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Author Topic: Kupovina i prodaja borbenih aviona širom sveta  (Read 298863 times)
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kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2007, 07:30:44 pm »

26. decembar 2007. godine

Rusija je isporučila dva aviona Su-30MKA, započevši tako isporuku predvidjenu ugovorom (36 aviona MiG-29 i 30 aviona Su-30MK). Prva dva aviona prevežena su teretnim avionom An-124, u delovima, a sklapaće ih ruski inžinjeri iz Irkutska.

Nakon novogodišnjih praznika sklopljene avione će testirati ruski test piloti pre nego ih i zvanično predaju alžircima.

Kako navodi Itar Tass, isporuke aviona biće završene u 2008. godini.

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« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2007, 03:01:45 pm »

29. decembar 2007. godine

Iako je Izrael prodao bespilotne letelice Heron Turskoj još 2004. godine, one se još uvek ne nalaze u operativnoj upotrebi OS Turske. Razlog neulasku u operativu letelica plaćenih 190 miliona dolara leži u turskim dobavljačima specifičnih komponenti za ugradnju na letelice (kamere). Oprema je isporučena u oktobru 2007. godine ali su tada nastali problemi integrisanja kamera u letelice, što je pomerilo termin uvodjenja u operativu na početak 2008. godine.
Kako su utoku akcije turskih OS na severu Iraka, od Izraela su iznajmljene bespilotne letelice u kompletu sa ljudstvom koje ih opslužuje. Vrednost ugovora iznosi 10 miliona dolara.

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« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2008, 06:04:32 pm »

03.januar 2008. godine

Pakistan je pazario još 18 aviona F-16, po ceni od oko 28 miliona dolara po komadu. 12 aparata će biti jednosedi, varijanta F-16C, dok će preostalih 6 biti dvosedi, F-16D. Ovi avioni neće imati poslednju avioniku koja je ugradjivana u šesnaestice, te je stga i niža cena. Pakistan već ima 35 aviona F-16, naoružanih raketama AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM i AIM-9M-8/9 Sidewinder, kao i bombama JDAM i protivbrodskuim raketama Harpoon Block II.

Tako dok pojedina vazduhoplovstva nastoje da avione F-16 zamene avionima F-35, Pakistan nastoji da avionima F-16 zameni svojih 160 aviona F-7 (kineska verzija MiG-21).
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« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2008, 05:38:56 pm »

4. januar 2007. godine

Iračko RV primilo je 5 izvidjačkih aviona tipa Beechcraft King Air 350ER. Iračka sredstva javnog informisanja opisuju ovaj dogadjaj kao "prvo uvodjenje mlaznih aviona u iračko RV nakon 2003. godine" iako se radi o avionima sa turboelisinim motorima.
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Ovi avioni imaju sličnu opremu kao bespilotne letelice. Iračani će ih upotrebljavati u sistemu nadzora državne granice na kopnu i moru. Konačno, Irak želi da dobije još 24 aviona 350ER i 24 u putničkoj varijanti.

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 06:22:11 pm by Rade » Logged
kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2008, 10:08:27 am »

03. januar 2008. godine

Kompanija EADS North America objavila je sklapanje ugovora sa saudijskim vazduhoplovstvom o kupovini 3 aviona A330. A330 je višenamenski tanker/transportni avion (MRTT). Priključci za istakanje goriva se nalaze i na centralnoj poziciji (za avione F-15 i slične) i pod krilima (za Eurofighter Typhoon). Konfiguracija je slična kao kod australijskih aviona KC-30B i ista je predložena kao potrebna konfiguracija za Northrop Grummanov tanker KC-30 koji učestvuje u trci za novi tanker američkog vazduhoplovstva.

Cena nije objavljena, ali se zna da avioni ove kategorije mogu dostići cenu i do 200 miliona dolara.

