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Author Topic: Kupovina i prodaja borbenih aviona širom sveta  (Read 306615 times)
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« Reply #645 on: August 29, 2019, 06:00:17 am »

Rusija i Turska razmatraju uslove isporuke aviona Su-35 i Su-57
NovostiOnline   28. avgust 2019.

Rusija i Turska su pokrenule pregovore oko uslova isporuka ruskih aviona Su-35 i Su-57, budući da je zvanična Ankara izrazila veliko interesovanje ka tim letelicama, izjavio je direktor Ruske federalne službe za vojno-tehničku saradnju Dmitrij Šugajev.

„Pored već aktivnih pregovora oko isporuka protivvazdušnih sistema S-400, vode se razgovori i oko isporuke aviona Su-35 i Su-57. Ankara je pokazala veliko interesovanje za naše avione. Međutim, još uvek je rano govoriti o bilo kakvim konkretnim rešenjima“, precizirao je. Šugajev je takođe naveo i da će druga faza isporuke S-400 biti završena u narednih nekoliko nedelja.

Podsetimo, prva faza isporuke ruskih PVO sistema završena je u julu, a u Tursku je doletelo ukupno 30 teretnih aviona sa komponentama sistema S-400. Kako je ranije najavljeno, od 1. septembra počinje obuka turskih stručnjaka koji će biti zaduženi za rad na ovim sistemima.

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« Reply #646 on: August 29, 2019, 08:35:16 am »

Slušajući Putina u vezi ove vesti mogu da zaključim da je Rusija voljna da proda Su-35. Za Su-57 je rano, to je za pregovore od nekoliko godina.

To je nekako i normalno obzirom da ni ruska vojska isti jos nije dobila.
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« Reply #647 on: August 29, 2019, 11:00:15 am »

По мојој високопрофесионалној процени (прстом у небо... или у дупе), јавља ми се да би Турска могла добити први Су-57 негде 2030. године. То ако све буде у реду, ако преговори успеју. Без зезања, то ми изгледа као разуман рок. Да ли ће тада Турска још увек бити главна земља, без које "јужно крило НАТО" не постоји, остаје да се види. Нико не зна како ће свет изгледати 2030. године.
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« Reply #648 on: August 30, 2019, 09:15:36 am »

"Ako nam Vašington ne da avione, kupujemo ruske"

Predsednik Turske Redžep Tajip Erdogan nije isključio mogućnost nabavke ruskih aviona Su-35 i Su-57 umesto američkih F-35.

To će uraditi ukoliko Vašington donese definitivnu odluku o stopiranju isporuke svojih aviona Ankari.

"Zašto da ne. Nismo tek tako doputovali. Donećemo odluku nakon što saznamo konačnu odluku Amerike po pitanju aviona F-35. Ne postoji nikakva zabrinutost po tom pitanju. Tržište je veliko", rekao je Erdogan turskim novinarima.

Erdogan je zajedno sa ruskim liderom Vladimirom Putinom posetio avio-izložbu MAKS-2019, gde je i pokazao interes ka ruskim avionima.

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« Reply #649 on: August 30, 2019, 08:02:30 pm »

Најбоље да купе Шведске... да се нико не љути...а Швеђани би им на десет купљених дали један авион гратис.. Cool.
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« Reply #650 on: September 04, 2019, 04:47:31 pm »

Američka kompanija Lokid Martin se nadmeće za ugovor kojim bi Poljskom RV obezbedila 32 aviona F-35 Block 4, kao i da prebaci proizvodnju određenih delova za letelice u Poljsku.


Lockheed makes its pitch to Polish industry in exchange for F-35 deal
By: Jaroslaw Adamowski    09.03.2019.
KIELCE, Poland — American defense company Lockheed Martin is vying for a contract to supply 32 F-35 fighter jets to Poland by offering to deliver new-generation Block 4 versions and ensuring that selected components for the jets are produced by Polish manufacturers.

“If Poland decides to buy the F-35, it will receive Block 4 aircraft. This version will include a new computer, additional weapons and systems, and it will be able to be fitted with six missiles instead of four,” Greg Ulmer, the vice president and general manager responsible for the F-35 program at Lockheed Martin, told Defense News at the MSPO defense industry show.

The company official said Polish defense industry players are already part of the aircraft’s global supply chain, and deliver components for F-35s.

“So far, we’ve delivered 425 F-35s, and we’re on track to deliver 131 this year. In 2018, we delivered 91 fighters; and in 2017, 66 fighters. The peak in deliveries is expected to come in 2024,” Ulmer said. “By 2030, we expect there will be 500 F-35s in Europe. Once Polish companies are approved as our supplier partners, they could make parts not only for the Polish aircraft, but also for those supplied to other countries, such as the U.S. or Japan.”

In May, Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said his ministry sent a letter of request to the U.S. regarding Poland’s plan to acquire the F-35. Warsaw aims to replace its Air Force’s outdated, Soviet-designed Sukhoi Su-22 and Mikoyan MiG-29 jets with fifth-generation fighters.

