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« Reply #570 on: October 23, 2018, 08:18:18 am »

Sa F-35 se dobija jedna velika macka u dzaku za velike pare.
Kupis avioni onda cekas 5-10 da dobijes avion a onda jos +/- 5 godina da dobijes softwer koji ce ti mozda omoguciti da koristis sve njegove mogucnosti.
A amerikanci vec rade na novoj verziji F-35 tj planu modernizacije a ni osnovnu verziju nisu usvojili. Doduse to nije slucajno jer su amerikanci svesni nedostataka kod F-35 a izlazne strategije osim toga da od njega naprave upotrebljiv avion nemaju.
Tako da ce amerikanci izgurati i napraviti od njega upotrebljiv avion pitanje je samo koliko ce im jos vremena trebati i koliko ce to kostati.
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« Reply #571 on: October 23, 2018, 09:28:42 am »

34 aviona za 15 milijardi EUR, izlazi 441MEur po avionu. Očigledno je reč o avionima sa nekoliko kompleta naoružanja, sa uračunatim trošđkovima održavanja tokom radnog veka. Ipak, to je neverovatna cifra! Jedan avion izlazi skoro kao ceo godišnji vojni budžet Srbije. Pa ti budi u NATO!
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« Reply #572 on: October 23, 2018, 10:28:46 am »

Kažu da je su tu uračunati rezervni delovi, troškovi održavanja tokom celog radnog veka, obuka letačkog i zemaljskog osoblja, izgradnja postrojenja za održavanje letelica i nekoliko bojevih kompleta V-V i V-Z.
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« Reply #573 on: October 23, 2018, 06:44:09 pm »

Ta cena je nerealna i za F-22 a kamoli za F-35.
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« Reply #574 on: October 23, 2018, 07:35:51 pm »

Qatar je narucio i Eurofighter i Rafal ?
Da li je tamosnji Emir podvojena osoba?

I F-15QA
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« Reply #575 on: October 24, 2018, 02:29:55 am »

Ta cena je nerealna i za F-22 a kamoli za F-35.
Ако сам добро разумео, то је буџет који је Белгија издвојила за ово. Питање је шта тај буџет укључује. Ако F-35 кошта $30,000 по сату летења, 30 пилота са 200 сати по авиону је 180 милиона годишње. Белгијски војни буџет је око 4.7 милијарди долара годишње и испод је 1% GDP. Трамп тражи да се издвајања повећају на 2%.
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« Reply #576 on: October 26, 2018, 10:40:50 pm »

Definitivno je potvrđena odluka o kupovini F-35A.


F-35 officially wins Belgian fighter contest
By: Valerie Insinna   25.10.2018.

WASHINGTON — Belgium has officially selected the F-35 as its next-generation fighter, becoming the 13th country to join the program, the Belgian government announced Thursday.

With that decision, Lockheed Martin has defeated a bid by the governments of Spain, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom for the Eurofighter Typhoon, as well as an informal offer by France for the Dassault Rafale and an option for Belgium to upgrade its existing F-16s.

Belgium plans to buy 34 F-35As to replace F-16 inventory, which numbers about 54 jets. The U.S. State Department has already approved the deal, which has an estimated value of $6.5 billion.

According to Reuters, Belgian Defence Minister Steven Vandeput told reporters on Oct. 25 that the F-35 beat the other contenders in all seven selection criteria. “We are investing heavily in defense,” Vandeput tweeted, citing Belgium’s decision to buy F-35s and new land vehicles. Meanwhile, U.S. stakeholders immediately began celebrating the outcome of the competition.

“Lockheed Martin is honored by the Belgian government’s selection of the F-35A Lightning II for their future national security needs,” the company said in a statement. “We look forward to supporting the U.S. government in delivering the F-35 program to meet the requirements of the Belgian government.” Vice Adm. Mat Winter, head of the the F-35 joint program executive office, said the decision to join the program will strengthen the U.S.-Belgian relationship.

“We look forward to working closely with our Belgian teammates as they mature plans for purchasing their F-35s,” he said in a statement. The U.S. Embassy in Brussels tweeted a response to Vandeput, stressing how Belgium’s F-35 selection would add to NATO interoperability.

U.S. Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, who chairs the House Armed Services Committee’s Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, said Belgium’s F-35 buy “reaffirms Belgium’s military and strategic partnership with the United States, as well as builds Belgium’s defense capabilities as a strong NATO ally.” Turner had interfaced with Belgian officials over the past year, providing assurances that the U.S. Congress would support an F-35 sale to Brussels, he said in a statement.

