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Author Topic: Kupovina i prodaja borbenih aviona širom sveta  (Read 298868 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #420 on: March 10, 2016, 06:16:15 am »

UAE naručili 8kom italijanskih bespilotnih aviona Piaggio P.1HH hammerhead, vrijednost ugovora je 361 milijon dolara....

Vir: "Obramba" SLO

Združeni arabski emirati naročili 8 brezpilotnih letal P.1HH hammerhead


Združeni arabski emirati (ZAE) so v Abu Dhabiju na razstavi in konferenci za robotske sisteme UMEX 2016 naročili 8 italijanskih brezpilotnih letal Piaggio P.1HH hammerhead v vrednosti dobrih 361 milijonov dolarjev.

Dogovor za nakup brezpilotnih letalskih sistemov (UAS) srednjega dosega z letalniki Piaggio P.1HH hammerhead je bil podpisan 7. marca 2016. Brezpilotna letala bodo opremljena z EO/IR (Elektro-optično infra-rdečo) kamero, radarskim in komunikacijskim sistemom, v posel pa je vključeno tudi usposabljanje, rezervni deli in vzdrževanje sistema.

Vojska Združenih arabskih emiratov je tako postala drugi naročnik teh letalnikov, potem ko so se za nakup treh sistemov s šestimi letali P.1HH hammerhead že marca 2015 odločile Italijanske letalske sile (več).

Piaggio Aerospace P.1HH hammerhead (kladvenica – vrsta morskega psa) je brezpilotni letalski sistem (UAS) srednjega dosega (MALE – medium-altitude long-endurance), namenjen za obveščevalne dejavnosti, nadzor in izvidništvo (ISR). Poleg letalnika je del sistema tudi kopenska kontrola postaja.

Letalnik P.1HH so razvili na osnovi uspešnega poslovnega letala Piaggio Aerospace P.180 avanti II letal, ki velja za najhitrejše dvomotorno turbopropelersko letalo na svetu (740 km/h). Prav ta zasnova omogoča brezpilotnemu letalu P.1HH, da se povzpne vse do višine 13.700 m, pri nizkih hitrostih(250 km/h) je lahko v zraku do 16 ur in doseže najvišjo hitrost nad 730 km/h.

 Pripravil: A. Knific, foto: Piaggio Aerospace

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« Reply #421 on: March 10, 2016, 07:06:35 pm »

Прочитах јуче у неким нашим новинама да је фирма (Мубадала) из УАЕ власник овог Piaggio. То је био неки интервју са представником Мубадале у вези оживљавања српске ваздухопловне индустрије.

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« Reply #422 on: March 10, 2016, 07:54:19 pm »

Negde sam pročitao da se u Utvi izrađuju neki delovi za ovu BPL.
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« Reply #423 on: March 11, 2016, 09:05:44 pm »

Verovatno da će se izrađivati. U onoj vesti koju pominjem ukazuje se na to da bi Piaggio sklopio neki dugotrajniji ugovor sa Utvom kao "autsorsing" firmom.
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« Reply #424 on: March 12, 2016, 11:13:53 am »

Najnoviji tip borbenog aviona u bugarskim rukama

Sofija -- Narednih dana vladi u Bugarskoj biće predstavljen projekat nabavke novog tipa multifunkcionalnog borbenog aviona za bugarsku vojsku.

IZVOR: TANJUG PETAK, 11.03.2016. | 16:09

Agencija BTA navodi da je to saopštio bugarski ministar odbrane Nikolaj Nenčev, pred Komitetom za odbanu nacionalne skupštine.

Projekat nabavke borbenog aviona deo je Programa za razvoj odbrambenih sposobnosti bugarske vojske i predviđen je budžetom.