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 06:22:38 pm by Rade » Logged
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« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2008, 04:56:05 pm »

RAF je narucio 10 MQ-9 Reaper bespilotnih letelica koje predstavljaju uvecanu berziju Predatora, za potrebe rata u Afganistanu. Pored letelica u cenu ok oko 1.05 milijardi dolara, uracunata je i prateca oprema za same letelice kao i zemaljke kontrolne jedinice.
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« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2008, 11:10:14 am »

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Isečak iz izveštaja o lomu aviona F-15
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 06:57:27 pm by Rade » Logged
kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2008, 11:30:27 am »

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 06:56:54 pm by Rade » Logged
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« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2008, 07:41:10 pm »

Otpao prednji deo aviona zbog zamora materijala!?!?!? Shocked Shocked Shocked Prosto neverovatno da ovako nešto može da se desi, jer sve ozbiljne vazduhoplovne snage rade detaljne provere površine aparata u potrazi za znakovima zamora materijala. Ova kontrola je uvedena posle katastrofa koje su doživele dve de Havilend Komete 50-ih godina.
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« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2008, 03:01:18 pm »

12. januar 2008. godine

Rusija je započela proizvodnju prvih 20 lovaca bombardera Suhoj Su-34. Ovi avioni su planirani da zamene avione Su-24. Su-34 je u stvari još jedna od varijanti aviona Su-27. U naredne dve godine, Rusija planira da uvede u operativu 24 aviona Su-34 po ceni od 36 miliona dolara po komadu. U medjuvremenu će neki avioni Su-24 biti modenizovani u Su- 24M2 čime će im biti produžen vek upotrebe za neko vreme.

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 06:58:19 pm by Rade » Logged
kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2008, 03:36:35 pm »

14. januar 2008. godine

Rusija je ponovo pokrenula proizvodnju teških bombardera. Napravljen je najmanje jedan Tu-160, čiji su probni letovi počeli prošlog meseca. Proizvodnja aviona Tu-160 prekinuta je 1994. godine, sa nekoliko nedovršenih primeraka u proizvodnim halama. Nakon kolapsa SSSR-a 1991. godine, mnoge fabrike NVO su zatvorene. Kao razlog zatvaranja fabrika navodi se smanjenje vojnog budžeta, tako da su u funkciji ostale samo one fabrike koje su pravile i naoružanje za izvoz. Činjenica je da su svi proizvodni pogoni sačuvani, tako da će moći da nastave tamo gde su zastale 1991. godine.

Prošlog leta, ruski teški bombarderi su izvršili nekoliko letova i misija, od kojih se naročito izdvaja dopunjavanje gorivom u letu, noću.

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 07:00:46 pm by Rade » Logged
kapetan bojnog broda
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« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2008, 11:35:44 pm »

16. januar 2008. godine

Kanadska Vlada i kompanija Lockheed Martin objavili su potpisivanje ugovora za kupovinu 17 transportnih aviona C-130J Super Hercules. Vrednost ugovora iznosi 1.4 milijarde kanadskih dolara, a isporuka prvog aviona je ugovorena za kraj 2010. godine.