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« Reply #577 on: November 01, 2018, 12:12:33 am »

Kanad aočekuje da joj se do maja sledeće godine dostave ponude za nabavku novog borbenog aviona. Program planira nabavku 88 letelica po ceni od 12Mld $.


Canada to accept bids for new fighter jet in May — here are the potential competitors
By: David Pugliese   30.10.2018.

VICTORIA, British Columbia — Canada expects to accept formal bids for a new fighter jet in May, with the first aircraft delivered by 2025, according to Canadian government procurement officials.

A draft bid package for 88 fighters was issued to companies for their feedback by the end of this year, said Pat Finn, assistant deputy minister for materiel at the Department of National Defence. From there, the final bidding instructions for the CA$16 billion (U.S. $12 billion) procurement will be issued and bids required by May 2019, he added.

The aircraft will replace Canada’s current fleet of CF-18 fighter jets. The aircraft expected to be considered include Lockheed Martin’s F-35, the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Dassault Rafale, Saab’s Gripen and the Boeing Super Hornet.

The Canadian government will require a robust package of guaranteed industrial benefits or offsets from the winning bidder, government officials said. But that could be a problem for the F-35, as Canada is still a partner in that program, which does not guarantee participating-nations contracts. Work on the F-35 program is based on best value and price.

Canadian industrial participation in the F-35 program has reached $1 billion, as more than 110 Canadian firms have landed contracts related to the aircraft program.

Jeff Waring, director general for industrial benefits policy at the federal Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, said the country sees the fighter jet program as a “once-in-a-generation opportunity for the Canadian economy.”

But he noted the industrial benefits policy is flexible. “It is a market-driven approach,” he said. “It encourages suppliers to make investments that make sense to them. ”The issue of industrial benefits has already been discussed with companies interested in bidding on the project, and those talks will continue as feedback is received on the draft bid package, government officials said.

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« Reply #578 on: November 06, 2018, 11:10:07 pm »

Južna Koreja i Španija pregovaraju o razmeni aviona. Španija pokušava da nađe zamenu za svoje prestarele Pilane i Kaze 101 nabavkom koreanskih KT-1 i TA-50. Oni nude 4 do 6 transportnih A400M u zamenu za 34 KT-1 i 20 TA-50.


South Korea and Spain seek deal to swap trainer jets for airlifters
By: Jeff Jeong 05.11.2018.

SEOUL — South Korean and Spanish defense officials are to discuss a possible trade of trainer and transport aircraft, according to arms procurement officials and industry sources in the Asian nation.

The deal may involve about 50 basic and advanced trainer jets built by Korea Aerospace Industries, or KAI, and four to six Airbus A400M airlifters, they said.

“South Korea and Spain plan to hold a joint defense industry committee in Madrid this month to discuss bilateral issues,” said an official with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, speaking on condition of anonymity. “The swap deal is not an official agenda item on the table, but the sides are open to discussing it.”

The proposal was made by Spain during the Farnborough International Airshow in the U.K. last July, as the Spanish Air Force seeks to replace its older trainer fleet of Chilean ENAER T-35C Pillan jets, according to an industry source privy to the potential swap deal.

“Spain ordered 27 A400M transport aircraft from Airbus but has decided not to use 13 of them, so the Spanish defense authorities have got approval from Airbus to sell the surplus products to other countries,” the source said. “Spain wants to sell four to six A400Ms to South Korea, and it buys 34 KT-1 basic trainer aircraft and 20 more T-50 supersonic trainer jets for advanced pilot training if possible.”

If the deal is reached, Spain is willing to sell the A400M plane at 15 percent of the per-unit price of some $27 million, he said, adding the total value of the swap deal could be approximately $890 million.

The envisaged deal could be a breakthrough for KAI to sell more of its trainer aircraft after its recent defeat in a U.S. Air Force trainer competition. “Any swap deal is delegated to the DAPA and its Spanish counterpart, and we’re waiting on the results,” a KAI spokesman said. Airbus would not discuss the prospect of such a deal. Industry sources believe the proposed deal could meet the South Korean Air Force’s need of acquiring larger airlifters for longer-range missions.

During an Oct. 19 parliamentary inspection of the Air Force, the service revealed a plan to procure four more large transport aircraft in addition to its existing fleet of CN-235 and C-130 planes.

