests from Belgium and Canada.

The F-35 package comes with an estimated price tag of $6.58 billion, while the F/A-18 package with a price tag of $7.452 billion. Both those totals, if they represent final figures — and DSCA notifications often do not — would exceed the approved $6.5 billion budget for the program.

In addition, State pre-cleared Switzerland to purchase the Patriot air defense system, a contender for a complimentary ground-based capability. The five Patriot batteries come with an estimated $2.2 billion price tag.

A national referendum on Sept. 27 approved the plan to go ahead with the procurement, along with $2 billion for a complementary ground-based air defense system, was narrowly approved by 50.1 percent of voters, a margin of just 8,670 votes.

Switzerland’s “Air 2030” program, which includes an estimated $6.5 billion to buy 30-40 new aircraft for policing the country’s airspace, has the F-35A and Super Hornet facing off against the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Dassault Rafale. The Saab Gripen had been in the running as well, but dropped out last summer based on the criteria from the Swiss government.

All vendors must meet a deadline of Nov. 18 to deliver final proposals. The government will then evaluate the bids throughout the first half of 2021 and make a decision on the aircraft type and missile defense hardware by June.

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« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2020, 11:11:29 am »

Sva četiri ponuđača na sve načine pokušavaju da prodaju svoje avione Švajcarskom RV.


Aircraft makers sweeten their offers in high-stakes Swiss warplane race
By: Sebastian Sprenger and Valerie Insinna November 1, 2020
COLOGNE, Germany, and WASHINGTON — Four aircraft makers have submitted final offers for Switzerland’s $6.5 billion aircraft program, with Airbus and Lockheed Martin touting different approaches to assembling their planes locally.

Nov. 18 was the deadline for the quartet of hopeful vendors, which also includes Boeing and Dassault, to deliver their vision — and price — for one of the largest procurement programs in Europe.

Switzerland is looking for somewhere between 36 and 40 new aircraft to police the country’s airspace. The degree of local industry participation is shaping up to be a major factor for the famously independence-minded Swiss.

Airbus got an assist from four Eurofighter operators — Germany, Spain, Italy and the U.K. — who sent their ambassadors in Switzerland to a Nov. 19 news conference to talk up the prospect of a grander industrial and political partnership that would follow a Eurofighter pick.

The Swiss are expected to make a decision in early summer 2021, following a referendum vote this September that narrowly greenlighted the budget.

The Airbus offer includes final assembly of all aircraft by way of a partner company in Switzerland, the details of which the company plans to announce in December.

Michael Flügger, Germany’s ambassador in Switzerland, touted the possibility of Eurofighter-based airspace-patrol cooperation along the Italy-Switzerland-Germany axis. In addition, he said, Switzerland joining the airplane’s user club would mean the country can “export” training flight noise to remote areas in the other partner countries.

Franz Posch, who heads the Airbus campaign in Switzerland, told reporters that the company’s plan to locally assemble all 40 of the notional aircraft would “more than fulfill” the offset requirements established by the Swiss government.

Lockheed Martin, with its F-35, also has high hopes for the Swiss competition, hoping to broaden the plane’s user base in Europe. The company’s offer includes a basic program of 36 jets, with options for an additional four aircraft, Mike Kelley, who leads the company’s F-35 efforts in Switzerland, said during a Nov. 19 roundtable with reporters.

While Switzerland would be able to purchase parts through the spares pool shared by all F-35 operators, the offer also contains a six-month deployed spares package — a separate pot of parts that would be managed by the Swiss government, which was necessary to meet Swiss autonomy requirements.

To meet requirements for industrial participation, Switzerland would have the opportunity to domestically produce about 400 canopies and transparencies for F-35 aircraft, and Lockheed would establish a European hub for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of F 35 canopies and transparencies in Switzerland. In addition, the country would take on certain F-35 engine and airframe sustainment projects focused on maintaining the Swiss Air Force’s operational autonomy, Kelley said.

Lockheed also plans to partner with Swiss industry to create a cyber center of excellence, which would prototype a unique data network for Switzerland and build a test bed that would allow Swiss companies to test cyber capabilities in a secure environment.

On top of those efforts, Lockheed is offering one last industrial participation opportunity to Switzerland. For an additional cost, Switzerland will be able to conduct the final assembly of four F-35 aircraft at existing RUAG facilities in Emmen, allowing the Swiss technicians that currently work on the country’s aging Hornet fleet to build a deeper knowledge of the aircraft’s design.

That option would add a “significant cost” to the total program, Kelley said, but could allow for overall savings throughout the life cycle of the program.

Boeing, meanwhile, has positioned its offer of an F-18 Super Hornet fleet as a logical extension of Switzerland’s existing F-18 infrastructure. “As an F/A-18 operator, Switzerland will have the option to reuse up to 60 percent of existing physical and intellectual infrastructure, making the transition to a Super Hornet easier and more cost effective over the life of the aircraft,” the company said in a statement.