cela vest
VICTORIA, British Columbia — The Canadian government and Lockheed Martin announced Jan. 16 that they had signed a contract for the purchase of 17  airlift planes.
The deal is worth 1.4 billion Canadian dollars ($1.37 billion), and the delivery of the first aircraft is expected in late 2010, said Jim Grant, Lockheed’s vice president for air mobility.
Negotiations will now begin for a 20-year in-service support (ISS) contract that is valued at about 3.2 billion Canadian dollars. Under the agreement, Lockheed is required to conduct a series of competitions to select the Canadian companies that will provide the ISS capability in Canada.
“Starting as early as next week, we’ll start focusing on that aspect,” Grant said. “That will culminate in an ISS proposal.”
He said the proposal will be submitted to the Canadian government by the end of this year. “It’s all synched together, so by the time we deliver the aircraft, everything will be in place to support the aircraft.”
The Canadian military currently flies the C-130 Hercules, also built by Lockheed.
Defence Minister Peter MacKay said airlift is a top priority for the Canadian Forces, and the C-130J will fill that role.
The contract for the C-130Js was supposed to be signed by last summer, but the difficulties in finding industrial benefits for Canadian aerospace firms held that up, according to defense and industry officials. Lockheed has two Canadian companies providing systems for the C-130J.
Heroux-Devtek of Longueuil, Quebec, builds landing gear for the planes, while CAE, Montreal, provides the aircraft’s training simulators.
The government of Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper originally announced its intention to purchase the aircraft in June 2006. At that time, the government released a background information paper that stated that “benefits for Canadian industry will be substantial, with the selected contractor required to provide full economic benefits. This means that for every contract dollar awarded, the contractor will commit a corresponding dollar in economic activity in Canada.”
Grant said the bulk of the benefits for Canadian industry will be through the ISS package.
“This really is a great day for the Canadian Armed Forces, as it gives them a unique asset that can support them anywhere they are in the world,” he said.
Military officials are worried about the existing C-130 fleet because of excessive wear on the planes. Previously, officers warned that up to 14 of Canada’s C-130s may be grounded early because of wear. The aircraft were scheduled to be withdrawn from service in 2010.
Gen. Rick Hillier, chief of the Defence Staff, has said an early withdrawal from service of so many planes would limit the military’s ability to perform its missions both at home and internationally.
Canada’s Hercules aircraft have logged more total flying hours than any other military Hercules fleet in the world, according to the Canadian Forces. The planes were purchased between 1964 and 1968, while other Hercules were bought between 1973 and 1992.
The aircraft are considered the backbone of the military’s aviation transport fleet and are used for everything from supply runs in Afghanistan to search-and-rescue missions.
The Canadian Forces’ new Super Hercules will be the longer fuselage or “stretched” variant of the C-130J, similar to those being delivered to the U.S. Air Force, according to Lockheed. Australia, Denmark, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States operate C-130Js.
According to Lockheed, the new C-130J generates much greater operational efficiency than the older C-130s, such as Canada’s E and H models, by flying farther, faster, with more payload and higher reliability.
Additionally, the C-130J only requires three crew members for most missions, so fewer flight crew members are exposed to potential threats in theater.
C-130Js are currently deployed in several theaters and are operating at a very high tempo efficiently and reliably. C-130Js are being used daily for troop and equipment re-supply via ground delivery and airdrop, for air-to-air refueling, ground refueling and humanitarian relief, Lockheed noted in a press release.
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« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2008, 10:22:19 pm »

12. februar 2008. godine

Napori Francuza da ostvare makar jedan izvozni posao za lovce Rafal konačno su propali... Francuska vojska je za svoje potrbe naručila svega 120 aviona (82 za vazduhoplovstvo i 38 za mornaicu), sa namerama (čitaj: željama da u svojim redovima ima ukupno 292 letelice ovog tipa. Sa ukupnom cenom projekta od 40 milijardi dolara, to bi značilo da je cena aviona po komadu nekih 200 miliona dolara. Rešenje za smanjenje cene koštanja aviona leži u izvozu. Glavnu prepreku izvozu čine jeftiniji američki avioni, kao na primer F-16. Kao dodatak, moguće je nabaviti polovne F-16 za razumno nisku cenu, ispod 30 miliona dolara po komadu. Sa druge strane, Rusija je ponudila avione MiG-29 i Su- 27/30. Evropski konzorcijum (koji ne obuhvata Francusku) uspešno izvozi Eurofajter, a tu je negde i Švedska sa svojim Gripenom.

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Cela vest
February 12, 2008:  France has failed to win a single export order for its new Rafale jet fighter. The twin engine Rafale has a reduced radar signature (but not truly stealthy), a top speed of 2,130 kilometers per hour, and the ability to carry eight tons of bombs, missiles, and other weapons. It has excellent electronics.