“We have a plan to deploy larger transport aircraft to increase our capacity of rapid force deployment, emergency relief, peacekeeping and other operations over long distances,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Lee Wang-keun said in a report to lawmakers. Preliminary research on the requirements of the larger airlifter acquisition will be conducted between 2019 and 2020 before a request for proposal is issued for full operational capability by 2022, according to Air Force officials. The A400M Atlas is regarded as a strong candidate for the airlift procurement program, as the C-17 Globemaster III production line run by Boeing is shut down. The A400M can carry 116 fully equipped troops and up to 66 stretchers accompanied by 25 medical personnel.

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« Reply #579 on: November 11, 2018, 05:24:54 pm »

Prijetnje sankcijama

Indonezija bi mogla odustati od kupovine ruskih borbenih aviona zbog protivljenja SAD-a OBJAVLJENO: 11.11.2018

Plan indonezijskih vlasti da od Rusije kupi borbene avione Suhoj Su-35S mogao bi propasti zbog posljedica koje bi najveća muslimanska država mogla snositi od strane SAD-a, piše ugledni portal za vojna pitanja IHS Janes.

Tu je informaciju prije nekoliko dana novinarima Janes-a potvrdio visoki dužnosnik Zračnih snaga Indonezije Novyan Samyoga. Prema njegovim riječima, u slučaju da Amerikanci predlože "teško podnošljive" sankcije Indoneziji zbog kupnje ruskih zrakoplova, njegova će država biti prisiljena kupiti "borbeni avion neke zapadne države".

U tom slučaju, piše Janes, Indonezija bi kupila američke F-16 Viper borbene avione, dakle borbene zrakoplove 4++ generacije koje proizvodi Lockheed Martin, a čiju su kupnju već ugovorili Bahrein i Slovačka (Slovaci će za 14 aviona, plus obuku i naoružanje, platiti 1,87 milijardi dolara).

Jakarta je ranije ove godine postigla dogovor s Moskvom o kupnji  11 višenamjenskih borbenih aviona Suhoj Su-35S, trenutno najmodernijima koje Rusija proizvodi (također 4++ generacije), a za koje bi Indonezija ukupno platila 1,14 milijardi dolara. Plaćanje ne bi bilo samo u novcu, nego i proizvodima poput kave, palminog ulja i čaja, koje Indonezija, inače četvrta najmnogoljudnija država na svijetu (ima 261 milijun stanovnika) izvozi u velikim količinama.

No, ako zaista kupe Su-35S, Indonežanima prijete sankcije pod američkim aktom CAATSA, a kojim se propisuju restrikcije u trgovini s državama koje kupuju oružje i vojnu tehnologiju od Rusije. Stoga Samyoga tvrdi da Jakarta neće imati drugog izbora nego poništiti već potpisani ugovor s Rusima kako bi spriječili nastupanje strogih američkih sankcija.

Naime, Indonezija je zbog kršenja ljudskih prava u Istočnom Timoru (tako je barem objašnjeno) već bila metom sankcija od strane SAD-a od sredine 90-ih godina pa sve do 2005.. To su Zračne snage Indonezije dosta teško podnijele budući da nisu mogle kupiti  američke avione (Borbeni F-16 i transportni C-130 Hercules) koje su tada željeli.

 - Moramo imati flotu koja je kombinacija aviona s istoka i zapada. Politika je nesiguran posao i moramo dobro balansirati između dva pola, čemu su nas naučile i prijašnje sankcije - zaključio je Samyoga.
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« Reply #580 on: November 20, 2018, 07:44:56 am »

Словачка планира набавку Ф-16
понедељак, 19.11.2018.

БРАТИСЛАВА - Словачка планира набавку 14 америчких авиона Ф-16В, као замену за своје Мигове-29, саопштио је државни секретар Министарства одбране Словачке Роберт Ондрејчак, додајући да овај потез за циљ има и да удаљи Словачку од Русије.

„Прекинућемо ствар што је пре могуће. Најбитнија веза с Русијом јесу Мигови-29, који се и даље производе у Русији и због тога доносимо одлуку о Ф-16”, рекао је Ондрејчак на маргинама Међународног безбедносног форума у Халифаксу, преноси сајт „Дифенс њуз”. Он је истакао да ће Словачка ускоро добити пет хеликоптера УХ-60М „Црни јастреб”, као замену за руске хеликоптере Ми-17, преноси Танјуг. Државни секретар је истакао да ће куповина америчке војне технике ојачати словачку геополитичку позицију и стратешку везу. Словачка је чланица НАТО-а од 2004. године.

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« Reply #581 on: November 20, 2018, 04:18:28 pm »


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« Reply #582 on: November 28, 2018, 10:32:18 am »

Japan se priprema za nabavku dodatnih 100 letelica F-35 kako bi zamenili svoje lovce F-15.


