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Author Topic: Kupovina i prodaja borbenih aviona širom sveta  (Read 306616 times)
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« Reply #735 on: March 02, 2022, 09:56:56 am »

UAE kupuju kineske avione L-15

Ministarstvo odbrane Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata saopštilo da namerava da sa kineskom kompanijom CATIC ugovori nabavku 12 školsko-borbenih aviona L-15.

Ugovorena će biti i opcija da se u budućnosti doda još 36 aviona istog tipa, piše portal Tangosiks

Kako je navedeno, Tarik Abdul Rahum Al Hosani, generalni direktor ekonomskog saveta kompanije Tawazun, rekao je da ovaj dogovor dolazi u okviru programa politike diverzifikacije izvora nabavki naoružanja, kao i u okviru kontinuirane modernizacije jedinica Ratnog vazduhoplovstva i Oružanih snaga uopšte.

"Došli smo do završnih faza pregovora sa kineskom stranom, i konačni sporazum biće zaključen uskoro“, izjavio je Al Hosani koji je još naglasio da je diverzifikacija jedna od karakteristika oružanih snaga UAE kako bi se dobile najbolje mogućnosti koje odgovaraju njihovim potrebama i kako bi se ostvarili njihovi strateški ciljevi.

Hosani je izrazio svoje poverenje u kompaniju CATIC, koja, kako je navedeno, poseduje naprednu tehnologiju sa konkurentskim prednostima na svetskom nivou.

UAE će tako postati drugi strani korisnik školsko-borbenog aviona L-15 Falcon koji predstavlja izvoznu verziju aviona JL-10. Prvi korisnik postala je 2016. godine Zambija koja je nabavila 6 primeraka verzije L-15Z (školsko-borbeni L-15A za Zambiju), a izveštaji govore da je paket sa obukom, delovima i naoružanjem koštao oko 100 miliona dolara.

Početkom februara ove godine pojedini kineski mediji preneli su i informaciju da je L-15 naručila i Etiopija, ali to do sada zvanično nije potvrđeno.

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« Reply #736 on: March 16, 2022, 01:34:56 pm »

Navodno SAD planiraju prodaju aviona F-15 Egiptu.


U.S. plans to sell F-15 fighters to Egypt amid human rights dispute

A top U.S. general told senators that the deal, which hasn't been finalized, "was a long, hard slog."


The commander of military forces in the Middle East said Tuesday that the U.S. plans to approve the sale of F-15 fighter jets to Egypt, a move that will likely spark another brawl on Capitol Hill over whether to continue weapons transfers to the country despite its human rights record.

Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the impending deal for the jets followed a drawn-out process.

“In the case of Egypt, I think we have good news in that we’re going to provide them with F-15s, which was a long, hard slog,” McKenzie told senators. “They felt it was too long, it took too long.”

McKenzie didn’t provide further details. The State Department has not publicly notified a fighter sale to Egypt, and a spokesperson did not provide specifics.

“As a matter of policy, the Department does not comment on or confirm proposed defense sales until they have been formally notified to Congress,” a State Department spokesperson said.

Some lawmakers will likely work to block the sale of the Boeing-built jets over Egypt’s human rights record. A sale of fighters — which could total in the billions of dollars — also would dwarf the $130 million in military aid the Biden administration is withholding over concerns with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sissi’s lack of progress on human rights.

A fighter purchase, if approved through the U.S. foreign military sales process, would still need to be notified to Congress, giving lawmakers a window to block it.

The McKenzie announcement comes just days after the Senate tussled over a $2.2 billion sale of cargo planes to Egypt. Senators last week rejected in a wide vote a push by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to block the sale of a dozen C-130J aircraft. Proponents of the deal noted that selling cargo planes isn’t the same as selling weapons.

Paul, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and others have pushed to limit arms sales to Egypt. But Cairo is a longtime U.S. ally in the region and has received billions in military aid.

The Biden administration has walked a fine line on Egypt. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in January elected to continue withholding $130 million in military aid, just days after the State Department notified Congress of the cargo plane sale. The aid was part of a tranche of $300 million fenced off by Congress on condition of human rights improvements and strengthening the rule of law. The State Department allowed Egypt to access the remaining $170 million.

Testifying at a hearing on military posture in the Middle East and Africa, McKenzie was asked by Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) what weapons countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had requested that the U.S. hasn’t provided yet. The UAE has notably sought Lockheed Martin-built F-35 jets.

McKenzie told senators that the U.S. remains “the partner of choice” for those countries, but added they find the lengthy process “frustrating.”

“That’s the basic criticism of our ability to provide weapons to our friends and partners. It takes too long to actually get them. It moves in fits and starts. And of course, with our weapons come our values,” McKenzie said. “They’re not going to be able to do anything they want with those weapons.”

But some lawmakers have opposed continuing to arm Egypt while the government continues to crack down on its political opponents.