Ajde da podelim vest koja nista ne kaze pocev od naslova. Ako je po naslovu Bugari ce nabaviti ili F-35 ili Su-37 sto mi izgleda neverovatno.
poručnik fregate
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« Reply #425 on: March 12, 2016, 06:50:20 pm »

бугари су у були више него ми. вероватно ће ко и румуни пазарити половне ф16.
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« Reply #426 on: March 13, 2016, 03:31:10 pm »

Pa sad, ako će nabaviti, makar i polovne F-16 nisu u takvoj "buli" kao mi jer mi ne možemo nabaviti nikakve.
poručnik fregate
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« Reply #427 on: March 13, 2016, 05:51:24 pm »

можемо али нема политичке воље.
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« Reply #428 on: March 13, 2016, 06:20:05 pm »

Ne radi se o političkoj volji nego o parama. To da para ima, možda i stoji samo ih treba pronaći, odnosno nekom "zvarnuti" slavinu. I to da ima para najčešće kažemo mi (oni) koji ama baš nizašta ne odgovaramo.
poručnik fregate
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« Reply #429 on: March 13, 2016, 10:01:30 pm »

пара има и за војску и за много шта друго, само су погрешно распоређене. а ти које треба "заврнути" јесу зилион агенција које ништа не раде и ничему корисном не служе. посланицима укинути све бенефиције (плате су им ионако охохо и могу много тога да приуште), смањи се број одбора и пододбора, не мора се сваке две године мењати возни парк владе и већ поменутих агенција... а за кредите постоје и друге стране а не само ммф.
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« Reply #430 on: April 14, 2016, 08:59:28 am »

Amerikci pilot prica o iskustvima sa Red Flag vezbi.
Ucesnici su bili USA (F-16, F-15, F-22), Francuska (Rafael), J. Koreja (F-15K sa AESA radarom), Indija (Su-30MKI).
Hvale F-22 po mogucnostima u dogfajtu ali hvalili su jako i mgucnosti miga-21 BISON (na osnovu ranijih iskutava). Kazu da kombinacija malog radarskog odraza, izraelskog aktivnog ometaca i ruskih raketa sa aktivnim radarskim vodjenjme je prilicno opasna kombinacija.

Jos bitnije i amerikanci su svesni da ce zbog kvaliteta elektronike bliske vazduzne borebe biti realnost i sa 5 generacijom.


Edit Bozo13:

Stavio video iz liveleaka.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 04:57:14 pm by Bozo13 » Logged
kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #431 on: May 10, 2016, 06:00:46 am »

Grupa američkih senatora pozvala je predsjednik Baraka Obamu sa donese konačnu odluku o prodaji aviona za Kuvajt, Katar i Bahrain. Vrijednost posla je 9 milijardi dolara. Radi sporosti i neodlučnosti USA su Katar i Kuvait u aprilu potpisali ugovor o nabavi 28kom aviona Eurofighter typhoon...  

Vir: "Obramba" SLO

“ZDA zaradi odlašanja prodaje lovcev lahko izgubijo 9 milijard dolarjev”


Skupina ameriških senatorjev, ki podpirajo 9 milijard dolarjev vredne dobave ameriških vojaških letal v “ZDA zaradi odlašanja prodaje lovcev lahko izgubijo 9 milijard dolarjev”

Skupina ameriških senatorjev, ki podpirajo 9 milijard dolarjev vredne dobave ameriških vojaških letal v Kuvajt, Katar in Bahrajn, je opozorila, da bi lahko odlašanje dovoljenja za nakup prisililo te tri zalivske države v nakup letal iz drugih držav, tudi iz Rusije.

Ameriški senatorji John McCain, Bob Corker, Jack Reed in Claire McCaskill so v aprilu 2016 v pismu predsednika Baracka Obamo pozvali, da omogoči dokončanje posla.

“Zavrnitev zahtevkov teh države ne preprečuje nakupa lovskih letal z naprednimi zmogljivostmi od tujih ponudnikov, tudi Rusije. Amerika ne sme izgubiti priložnost, da razširi svoj vpliv na Bližnjem vzhodu in zagotovi nadaljnjo ameriško industrijsko prevlado s prepuščanjem trga našim konkurentom ali celo nasprotnikom,” so senatorji zapisali v pismu, poroča The Wall Street Journal.

Ob tem so dodali, da se zavedajo, da je potrebno zahteve za prodajo lovcev F-16, F-15 in F/A-18 omenjenim državam natančno preučiti, vendar menijo, da se o njih odločajo predolgo. V ZDA morajo po zakonu strokovnjaki na zunanjem ministrstvu odobriti zahtevek za prodajo orožja v tujo državo, četudi je prodaja med proizvajalcem in kupcem že dogovorjena.