The French military has only been able to buy 120 (82 for the air force, 38 for the navy) Rafales so far, but would like to eventually purchase as many as 292. With a total project cost of $40 billion, that would mean each aircraft would cost nearly $200 million. Export sales are meant to lower that, as each exported aircraft absorbs some of the development cost. But the Rafale has had to compete with cheaper U.S. aircraft, like the F-16, which is still in production. In addition, used F-16s are available at bargain prices (under $30 million each), while the latest models go for over $50 million each. The U.S. also offers the F-15E, a very capable fighter-bomber. Russia also offers inexpensive, and quite modern, Mig-29s and Su-27/30 fighters. A European consortium (not including France) has successfully exported its new Eurofighter, and Sweden has been able it sell some of its new Gripen (sort of "Rafale Lite"). France is the odd man out here.

The French Air Force activated its first squadron of Rafale fighters on June 29, 2006. The navy had received ten navalized Rafales two years earlier, for service on the nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. The first prototype of Rafale was shown in 1986, and the aircraft should have entered service in the late 1990s. While one of the more modern combat aircraft in the world, development of the Rafale was delayed by technical problems, and shortages of money. Entering development just as the Cold War ended meant that there was little enthusiasm to spend billions on an aircraft that would face no real opposition. But, facing the need to eventually replace all those older Mirage fighters, development did eventually get restarted, creating an aircraft superior to the American F-15s and F-16s, and very similar to the F-18F, but inferior to the F-22 and F-35.

France expected to pay for all this with export sales. That proved more difficult than expected. The 28 ton Rafale sells for up to $100 million each, and so far, export orders have been hard to come by. Noting that the considerable combat experience of the F-15E has made that older design a formidable contender in the export market, the French have gone to great expense to put some Rafales into harm's way. Last year, France sent  six to Afghanistan, to get some combat experience. Dropping smart bombs on Taliban gunmen didn't do much for export sales.

The Rafale F2s (fighter-bomber) version typically use GBU-12 (the 611 pound Paveway II) and GBU-22 (the 720 pound Paveway III) laser-guided bombs, carrying three bombs under each wing, in addition to about four tons of additional fuel, in drop tanks. Rafale only recently  fixed a problem (vibration) with its 30mm cannon, so that it could be used for strafing ground targets. The Rafale has not yet been fitted with a laser designator, so that function will have to be provided by Mirage 2000Ds, which are also operating in Afghanistan (actually neighboring Tajikistan.)

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 07:05:19 pm by Rade » Logged
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« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2008, 09:52:59 am »

20 Feb 02:15 EST (21:15 GMT)

Kompanije Boeing isporučila je Japanu prvi od četiri naručenih aviona KC-767. Ovime se Japan pridružio zemljama koje u svom naoružanju imaju i ovakvu vrstu vazduhoplova...

Cela vest
Boeing has delivered the first of four KC-767 tanker aircraft to Japan ahead of their introduction into service with the Air Self-Defense Force.

The aircraft was delivered to the Itochu Corp. following a 14 hour flight from Boeing's modification plant in Wichita, Kansas, to Gifu in Japan. The aircraft will be handed over to the Japanese Ministry of Defense following in-country acceptance processes.

The delivery marks the end of a three-year delay caused by a number of technical issues with the tanker-transport aircraft.

The aircraft becomes the first refueling aircraft operated by the Japanese military.

"The KC-767 will have an immediate impact and significantly increase Japan's capabilities," said Jim Albaugh, president and chief executive of Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, in a statement released after the delivery.

The Japanese 767s, are also able to carry cargo or passengers while maintaining its primary role as an aerial refueling tanker.

The aircraft obtained Federal Aviation Administration approval last week, triggering the delivery flight of the aircraft today. The second Japanese tanker will follow immediately after acceptance of the first aircraft.

Boeing is also building four tankers for delivery to Italy. Delivery of the first two aircraft is planned for later this year.
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« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2008, 12:14:34 pm »

06. mart 2008. godine

Iz nedavnog ugovora izmedju Kolumbije i Izraela o nabavci aviona Kfir, proistekao je ugovor o nabavci tankera. Radi se o prepravljenom avionu B767 vrednom oko 60 miliona dolara.

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« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 04:30:33 pm by trpe grozni » Logged
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