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« Reply #651 on: September 04, 2019, 07:58:25 pm »

То му дође као нека компензација за губитак турског тржишта.
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« Reply #652 on: September 05, 2019, 08:09:19 pm »

Otprilike. Samo je pitanje kome će uvaliti ostatak.
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« Reply #653 on: September 12, 2019, 09:16:27 am »

Stejt depertment prihvatio ponudu, prodaje 32 borbena aviona Poljskoj
Tanjug 12.09.2019.

Američki Stejt department saopštio je danas da je odobrio 6,5 milijardi dolara verednu ponudu prodaje 32 borbena aviona F-35 Poljskoj.

Prodaja aviona bi pojačala dorinos Poljske NATO-u i umanjila njenu zavisnost od ruske opreme, rekao je zvaničnik Stejt departmenta u saopštenju. Kako navodi Rojters, Pentagon je u aprilu predočio Kongresu da razmatra prodaju aviona američkog "Lokid Martina" nekoj zemlji članici EU ili NATO. Kongres je tada, kako podseća Rojters, kao moguće zemlje kojima bi ponudio avione pomenuo Grčku, Rumuniju, Španiju ili Singapur.

Odluka Stejt departmenta da prihvati ponudu prodaje aviona Poljskoj usledila je nekoliko dana nakon što je američki potpredsednik Majk Pens posetio Poljsku povodom obeležavanja 80 godina od početka Drugog svetskog rata.

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« Reply #654 on: September 13, 2019, 07:59:59 pm »

Ако они са великим проблемима одржавају постојеће Ф-16, како ли ће тек са овима бити..?
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« Reply #655 on: October 09, 2019, 05:54:36 am »

Pored Vijetnama, Indije, Alžira i Kine, i Mijanmar je zainteresovan za nabavku najnovijih ruskih lovaca Su-57.


Myanmar Could Be the First Export Client for Russia's New SU-57 Fighters

With the Russian military having drastically increased orders for Su-57 next generation air superiority fighters throughout 2019, planning to field over 70 of the jets by 2025 and opening lines for mass production in July 2019, Moscow has also actively sought to gain export orders for the fighter to help subsidise the costs of large scale production. A number of clients including China, Algeria, Vietnam and India have reportedly shown considerable interest in the design due to its unique capabilities - which also allow it to function as a strike and maritime strike fighter when suitably equipped. While discussions for with India and Vietnam are reportedly ongoing, a new and unexpected potential client for the jet has emerged in Southeast Asia - the air force of Myanmar. Reports of a possible sale came amid fast growing defence ties between the two countries, and following comments from Myanmar’s ambassador to Russia Ko Ko Shein regarding interest in the platform.

Older variants of the Russian MiG-29 medium weight multirole fighter currently form the bulk of the Myanmar Air Force's fleet, complemented by older third generation Chinese J-7 jets and a small but growing fleet of JF-17 lightweight fourth generation fighters. The Myanmar Air Force’s modernisation program, however, appears to be placing an unprecedented focus on high end heavyweight fighters - ordering six Su-30SM Flankers in 2018 and reportedly planning followup orders for several more. While the Su-30 has ‘4+ generation’ capabilities, it may not be sufficient to seriously contest air superiority as neighbouring powers modernise their fleets - particularly considering the massive quantitative disadvantages Myanmar’s fleet is almost certain to face. The Su-57, which is widely considered the world’s most capable fighter for air to air combat, could even in smaller numbers provide a far more formidable addition to the country’s defences. In particular, due to its considerable range and access to high end standoff munitions from the Kh-47M2 hypersonic ballistic missile to the R-37M Mach 6 air to air missile, the fighter will provide Myanmar’s forces with a very long reach. Indications of an interest in long range strike capabilities were given by the country's previously strong interest in acquiring North Korean ballistic missile technologies.

As Myanmar has not operated high end Russian fighters in the past, a Su-57 purchase will require considerable investments in maintenance infrastructure and training for operating crews. While manufacture of Su-30 fighters for Myanmar has already begun, these could serve in a complementary role to the Su-57 in future. The '4+ generation' jets are both cheaper to operate, and notably configured with twin seats meaning they can be used to prepare pilots to operate the more capable Su-57. The Su-57 notably comes only in a single seat variant, although India has reportedly sought to commission a specialised twin seat variant for its own fleet. Myanmar has also ordered a dozen Yak-130 twin seat trainer jets, which were developed specifically to train pilots to operate high end Russian fighters such as the Su-30 and Su-57. While the Su-57 is expected to cost approximately 40% more per aircraft than the Su-30SM, and has a higher operational cost, the very significant discrepancy in capabilities could make it a better investment. Even placing a relatively small order for under a dozen fighters, Myanmar could potentially emerge as the first overseas operator of the Su-57 - with an order coming just as unexpectedly as that for the Su-30 did. With a defence budget of approximately $2 billion annually, much diverted to sustaining a sizeable ground force amid ongoing internal conflict, orders are unlikely to be too large unlike those of Vietnam, Turkey, India and other interested clients. It is also possible that, like Vietnam, Myanmar will wait until the mid-2020s to place an order for the Su-57 jets -  and that interest expressed by the ambassador could refer to the long term.