“We should end military sales to Egypt’s criminal masters,” Paul said on the Senate floor last week. “Partially taking away some military aid while offering new sales that are 10 times what we’ve withheld shows weakness in the face of oppression.”

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« Reply #737 on: March 29, 2022, 03:24:56 pm »

Kanada se odlučila da kupi 88 aviona F-35 za cca 19 milijardi dolara:


Questions swirl as Canada chooses to buy F-35 stealth fighter

Canada appears likely to be moving ahead with ordering F-35s to replace the country's aging fighter jets.
Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press
Published Monday, March 28, 2022

OTTAWA - Canada's decade-long search for a new fighter jet to replace its aging CF-18s came full circle on Monday as the Liberal government announced negotiations with U.S. defence giant Lockheed Martin to purchase the F-35.

Yet even as the end to that circuitous search appeared to finally be in sight, many unanswered questions remained: how much the aircraft will cost? When they will start to arrive in Canada? And were the past 12 years of debate and delays worth it?

Procurement Minister Filomena Tassi and Defence Minister Anita Anand confirmed during a news conference that Lockheed Martin's stealth fighter beat out Sweden's Saab Gripen in a competition many had long considered the F-35's to lose.

The federal government has made another multimillion-dollar investment into the development of the F-35 stealth fighter despite no guarantee it will buy the aircraft. An F-35A Lightning II fighter jet practises for an air show appearance in Ottawa, Friday, Sept. 6, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

The government will now launch formal negotiations with the company this week for the purchase of 88 F-35s to replace Canada's CF-18s, with officials anticipating the talks will take about seven months and result in a final contract by the end of the year.

Tassi and Anand emphasized the negotiations do not mean a deal for the F-35 is done, and that the government retains the option to talk with Saab about its Gripen fighter should discussions with Lockheed Martin stall.

Despite what Anand described as a “rigorous” competition designed to ensure Canada gets the best fighter jet at the lowest cost with the most economic benefits, a senior procurement official indicated the scope of the negotiations will be broad.

“We need to discuss capability requirements, we need to discuss costs, we need to discuss timelines, when are we going to get these aircraft,” said Public Service and Procurement Canada assistant deputy minister Simon Page.

“So there are still quite a few parameters and variables to bring home with the company.”

As for the anticipated $19-billion cost, Anand said that will be “further refined.”

Officials did express optimism that a deal will be finalized in the next seven months, and that the first F-35 will arrive by 2025 and the last around 2032.

Lockheed Martin Canada chief executive Lorraine Ben in a statement welcomed the launched of negotiations, while Saab Canada spokeswoman Sierra Fullerton said the firm respected the government's decision while leaving the door open to future talks.

The move into final negotiations for the F-35 has also prompted questions about whether Ottawa should have pressed ahead with its original deal more than a decade ago.

Stephen Harper's Conservative government committed to buying 65 F-35s without a competition in 2010, before concerns about the stealth fighter's cost and capabilities forced it back to the drawing board.

The Liberals promised in 2015 not to buy the F-35, but to instead launch an open competition to replace the CF-18s. They later planned to buy 18 Super Hornets without a competition as an “interim” measure until a full competition could be launched.

Some at the time questioned that plan, suggesting the Liberals were trying to find a way to lock Canada into the Super Hornet without opening itself up to a legal challenge from Lockheed Martin or any other jet makers.

But the government cancelled the plan after Boeing launched a trade dispute with Montreal aerospace firm Bombardier. Ottawa initiated the current bidding process in July 2019, at which point the Super Hornet and F-35 were allowed to compete.

In the meantime, the government has been forced to invest hundreds of millions of additional dollars into the CF-18 fleet to keep it flying until a replacement can be delivered. By 2032, the CF-18s will have been around for 50 years.

Tassi sidestepped questions about the Liberals' original promise not to buy the F-35, but did defend the decision to move ahead with the stealth fighter more than a decade after the Conservatives' announced their planned sole-source purchase.

“There's a difference from speculating and saying in a sole-source contract: `We think that this bidder is going to give us the best deal that we can possibly get,' and actually going through the process,” she said.

“We are basing this decision on fact and on evidence based on all the evaluations that have been done. And I can tell you that it's rigorous. … The second point is that the competition itself drives bidders to come forward with their best bid.”

She also described the decision as “free from political interference,” saying the bids submitted by the two companies were evaluated by non-partisan public servants from three departments who unanimously recommended the F-35.

“Because we designed a process that is free from political interference. neither myself nor my colleagues were told which bidder was top ranked, only the results of the analysis led to this conclusion and recommendation,” she said.

“I agreed with the recommendation. This morning, officials informed me that the top-ranked bidder is Lockheed Martin, and officials will now enter into the finalization phase of the process with Lockheed Martin.”

Many had long considered the F-35 the front-runner to win the competition.

Not only has Canada contributed US$613 million into the F-35's development since 1997, with another multimillion-dollar payment due in the coming weeks, but the stealth fighter is being used by the U.S. and a growing number of allies.