Japan to order 100 more F-35 fighters from US

Move comes in response to China's military rise and Trump's pressure

Nikkei staff writers NOVEMBER 27, 2018

TOKYO -- Japan is preparing to order another 100 F-35 stealth fighter jets from the U.S. to replace some of its aging F-15s, according to sources.

The plan can be considered a response to China's military buildup, as well as a nod to U.S. President Donald Trump's call for Tokyo to buy more American defense equipment. Japan already intended to procure 42 of the new fighters. A single F-35 costs more than 10 billion yen ($88.1 million), meaning the additional order would exceed 1 trillion yen.

Japan's government plans to approve the purchase when it adopts new National Defense Program Guidelines at a cabinet meeting in mid-December. It will also include the F-35 order in its medium-term defense program, which covers fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2023. The government wants to obtain 42 F-35s as successors to its F-4s by fiscal 2024. The 42 fighters Japan originally planned to buy are all F-35As, a conventional takeoff and landing variant. The additional 100 planes would include both the F-35A and F-35B, which is capable of short takeoffs and vertical landings.

At present, Japan deploys about 200 F-15s, roughly half of which cannot be upgraded. The Defense Ministry wants to replace the planes that cannot be upgraded with the 100 F-35s, while enhancing and retaining the remaining F-15s. To accommodate the F-35Bs, the government intends to revamp the Maritime Self-Defense Force's JS Izumo helicopter carrier to host the fighters.

Japan's neighbors are busy introducing their own advanced military aircraft. China deployed its homegrown J-20 stealth fighter in February, and by 2030 some experts expect the country to build a fleet of more than 250 fifth-generation jets -- as the latest generation of fighters like the F-35 is known.

Russia, too, is expected to introduce its fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-57 in 2019, at the earliest. To keep up, Tokyo believes it is imperative to significantly increase its procurement of the most sophisticated stealth jets. At the same time, Trump has repeatedly urged Japan to purchase more American hardware and reduce the trade imbalance between the countries. Buying more of the high-priced fighters is a quick way to do that.

In September, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told Trump, "Introducing high-performance equipment, including American [materiel], is important for our country to strengthen its defense capabilities."

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« Reply #583 on: December 06, 2018, 03:28:31 pm »

Čavušoglu: Tramp poručio, nema problema u vezi F-35
Tanjug   05. decembar 2018.

Turski ministar inostranih poslova Mevlut Čavušoglu izjavio je danas da je američki predsednik Donald Tramp rekao turskom predsedniku Tajipu Erdoganu da ne želi nikakve probleme u vezi prodaje borbenih aviona F-35 Ankari.

Obraćajući se novinarima nakon zasedanja NATO u Briselu, Čavušoglu je rekao da ni Turska ne vidi problem u nabavci aviona od Lokid Martina uprkos naporima američkog Kongresa da blokira tu prodaju. Američki Senat je zahtevao obustavu prodaje aviona Turskoj dok Tramp ne potvrdi da Turska ne predstavlja pretnju za NATO zbog nabavke odbrambene opreme od Rusije ili pritvarajući građane SAD.

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« Reply #584 on: December 12, 2018, 05:22:46 pm »

Slovačka potpisala ugovor o kupovini 14 aviona F-16

Slovačaka će kupiti 14 borbenih aviona F-16 od američke kompanije Lokhid Martin u nastojanju da zameni avione iz sovjetskog doba.

Slovački ministar odbrane Peter Gajdos potpisao je danas sporazum s potpredsednicom Lokhid Martina za međunarodni poslovni razvoj Anom Vugofski.

Avioni F-16 Block 70/72 trebalo bi da zamene zastarele sovjetske MiG-29 koje su koristile slovačke vazdušne snage.

Zamenik državnog sekretara SAD Džon Salivan rekao je u Bratislavi da je "oduševljen što prisustvuje "istorijskom" trenutku.

"To je značajan korak za Slovačku u njenoj odbrani, kao važnog saveznika u NATO, i važan korak napred u bilateralnim odnosima SAD i Slovačke", rekao je Saliven.

Prva četiri aviona trebalo bi da budu isporučena 2022, a ostali sledeće godine.

Premijer Peter Pelegrini je rekao da će Slovačka platiti više od 1,6 milijardi evra za te avione. Ugovor uključuje municiju, obuku pilota i druge logističke usluge.

"Potpisivanjem Slovačka objavljuje da je spremna da ispuni svoje obaveze u povećanju svog vojnog budžeta i da dostigne cilj od dva odsto bruto domaćeg proizvoda", rekao je Pelegrini.

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