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« Reply #656 on: October 09, 2019, 04:54:45 pm »

Holandija nabavlja dodatnih 9 letelica F-35 po ceni od 1,1 milijarde $.


The Netherlands to buy nine more F-35s for $1.1 billion
By: Sebastian Sprenger    october 9. 2019
COLOGNE, Germany – The Dutch government on Tuesday announced plans to purchase nine more of Lockheed Martin's F-35 jets, a move that would bring the country's inventory to 46.

The envisioned €1 billion acquisition will “lay the foundation” for a third F-35 squadron in the Dutch air force, a plan that government officials first floated in late 2018, according to a statement posted on the defense ministry website.

The additional aircraft are expected contribute to the air force's objective of having four jets available for NATO missions while also performing homeland defense operations and accounting for training requirements and maintenance downtime.

Fully rounding out a third squadron would require 15 extra planes, however, alliance officials have previously told the Dutch, prompting talk in the Netherlands last year of a potentially higher number eventually.

The Dutch want the F-35 to replace their legacy fleet of F-16s. Neighbor Belgium selected the fifth-generation aircraft in the fall of 2018, announcing a planned buy of 34 copies.

Dick Zandee, a defense analyst at the Clingendael think tank in The Hague, told Defense News the announced acquisition of nine more F-35s enjoys “broad support” in the Dutch parliament. He said government leaders had already included the new aircraft spending in their annual report to NATO to show momentum in the country’s move toward spending 2 percent of gross domestic product on the military.

Government officials have told parliament that they want to give the American program office a formal notice to buy the additional jets before the end of the year, Zandee said. The Dutch want F-35s of the newest configuration, he added, which means any changes in the international delivery schedule caused by the recent Turkish expulsion from the F-35 program likely would play no role.

The Trump administration has kicked Turkey out of the program over the country’s purchase of the Russian S-400 air-defense system. American officials fear that co-locating the two systems could enable Russia to glean valuable intelligence about the planes simply by subjecting them to the S-400′s sensors.

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« Reply #657 on: October 09, 2019, 06:20:31 pm »

Indija je 31.12.2015. konačno, nakon četri godine pregovora, potpisala ugovor o kupnji 36kom lovaca Dassault rafale. Ugovor je vrijedan 4 milijarde dolara.

On October 8, 2019, Eric Trappier, Dassault Aviation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, hosted the handover ceremony of the first Indian Air Force Rafale fighter aircraft in Mérignac, Dassault Aviation’s Rafale final assembly facility. The event was placed under the high patronage of the Honourable Shri Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defence of India and the Honourable Ms. Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces of France.

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« Reply #658 on: October 17, 2019, 02:12:25 pm »

Italija nabavlja 90 aviona F-35

Predsednik SAD Donald Tramp pozvao je Italiju da poveća svoje troškove odbrane.

Tramp je rekao da Italija troši samo 1,1 odsto svog bruto domaćeg proizvoda na odbranu, a cilj koji je NATO postavio je dva odsto.

Međutim, on je rekao da se Italija saglasila da nabavi 90 "potpuno novih, prelepih aviona F-35".

On je, nakon sastanka sa italijanskim predsednikom Serđom Matarelom, pohvalio međusobna ostvarena ulaganja Italije i SAD, ali i rekao da je trgovinski deficit sa Italijom 20 odsto ukupnog trgovinskog deficita sa Evropskom unijom.

Dodao je da bi mogao da reši trgovinski deficit sa EU "odmah, ali bi to bilo previše oštro".

Matarela je rekao da trgovinske tenzije nisu od koristi nikome, a carine opisao kao kontraproduktivne. On je dodao da je Italija duboko zabrinuta zbog turske ofanzive u Siriji. Nakon konferencije, oni su prisustvovali prijemu u čast italijanskih Amerikanaca.

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« Reply #659 on: October 26, 2019, 05:21:59 pm »

Турска се спрема да купи 36 руских авиона

Русија и Турска су близу закључења споразума о испорукама ловаца Су-35, пишу турски медији, позивајући се на неименоване изворе.

По овом уговору, Москва би требало да испоручи Анкари 36 авиона, пише „Дејли сабах“. Две државе би могле да се договоре и да Турска у будућности почне да производи неке компоненте за руске авионе. Раније потпредседник Владе Русије Јуриј Борисов није искључио могућност да Турска направи избор у корист руских Су-35 и Су-57. Подсетимо, у августу је на авио-космичком салону „МАКС 2019“ у Москви председник Турске Реџеп Тајип Ердоган показао интересовање за могућу куповину Су-57 и МиГ-35.

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