Many observers had seen the Boeing Super Hornet and F-35 as the only real competition because of Canada's close relationship with the United States, which includes using fighter jets together to defend North American airspace on a daily basis.

Those perceptions were only amplified after two other European companies dropped out of the competition before it even started, complaining the government's requirements had stacked the deck in favour of their U.S. rivals.

In particular, both Airbus and Dassault had complained about what they saw as onerous requirements associated with adapting their aircraft - the Eurofighter and Rafale respectively - to meet Canada's intelligence-sharing requirements.

Sweden is not a member of NATO or Norad, the joint Canadian-American defence command responsible for protecting the continent from foreign threats. That had prompted questions about the Gripen's compatibility with U.S. aircraft.

Many were therefore surprised when Boeing was kicked out of the competition in December, setting the stage for a final dogfight between the F-35 and Gripen.

Airbus, which dropped out of the running in August 2019, also expressed frustration over the government's decision to change a long-standing policy that requires bidders on military contracts to legally commit to invest in Canada.

That change followed U.S. complaints the previous policy violated an agreement Canada signed in 2006 to become one of nine partner countries in developing the F-35. The agreement says companies in partner countries will compete for work.

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« Reply #738 on: May 18, 2022, 05:43:18 pm »

Švajcarci kupuju 36 borbenih aviona tipa F-35A

Švajcarska vlada će potpisati ugovor o kupovini 36 borbenih aviona tipa Lokid Martin F-35A lajtning, najavljeno je danas.

Nabavka aviona vrednih 5,5 milijardi dolara najavljena je bez prethodnog održavanja referenduma.

"Planirano je da avioni moraju da budu isporučeni od 2027. godine, kako bi narod bio zaštićen od pretnji iz vazduha nakon 2030. godine", dodaje se u saopštenju vlade.

Švajcarska je prošle nedelje izabrala da naruči F-35 kao lovce nove generacije, čime je izazvala nezadovoljstvo oponenata koji su tražili održavanje referenduma kako bi preinačili kako kažu, "nepotrebnu 'Ferari' odluku".

Rojters podseća da su mnoge zemlje krenule da troše novac na oružane sisteme, napominjući da je Finska odlučila da kupi 64 aviona F-35A, Nemačka želi da kupi do 35, a Kanada 88 borbenih aviona.

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« Reply #739 on: June 24, 2022, 07:53:11 am »

Španija će platiti 2 milijarde evra za 20 lovaca Eurofajtera

Španija je kupila 20 lovaca Eurofighter za 2 milijarde evra u sklopu napora premijera Pedra Sančeza da poveća troškove odbrane nakon ruskog napada na Ukrajinu, preneo je Fajnenšel tajms.

Avion će zameniti zastarele španske lovce F-18 Hornet bazirane u vazduhoplovnoj bazi Gando na Kanarskim ostrvima i pridružiće se dvema eskadrilama aviona Tajfun u zemlji.

Erbas, proizvođač aviona, rekao je da je sporazum od četvrtka odobrio prethodni Savet ministara Španije u decembru 2021.

Dogovor je poslednja velika odbrambena kupovina Evrope otkako je Nemačka u martu objavila da će kupiti američke lovce F-35.

Takođe u martu, Sančez je obećao da će povećati godišnji vojni budžet Španije na 2% bruto domaćeg proizvoda do 2030. godine, u odnosu na 1% BDP-a prošle godine, manje od bilo koje druge članice NATO-a osim Luksemburga.

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« Reply #740 on: July 20, 2022, 09:36:00 am »

SAD odobrile prodaju F-16 Belgiji

Američki Stejt department dao je zeleno svetlo za potencijalnu prodaju F-16 i prateće opreme u vrednosti od 127 miliona dolara Belgiji, saopštila je u utorak Pentagonova agencija za odbrambenu i bezbednosnu saradnju.

„Ova predložena prodaja će podržati ciljeve spoljne politike i nacionalne bezbednosti Sjedinjenih Država poboljšanjem bezbednosti NATO saveznika koji je važna sila za političku stabilnost i ekonomski napredak u Evropi“, navodi se u saopštenju.

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« Reply #741 on: January 15, 2023, 10:47:54 am »

Prva potvrda da je Iran kupio Su-35 od zvaničnika. Član Komisije za nacionalnu bezbednost i spoljnu politiku iranskog parlamenta (medžlisa) Šahrijar Hejdari rekao za iransku novinsku agenciju Tasnim da bi lovci Su-35 koje je Iran naručio od Rusije trebalo da stignu početkom naredne iranske godine.

Da podsetimo , Iran koristi svoj solarni kalendar i početak nove godine (Novruz)  vezan je za prolećnu ravnodnevicu, tako da će sledeća 1402. godina u Iranu početi za nešto više od dva meseca. Osim toga, prema rečima Šahrijara Hejdarija, Iran je naručio i očekuje isporuke iz Rusije helikoptera i nekih drugih odbrambenih sistema i raketa (možda je reč o sistemima PVO?).
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