Senatorji so še zapisali, da se še posebej mudi z dovoljenji za Katar in Kuvajt. Menijo namreč, da so slednji prav zaradi ameriške počasnosti v aprilu podpisali pogodbo za nakup 28-ih evropskih lovcev Eurofighter typhoon.

Bahrajn naj bi (v naročilu) za 17 novih lovcev skupaj s tehnično podporo in šolanjem namenil okoli 2 milijarde USD, Kuvajt za 24 letalnikov 3 milijarde USD, Katar pa za 36 letal okoli 4 milijarde USD.

Pripravil: A. Knific, foto: Military Photos

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« Reply #432 on: May 12, 2016, 07:33:09 am »

Malo je "bajata" vest

Kuvajt kupio Eurofightere

Kuvajt je kupio 22 jednoseda i 6 dvoseda od Italije za ukupnu cenu od 7.957.000.000,00 evra. U cenu je uračunata, obuka, održavanje, rezervni delovi...prve isporuke se očekuju krajem 2019, dok bi poslednja letelica trebalo da bude isporučena tokom 2022. godine. U planu je da avioni budu operativni do 2050. godine.

Kuwait Signs Eurofighter Jet Deal
Tom Kington, Defense News
5:05 p.m. EDT April 5, 2016
Experts: Contract Is Reaction to Perceived Feeling of Abandonment by US of Gulf States

Kuwait’s delayed deal to buy 28 Eurofighter jets was signed Tuesday, giving the European fighter program a much-needed shot in the arm and providing Italy’s Finmeccanica with its largest contract.

Kuwait has ordered its aircraft equipped with an electronically scanned radar, which is being developed for the aircraft but has yet to be adopted by Eurofighters operated by the four launch partners on the program — Italy, the UK, Germany and Spain.

The radar is being developed by the European EuroRADAR consortium, which is led by Finmeccanica.

In a statement, the Eurofighter consortium said the deal covered 22 single-seat and six twin-seat aircraft, all third tranche standard.

The deal, which has been held up by contractual negotiations, is based on a government-to-government accord signed between Kuwait and Italy in September.

The Eurofighter deal approval was issued Monday, according to a report released Tuesday from the Kuwaiti Cabinet of Ministers.

The report said the council discussed at length the Kuwaiti Audit Bureau's report and recommendations to complete the purchase of the fighters after they were provided with the required cost breakdown.

The Cabinet approved the purchase of the 28 Eurofighters from Italy for €7.957 billion (US $9.062 billion).

Accoriding to Kuwait University political science professor and lecturer at the Mubarak Al-Abdullah Joint Staff Command College, Abdullah al-Shayji ,the Kuwaiti purchase is a clear message to the US government.

"This message clearly states that Kuwait will not be waiting anymore for US approvals, and other alternatives are present," he said.

Jean-Marc Rickli, assistant professor with the Department of Defence Studies at King's College London and lecturer at the Joaan Bin Jassim Joint Command and Staff College in Qatar, said that the perceived feeling of abandonment by the West among Gulf leaders and the Gulf military is strong.

"It grew out of the West reactions to the Arab Spring, the West nonintervention in Syria and the US reengagement with Iran. This perception made them prone to be more proactive. The Saudi intervention in Yemen is a case in point," Rickli said.

These new contracts, Rickli said, should be seen as a result of US perceived disengagement toward the Gulf states since the beginning of the Arab Spring.

"Weapons procurement has always be a way to cultivate and diversify allies for the Gulf countries. Since 2015, another factor has been added: the impetus under Saudi leadership for the Gulf states to guarantee their own security and contribute to regional security. This requires new capabilities," he said.

Furthermore, the question of the timing of such procurement is an issue in itself, he said, as the falling oil prices have put enormous strains on the Gulf states' budgets.

Beyond the financial burden that such procurements represent, the issue of training new pilots is problematic.

