Samohodni obalski protivbrodski lanser Rubež-E

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И тада, 1982., је тај систем увелико био у служби снага обалне одбране СССР, а ракете П-15М (SS-N-2C) су за СССР произвођене од полoвине 70их.

Zasto je onda onaj obavjestajni crtez onako nakaradan?

Lanser protivbrodskih raketa Rubež-E u vojsci Kube. Zanimljiva šara...

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Osoblje Vijetnamske narodne mornarice vrši pregled i osnovno održavanje mobilnog sistema obalske odbrane 4K51 „Rubež“. Za razliku od drugih sistema obalske komande kao što su 4K44 „Redut“ i K-300P „Bastion-P“, Rubež je autonoman tako da može sam da traži ciljeve i dejstvuje na njih.

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Evo jednog zgodnog detalja: upozorenje „Đa Uong Ruou Bia - Khong Lai Kse (Ako pijete, ne vozite)“ je pričvršćeno na vratima ispod prozora. Naravno, osoblju koje rukuje sistemom je zabranjeno konzumiranje alkohola.

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Vijetnamski Rubeži dejstvuju:

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Ne znam da li je vec bilo ali zgodan filmic o polozaju obalne artiljerije i BROM polozaja??
Sada napusteno. Je li ovo Lastovo?

THe bunker at the beginning up to 6 minutes is not for vehicle storage, but for an anti-ship battery called BROM. BROM stands for in Croatian - "Baterija raketa obala more" or in english "land-sea missile battery". The storage behind the big blast door was for storing the missiles, that is also why there is that big overhead crane in the middle of the tunnel... to transfer the missile from the storage room to the main gallery and load onto the missile system. :) Another identical battery was located on the island of Vis (Croatia),  Mali Lošinj (Croatia) and Radovići (Montenegro). One was on the mainland as a training system or a reserve. 
 There is a lot to explore. There are also left-behind guns there in the coastal defenses :)


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