The aircraft offer, the statement added, would “easily fit” within Switzerland’s current F-18 operating budget.

The reference to cost comes after Swiss officials stressed that the fighter portion of the Air 2030 air defense modernization program includes a cost ceiling of 6 billion Swiss francs (U.S. $6.6 billion), with with an eye on potential price reductions along the way.

“Currently, Boeing is working with more than 100 current and new partners across Switzerland to identify the right opportunities for its New Fighter Aircraft industry plan,” the company said.

France’s Dassault, with its offer of the Rafale, is the only vendor keeping its cards close to its chest. Citing a commitment to confidentiality, a spokeswoman told Defense News the company had no plans to characterize its offer nor the “nature of the relationship” between the Swiss and French governments to that end.

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« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2021, 07:59:10 am »

Biraju između 4 modela, potrošiće 6 milijardi franaka, a zna se i ko je favorit

Borbeni avion pete generacije kompanije Lokid Martin F35-A Lajtning II (Lockheed Martin F35-A Lightning II) ocenjen je najboljim za Švajcarsku koja kupuje nove avione za svoje vazdušne snage, iako konačna politička odluka još uvek nije donesena, objavila je švajcarska radio stanica SRF pozivajući se na tri neimenovana izvora, prenosi Rojters.

Švajcarska vlada trebalo bi ovog meseca da odluči da li će li kupiti Erbusove Jurofajtere, francuske Rafale, Boingove F/A-18 Super Hornete ili Lokidove F35-A.

Švajcarski državljani su prošlog septembra putem referenduma podržali vladin plan da potroši 6 milijardi švajcarskih franaka, što je oko 6,53 milijardi dolara, na kupovinu novih borbenih aviona.

SRF je objavio da insajderi uključeni u kupovinu borbenih aviona tvrde da Švajcarska može da kupi veliki broj F-35 borbenih aviona sa budžetom od 6 milijardi švajcarski franaka, što nije slučaj kada se u obzir uzmu ostali ponuđači.

Kao prednost se navodi i simulator F-35 koji bi omogućio da se izvede više vežbi leta, navodi SRF. Švajcarsko ministarstvo odbrane odbilo je da komentariše objavljene navode.

Novi borbeni avioni zameniće švajcarsku flotu od 30 F/A-18 Hornetsa, kojima operativni vek ističe 2030. godine. Novi borbeni avioni trebalo bi da budu isporučeni do 2025. godine.

SRF navodi da najmanje dvoje od sedam članova Vlade više preferira Jurofajtere, dok su kritičari obećali da će pokrenuti referendum protiv bilo kakve odluke da se kupe američki borbeni avioni, prenosi Rojters.

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« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2021, 08:47:32 pm »

Izgleda da su odabrali F-35.


Citing “Insiders” Swiss Public Television Says The F-35 Has Won The Swiss Air Force Fighter Jet Evaluation
June 22, 2021 F-35, Military Aviation DAVID CENCIOTTI

According to a Swiss public television report the Lockheed Martin F-35 is well ahead of its competitors in the race for the next Swiss Air Force fighter. On Monday Jun. 21, 2021, the Swiss public television SRF reported that the Lockheed Martin F-35 has won the Swiss evaluation to find a replacement for F-5 Tiger and F/A-18C/D Hornet jets currently in service with the Swiss Air Force.

Three independent sources confirmed the “Rundschau” (a political and economic program on Swiss Radio and Television – SRF) that: “Both financially and technically, the stealth jet is well ahead of the F / A-18 Super Hornet, the Eurofighter and the Rafale. Defense Minister Viola Amherd (Die Mitte) therefore has no choice but to apply to the Federal Council to buy the F-35. The DDPS [Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport] itself refuses to comment and refers to the confidentiality of Federal Council business. According to insiders, the preparations for the eagerly awaited Federal Council decision are well advanced. A media release had already been written about the purchase of the F-35 in draft – but the entire Federal Council could still decide otherwise.”

In 2014, when a referendum rejected the acquisition of the Saab Gripen (to replace the F-5E), the Swiss Air Force launched “Air 2030” program aimed to the selection of its future fighter. As part of the program, the service carried out the evaluation of four candidate aircraft: the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, the Dassault Rafale, and the Lockheed Martin F-35. A fifth candidate, Gripen E, was retired before its evaluation even started after the Swiss procurement agency, “formally recommended” that Saab stayed home as flight tests had been designed to only evaluate aircraft that were operationally ready in 2019.

On Jan. 10, 2020, armasuisse issued the second RFQ for new fighter aircraft to the government authorities where the four potential suppliers are located: Germany (Airbus Eurofighter), France (Dassault Rafale) and the U.S. (Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin F-35A).

