У Словачкој људи желе да формирају живи штит како бу спречили пролаз НАТО снага ка Украјини. Сматрају да је то демонстрација силе и да Словаци не желе да буду увучени у све то.
Izvestia: Slovaks to form ‘human shield’ to protest NATO’s transit through country
Slovak activists are ready to form a human shield in order to frustrate the planned transit of NATO military forces through the country in July, Former Prime Minister and the main organizer of the anti-NATO actions, Jan Carnogursky, said in an interview with Izvestia daily. The plan is to hold a mass demonstration on the day of NATO’s passage, he said. "By forming a human shield, we will try to prevent the transit of military forces through our territory. The more people we get involved, the better. We are not going to put up serious resistance to the police, who will certainly ensure free access to the convoys, but our action will serve as a political signal to Slovakia’s leadership and NATO’s top brass,” Carnogursky explained, adding that this move will also display “our extreme discontent with the alliance’s policy.”
Another activist and one of the co-organizers of the Slovak protests, Vladimir Mali, told the newspaper that a similar rally is scheduled to be held in Bratislava on July 6, 2017. “Many citizens does not want Slovakia to be a transit country where military personnel and equipment are shuffled around.NATO exercises in the Baltics and Southeast Europe are a demonstration of force, which only create potential conflict between the alliance’s member-states and Russia. Unfortunately, the citizenry do not have access to unbiased information about NATO’s actions, which is why we will be organizing rallies where we will be seeking to convey a more balanced position to the people," Mali stressed