"For each aircraft, you will need three to four pilots. In the case of Kuwait, this means training about 100 new pilots. Both Kuwait and Qatar are small states with a small population. As flying fifth generations aircraft is very demanding, finding enough people with the right skills among the local population will be a challenge," he said.

One way to offset these financial and human capabilities challenges, he suggested, would be to pull resources together so that certain states specialize in specific niche capabilities.

"However, as the NATO and EU examples demonstrate, this is very difficult to achieve because states are very reluctant to share their sovereignty when it comes to guaranteeing their security. This can only happen if they share a common threat assessment and have common interests. Saudi Arabia is trying to push for this with its counterterrorism force initiative, but there is still a very long way to go despite some achievement with the recent Northern Thunder multinational exercise," he said.

As lead company on the deal, Finmeccanica signed the deal in Kuwait with the country’s Ministry of Defense in the presence of Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti and her Kuwaiti counterpart, Defense Minister Sheikh Khalid al-Jarrah al-Sabah.

The contract involves the production of aircraft in Italy and covers logistics, operational support, and the training of flight crews and ground personnel in cooperation with the Italian Air Force.

The contract also provides for the upgrade of infrastructure in Kuwait which will be used for Typhoon operations.

The Defense Ministry said in a statement that the first two Eurofighters will arrive in Kuwait in the fourth quarter of 2019 and final delivery occur by 2022. The statement also said the planes will remain operational until 2050.

The Defense Ministry noted that the agreement signed Tuesday includes logistical and training support. The training support will include pilot training and technical training where pilot instructors will also be present in Kuwait; it will also include the provision of one full simulator and two partial simulators.

The Defense Ministry added that the contract includes the construction of operations buildings, maintenance buildings, and pilot and technician training buildings in a new extension of the Ali Al Salem Air Base to accommodate the development of the aircraft through the creation of a new runway.

British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the deal would bolster long-term cooperation with the Gulf state.

"The UK and Kuwait enjoy a long, historic and close relationship. Kuwait’s decision to select Typhoon represents a vote of confidence in this world class aircraft and will further strengthen our defence and security cooperation over the years ahead," he said in a statement Tuesday.

Describing the deal, Finmeccanica CEO Mauro Moretti said: “This is Finmeccanica’s largest ever commercial achievement," adding, "It is an outstanding industrial success with significant benefits, not only for our company and the other Eurofighter consortium partners, but also for the entire Italian aerospace industry. The contract will support expertise and skilled jobs at Italian small and medium-sized security and defense companies.”

Since it entered service in 2003, over 470 Eurofighters have been delivered to the air forces of six countries and have flown over 330,000 hours, Finmeccanica said. Some 599 aircraft have been ordered by eight customers: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK and Austria.

Awad Mustafa from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Andrew Chuter from London contributed to this story.

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« Reply #433 on: May 12, 2016, 12:24:25 pm »

Vir: Defender hr

Tajland očekuje odluku o nabavi dodatna četiri Gripena

Tajland je naručio Gripene još 2008. i oni su zamijenili zastarjelu flotu aviona F-5

Tajland bi mogao nabaviti dodatna četiri borbena višenamjenska aviona Gripen koje bi dodao postojećoj eskadrili od 12 aviona, rekao je danas tajlandski zamjenik premijera Prajin Juntong, inače bivši zapovjednik Ratnog zrakoplovstva. On smatra višenamjenski borbeni avion JAS 39 Gripen “tehnološki naprednim” i predlaže svom nasljedniku u Ratnom zrakoplovstvu da nabavi još četiri dodatna aviona.

Trenutno, Tajlandsko ratno zrakoplovstvo koristi Gripen u sklopu 7. Air Wing-a u južnoj provinciji Surat Thani. Tajland je naručio Gripene još 2008. i oni su zamijenili zastarjelu flotu aviona F-5. “Jedan skvadron se ne bi trebao sastojati samo od 12 borbenih aviona već ga je potrebno nadopuniti sa dodatnim brojem aviona”, rekao je Juntong.

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#vragu i rat#

« Reply #434 on: May 12, 2016, 04:58:40 pm »

Odakle njima pare za ovo.  Huh?

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