“The second request for proposal is based on the analysis of the first proposal and on findings from flight, simulator and ground tests as well as audits with armed forces operating the evaluated fighter aircraft. In the second request for proposal, the companies contacted via the government authorities are requested to submit the most advantageous offer for Switzerland.

The proposal should include the following elements:

prices for 36 and 40 aircraft, including defined logistics and weapons, as a binding starting point for the detailed negotiations with the selected candidate after the type selection
offers for cooperation between the armed forces and the procurement authorities of Switzerland and those of the supplier country
envisaged or already initiated offset projects”

In September 2020, Swiss voters narrowly approved a CHF6 billion (6.49B USD) funding packet that allowed the Swiss Air Force to go ahead with the purchase of new aircraft.

Therefore, in spite of the criticism and well known issues, it looks like the F-35 has convinced the Swiss Air Force that it has an edge on its three competitors, not only from a technical point of view but also in terms of cost. According to the insiders who talked to SRF, Switzerland can buy a larger number of F-35s with the budgeted 6.5 billion USD than would be the case with the three competitors.

Its simulator is also mentioned as one of the keys of its (alleged) success in Switzerland: it allows the Swiss Air Force to carry out significantly more training missions than with the competition. This is particularly interesting, especially if we consider what other partner nations are doing (or not doing) in terms of LVC (Live Virtual Constructive)

Indeed, in the field of virtual reality and simulators, the future is represented by the LVC architectures that allow the interconnection of airplanes in flight with land-based simulators via datalinks so as to create very complex scenarios involving CGF (Computer Generated Forces). “The F-35 is ready for LVC. However, at the moment, there are cybersecurity criteria and operational relevance considerations that make its use premature: it is a segment that has not reached the level of maturity necessary to be employed operationally,” told us Col. Marzinotto, the commander of the 32° Stormo (Wing), the Italian Air Force unit that has been the first to operate the F-35 in Europe. “In the future, the need to connect in-flight aircraft and simulators will be reconsidered, but for the time being such hybrid scenarios are not part of the training process of the Italian F-35 pilots.” It would be interesting to understand whether the simulator system showcased to the Swiss Air Force is the same used by the Italian Air Force or is an upgraded version that has possibly reached the level of maturity the Italians hoped for.

Anyway, the winner of the Swiss competition should be formally announced by June 30, 2021 and the delivery of the new aircraft is slated to start in 2025 and end in 2030, if everything goes as planned…

In fact, while the decision will be taken by the entire Federal Council at least two of the seven Federal Council members would prefer a European fighter jet, SRF said, and critics (including the Group for a Switzerland without an Army, the leftwing Social Democratic Party and the Green Party) have promised to launch a referendum against any decision to buy a U.S. fighter jet. They fear that data sovereignty and security would not be guaranteed and would prefer the Swiss pilots to fly Eurofighter or Rafale. Let’s see what happens: the decision, as it often happens, will not be “just” technical.

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#vragu i rat#

« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2021, 04:42:17 pm »

Švicarska kupuje 36 najmodernijih američkih borbenih aviona: ‘To je bila daleko najjeftinija ponuda‘
Avioni stoje 5,07 milijardi švicarskih franaka, a ukupni operativni troškovi iznosit će 15,5 milijardi franaka kroz 30 godina

30. lipanj 2021.

Švicarska vlada odlučila je da će kupiti Lockheed Martinove zrakoplove F-35A Lightning II, objavila je vlada u srijedu.

Tradicionalno neutralna Švicarska kupit će 36 zrakoplova tog tipa. Švicarcima su se nudili i Boeingov F/A-18 Super Hornet, Dassaultov Rafale te Eurofighter koji proizvodi europski konzorcij.

Vlada je odlučila kupiti i američki raketni sustav Patriot.

"Savezno vijeće uvjereno je da su ta dva sustava najprimjerenija za zaštitu švicarske populacije od zračnih prijetnji u budućnosti", priopćila je švicarska vlada.

Zrakoplovi F-35A jeftiniji su dvije milijarde švicarskih franaka od iduće ponude, ističe vlada.

Stoje 5,07 milijardi švicarskih franaka, a ukupni operativni troškovi iznosit će 15,5 milijardi franaka kroz 30 godina.

Odluka će, valja napomenuti, vjerojatno ići na referendum.
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« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2021, 05:02:29 pm »

Izlazi oko 150M$ po komadu, samo nabavka, bez ičega drugog.
Milan (longtrip)
kapetan fregate
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« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2021, 09:32:15 pm »

Zvanično saopštenje švajcarske administracije o nabavci ( dostupno na više jezika )

Air2030: Federal Council decides to procure 36 F-35A fighter aircraft
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